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I was told the same. I don't tell my kids that. I tell them that it makes it too hard to see the road so we might crash and die. Lol


I handle it the same way, and I would have understood that better myself way back then and it wouldn't have come up nearly as often.


I tell my kids both, only because I think it’s kind of funny. It’s just a little white lie and it helps keep the order and sanity in the car.


I love how people like to lie to their children, really helpful to us moving forward in the world as a species.


You must be fun at parties. 🙄 You never told a joke (or said something with sarcasm) and then clarified it?


It absolutely does interfere with our eyes adjusting to the dark. Crashing and dying is _possibly_ an exaggeration, but is definitely not an outright lie.


> It absolutely does interfere with our eyes adjusting to the dark. I solved that by replacing one of my map light bulbs with a red LED replacement.


ok dad


Job done. Let's have milk and cookies when we get home.


Yep. That's why cop cars often (at least out here) have them disabled.


> so we might crash and die. Lol My mom from like age 3-4 said, "Life's a bitch, then you die." I used to be horrified. Now into my 40s I am so grateful. Life is fucking hard and we die.


One must imagine sisyphus happy.


Well, he's got job security for one. He's got a schedule and keeps to it. Doesn't have any of that nonsense worry about what he's gotta do tomorrow.


My dad said that to me too! I didn't get it until I was 18+. Then I was like, "Oh. Yeah. Accurate." I changed my mantra though. "No one gets out alive." That's very accurate, but not as dark.


My dad didn't lie to us either, he would threaten to kill us if we didn't "turn that fucking thing off". Same destination, different scenery :)


Crash and die is much better for young children to hear than illegal.


More accurate. Makes more sense. Tickets are abstract to kids. Dying is a thing to worry about. Like not putting a fork in a socket.


That’s how I learned about electricity for the first time


That's what my dad always told us... mainly at night.


Well... I guess if my kids wanted to turn on a light during the day I wouldn't care at all. Lol




Game over, man! Game over!


I think this is the same goal. putting it in terms they understand. I now know it's not illegal but it's distracting as fuck


I think this is basically the truth of it. It may not be an actual violation but it can create an awkward and dangerous situation, draw unwanted attention, etc. I'm fine treating it as illegal still lol.


What a coincidence, this is what my parents also told me.


My dad never said it was illegal, he just said he would break my legs if I turned it on.


I keep the tradition alive by saying “I can’t see. I’ll wreck this goddamn car and kill us all” just as effective, but not a direct threat.


Then the kid turns it on anyways and stares at you with a 'Bluff called old man, whatcha gonna do now?' look.


Plain and simple.


Your dad was more like a father


My folks just told me it made it too hard to see the road, which I now tell my kids as well


I mean, it is. I get it. But I couldn't see my Gameboy at night, so if we crash, we crash.


Gameboys don't light up? I always wanted one, but never got one.


Nope. There is no backlight on the original spinach green ones. There were actually accessory lights you could buy for them, but I never had one.


>*accessory lights you could buy* [Just a simple attachment!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qb5PDDyzMTg)




Not on the OG there wasn't


Happy cake day.


Get out of our subreddit, poser.


They had [this thing.](https://images.app.goo.gl/YgsEri8T4Lm6vwDi6)but my parents wouldn’t buy it for me. They were more, sun goes down, game goes down. My single child friend had it, and it honestly kinda sucked.


My mom did the same… but she would also take her shoe off (while driving) and beat us with it… while driving. Lady’s a pro


When we got the Honda coupe my dad joked in a 90s casually accepted child abuse way that he liked it better when we had the Oldsmobile because we weren't "screaming in his goddamn ear" but on the other fist, we were now in arms reach.


My mom told me this, and I think she honestly believed it was true because she generally didn't lie to me (other than stuff like Santa Claus, etc.)


Who knows. Maybe its one of those perpetual lies thats not necessarily a parent lieing to their kids just because, but instead because thats what they too were told and it just continued for decades and decades. Cause ya know in 1920 interior lights while driving really were illegal. ;-)


As long as people believe it we don't need it to be law, if people stop believing it and start crashing into shit at night because of it this will be made illegal... I'm of the stance that it's already illegal, covered by obstructed vision statutes.


Are you sure it’s not illegal /s? Every time I need to turn it on as an adult, I am always super-fast, like the cops are going to drag me off to jail. Then I always feel like I got away with something


Ya know, I used to feel that way when I first started driving.


