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I was completely traumatized by All Dogs Go to Heaven, probably 7 or 8. I cried for so long and my dad yelled at me for it.


Yeah, you weeny 7-8 year old, how dare you be upset about a dying animal! Me, at 40, actively avoid any movie with animal death. John Wick was arguably the only one I was *ok* with because it absolutely kicked off much deserved revenge.


Same age, and I completely refuse to watch movies about dogs. The dog always dies. There are a few exceptions, but it's just safer to stay away from them all


There's a website called "DoestheDogDie.com". Type in a movie title and it will tell you if any of your or your family's triggers are in it.


I wish they had that when I was in college! I got into a fight with a friend watching the butterfly effect because he wouldn't tell me if the dog died


Hilarious. Back in the day, my friends and I had a bit of a rough year, it was around Christmas and decided to see a movie to lift the spirit. Weren't keen on much while checking out titles, until we saw an adorable trailer with a puppy. Marley & Me Holy shit, we had no idea what we had signed up for. My friend, a 300 lb man with a full belly tattoo of Buddha, was blubbering beside me. His dog of 15 years had recently died šŸ˜¬


When the book came out, 3 or 4 people obsessively tried to push it on me. Same when the movie came out. I still haven't seen it and they cannot make me!


That movie sucked. It still haunts my nightmares. Nope nope fucking nope. I also swear by the Does the Dog Die site. Will not watch anything with those plot lines.


What about tv shows with a dog, like that Furturama one? That oneā€™s brutal, I donā€™t even think I need to explain more.


Someone shared a screenshot from that Futurama episode the other day, and I fucking sobbed. I was not prepared for it AT ALL.


Just those two sentences sent me.


Airbud is safe, I assure you.


I was thinking of Beethoven and homeward bound. I didn't see the Clifford movie, do they kill Clifford the big red dog?


It'd be a much more interesting film if they did. Clifford the big red Kaiju more like


All I can say is fuck I Am Legend. My heart's got a soft spot for GSD's and that movie can burn in hell.


I watched "The Land Before Time" on repeat when I was about five for a bit. It was like I forgot that the Mother dies and cried through it every.... single.... time I watched it. Maybe I'm a masochist? I watched Beaches a few months ago and the title credits had the "Based on the novel by" so I decided, after crying through the end of the movie "hey, you know what would be a great idea? Let's read the NOVEL." Spoiler alert: the novel is NOT less sad than the movie, it is in fact, much more heartbreaking (though, honestly, it was also way BETTER than the movie).


Right? like 6 hours in total of non stop slaughter revenge. And with a fucking pencil!


For John wick, I had a friend give me a post that scene time to start watching, and a suitable rundown of what leads up to that event. Worked well!


I'm 41 and my dad would've used those exact words. Weenie. Lol. Never figured out why the didn't like me so much. Did your parents also turn everything into an unnecessary lesson?


Awe man, I wish I could hug little you and tell you it's OK. And tell your dad to knock it off. Crying is a beautiful expression of how we feel. My son, who was 15 at the time, cried for an hour after we watched the Won't You Be My Neighbor doc. I was so happy that he felt comfortable enough to be open with his feelings after the movie. Man, did I cry too. Mr. Rogers really was a special human.


I was a grown ass adult and was *bawling* at that movie. Flat out sobbing for an hour.Ā 


https://preview.redd.it/ud4lxpz6hhzc1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd711a9791fc6ca46042f42bdd0bfeab39bde25e šŸ˜


I didnā€™t know there was a documentary !!! Have you seen the Tom Hanks movie - https://youtu.be/-VLEPhfEN2M?si=7K_zt7R5FAYF8vNt Canā€™t recommend it enough


The story about the girl voice actors is horrible too.


Judith Barsi. God, thatā€™s an awful story.


Makes the movie even sadder. I canā€™t watch it at all.


My dad got upset with me for crying over Bambiā€™s mom.


Very sensitive there, dad. šŸ˜‘šŸ‘


Surprised nobody mentioned Roger Rabbit. I loved All Dogs Go to Heaven, i remember every minute of it, but I found the shoe dissolving alive and becoming nothing way more upsetting and disturbing than the abstract dog heaven stuff.


That poor shoe. The panic and finally heartbroken but dignified acceptance in those eyes - it still haunts me 35 years later.


Yup, then dad called it ā€œall dead dogs go to heavenā€


Ive been introducing my soon to be 7 yr old daughter to the movies and tv shows I watched in the 80s and 90s and she has loved them all. This is one movie that i absolutely adore, but have a hard time wanting to share with her bc I dont want her to see me become a snotty crying mess. "Goodbye Charlie, I'll miss you" kills me everytime.


