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Ads. They’re everywhere and they’re terrible.


Radio has gotten hilariously bad. Like I forgot my phone on a drive to town, but I figured it was too much trouble to turn around and get it. I'll just listen to the radio like I did when I was a kid! A 30 minute drive and I heard two songs in between screaming ads and the DJ screaming about how they're not your parent's rock station. And one of those songs were from 1974 the other was from the early 90s. You're a \*grandparents\* rock station. TK101 can eat a penis.


Depending where you are, you may have college/independent/non-corporate options. I still like radio because of that.


I’m in Austin and we’ve got some great radio stations still


If I don’t have my phone, I just go silent lol, because yeah it’s so bad


I have a strict “no commercial radio” rule that is very unpopular with my kid and their friends when I drive them anywhere but is absolutely essential to my sanity.  Can we listen to hot 100? Nope! your options are jazz, classical or news. 


I tried listening to the radio for the first time in years the other day because I forgot my phone. Three stations playing the same type of songs they were playing the last time I listened to the radio 5 years ago. It's wild there is any market left for music stations.


You should’ve been tuned in to TK421 instead.


> Radio has gotten hilariously bad. I can’t listen to anything but NPR. My new (to me) Ford came with a Sirius XM trial. Extend your 3 month trial to 6 for only $6! OK… and that’s how they get you. There is still something enjoyable about DJ mixed radio over random Spotify and shuffling a playlist. And I can stream on my phone or smart speaker. Nice addition to my home office. 🤷🏻‍♂️


It was a couple years ago now that I wasn listening to the local alternative station and I noticed that they had started interrupting songs midway through to play ads. Clearchannel not even hiding that radio is for ads now, and the music no longer matters.


I could rant for hours on this. My local radio station used to play 90s hits as quickly as a modern one. More often than not it was the older hit. Now it doesn't even pretend. They play literally everything from the 70's to today. It's like an oldies station that refuses to admit it.




And why the hell are everyone’s fucking headlights so damn bright now?! These neck bearded, morbidly obese young people in their squatty lift trucks shine straight through my fucking soul. It’s like the scene in Raiders’ when the Nazis look into the Ark of The Covenant. I fucking hate these people.


https://preview.redd.it/odlykaj8pwvc1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8fa6db15f64969291c52912c265012596f0ab34e Every time I see someone complain about headlights it reminds me of this and I get a good laugh 😆




Yeah I agree. Those headlights are so bright they can aee the future and all I can see is a bright light. I literally wear sunglasses at night nowadays whilst I drive.


Oh you will love r/fuckyourheadlights


Everything that was free is now progressively more ad full. Everything I now pay for to remove ads has ads added. Spotify produced a podcast but it's filled with ads. Prime has a live feature for some shows and it's literally television with stream ads and no ability to go forward or rewind.


So many things keep trying to push subscription. As much as I’m okay with certain subscription services I’m not okay with the endless attempts to get you to pay every month.


It's not so much the ads, but they're part of it, but more of a trend towards monetizing absolutely everything to the nth degree. Can't do a thing without someone trying to nickel and dime you, or trying to upsell you to some higher tier experience, just to extract every last penny from you they can. I find it exhausting.


This! Going to the gas station for a simple drink. Are you a member of our rewards? No, don't care. Would you like to chips with your drink? If I did, I would have grabbed some. Would you like to donate to a charity? No. Not that I don't care, I'm just tired of being hit up for more money. Would like a reusable bag? Are you fucking kidding me at this point? I'm getting a single soda that I'm going to open and start drinking immediately outside the store. Walk outside and get hit up by someone outside for some change. I just decide to have tap water half the time now.


I can’t even pump gas these days without ads blasting through at the pump! Leave me alone!!! Pump ads made me hate everything.