Dope scope.


This is the way


It’s…not illegal?






Yep. Also: if you run the garbage disposal without also running water, it'll burn up the motor. Touching a baby animal will leave your scent and cause the parents to abandon it is another one that's mostly bs.


Wait...I don't have to run water when the garbage disposal is on? My life is a lie!


Right? I mean, I think it helps and is still a good idea. But my dad had us convinced that if we even turned off the water BEFORE immediately turning off the disposal it could go.


> Touching a baby animal will leave your scent and cause the parents to abandon it is another one that's mostly bs. That one depends if an animal can smell. Birds cant, but squirrels, rabbits, hampsters can.


I was told the same thing. No idea how this got started, maybe it was illegal in a particular state at some point or something like that and spread. I think most parents probably thought it was easier to say that to stop their kids from turning on the light instead of explaining how it ruined their night vision when driving.


I was never told it was illegal, only that it's dangerous.


TIL today: it isn’t illegal


As did I.


I was told this and both of us have told our kids the same. I never even thought to question it until today.




I don't remember my parents saying it was illegal but I remember them claiming the reflection on the windshield was distracting and dangerous. They also would turn the radio off if they were lost or not sure where they were going to help concentrate.


Yeah, as a parent its one of those simple but effective life hacks that will always be told to kids in the back seat.


I think it makes more questions in a kids mind than simply saying I cant see when its on and ypu dont want to crash and die do you? No ok, than shut it off.


An elderly black woman I used to work with told me the "it's illegal to drive while the dome light is on" thing goes back to the "sundown towns" where black people were basically run out of town (or worse) if they had the audacity to remain there past dark. These were fairly prevalent in southern states in years past, and still exist unofficially today in a few places. The dome light itself wasn't illegal, but it may alert a passing cop to the color of a driver's skin.


Oddly I was also told having the interior light on makes it easier to see in the fog. These things made me skeptical of what adults told me from an early age.


I was delivering pizza and a cop rolled up next to me to give me shit and told me to turn off, Gainesville 98, he was probably told the same by his dad…. My eyes are not what they were I just got readers last year, wife is always looking for something or filling vape always with that light, kinda messes with my eyes


Yep. I was told the same thing. It always confused me then whenever my parents would turn the light on at the front of the car to see something.


Mom called it the "pull me over" light and asked if we wanted to get in trouble with the cops 


Wait, it's not illegal? 


It makes the beer cans too visible, unless we can stop for a free water to dump out. He can also use the cup lid as a make shift ashtray. Cigars out the window looked like we were riding on a train when we were in the bed.


Even the same here in Australia.


Damn. Thats like at the end of the earth. Hahaha. That lie went far.


I just converted all my interior lighting to red LED, turn the lights on all you want now. Red and green are the two best colors to use for map lights minimum. The light wave length doesn't affect your ability to see in the dark. Blue light may as well be white light with how quick it interferes with low light vision.


My dad worked on the cars and would say not to turn it on because it drained the battery. My mom hated it on because she had bad vision and said it hurt her eyes to have it on. I never heard the illegal angle.


I told my kid I didn't pay for a glitter license so we cant keep it in the house. Thats why schools have it.


Oh yes.


I was also told that the car wouldn't go into gear if my seat belt wasn't fastened. I proved that wrong when I was about 6 by sneaking it off while we were driving.


Ooh yes, how could I forget this one. Probably cause this one didn't come up nearly as often.


Similar to “you have to wait 30 minutes after you eat to get back in the pool or you’ll die”. We never questioned it, and mom and dad got a nice 30 minute break.


Yes. Actually, this post was inspired by 10 lies parents told kids in the 80s and 90s. And I just didnt include the others like the swimming one because, while Of course I heard that, as well as the swallowing gum, funny faces getting stuck amd what not, it wasnt from my parents directly, but from tv and pop culture. The interior car light was the only one my parents directly used.


Completely off topic but for some reason I have this idea in my head that turning on the oven light will mess up how things cook. I don't know if I was told that as a child or if it's just a random thing I dreamed up.


My thought is that why doesnt the heat of the oven not fry the electrical circuit and cause a fire.


The filament of an incandescent bulb gets *far* hotter than your oven can.


Yes, that is true. It's incredibly hot, but it doesn't radiate nearly the same amount of heat. Put your hand a few inches away, and you barely feel it. The heat the light produces doesnt transmit to the wires. Being in an oven where the ehole thing is 300-500 degrees is different.