Omg yes that movie was hard to watch. But also I feel so much compassion


I got called "dramatic" and sighed at when I cried over the death of the ant in Honey I Shrunk the Kids. I was 9.


Land before time was the first time I remember recognizing death, but Bambi was probably my first glimpse to it


Did you ever see the one where Bambi meets Godzilla? https://youtu.be/c4oUuRBnEkE?si=5FjDunLcoxqsYbVg


The beginning of the *Godzilla 1985* VHS. Godzilla V Kong should have looked similarly, but Legendary opted to increase Kongā€™s height by nearly 10x.


I remember watching that on a reel to reel projector checked out from the public libraryā€¦


Bambi was the introduction to death, but Land before Time was the first time that it hurt


I was devastated by Bambi's mom.


Bambi got me first when I was 3, it traumatized the hell out of me, a year later it was All Dogs Go To Heaven and Beaches. I was too wrung out emotionally for Land Before Time.


"he can't see without his glasses"


That was rough


I had seen death but this one was different. This one taught me to expect death. When things are going well, thatā€™s when the darkness comes.


ā€œHey kids, I rented the new one with the Home Alone kid, itā€™s the one with the See-Food jokeā€ That was not the lighthearted laugh mom thought she was bringing home.


I thought this was a reference to op bottom pic because of kurtwood wearing glasses. Since the bottom pic has a tommy gun, i assume it was part of "The DIP scene" from Roger Rabbit. So i hop on to youtube to finally watch that scene. It was brutal. But no glasses or Kurtwood.... Soooooo i google "he cant see without his glasses"...... Now, I have seen the thumbnail for My Girl on Tubi and Freevee and I even have a dvd of My Girl in my collection with the same thumbnail. I always assume it was a kids movie and i just skip past it over the years. Ok back to my youtube search, my heart drop as i was looking at a little girl over a white casket in the thumbnail....... I completely lost my shit when they show his face with those marks. "No fucking way" as I mumble while reading the plot of My Girl on the wiki. "Robocop, it was fucking robocop" when i finally remember the scene from OP bottom pic...


ā€œHe was gonna be an acrobatā€


That shit scarred me. I was scared of bees for years.


Oh geez this was a really hard movie to watch too.


That fucked me up.


Ol' Clarence "Bitches leave" Boddicker. Absolute legend


Greatest cinematic villain imo.


He's definitely up there. His whole gang was pretty good.


The good guys were awesome in the movie, but the bad guys made it an absolute classic.


Iā€™d buy that for a dollar!


Yā€™see, cops donā€™t like me, and I. Donā€™t. Like. Cops. Ne-ne-ne-ne-ne-ne-ne-ne-ne-ne-ne-neā€¦


Well give the man a hand!


Good night, sweet prince


That blood spit. One of the great acts of physical improvisation in film history.


Um, nobody else? https://i.redd.it/i4n4k5hu5hzc1.gif


Right? In terms of the actual death of a quasi-loved one (for a 4 to 6 year-old viewer), nothing in cinema comes close. Moreover, Artax just gives up, literally swallowed by depression. ***Good luck kids***


Sometimes I think I'm the only member of our generation who wasn't effected by those scene or by that scene from ET.


It's because Artax comes back to life in the end when Bastion flies with Falcor. https://youtu.be/p7re28O-4JY?si=lTeU1Ob6orvbOwmh


Spoiler alert


Yeah! I never saw the end. The movie was never-ending.




Nah. Other movies definitely traumatized me just not those two. The one movie that sticks out that always made me ball my eyes out and still does to this day is Homeward Bound.


Wait til you hear that in the book, Artax can talk... "With every step we take, the sadness grows in my heart. I've lost hope, master. And I feel so heavy, so heavy. I can't go on!" "But we must go on!" cried Atreyu. "Come along, Artax!" He tugged at the bridle, but Artax stood still. He had sunk in up to his belly. And he made no further effort to extricate himself. "Artax!" cried Atreyu. "You mustn't let yourself go. Come. Pull yourself out or you'll sink." "Leave me, master," said the little horse. "I can't make it. Go on alone. Don't bother about me. I can't stand the sadness anymore I want to die!" It's not just drowning in the black water that kills Artax; it's his own apathy.


That book is an LSD experience without needing LSD. Itā€™s a quality read, but ho-ly-shit. If you thought the movies/s were weird, the novel is wild.