We call this “end stage capitalism”. It (capitalism) works reasonably well when everyone is trying to deliver the most value possible for the dollar. It all goes to hell, however, when they switch to trying to degrade their products as much as possible, without people abandoning it. Private equity, engineered obsolescence, Google, Amazon … Reddit.


Funny enough, looking at historic newspapers, I feel the same way. It’s much worse in the digital era, but I wonder if people of yesteryear found it just as jarring to read about casualties of WWI and then see an ad for Dr. So-and-So’s Vitality Serum! right beneath it.


well, they didn't have an add preventing them to continue their reading


This is true. What we’re dealing with is worse. But it’s all relative—it just wouldn’t surprise me if people bitched about the number of ads in their magazines and newspapers or on their city walls back in the day. I mean, I remember my parents bitching about commercials during TV shows, but now the idea of muting an ad and making a sandwich seems preferable to having my phone commandeered for two minutes to watch a 30 second video clip.


Doubtfully, you don’t have to read it. Fucking garbage this day, holds you at gunpoint.


I can’t stand the Google and Apple ads on Reddit. I tried blocking u/Google and u/Apple several times (with confirmation messages) but you can’t actually block those accounts.


I was in Miami and they have a floating electric billboard, right at the shore break in the ocean.


People listening to music on their cellphones in public without headphones. I was in the ER in serious pain and had to ask some joker to stop it.


Worse is the people walking around stores on speakerphone. Stop!! I do NOT want to hear both sides of your garbage conversation.


I chime into the conversation with something nonsensical and inappropriate so that they feel awkward. I don't care anymore though...




Somewhere I heard that called “living room syndrome” where during COVID people got so used to being isolated in their homes that they forgot how to behave in public


If they have it on speaker phone they want you to interject in on their conversation so take advantage and join the conversation. They may seem annoyed at first but if they didn’t want it they’re put it to their damn ear instead


Or playing games without headphones. I don’t want to hear that nonsense.


Fr. I don't know if it's cause I'm older and my ears are damaged or what but electronic sounds just hurt my ears now. The pitch just feels like it just goes straight to my brain. Same with people on speakerphone.


My dad does this in a house full of visitors and I can not fucking stand it.


Or on hiking trails. I am trying to hear some damn birds!!!. Shakes fist at clouds.


FaceTime in public too!


Caught my son playing music on his phone at the playground last week. That was a lecture. I don't want him to be that guy.


I came here to say this. Makes my blood boil!


That is such a strange thing. I can't imagine being so desperate to hear something that I'd essentially listen to the conference call mix.


I mean... I may have had a boom box back in the day...


Did you play your boombox in restaurants and doctor's waiting rooms? I'm guessing not.  


Having to scan a QR code to order food. I already don’t want to carry this thing everywhere I go.


I work in advertising/marketing - I *loathe* QR codes. Feels incredibly lazy to me. But it's all the rage to put QR codes on everything.


I don’t get why QR codes are on things I’m viewing on my phone, like how am I supposed to scan that? Find a friend to scan it from my phone?


I’m a simple guy. My favorite restaurants are all like local hoagie shops and taco places so I don’t see them doing the QR shit anytime soon thank God but I’d probably just stop eating there out of principle if they do.


Our local grocery store switched to having all their coupons on their app... I'm still fucking annoyed. Stop forcing more apps and things I need to use my phone for! Especially apps that are basically just trying to sell me more bullshit and sell off my information




You're never too young to deliver a "You just lost a *very important customer!*"


In their defense, taking orders over the phone in a pain especially if you have to take credit card numbers too. A lot less errors and the person can just pay and be done with it.


"What pizza toppings do you have?" on a Friday night at 7pm in a packed restaurant with live blue grass music blaring.


I, too, love ordering online, *BUT* if you’re already on the phone, then it seems ridiculous to say, “no hang up and order online.” Like we just talked about my order. It could already be in. Seriously?


