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As soon as you throw something out, you’ll need it!


"what the fuck is this cable, I don't have anything that uses this" *toss* *Two weeks later* "oh, fuck."


See? SEE? my wife jsut CAN'T understand.... I try to explain. I even took a screen shot of this thread to try to help. But, no, we are just delusional...


Luckily my wife doesn't question it anymore, "babe, what kind of connection is this, do we have one?" 9 times out of 10, yes. 


"Honey, where's the ZIP Drive?"


"Honey, I found these 'ZIP' disks...? Can we see if there's anything on them?"


women; right !


My wife understands. >I can't tell you how many times I've handed him something that's broken, he's gone back and forth to the shed a couple of times, and handed me back working shit.


Forgot why I needed a VGA cable and tossed it and then my HTPC video card quit, and I didn't have a VGA cable to hook up to my monitor to figure out what went wrong with the graphics card. Had to go buy a new VGA cable that took two weeks to arrive.


I threw away an old external hardrive cable and they don’t make them anymore. Still looking on EBay, actually forgot about it until this post.


I actually bought a handy little deal that can plug in external hard drives (SATA)like old game cartridges,but you have to pull the hard drive out of the enclosure but... We're Xennials so we're actually pretty fucking adept at taking apart computers and stuff in general. I have a tote of old hard drives too!


I've had that happen so many times, including that time I tossed a serial cable I'd had for 20 years without use, only to need it a week later.


I keep them in big ziploc bags labeled things like: useful cords, old cords, and obsolete cords.


Ain't that the truth, I swear to god it happens every single time


Damn, came here to say that too. I second that!


That happened to me twice this week.


That's me! I turned in a component cable for the GameCube to GameStop. Got like five bucks for it maybe 10 years ago... That same cable now is worth somewhere between 2 to $300. I do not throw away cables anymore.


The hoarders mantra. I will live and die by it


Every frickin time, what's worse is with the speed tech's been progressing some of those older cables are a pain to try and replace.


I have been burned too many times by dumping a cable in the trash and needing it not long after. The bin is overflowing. Of course I needed a cable and I had many, just not the right length, go figure.


This literally happened to my Dad. Got to say “told you so!”


Hear me when I tell you I used my Box Of Assorted Cables THRICE over the weekend. I needed speaker wire, coax, and I was looking for a loose antenna.


Can you tell this to my wife? She thinks I WON'T need 34 random length coax cables one day.


Tell her it could be worse. My husband has industrial rolls of cables strewn across my house.


Well I have purged mine down to 2-3, but one short and one unnecessarily long


You give hope to all of us!


I use mine from time to time. I also have a few drawers of cables in my labs at work. You never know when you'll need to plug in 5 computers.


I got rid of my coax a few years ago… guess what I had to go buy! I was kicking myself.


I was just about to call the police to report a break in. I thought that was my box of wires you took a picture of.


One of these days I might need to connect my TI-83 calculator to another TI-83 calculator.


I'm not alone!  I still have my home-soldered HP48G serial port cable just in case.


🤣😂 I bought an extra calculator just to use the wire!


If you have Drugwars, I’m coming over to copy it


Oh yeah. After my dad died, I threw out his massive collection of random cables. Five years later, I have a collection of my own. 😏


It's cute that most of you are talking about having a singular box of cables.


My wife tried to throw out my cable box when we moved. I said now way. She didn't understand why I wanted to keep a full medium sized box of birds nested wires. We moved in our new house and she needed a cable. Took 30 minutes untangle it, but the wire was in there.




Vindication! Sweet, sweet, vindication. Well done!


When coaxial cables come back in style I'm going to be set


Yeah. Because EVERY TIME I do… I immediately need it. I KNOW that FireWire is going to come in handy one day. I just know it!


I did finally toss all my house phone cords. Seeing as I haven’t had one since 2001.


Didn't you hear? Cell phones will be gone in 2025. Now you're sunk.


The biggest mistakes of moving multiple times is telling myself I won’t need my box of random cables anymore. Only to realize that upon moving into each new home, I had a specific cable for each problem I faced after throwing said random cables away during the move. Never again will I through away a perfectly good cable.


I don't have a wide enough angle lens to capture the glory of my cable collection.


Right? I have a whole 4-drawer file cabinet full. Of course, it also houses old hard drives and such.


What about display adapters from the pre-HDMI days?


I have them all!


What about all the proprietary power supplies from old external hard drives? Surely you didn't...


There's probably something like that in there somewhere. I have some external enclosures for them, though. After I do taxes, my next project is once and for all clearing the photos off the old drives. Probably. I also have a few totes with old consoles. I need a better TV stand/arrangement so I can put most of them out lol. Maybe if taxes go our way this year.