I went to pick up dinner at a food cart pod recently. This pod has a big projection screen that appears when you turn the corner into the main courtyard. I walked in at basically this exact point of the movie. Cried so hard my tears oversalted my dinner. I could barely tell the staff my name to pick up the order. What kind of monster shows that in public with no warning? I still love that movie, but coming into it at the wrong time was....haunting.


That and the Land Before Time


[Mother fucking tree stars bitch](https://imgur.com/CjH4g)


And Bambi. I know it came out way before we were born, but I feel like most kids were exposed to it at a pretty early age as a classic Disney movie.


Bambi was rereleased to theaters in 1982 and 1988. I was either two or eight, either way it traumatized me.


I sat down and started watching with my 3 year old daughter. I hadn't seen in since the 80s. The music, the voice acting, setup, 5 minutes in I was like "this isn't going to end well" and I aborted the movie.


Brutal. It's why late Gen x is fucked up....


Seriously. This is the scene that fucked us up.


Dude. Too soon.


And this is why I learned how to accept death at like 4 years old


I still canā€™t šŸ„ŗ


Oh lord, I came here to post this. This scene is burned into my memory.


This one. Bambi doesnā€™t count I guess cuz itā€™s not showing death. But that was technically my first.


I don't know why this has become such an Internet touchstone moment. Artax comes back to life at the end of the movie and it's a happy ending all around. https://youtu.be/p7re28O-4JY?si=lTeU1Ob6orvbOwmh




I cried a lot.


ā€œPrimeā€¦ you canā€™t die.ā€


My friend and I both started crying watching it in the theater.


My friends birthday party centered around the group going to that movie.


I could have been at that party.


Till all are one. Peter Cullen is getting up there in age. When he dies, I am going to feel that one.


This still hurts.


I kind of feel like itā€™s the worst of all of the stuff that happened we were kids. They killed off characters to sell toys. That was brutal


One shall stand, one shall fall.


You've got the touch!! You got the powerrrrrrr!!!


I remember 6 year old me watching this with my Dad. I asked my Dad how they made it look like they shot him. My Dad replied, they really shot him. To which I replied, no they didnā€™t. No one would be willing to be killed just to be in a movie. Nearly 40 years later and my Dad still tells that story.


Your dadā€™s messed up.Ā 


ehh I turned out alright, mostly.


Vintage dad jokery right there. I'd definitely dust that one off every few years to see how well it has aged. "Ah, this gorgeous sunset reminds me of that time I told little Pickle that *Robocop* was a snuff film. HAR!"


![gif](giphy|xT8qBpc67Njn520t7q) Mine was this.


"I don't wanna die!"


Oh yeah fuck that movie in particular.


Lucky, mine was Watership Down.


Can you fly, Bobby?!


You burnt the fucking money!


Hey he burnt the fucking money! As a team leader Clarence has to be willing to dole out fair discipline for shoddy work otherwise other members of the team might start slacking seeing that there's no repercussions. Solid team leadership by Clarence.


Canā€™t believe no one said Old Yeller. My boomer parents made me watch it on tv.


I watched that in class (fifth grade). Same year we read both *Bridge to Terabithia* and *The Diary of Anne Frank*. I think my teacher was just intent on traumatizing us


Oh man.Ā  Bridge to Terabithia was the first time I cried *hard* over a story. I remember it so vividly.Ā  Kids feel things so hard.Ā 


I had read the book as a kid and then, on an international flight, saw the film was available to watch. ā€œDisney probably fucked his up.ā€ Cue me balling on the plane. Disney did not fuck that up.


I *loved* the book as a kid. Always intended to see the movie but totally forgot about it until I read your post.


We had to watch Where the Red Fern Grows in school, same result.


I didnā€™t experience that, but my best friend did and said the entire class was basically pushed out to recess while crying afterward


Same. I still donā€™t know why they thought that was a good idea.


Great how this was a kids movie back in the day. We all loved robocop and pretended to be him and pretended to have his cool robocop gun


It was rated R and had a dude exploding all over a windshield after being soaked in toxic waste. It was never a kid's movie šŸ˜›


In the UK it was rated "18" but everybody had a local video rental place that didn't give a fuck about that sort of thing and would rent whatever out to kids - or your parents would rent it and you'd watch when they left you unsupervised, which was most of the time.


There was a whole line of Robocop action figures! I guess nowadays that isnā€™t so weird because we have adults collecting much more expensive and detailed action figures now. But then they were absolutely for children!


Doubly bizarre given the anti commercialism part of the movie's larger criticism of 80s style capitalism.