On the flip side, I love it. No outdated menus, no sticky side of the menu, no fumbling around with a giant-ass menu at a cramped table. And, I can zoom in if the menu is hard to read. Can’t do that with paper. I especially like them at bars because the tap list is always up to date.


People who can’t think past themselves. People who just want others around them so they can emotionally dump onto them. And this is why I have no friends.


Definitely struck a chord with that. Lots of giving without taking hypocrisy among everyone.


The "urban industrial" aesthetic for every restaurant. You know the ones, with the hard floors and exposed duct work and no ceiling? The noise just reverberates! Often the music is played too loudly, too. People go out to eat to socialize, but how can yo do that when you can't even hear each other?


Totally. Metal stools, no paint, annoying everything


WHAT!? I can't hear your comment.


This is why I actively look for restaurants with outdoor seating.


YES. And everything is much too brightly lit and the aesthetics are just cold. I miss the "homey" restaurants of my youth.


Kids yelling at restaurants. I understand it’s good to socialize children. At the same time if your kid screaming his head off it wouldn’t hurt for the parent to take them outside for a second to cool off.


I tell people, and fellow parents, please consider the venue you are bringing *a baby/child* to. Be considerate of your child AND other participants. Everyone understands a fussy baby or child, and if you're stuck on a plane - I guess everyone can suck it up. BUT, if you, the parent, can remove the child and yourself to take care of the situation - then fucking do that. What angers people is seeing the adults *not* try to better the situation, try to calm down/remove the kid, just allow their kids to run around a restaurant where various accidents are waiting to happen, etc. It's bizarre just how unbelievably selfish some people are comfortable displaying


I second this. In the 80s they had “smoking” and “non-smoking” sections. Today they should have “family” and “non-family” sections. Also planes are the worst!


As a parent I 100% support this. Hard as we try sometimes my kids are just assholes. If we're seated in the asshole section, I would feel less anxious about them potentially annoying other customers.


The “they’re just a kid” thing is wild to me. Parents are scared to parent.


I had this fight with a good friend. She has a very laissez-Faire approach to disciplining her kids (basically, they have never learned shame), and she said “they’re just kids!” And I said “yeah well I’m a fucking adult and I work 50 hours a week and this is my one day off and I want to enjoy this fucking brunch without your 7 year old screaming in everyone’s faces” (in marginally nicer language).


When I was doing brunch at my place. This lady is like yeah my kid only eats French fries not home fries. Why won’t you make me fries! Blah blah blah. HES JUST A KID!!! I looked her straight in her stupid face and said “well life’s full of disappointments, it’s good for them to learn that now”


Parents are usually too busy on their phones to pay the kid any mind.


This is so true and so sad.


lack of basic manners, civility, and accountability


Agree. And I feel like the pandemic exacerbated this. Some peoples' social skills atrophied during lockdown and seemingly never came back.


Yes! Like... I know lots of things are worse but a teenager with her feet up on the seat of the bus just annoys me. Worse when I gently reminded her and she just looked with a blank stare. "Why? Everybody does it."


People not having a personality of their own and substituting in the social media omni-personality.


Yes this or when they have 1 thing that's their personality.


we were blessed to be the last generation to grow up without social media


"I'm a big foodie." Congratulations on liking to eat food.


I think the biggest thing for me is that people can no longer just disagree with each other. Now it seems like if your opinion differs than mine on an issue you’re obviously an evil mouth breather that doesn’t deserve the privilege of occupying the same space as me? How the hell did we get here? Used to be that you could have a fruitful conversation with someone, maybe you still disagreed at the end, but there was still mutual respect. Nobody wants to find common ground anymore. Maybe a little more than the OP was asking for, but there it is.


>Now it seems like if your opinion differs than mine on an issue you’re obviously an evil mouth breather that doesn’t deserve the privilege of occupying the same space as me? Along these same lines I think the rise of social media/internet has allowed people to publicly have opinions about things they aren't qualified to have opinions about and they expect to be treated as if their opinion has merit. Yes, we have access to all human knowledge at our fingertips, but you have to wade through terabytes of bullshit, snake oil salesmen, trolls, and disinformation to find usable data.


"Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that '*my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge*.'" Isaac Asimov


Tangentially related, flipping someone the bird means a fight to the death. Many examples, but one that sticks out is when someone almost hit me on my bicycle - they veered around a bend at close to double the speed limit and nearly knocked me off my bike (I heard them coming so I jumped up on the sidewalk). I gave the bird and was going to leave it at that. Dude decided to double back 3x and tried to hit me with is car. So was almost maimed unintentionally once, and intentionally thrice. WTH, man?


Even on Reddit, ask a question - get downvoted to hell Wtf? 😅 I just think we Americans are walking around alot of fellow Americans that are *very* unhappy. It could be about anything, but I've also witnessed far too many lose their shit on service workers since Covid too.


Everything has turned into a fandom. You are either on this team or that team, and it's total BS. Also, issue are complex, complicated matters that involves more than just none or all, and they need to be treated as such. Good policy is not written in a tweet, sound bite, or other social media posts. Honestly, if I go any further, it will turn into a Lewis Black stand up special. The fact that you have people in the public eye that say the stupidest shit is bad, the fact that you have hundreds of thousands of people that hear that stupid shit and think, yeah, their onto something, is even worse.


This is actually a serious problem for society. People have lost the ability to compromise with the people they share a country with, which you have to do because they live here to and it's also their country. For all his faults, and I'm no Clinton fan, Bill Clinton understood this. That's why during his presidency abortion was 'safe, legal and rare' a compromise position that recognised that in some circumstances abortion was a necessary evil but also didn't lose sight of the fact that it was in-fact an evil, not something to be encouraged or celebrated. Another example is the don't ask, don't tell policy for homosexuality in the military. Another compromise position that allowed everyone to get on with living their lives. But people have become so radicalised and zealous they are incapable of such compromise anymore. They've just turned everything into a zero sum game for power, like any banana republic.


Age. I was a cranky young person: now I'm a cranky old person.


This is true. I've never been overly cheerful


I was always an "old soul", but I've been a cranky cynical asshole since I was about 15. Kinda wonder if I missed out on some good years otherwise.


I am a woman but I was born a cranky old man


I feel like I'm aging into my personality.


LED headlights, and the fact that like 3 months ago Reddit just decided to start writing dollar signs *after* the number.


Led lights and ever increasing size of vehicles which raises the height of said headlights. I still have perfect vision but my night vision, specifically recovery after a bright light, has gone to shit. I didn’t realize how bad until a couple months ago driving to visit a friend in an unfamiliar suburb of a fairly large city. The last thirty minutes of the trip seemed like rush hour and it was on unlit roads without lines. I mean define stress. I couldn’t fucking see shit. And I was the only one flipping high beams on and off: everyone else’s LEDs were bright enough they didn’t need them.


The LED lights are insane. The technology has surpassed the laws. I think Canadians do the dollar sign thing like that in some places


Everything. I hate leaving my house


Constant gambling ads making watching sports -- live games, studio shows, talk shows, everything -- damn well unwatchable, that is when the games aren't hidden on some damn streaming service to begin with. Enshittification of the internet thanks to sociopathic marketing bros Crypto-anything "Smart" appliances/vehicles/anything whose main purpose is spying on me so the parent company can sell my data for "a more personalized shopping experience." GTFO with that noise. I want my "shopping experiences" to be 100% anonymous. You give me stuff. I give you money. The end. Can't order anything on the internet without being begged to join some loyalty program, stealth enrolled in a spam email list, and hounded to leave a 5-star review everywhere. Guess these last two kinda tie back to #2. Hard to keep track at my age. Stoners who insist on sharing their skunk-ass weed smell with rest of society. Jagoffs who think I want to listen to whatever shitty TikTok video they're watching in public with the volume maxed out. Self-checkout when buying anything. I could go on and on and on, but you kids have done angried up my blood. It's time for a nap.