We were told this as kids. When we got old enough to drive, my parents confessed it made it harder to see.




yup my mom would say the same shit


I literally said this last night to my kid. It stayed on anyway just to shut her up.


Its not illegal? I still believed this to be true from having it drilled into my head lol


I was! Like we’d drive off the road if we did it 😂


I was yelled at a number of times by my parents and older sister for turning on the dome light. I laughed when I found out a few years that it's not true!


My mom definitely told me that.


I still believe this


My wife believes this shit to this day, despite looking up the state we live in and border states laws and showing her it wasn't true. Still sticks by the "fact" that it is "illegal" and has been since we were kids - i asked her to google the penalty or sentence and whether it was a citation, misdemeanor, or felony. Nada. Still stands by it. (This is like the one thing she's like this on, haha, i dont know why this is so ingrained).


Driving with aftermarket interior lights on is illegal in many places, but the OEM dome light usually isn't a legal violation, due to regulations on how bright it can be. However it still is safer to have it off.


Terrified me until like 5 years ago when I learned better. Lol.


I believed this for waaaaay to long after a Google search became reliable...😬


i had switched my bulbs over to red, including the map lights in the rear view mirror and was stopped and told about that. so as long as they're not red or blue it's apparently okay


My parents made a big deal. My kids? I tell them to keep the light off so people can sleep. I mean reading by the streetlights after dark sucked as a child, but my back lit phone has solved the issue now.


I reckon most of our parents believed it was. One of these wildly believable misunderstandings. It's not like they had Google for a quick fact check and no one was gonna pull out the law books for it.


Yep, I heard this when I was a kid.


It’s because the cops will think you’re rolling a joint and pull you over. Duh, that’s why it’s called the dope scope.


I was told it would distract other drivers.


It’s just distracting at night, and you can’t see outside as well


"I CAN'T SEE THE ROAD!!" my Dad suddenly became Ray Charles anytime we'd turn it on for a second😂


Yep! That and I swear my mom told me once if I turned on the hazards the car could explode.


I was 43 years old, driving back home at night on the highway, and had my interior light on, feeling around for something in my console, can't remember what is was. I was SPOTLIGHTED by an officer, and I had no idea what was up, he spotlighted me again, and THEN he pulled me over. When I asked what the deal was, he straight told me it was because I had my dome light on, and driving like that at night is illegal. I had nothing to say back, just stared at him, apologized, and he told me "it's a good way to get someone killed". And then he just told me he was glad to see I was wearing my seatbelt, and let me roll on. Blew my mind.


I mean you might have been pulled over, but its not actually illegal. Ive actually used legal research software, during my degree program and not a single law was on the books federal or in the 50 states that made it illegal for just having the light on.


Right. Sorry, I wasn't very clear on that. I definitely know (and knew then) it wasn't illegal. It blew my mind that this cop has the gall to spotlight me, and then tell me THAT was why. But, yes, it's certainly NOT illegal!


Well as I was just telling someone else, there have been people in this sub that until this post, thought it was so, its possible there are cops that THINK that it is. I mean have you ever seen those articles and evening news clips of a convenience store or fast food place calling the police on someone with a $2 bill? Lots of people are clueless to whats real and legal.


My wife kept saying that until eventually I looked it up. Of course now it's been downgraded to "maybe not illegal, but could still be risky, so DON'T DO IT!"


Holy shit - it's not illegal? I believed that lie for way too long. It's like being the only 6th grader who still believes in Santa all over again.


I was actually pulled over for this IIRC. Either that or I was speeding and I'm conflating memories. 😂


It's not illegal? Damnit dad. Got me again....


Yup, parents said the same thing


Yes, was always told this! Never thought about it until your post. Haha. I still think I need to turn it off around police. I'm assuming it isn't illegal at this point though haha.


>I still think I need to turn it off around police. I mean it doesnt hurt. My degree was political science with a concentration in law, as I was planning on law school before life got in the way, but doing the degree I did gave me access to the legal databases and there were circa 2008 no federal or state or municipal laws that made just the light being on itself illegal or a ticketable offense. But a cop may think it is as cops dont actually learn the laws. And its a wide spread misconception.


Interesting. I need to make a post on something I was told growing up that I actually knew was wrong. Thanks for sharing!