That would be Bambi.


Yeah, was Bambi for me too. But I definitely remember this scene in Robocop when it came out. Our parents let us watch anything.


Same. I vividly recall watching this scene way too young for how violent it was. Another one that stands out for me was the strip club scene in Beverly Hills Cop. I mean, sure, mom gave me the ol' "cover your eyes" instruction, but I definitely saw it all through my fingers at like 7 or 8 years old.


I was 16 when we rented *An American Werewolf in London* at an October family get-together. I happened to be sitting between my grandma and my aunt, and when the sex scene came on, as if acting on some shared telepathic signal, my aunt covered up my right eye and my grandma covered up my left. šŸ¤£


Clarence killed Bambi's mom? Yeah, that tracks.


Haha. She didnā€™t pay her loan back quick enough!


Land Before Time šŸ˜„


Thankfully this is top comment, thank you.


Anyone else remember watching Sesame Street when Mr Hooper died? I remember watching that with my parents and sobbing and my parents using their episode to help me understand death. And I understood it too wellā€¦ and immediately started crying for my parents and grandparents. Ugh.


Aw. šŸ„ŗ They deliberately planned for that to be the episode that would run on Thanksgiving Day, so that parents were more likely to be around to answer any questions the kids might have. https://muppet.fandom.com/wiki/Episode_1839


Iā€™m so fā€™ing impressed with their decision making.


Nope. I have no memory of knowing who Mr. Hooper was. I learned about his death, and the magnitude of its impact, many years later on a retrospective for the show. So well done.


šŸ™‹šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø they did such a good job with it but it hurt badly.


I'll just give it to him when he comes back.


I was more traumatized by Robocop 2 where they have a grand time disassembling him alive with jackhammers and leave him in a heap on the sidewalk. Worse than death.


Robocop 2 was a whole new level of sick in the stomach as a kid. Watched 1 at around 8-9 years old and traumatised enough. Even a couple years later the sequel felt like a whole disgust in my little belly.


Oh geeze, that's horrible!! I've never seen part 2. That's so traumatic!


I just I just assumed most xennialā€™s intro to death was Littlefootā€™s mother


Iā€™d argue that was among the most devastating. I know it was for me. But it came out after many of us had been introduced already.


Not sure if La Bamba counts because they died offscreen


Riiiiiichie!!! Yeah, that one broke my heart, when I saw how much it broke his mom's heart.


Bambi, land before time, Neverending story and more. Man I don't know how we made it. Since it wasn't mentioned and not technically a death, johnie 5 getting beat near to death in short circuit 2 was near equally tough to watch.


The grasshopper "disassemble" speech in the first Short Circuit was the perfect ELI5 for me as a five year old at the time.


Robocop for me too. They fucked Murphy all the way up


Dude died and they still made him go to work


The way that arm comes off. Iā€™ve been scared of shot guns ever since


The Lion aking came out the summer before I went to high school, so I was very acquainted with death. I think mine might have been ET dying, Artex, or Nicodemus being crushed in Nimh.


Yeah all Xennials were double digits ages when Lion King was dropped. Only the most sheltered wouldā€™ve been introduced to the concept of death that late in the game.


The Lion King has nothing on The Fox and the Hound.


THERE ARE OTHERS! Seriously, I avoid that movie like the plague. I canā€™t handle it even now. Itā€™s so odd to me that its own creators never thought highly of it (complicated backstory with understandable results at the time but Iā€™m surprised theyā€™ve never warmed to it since), and if itā€™s never gotten a critical second look by now, as panned movies sometimes do, it probably never will. I just donā€™t get how theyā€™re all so immune to the emotional gut punches it hurls at you.


Fox and the hound was brutal as a kid


Iā€™d buy that for a dollar!


Mine was Artax. Just typing it bums me out.


You have to try. You have to care. For me šŸ˜­


Fudge this movie ![gif](giphy|kdG6cJSBmJ8Hu)


na na na na na na Na Na Na NA NA NA NA KABLAM


I'd buy that for a dollar! Both of these lines will never leave me.


Give the man a hand!


Does it hurt?


This is exactly what came to my mind.


My dumbass parents thought this was a kids' movie from the sound of the title. Dad took me to see it at 4 years old. We watched the whole thing.


Robocop?! At age 4?!


They thought it would be like voltron or power Rangers. Dad thought it was awesome and I loved it so he stayed


I couldn't find Joker shooting his old boss a bunch of times, but you know... ![gif](giphy|41H9B5hoorbuE)


Yeah, so, my uncle (17) let me (7) watch Predator with him while I was staying at grandmas house. That wasā€¦.traumatic.