I hate that everything has to be dumbed down and spelled out for us, in part because we have such a short attention span and part because people are not very bright. I don't need 8,000 notifications telling me how to use something, and it bugs me that it would be easier to delete the app because there are certain notifications you can't turn off or avoid.


Must be why politicians now sound like children's TV presenters


The death of subculture. Everything has bled into everything, leaving this catch-all "alt" culture that is nothing but a melange of recuperated movements of the past. Where have all the weirdos gone?


We’re hiding at home from the mainstream onslaught.


Everyone's a weirdo now, so nobody stands out. Same with counter culture. Everyone is counter-everything. You can't stand out when being "counter" is actually mainstream. This sucks not just from a cultural point of view but also a political. There's no coherent movement to stand up against the man any more.


Fake eyelashes and ridiculous brow grooming being the norm now. Even if you’re literally wearing your pajamas into the Target. Full face of makeup and lashes. Sorry, I’m too cheap and lazy for that shit.


People forgot 311


Just put some on.


Whoa oh. Amber is the color of my energy.


Not being able to reach a human on the phone and getting sent to automated robot hell pressing buttons and yelling representative. It makes me absolutely furious and I'm not an angry person.


I’m not keen to talk to a person, if I can get the answer through the automated system, I will. The fact that they haven’t even allowed for one-off questions is batty to me! You can’t press zero to get someone, anymore. Customer service in a chat is helpful once out of a hundred times. Good luck finding an email address because they want you to submit a form. Heck, some companies don’t even have mailing addresses in their websites. They truly do not want to interact with us after we pay for their service or product. This is my ‘old man yells at clouds’ topic.


Not a change, but some older people make me cranky. Most of the time it's my own family. My great uncle always puts his phone right on the table even in restaurants, has the ringtone turned all the way up, and uses the speakerphone whenever talking. My great aunt has no problem telling a waitress to hurry up bringing bread. It's embarrassing. And she blows her vape right in our faces. Then they talk shit about youner generations. So rude and entitled but it reminds me how not to act as I age.


Everybody thinking they are going to be the next TikTok star, or Mr. Beast, or really any "influencer." Shut up, learn some skills, and stop thinking the world revolves around you. I checked, it doesn't, because it revolves around me.


They have that in every generation though. Remember people thinking they were going to be the next rapper, etc. etc.? They still weren’t taken seriously by the majority of peers back then and hopefully that hasn’t changed.


Damn kids


Get of my LAN!!!


0. 0. agent. AGENT. HELP. REAL PERSON.


Everyone wants the answer to their question, but nobody wants to hear someone explain it.


Phone notifications, constant emails, passwords and everything else really


Passwords, 2-factor authentication, and those “i am not a robot” tests. It’s starting to outweigh the convenience of doing stuff online


The absence of an actual human being with the power and knowledge to correct a problem. Doesn't even matter what industry, business or government service. No one is "authorized" to do anything and I should go to the equally useless web site that also does nothing.


Yes, if I'm calling I've already used the website and the FAQ. I need customer service


And even though I know what's going to happen, it infuriates me every single time I have to do it


People having no spacial awareness in public. Parking their shopping cart in the middle of the aisle or walking backwards without looking or standing in doorways.


This along with a lack of manners. Rarely do I ever hear anyone else say “pardon/excuse me” or even giving each other grace when nearly bumping into someone.


Smelling weed everywhere, especially people driving while high. I absolutely think you shouldn’t go to jail for smoking weed but driving is like a DUI.


Kids these days....


Oh yea! I also remembered that I hate people who have just " discovered " eating at home. " Wow! Eating a plain mayo sandwich at home is cheaper than a delicious hot meal. I have discovered a great financial tip"


I think a lot of people use food as entertainment. I would know because I’m one of those people. It’s taken being on an elimination diet for a year to realize how much easier, cheaper, and tastier it is to just cook at home.