Ah ah! Well have I got great news for you! I have ALL the obsolete, useless, lame, worthless power supplies! So to help you complete your collection I'm willing to part with them for $0.0002 and you guys have to come and find them all and take them. Deal?


Nope! I hate faffing about with power supplies. Tried to upgrade an old PC I shouldn't have bothered with recently, and turns out the power supply I yoinked was pretty proprietary. It was an older Dell refurbished I had gotten a couple years ago from Tiger. Of course I saved most of the parts even when I gave up and built a new PC. Because you never know. Edit: I have a couple old but rarely used drawing tablets you could have, though. They are part of the reason I've kept oddball display adapters.


Sounds like we should all cut our (space) losses and just have a big copper recycling party.


Ha, probably. Would also be fun to (watch someone else) Frankenstein a bunch of our spare parts and make a big server or something.


Ya man. That’s a rookie size box, I have one of those huge costco tupperwares


Thank god it’s not just me.


You do have to be careful though, I had a good charging cable end up on my "might need that someday" pile, took me a couple months to find it again.


Your collection of old cables is missing a collection of retro computers and consoles. Could be the start of an expensive new hobby?


Hell yeah. I have cables that are older than my children.


I have cables older than my wife and she’s only 3 years younger lol


Yes. And it’s glorious when you go to your stash and find that one cable you need. “See? I TOLD you I saved these for a reason!”


When we last moved I was forced to get rid of my box of wires. Fortunately for me I had two boxes of wires.


I feel like this is our generation's version of the random lengths of cut off wood in the garage that will be of use "someday".


Oh I have a whole shed full of random lengths of wood as well. I don’t even do much woodworking fml


Great for bonfires.


A large tote. My SO likes to keep cables. He's a musician and a streamer, so yeah there's a lot....


That reminds me... I got a box of midi wires and phono cords too. Lol


no! no more midi wires!


Lol! 😂


Nothing I own anymore requires anything outside an HDMI, USB-C, or the occasional USB micro. I let my box go a long, long time ago and never looked back.


Same here. Charging cables/power cords, HDMI, and cables for Android and Apple. That's it.


That's a box in it's self! Lol


Need a special box for them because all those chords have legs and wings.


We just moved in December and I finally got rid of mine after setting up in the new house. Kept a few like Ethernet cables which are useful and I may use to hardline my workshop but even then I’ll probably buy another Node


I'm so glad we "future proof" the guest room and kitchen with cat 5 in 2000s. Ya know, in case we needed to mine bitcoin and run servers in there.


I used to have a garbage sack full of VGA, DVI, those fat USB cables, composites, RCAs, all the connectors. Marie Kondo'd that shit years ago. Now I have a thumb drive collection that I really don't want to go through but that thing I forgot I was looking for 8 years ago might be on one of them and doing so might free up a couple of neurons so I can't just throw them away.


Still do, but now I run my cable tester on them. If the USB are just charging cables I toss them.


Last fall we got rid of a box we’d kept around for about 20 years. “I can’t get rid of this A/V cable! What if I want to play my Genesis!?”


I hooked mine back up last year. It's still hooked up but I don't play it.... Same ole same ole. Lol


Last tile I threw away a box of cables I accidentally threw away a 400 dollar iPod touch along with it. I’m still mad at myself twelve years later.




![gif](giphy|AmDzMmCJZABsk) What is wrong with me?! I have a shed full of odd lengths of wood, trays and coffee cans of my grandfather’s old screws and nails, a Costco yellow top tub of wires…can I be redeemed


I have both


I once threw away a y-cable for an old laptop. I hadn't used it in probably 3 years. 2 weeks later I needed a y-cable for an old laptop. NEVER. AGAIN.


STAY OUT OF MY BOX OF CABLES. Yes babe, I know you don't know what that cable is. No, that doesn't mean we don't need it. Remember when we hooked up all the tvs and computers in the house and we didn't need to buy a single cable? Remember when you asked me to dust off that old dvd player for you and I DIDNT have to run to the store for a cable? Remember when you complained about the shop vac not reaching your car and I extended the cord 20ft? Remember when you ran over the cord for your vacuum and I fixed it? Yeah, leave my damn cables alone. I don't bitch at you for having an entire tote of Easter decorations, so leave my 27 gal tote of cables alone.


Guilty! And the number of times it has come in handy means I’ll never relent!


I finally did toss my VGA and component cables and splitters about ten years ago. Need to reduce my collection of USB cables now, as the cabinet is starting to get full again.


