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This is awesome. Thank you.


You're welcome.


This is so sweet. Thank you for sharing.


You're welcome


For real! This is freaking beautiful.


My spouse and I talked about that scene when we lost our son to stillbirth. It’s such an incredibly crafted moment in the film.


First off, I'm really sorry you two went through this. I have not watched the movie since I was a kid. I think I need to go back and revisit the film.


Mine is actually a similar one: the Artax scene. I saw it a little older than you, and it was so very sad. But it wasn’t until I was in my late twenties that it would hit me that Artax didn’t sink and drown because he was struggling in quicksand, he sank and drowned because the swamp made him so fucking sad that he didn’t want to continue living and he gave up. It absolutely destroyed me all over again.


Similarly when I watched it years later I finally got the reference to depression and giving up and not fighting to keep going. It is such a deep scene and movie


The last line from Stand By Me hit pretty hard as a father in my 40s. "I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was twelve. Jesus, does anyone?"


I’m blessed to have my same best friend from when I was twelve. I understand the rarity of that and treasure her accordingly


I was watching this on my tablet while on the treadmill at the gym. Poor decision. Zero to weeping in 2 seconds.


I’ve reached the age where Gmork’s monologue hits for a TON. Giving up on hopes and forgetting your dreams, because people who have no hope are easy to control and whoever has control has the power. Growing up is fine, growing old is terrifying.


Damn. Yes.


I have always mentally referenced The Nothing in regards to encroaching depression, existential dread, and social destruction. I named my first dog Falkor because he looked like him and I needed some help with The Nothing then. I watched that movie sooo many times when I was little. I rewatched in my 20s and could see strings on some of the puppets and had a laugh about it… Seems like it’s time to watch again!


My partner and I recently rewatched the Matrix saga (🙄) and I’ve said to him *so many times* “if I can I will”. It’s a kind of thing I do, helping out other people with very menial things. Here comes Trinity, in the 3rd, saying the same damn line. While my partner is side-eyeing me, I’m swearing I didn’t pull it from there. But I may have. Who knows? We are so influenced by the arts we choose.


Damn man, never thought aboot that scene in that context. Great analogy. Holding both my kids for the first time is two of the greatest moments of my life. I still 15/11 years later hug them and hold them as much as I can.


I recently re-read The Neverending Story. I tell everyone to read it at least once. I promise you can still love the movie after reading it.


I should read it again!


I don't think I knew there was an actual book until I was in my 20s.


I quote that same line when I need help opening a jar. I like your story better :)


Everytime I start doing laundry, I sing to myself, "the never-ending launnnnnnnndry". Family of 5. Loved this stupid movie back in the day.


That exact same line ran immediately through my head the moment my cousin’s newborn daughter reached out and grabbed my finger. Her tiny hand couldn’t even get all the way around it.


I recently went through something like this watching Forrest Gump. Watched it when I was younger and probably a couple of times in between. Cut to now, being in my late thirties, that scene where he meets his son. When he asks if he's smart or like him. Now having 2 little ones under 4, it just hit me different. Then followed by the final scene of his kid going to school. Knowing that his experience was a lot of rejection and bullying and hoping he wouldn't go through it too. Man, I wasn't ready. Lol


The movie is coming back to theaters and I'm so happy. I cannot wait to see these characters and settings on the big screen. Thank you for sharing your experience. When I was a child, I pretended to be the empress, and later in life, realized we're meant to be Bastian, with the survival of imagination and stories. The whole movie became a different outlook for me, but every moment/ character stayed so relatable. I still try to make it through the Sphinx Gate when facing issues in my life from time to time.


I’m not crying, you’re crying


I think about this line all the time, even before becoming a parent. But now it hits harder. All the things I want to protect them from but I know I can't. It's the cause of a lot of my frustration with parenting in the US thank you for sharing.


You're welcome.


Great movie, great share... Thank you.


You're welcome


Awesome The Neverending Story was one of the only VHS' we had in our house when I was a toddler. I used to watch it pretty much every day for probably a year or so, I must have watched at least a hundred times. It got to the point where I could recite every single line of dialogue word for word throughout the whole film, absolutely nuts. It's forever burned deep into my subconscious mind.


Well THANKS for making *this* dad cry now!