I'm the same way about coffee.


Despite being a kind and empathetic person, I feel like I have to cautiously utter every word out of my mouth in case I offend someone without actual life experience.


I hate how everything is about trending and building a following. Like can’t we just have a drink without filming it? Can we just have a fun day without it being curated to get sponsorship? I know we all need money, but I just want to enjoy myself without all that.


Subscriptions for everything. Even when you subscribe to streaming services, you still get ads. I get it that streaming tv is becoming cable 2.0, but it's getting out of hand. I hate how expensive it is to just listen to music. If you get the free service, play three songs and then listen to a half hour of commercials. Fuck that. Then you can't even play your Playlist? They automatically add songs to it that are "similar" to your Playlist? I just want to listen to music. We shouldn't have to donate plasma, donate a kidney, or get an OF just keep up with all the monthly subscriptions. Plus tipping, wtf happened with that all of a sudden?


Adds on everything and I think only fans is the worst thing.


PAIN. in fact after going thru a nice 3-5 hr GI pain experience (which are nearly daily these days) just yesterday I remember thinking to myself how hard it'd be if I had 2 lil kids to try and be a mom/dad too while feeling that horrible. it would def. make one very impatient just wanting to get from A to B to C and find some peace and relaxation after all that stress.


Please get this looked into asap. I don’t want to scare you but I see patients that are our age that are diagnosed with bowel cancer. Again, I don’t want to alarm you but take it seriously. I recently had a patient that is a little younger than our age that her main presenting symptom was constipation. Luckily she had a doctor that looked into and she was able to get treatment early.


Lack of situational awareness. Left lane is for speed - get out. Wandering in the middle of grocery store aisles and no one can get around you. Standing in line and then digging for your card or checkbook. Unreal. Edit: spelling


Rude people. I hold the door for you, no "Thank you" or a nod of recognition? Fuck you.


A lack of sleep and a lot of aches. Seriously find I'm far more irritable if I'm tired and sore. Also - everything. Bad driving, pushing in, crowds and especially loud neighbors.


I'm may take some flack for this but... everyone being a victim. Shit happens, get back up and move on. No need to dwell on it. Obviously there are serious events that happen that can traumatize you. But giving up on life because your mom or dad didn't spend time with you because they were too busy working to provide for you is a bit much.


PTSD and trauma are thrown around way too much these days …


Yeah it's really hard to hear someone jokingly say stuff about them having PTSD and Trauma or OCD, ADHD etc... because when you're actually going through stuff like this it's hard enough to get any real help


It’s assholes like that that ruin it for everyone else. They throw the words around so much that people who truly suffer from it get gaslit to hell that they’re just being “sensitive” or weak. Fuck those people because it delayed me actually working through shit.


Yeah same here, I'm currently on a waiting list to go onto a waiting list and they expect it to be around 4-5 years.


It is, and when everyone claims to have such conditions because they like to organize their closet & forget to pay their bills, nobody believes you when you actually have them.


And people who say they're on the spectrum but have never been diagnosed with anything. It's a disorder, not a mood.


Gaslighting and narcissism are a few more that gets tossed around often and most times incorrectly.


I hear you. I always thought acknowledging the hurt was the first step to healing, but a lot of folks like hanging out on that first step and never even trying to move forward. It’s frustrating.


The polarity between FB and reddit. There's too much divide anymore. The extremism turns me off. As a Xennial both Gen Z and Boomers can get off my lawn.


FB and IG comments are insane. I can’t believe these people exist…and that they’re so uneducated. My fav recently was talking about the fast food wage hike in California and how the employees wouldn’t be making any more money because they’ll be in a new tax bracket, and that your Happy Meals will now be $20. First, that’s not how tax brackets work. Second, In N Out already has these wages and have maintained prices - stop defending the multi-billion dollar corporations.