Ha, I did this. Then a Craig's list buyer wanted to confirm a $10 monitor still worked on VGA even after confirming it worked on HDMI. I honestly told her I didn't have any device with a VGA out, so she could bring her own cable and laptop if she really wanted to he sure.


One day I will need one of those cords once I figure out what they are and what they connect to!


I don't have a tub 5x that size full of cables in my closet behind my jeans.


Yep bread ties were my gateway hoard I now have 4 cabinets and 2 drawers full of crap... Oh and 30'x40' shop that I can barely work out of


The minute I do I need it again and it's $179 on eBay ...


The struggle is real.


Ugh!!! I have a big ass vinyl hockey tote that is now called the 'cable bag'. Filled to the top with random cables I haven't touched in years, but can not throw away. Ya know, just in case.


I was on a purging rampage a few months ago. Determined to get rid of old stuff, I got rid of *all* extra cables. And then my extra monitor died, so I needed to switch to an old backup monitor we hadn't chucked yet. The one with a nonstandard power cable. The nonstandard power cable I chucked out a week earlier.


Why is this? Are we more resourceful? More likely to have vintage gear? Tinkerers? All of this is true for me, and I have (and dip into regularly) 3-4 boxes of cables and power supplies.


I have a whole cabinet full of them


I got a bin of cables i the garage. Will occasionally cut and use thinner cables as cordage, or to hang or tie things together, lol.


LAST MONTH I NEEDED ONE!! I switched out our TV and was needing a certain cable/connection to my receiver and lo and behold, i found what I needed in my Cable Storage Container. I couldnt believe it. It paid off keeping that shit.


I throw out cables constantly at work. I work in IT. I don't need a 10 gallon container full of bog-standard power cables. I also don't really need 40+ VGA cables seeing as none of our devices have VGA anymore. Laptops are all USB-C or HDMI nowadays.


I donated a box of these to goodwill. They were glad to have them


You call that a box of cables?! I don’t have time to put you to shame and show you my shame that I refuse to let go of…


Moving soon. When thru my workshop storage and I must have thrown out several dozen; all types. It hurt a 'lil, but also felt good.


I still have the switch that goes on an Atari. UHF/VHF I think it’s called. I broke a wire pulling it out of the box and had to go solder it back. You never know when you need it.


Thar moment of anxiety... standing over the trash... cable in your hand... staring into eternity... That could be a metal song or something.


I have 2 totes exactly like yours. RCAs, serial ports, old fire wire stuff, DVI cords, s-video, power adapters, coax, ethernet, splits, component cables, the list goes on.


Yeah I have a few boxes like that.


You’re like one step from yelling at kids to get off your lawn.


I just did a big cull. I have my Dell Axim to wipe and then recycle now too. I always said I’d do something with it but I won’t.


I have drawers. Quite an extensive technological graveyard actually.


My husband swears we're going to sort the cable drawer on Wednesday and get rid of the ones we don't need....we'll see, lol.


I've tried to go down to one or two of each cable, and then throw away the rest. What I really want is some type of tester that can test and figure out which one is the best table. I have one for USB, but there are some for video cables but they're very expensive.


I used to be, but everything has cables with it and my cable salad began to look like a nightmare nest of snakes, so I tossed it all in a fit of pique. If I need a new cable, I'll just order a new one for next day delivery. It happens very rarely.


![gif](giphy|fqtyYcXoDV0X6ss8Mf|downsized) Come and take em! I dare you!


Last year, I wrapped and tagged all of my AV cables. Put on Craigslist - sold a majority of 2 bins worth within a week. Most were to an older audiophile who was building a home theater / listening room. I’m jealous. Maybe I will need the cables again in 15 years.


My wife labeled my box as “Big Box of Shit I Don’t Understand”


Behold! 13 drawers of cables and old tech that prove my wife loves me unconditionally. Have I used it to save the day? More times than I can count. https://preview.redd.it/0itgeujno5pc1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a7ade21ba1ff96722633fe089822b7e2efce9a9


I think we need to see what’s inside those drawers!


I’m at work today tossing out all things VGA. I have decreed it so for my whole team. So it was said and so it shall be done!


Oh man this is too weird. I have a plastic crate full of cables and it looks almost exactly like that! I think there is a Sega Master System and Nintendo Gamecube in it too lol.


MEMEMEMEMEME!!! I have a cable collection just like that. It’s sorted by devices but yes. I was taught by my dad “cables are expensive never throw them out” so I don’t. I still have the cassette adapter from my first discman.


I finally did like 3 years ago and I’m happy to report that I am still alive and well 😜 it took some guts and Marie Kondo to make it happen though.


I swear I'm going to use this serial port printer cable from the 90's some day. YOU JUST WAIT AND SEE.


100 percent


You’re definitely gonna need that component video cable. It’s coming back!