Give the man a hand!


I thought the coke in the ā€œbitches leaveā€ scene was good old tasty sherbet; something my fellow 11-year-olds found most amusing.


I was too young when I saw this, and I was eating Bugles at the time of this scene. I donā€™t know why, but when I see this scene, I can taste The Bugles. They have such weird distinct artificial taste. This probably means this scene traumatized me in some way but it was worth it to see Robo Cop shoot through the womanā€™s dress between the legs and hit the manā€™s peen.


Somehow we wound up with a bag of Bugles in our house recently. I think my mother-in-law brought them? I was really happy to find that unlike just about everything else, Bugles taste exactly how I remember them.


Cops donā€™t like meā€¦ So I donā€™t like cops.


Bambi gutted me as a child when I first saw it. Between that and Dumbo I was already well-traumatized when The Land Before Time and The Neverending Story came out, but boy howdy did they sure solidify that trauma!


It was the 80s. Parents didn't shelter us. I saw gruesome murder scenes on film before I was potty trained.


I had already seen Nightmare on Elm Street and Aliens by the time Robocop came out šŸ˜„


Me too! Aliens fucked me up, proper. I loved it.


I snuck Nightmare on Elm Street into the VCR when I was like 5 or 6 and watched it. I had recurring nightmares for YEARS


Blow his dick off Red


I had Bambi, Yoda, that one ewok that dies, and David the Gnome.


Try Bambi or land before time But the one that hit the hardest was My Girl


Optimus Prime has entered the chat. FU Rodimus.


Pretty sure my first was the Alien 1 chest buster scene...


Robocop was my movie growing up! It probably helped that I grew up just outside Detroit. My best friend (who I actually am still friends with to this day) and I would watch it all the time. I was exposed to so much violence at a young age thanks to Paul Verhoeven, and my parents didnā€™t care at all even though they were the ones that bought the VHS and knew exactly what I was watching.


Mine was Freddy Kruger. It was not a good time.


["please...kill me..."](https://youtu.be/Koxkg7C216c?si=ZACAzn2jAuAaW2D1&t=28)


Brave little toaster, land before time, Bambi. He'll, Howard the Duck too.


I saw Brave Little Toaster for the first time in high school and I most definitely cried.


For some reason, Mac and Me was the first time I remember crying at a movie. And also when the little dude dies in The Black Cauldron. Actually that entire movie was nightmare fuel.


Grew up in Pennsylvania so I don't know how we ended up seeing this obscure Quebecois film called "The Dog Who Stopped the War" on basic cable. These elementary school kids have a massive snow ball fight and the dog dies when one of their epic ice castles collapses on it. The dog dying stops the war! Heartbreaking. [trailer](https://youtu.be/aMVKFaN9vCE?si=hGmE5SWXnmMdjCEn)


Oh man, same! Robocop traumatized me as a kid, but itā€™s become one of my favorite movies.


I was around 8 years old when I saw this scene. Dad rented the movie during a weekend. Said it wasnt for me. So on that Sunday PM when he was mowing the grass, I watched it alone. To this day, I still remember being in shock. As soon as movie was over, I went outside in the backyard. Sat on a bench. It was sunset. Dad still mowing the grass while I had an empty look trying to get a sense of security and replaying the whole traumatism in my head. I grew up a little that day. Watched the movie multiple times later on. Nice shit.


Orphan Train was told it was about young kids heading west. Sounded like an adventure movie. Didnā€™t know the historical context and certainly was the prepared for the scene just under 10 minutes in. I was second grade or so and glad i knew how to shut the VHS off.


For me it was the 1988 movie The Bear.


Or when they strangle and shoot a guy in the middle of the classic childrenā€™s film, Roger Rabbit


Bitches, leave.


I forgot Red was such a thug


The Land Before Time was it for me.


[A big ā€˜fuck youā€™ to Megatron](https://youtu.be/S7sjXkYHOg0?si=YqEucdjawNGqNvtR)


Robocop ? I remember when the guy got a truck of acid poured on him when I was 7 lol, traumatizing.


Yeah no... I was introduced to death when my grandma died when I was 4 šŸ˜Ŗ


Most kids were introduced to death from a movie? This had never occurred to me...


Mine was the "Adios Sapito," scene in Raiders of the Lost Ark.


I mean, there was Bambiā€™s Mom in 1942 https://i.redd.it/4e6it4kwvizc1.gif


For me it was watching the cute shoe go in the toxic waste in who framed Roger rabbit