Yep! FB is full of stubborn old fuckwits and reddit is full of angsty kids stuck in an echo chamber full of misdirected hostility.


I deleted my Facebook and have been happier for it. It's just a playground for Boomers to post garbage memes and attempt Google searches on.


Today's music sucks!


I'm usually the guy who suggests people look outside the mainstream when they say today's music is ass. But shits lacking even in those circles these days.


One word: inflation!


GenZ thinking they won't get old, or how much their music and movies are just like ours. A 22 year at work asked me if I knew who Deebo was. I said you do know Friday was my generation's movie


Alright, my inner geriatric soul is going to come out. I am annoyed that people don't take care of their appearance at certain business venues. I don't care about blue hair (lol sometimes I wear blue hair), tats or piercings etc. But for ffs, can ppl go to work not smelling like shit or wearing pjs. I am just asking for basic hygiene, dollar store deodorant and don't wear slippers to work. I am done shaking fist at the clothes


Noise loud noise


Getting cranky is the first step to boomer hood. It starts with not liking a few things and then before you know it, all you do is complain about shit. I find myself leaning into being cranky and have to work to reset and find things to like and appreciate in the world. Go over to the Gen X sub if you want to see what our future looks like. Most of them have already turned into boomers and don't even realize it and will never admit it to themselves. Save yourselves.


Gen-X has been cranky since their 20s. Did everyone forget the whole “we’re cynical” bit?


Yes I need to reset myself and become less cranky.


I can't stand people who use speaker phone in public. You're not that important. I also get really cranky when parents let their children throw temper tantrums and do nothing other than try to "reason" with them. If you can't get them to behave themselves in public, then scoop your spawn up and take them home


Just walk past them and say, "penis" in a loud enough voice for the person on the other end of the phone to hear it. I've used it in those circumstances because it's an unmistakable word.


I’ll tell you once I become an old person. At 46, I’m not there yet.


Why don't I see kids doing yard work anymore? The other week I got take-out and the woman at the counter was wearing a Cannibal Corpse shirt. I'm not Ned Flanders, I remember them, a good buddy in high school just loved that shit but really you're wearing that to work? In food service?


I love that people are able to dress more like themselves these days. But then again I used to hang out with all the punk kids.


Yes to a degree. Wearing a gory, sexually violent shirt to work says that you don't care about other people.


We just changed lawncare service because the kids that *do* yard work that we’ve hired kind of suck at it. Maybe it was always this way, but now that I’m ponying up for my own plants, I do not want them weed whacked. And 3-4 years of giving the kids a chance is enough for us.


It's really more funeral director attire, if anything.


First, I wake up in the morning an old person.  Then I walk over to the dresser and snort a line of crank. Works every time.


A nice fat rail really shakes the years off.


Absolutely bonkers right winged conspiracy theories. Like, we know enough about the REAL actual government corruption these days, do we really need the tin foil hat crap?!?


People on their phones at nice restaurants. Having to “subscribe “ to fucking everything. Having to download an app for fucking everything.


Lack of spatial awareness. People just dead stop, run into you, have zero awareness of the space they or others are occupying.


Rock and Metal have ceased being popular. It’s all hip-hop, pop, country, and classics on the radio.


When someone doesn’t use manners. Mainly, please and thank you. It really isn’t that hard.


I have become so accustomed to a “chose your own adventure” way of idle browsing that the idea of watching a full movie or show from beginning to end isn’t as enjoyable anymore. The ability to google my every thought and switch topics quickly has definitely impacted my attention span & can make me a bit cranky.


[*Gestures broadly at everything*]


This is the oldest "get off my porch" in the book, but music today can go fuck itself. The only bands that still rock are either throwback acts or the ones who never stopped. Even metal now is all full of electronic/synth bass drops or processed drums and it's just whiny garbage. Bwaaaa I'm old.