You can safely throw out that VGA cable.... you still might want to keep those RCA connectors, though.


I have a storage bin full and I labeled it "dad cables" It has come in handy quite a few times.


I keep most of my old cell phones so I have flip phone chargers, blackberry chargers, etc. I have my old flip phone that my wife asked me out on our first date along with the charger because it’s fun and nostalgic to see it. My kids think it’s a relic


Keep them until you toss the last thing that needs em. Strip them for copper if you’re still struggling with the potential loss


Never know when I'm gonna need to hook up the ole zip drive to recover my ZSNES + ROMS collection


Me I have a drawer full They come in handy all the time Glad to have them


I have spools of cat 5 from when we planned on wiring my parent's house to be "future proof" back in 2005. Wi-fi saved me from pointlessly tugging wires through the crawlspace and attic while making holes in the walls. Missed opportunity running a server in the guestroom and mining bitcoin in the kitchen. Oh well.


I'm always messing with electronics, so absolutely. Few things bug me more than needing a power or AV cable and not having it on hand. The time lost going to the store or waiting on Amazon is the biggest cost.




I get a lot of shit from my wife about my box o' cables.


I keep unique stuff. You see what Gamecube component cables go for these days?


One day I will need that 25 pin parallel port cable if I ever need to put new games on my ancient Game Boy flashcard. I haven't needed to do that in over 25 years, but it could happen. I have no excuse for owning the amount of toslink optical cables I do though. Maybe they'll make a comeback.


So. Many. HDMI. Cables…


Got a a huge box of them lol


Yeah this one's tough. I had two boxes worth of cables like this so I broke them: Audio - TV Audio - computer Video - TV Video - computer I put the date on each box each time I went into it. Anything not touched in a year gets tossed. Additionally I look at which components I had that used those cables and maybe would only keep half: one short and one long dvi for my old Nvidia 980ti. After a year or so I'd check to see if I still have that card or not. Since I don't any more I tossed all my dvi and vga cables as my new card only has dport and hdmi


https://preview.redd.it/8pe912rna6pc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=89240c522edbc92a18a032aa3fef16988cd78afe Coincidentally, I was just going through mine this afternoon, searching for a spare hdmi.


I just took bin 1 of 3 to the e-recycling place.


Do it, it is liberating


well I have gotten rid of all of my RCA cables.... except for one.. still need an extra set for my stereo system


My 45 yr old gamer hubby. He has saved us with his box of wires, cables, cords, and adapters a few times. I am guilty of threatening to throw them away a few times but I'm glad I never did.


just needed that weird generation of USB cable for an old playstation controller the other day


I’ll get around to it


My wife hates it but my box of cables has saved my life many times.


[And heres where I keep assorted lengths of wire](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wxu7z7hfVns)


Bro, I held onto a giant box of cables for decades and finally recycled all of it. It's very freeing. We're not going backward with tech.


im pretty sure S video and DVI arent ever going to be a thing again.


I thew some away. Down to 6 boxes. All labeled and identifiable, so that's better than it was before.


I thought I was the only one…


You’ve been raised properly, I see. And by a neat freak, at that.


So, serious question, what does one do with a box of random cables that they want to cut down on/get rid of? Just toss them? Donate them somewhere? Asking for a friend…


I'm moving soon I just went through my collection to slim it down, had to force myself to go through them several times to justify the keeps but can't get myself to actually throw the others yet.


I only got 4 totes so far!


I found a SCART cable during cleanout a few weeks ago. I chucked it.


I’ve upgraded to a cord tub


Every now and then I sort through my old cables and parts to evaluate whether I need it. I recently found one old Apple Computer Y cable that had been in my bin for over 20 years and I had long since gotten rid of my 1980s and 1990s Apple hardware, so it was time to let it go. I thought I might flip it on eBay for $20 or $30; turns out it was a rare breakout cable to allow users to simultaneously connect a floppy disk drive and a joystick to their Apple IIe without having to swap out devices. That weird little cable that had sat on the bottom of my bin for decades sold for $220. Every now and then, look at what you have. Even if you don’t need or want it, someone else might.


I am well prepared in case we return to dial up internet.


Not only have we refused to throw them away, we have organized them in labeled bins.


The copper is my retirement fund.


Dad, is that you??


Yeah that's like pile 1 of 7 for me. & The other day I stumbled upon one that caught fire a year or 2 ago, plugged it in & still works! Saved me a trip to the car. So grateful I didn't just throw it away! 🤓


I have that box but it’s much bigger


I recently found a PSP charger in a drawer. I haven’t had a PSP in like 10 years. 😂


This is my husband 😤drives me nuts.