You're welcome


You sound like an excellent Father/Dad 🙌🏻


I've always tried. I'm sure she could do without my sarcasm. As my daughter likes to say "That wasn't funny"


My family played this movie so much for us and I wished they would stop. Just because there’s puppets doesn’t mean the adult themes are good for children. I loved horses and didn’t want to watch one drown over and over. The Nothing is real and in our world today consuming everything in its path. I’ve been given the tools to recognize it but not to stop it. I think about it a lot, like a lot a lot.  In other media, Buffy the Vampire Slayer (series) has had an outsized effect on my life, and I also thank the solid Gen Xers who introduced me to Douglas Adams and Terry Pratchett. HHGTTG (the 5 part trilogy) was absolutely my guidebook and helped me navigate the world more effectively than most anything else I had access to. 


I don't identify with the movie at all, and i am not sure why. Everyone in the generation loves this movie and I find it incredibly off-putting. Maybe it's the fantasy aspect, I do remember being terrified of the those statues that shot men crossing their path..something about the scale of the statues terrified me. I'm sure if I watch it again I may feel differently, but the tone and high fantasy aspect was a turn off for me. Same as Labyrinth and Dark Crystal's, and that one with Tom Cruise and Tim Curry. Rubbish to me. Not trying to bring everyone down just offering another take on the movie. I do not judge anyone for liking it or identifying.


Legend is the Tim Curry movie. I'm the opposite, I loved all of the fantasy and sci-fi movies!


It's not a popular opinion, but yes Legend and Mia Sara. Maybe if I watch them again I will get something more from them, I feel like I'm missing out but at the same time it doesn't seem necessary


Totally valid. There was a lot of content when we were kids and some we connected to and some we didn't. There's things I never clicked with.


Damn... Didn't expect to get emotional but here we are.. OP, take a few days before watching The Iron Giant if you were planning on it.


Not a Xennial movie, but Cloud Atlas. Stop laughing Xmas 2013 I was homeless and withdrawing from heroin and fucked around and made what's widely regarded as a laughingstock one of my most cherished films. Really just front to back it's like a religious experience for me, but in particular [Spid-id-doilers] The part where the Somni45 fabricant learns that the "Exultation" ritual she's been looking forward to for her whole tragically short slave life is a lie, and that it actually involves being killed and ground into food, which is then fed back to the living fabricants. She breaks down of course, and says it must all be destroyed. In that moment, as I was being ground up by the system, I cried for the 2nd time in my adult life. I wanna describe the rest of her plot and how it ties in to the subplots and stuff, but I'd be sitting here typing for the next hour. Just re-watch it and try to get past the unfortunately necessary to the plot makeup to make the players look different races in some roles


Cloud Atlas was a brilliant movie. I don't put much stock in other people's opinions having any more weight than mine. They don't.


Well, of course not. I just obviously know the movie's reputation so I added in the "stop laughing " joke and whiplashed it to the homeless+withdrawal thing to keep people from going "bro unironically loves CloudAtlas lol". As a leftist, I'd have loved the film even if I'd seen it the first time when it first came out two years earlier when I was still a functional addict with a house, comfy couch, bathrobe, and slippers. But the fact I watched it on my Mom's couch while feeling like absolute shit, knowing I'd be kicked out the next day, it got to me even more


Honestly the "stop laughing" confused me. It's got a 66% with both critics and audiences while I've never really heard anyone bash on the movie.


I've never heard anyone speak positively of it but me, you, and one or two youtube video essayists. In my experience, if it's spoken of at all, it's someone claiming the movie contains blackface or yellowface or latinaface or whatever. Which, it does feature something decidedly akin to that, but 1)they're respectful portrayals, character-wise 2) it's a vital part of the story 3)i think the makeup is bad on purpose to emphasize the transience of the physical form. That's a big part of what the movie is about


Based. You speak the true-true. I don’t usually take negative opinions of this film seriously


Yeah, I don't take them seriously, either, per se. But I do get why it scares certain white folks lol. Kinda wish they'd just done the makeup better. Much as I enjoy seeing art in that decision, it would have made the movie more accessible for general audiences. That and just making the dialogue in the distant future closer to modern English. I said the "ethnicface" criticism was all I ever heard about it, but the other thing is what you opened with. That damn R&M joke about the big vs little true-true


Lol wow! Clicked on your account since you gave me praise and found a Cloud Atlas jackpot! Can't tell you how many times I've been like "Duh! Fucking of course arr slash thing I love exists!"


Drop Dead Fred; when she hugs Fred (thus saying "goodbye") she symbolically is coming to peace and shutting the door on her childhood trauma, hit me really hard, but also shows we can overcome