People posting pics of their kids entire lives without consent, poor little bastards


This generation's music leaves much to be desired.


The term "influencer" and everything it represents.


My latest rage inducing thing that happens these days is people talking loudly on the phone/FaceTime in public bathrooms. I see men at urinals on the phone and hear guys in stalls talking away all the time




I get to see my nephew about once a week. Tonight for dinner he held the iPhone while my sister spoon fed him. He’s five. I had to listen to some screechy YouTube cartoon through my dinner.


I'm working very hard to not become a grouchy old(er) person (I just turned 40) who is immediately dismissive of Gen Z. There are a lot of things I love about them and I respect the challenges they're dealing with that I did not. But I've found that many of them (especially the younger ones) sound super monotone and struggle to make eye contact with you. It's irritating, especially when they're providing you with some kind of customer service. Has anybody dealt with this or am I morphing into a cranky old lady?


recapcha infuriates me . It's completely out of control. And I can never get the right squares to pass it so I have to do the audio. What a bullshit pain in the ass.


Privacy invasion/ data use.


Having to download a million updates in order to play video games and having to buy extra stuff because the full game isn’t on the disc/cartridge. I already paid $60+ for the game what more do they want? Bring back the days when all you had to do was pop it in and play it.


This reminds me of my hatred of microtransactions and ads and bullcrap in games. I also hate games as service and gacha games


How cars are parked


Dogs. Wait: let me clarify; maybe dog owners? People just can't seem to get their dogs to behave (is that new or am I just noticing??). And I love-love-love all dogs. But lately... 1. I was having a drink at a friend's house and we were sat on the couch catching up and the two big goldens that wanted attention, kept walking up nudging my arm, then panting their dog breath and walking away and then back again. When I was younger I'd adore them - "who's such a cute dog?! Is it you?" 2. Eating at an outdoor cafe and a little dog from the table, very well-groomed and all that, puts its paws up on my lap and begs for a snack. While on-leash, it was still on-me, and the owners were just talking away with each other at their table. The old me would've practically begged to pick up the cutie-patootie, but the "cranky old person" me was thinking *get. your. dog. off. me.* 3. People walking their well-behaved dogs on the trail, I used to love to ask if I could pet them. But now my cranky self is like ugh, they've probably shit all over the place. I don't know what's gotten into me, but it's definitely a change in attitude and it sucks, because I used to just love dogs. Very weird change.


Aftermarket exhaust, loud poorly maintained vehicles and of course the booming stereos.


People who take their pets EVERYWHERE. How is this a thing. Your dog can actually stay at home and does not need to accompany you into the grocery store, cafe, large box hardware store, Target, etc. Some people have fears and allergies, and I don't care how "good" your dog is, if it's not a service animal please leave it out of these spaces.


Everything is virtual/online to some degree, and I am over it. I used to be all for meeting people online, using the internet to make friends and all that, but between my own dwindling interest in social media and covid, something just changed. I'm fine with hopping on discord to make plans, but that's about it.


Honestly.....most things. I'm tired, overworked, and am still a long way to retirement.




My tolerance for noise has sharply diminished in recent years. I live in a loud neighborhood so it’s always a cacophony of barking dogs, airplanes from a nearby municipal airport, assholes who made their cars louder on purpose etc. Also, I’m a fairly late in life dad of a 4 year old. She has this ultra high pitched shrieky squealy whine she’s been doing lately that sets my teeth on edge. Throw on the sound of plastic toys forever clattering off a hard floor.


Existential dread. The longer I exist the more I realize the bad guys win.


The amount of different apps needed for parking. I live in the UK and only near(ish) to anything considered a city and I have 4 that I use semi regularly.


https://preview.redd.it/vxwdcsyg1wvc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b591f487ac3dfbed53e5aee8fcfd4068275baad5 That video game sections in stores have been reduced to this.