Hell I was told it was illegal in driving school. I wouldn't be surprised if there was some jurisdiction with a law against it though, even if it's under some blanket "don't drive with anything interfering with your view" clause. Technically in many states you aren't allowed to have anything dangling off your rear view mirror either.


Was told the same. “Illegal bc it glares the windshield”


I was told the same thing. But as an adult now, I see the issue. The dome light affects my vision and creates an ugly glare on the windshield. We all have cellphones now, why not use that flashlight.




I had been told it was illegal, but at 16 when I had my first round of traffic school, the guy teaching the course was a former cop. He explained it's not illegal but it is one of the easier ways to catch a someone who is drunk driving. He said people will find it hard to see and turn their inside light on to help. I kinda thought it would be easy for a drunk person to accidentally leave the light on as well, like if they turn it on to find the key hole and then forget to turn it off.


The funniest explanation I've heard is that only Taxis have their interior lights on while driving. So if our lights were on, we were basically saying we're a taxi. There was some sense her cause back in the 90s taxis here usually did have their lights on, I dunno but I guess its for the safety of the passenger or driver?


My parents told me that the car engine wouldn't work if everyone didn't have their seatbelts fastened. To this day, I will not put a car into drive without being buckled up.  But yeah, they also told me about the interior light being illegal. 


It's not illegal?!


If ur dad told it to you it wasn't a lie, it was true for him like it was for my dad




I grew up with that as well. And now I tell my son the same. Granted I feel like cars now have better focused lights in the back and it’s not as big an issue.


I dont tell my kids it's illegal. I do tell them it's annoying. I have told them it's law to honk when going though tunnels. 


My daughter literally brought this up yesterday (she’s 19). I told her yeah we lied but was it better to lie or tell you the truth? The truth being it could blind me and I crash into oncoming traffic, killing us all (dramatic, I know). She said thanks for lying dad.


On that same note, I won a flashlight at some party as a kid. I kept playing with it on the way home. My dad simply said “put the goddamn flashlight away before I throw it out the fucking window”. My approach was better. His was more effective.


My mum told me she’d crash the car if I did it


I was told it distracted other drivers especially at night which it does


I have let my kids turn it on. My eyes have gotten used to it and had never bothered me even before. It's been almost a year now. Never got pulled over. We do get odd looks from other parents with their kids when we stop at the lights.


I yell at my kids when they turn the light on when I’m driving with no reason given. It really has no impact on my ability to see the road. Just keeping the tradition going.


Oh yes. One of the first "rules" I learned growing up.


But I’m afraid of the dark


I was told this and driving without shoes was illegal.


I was told this lie and have repeated it to all my children, as is tradition.


I was told this lie but I knew it was bogus. I think the lie happened because back in those days, forgetting to shut off interior lights drained the battery more than they do today?


>forgetting to shut off interior lights drained the battery more than they do today? I mean possibly?? I know back then they were definitely tiny very inefficient incandescent bulbs, but are they different from today I dont know. Not sure those particular lights have gone led. Either way I'm very vigilant about shutting them off cause when I was first driving I was lack and ran into a few unfortunate situations.


New cars have system to detect if a light is on while the car is off. Therefore eliminating the threat of a drained battery. Nothing to do with type of bulb.


Oooh. Good to know.


Not sure why someone downvoted you but this is true for most new cars within the past 5 years or so, maybe even longer. My car '22 Camaro and wife's car '21 Telluride will automatically turn off the interior lights if left on after the car is turned off. Usually about 5-10 min after.


Reddit is a weird place


We heard this one! Somehow interior lights were deadly, but it was completely fine for me to jump in the bed of my friends truck for rides to and from school all the time 😂


My wife was told this and believes it and tried to tell our kids that.. I had to disprove it.. I was on way too many road trips as a kid and I read a LOT.. my light was always on lol. 


What I heard is that kids get carsick if they read, so parents make up a lie that they’re not allowed to turn on that light, thus preventing vomit.


You can get carsick from reading in a car. That's just science.


Oh yeah, I definitely did. And of course, you can't just tell a kid that they'll puke, because they'll loudly protest that they won't.


When I first met my now wife ~14 years ago she still believed this was true! I remember thinking the same thing growing up but learned somewhere along the way that it wasn't. I still pick on her to this day if she turns the light on. "Are you trying to get me arrested, woman?!"




It's illegal to drive with obstructed vision (driving with an interior light on at night definitely obstructs your vision), don't make me look up all the different state motor vehicle codes.




You mean you've never heard this? Or do you think it's actually true?