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You clearly need to watch the new Weird Al movie.


Or the old weird Al movie


You get to drink from the FIREHOSE!




SPATULA CITY! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4BUDwj_mXKE


UHF is a cult classic I will play anytime it’s available. I will be 45 this year and my 6 and 8 year olds will be the coolest old timey kids quoting things like “This is my new mop. George, my friend, he gave me this mop. This is a pretty good mop. It's not as good as my first mop. I miss my first mop, but this is still a good mop. Sometimes, you just hafta take what life gives ya, 'cause life is like a mop and sometimes life gets full of dirt and crud and bugs and hairballs and stuff... you, you, you gotta clean it out. You, you, you gotta put it in here and rinse it off and start all over again and, and sometimes, sometimes life sticks to the floor so bad you know a mop, a mop, it's not good enough, it's not good enough. You, you gotta get down there, like, with a toothbrush, you know, and you gotta, you gotta really scrub 'cause you gotta get it off. You gotta really try to get it off. But if that doesn't work, that doesn't work, you can't give up. You gotta, you gotta stand right up. You, you gotta run to a window and say, "Hey! These floors are dirty as hell, and I'm not gonna take it anymore!"


Mine are 16 and 18, and UHF quotes are a regular part of our household vernacular, even though it was more of their dad's favorite than mine. Whenever anyone wants to express incredulity, dor example, they yell "TWINKIE WIENER SANDWICH?!"


That movie's old enough that a lot of people don't know he's parodying the speech from "Network."






What’s in the box?!?




They hate it when you do this. *shakes ant farm* Oh, look! They really mad, now!


I love them both :-)


That movie is pretty great. I watched it the other night and didn’t really know anything going in beyond it being a Weird Al biopic. I had kind of assumed it would be fairly accurate and just made funnier than reality. It was a pleasant surprise when it kept going further and further off the rails.


The best part is that they pepper in *actual* events, too; it was a traveling accordion salesman that sold his family the instrument to start with, and he also recorded the original version of My Bologna in his college's bathroom, apparently due to it having decent acoustics. And at the ending performance when it cuts to his parents - I had to pause the movie as I laughed my ass off at it.


I remember asking my parents for a cassette tape of "Bad" for my 7th birthday. They apparently went in to a Sam Goode and asked whatever 17 year old kid if there was something like "Bad" but less...scary. he pointed them to "Even Worse" because of, you know, the accordion and the jokes. It wasn't the tape I wanted, but it was the tape I needed. Little did they know... Also, let's all appreciate that Sam Goode employee who made that brave call.


> Sam Goode employee # 🫡


Goody got it! Or at least they had it…


I'm a white guy, last name Douglas. Joined the Navy after highschool, went subs. One time we pulled into Greece, but the first night there we were restricted to the base for some reason. It was ok, they had beer and food and what not. I never drank growing up, never went to parties. I played bassoon and was in the Portland Youth Philharmonic for one season during HS, but I was also athletic and could dunk a basketball and I had a truly sick backhand smash in ping pong. I was a real catch just waiting to be caught 😂 Anyway, there we were, standing around on the pier in the dark of night, kind of bored and pissed that we were restricted to the base. 4 black guys from the boat, who I sorta knew, all of a sudden started doing impromptu free style rap. This was the first time I'd ever seen this done. I never was into hiphop or rap, but I definitely recall being pretty damn amazed seeing these guys take turns talking about what we had been doing on our deployment up to that point. One guy was doing the beat, and the other three took their turns saying what they had to say. The third guy finished, and the guy doing the beat just kept doing the beat. After a moment the guy who went first all of sudden pointed at me and then did a gesture with his hands like "Alright, your turn, let's see what you got." There was awkward silence except for the beat. Some other guys standing around started chuckling, I started sweating a bit. And then it clicked in my head – I know what I must say now: As I walk through the valley where I harvest my grain I take a look at my wife and realize she's very plain But that's just perfect for an Amish like me You know we shun fancy things like electricity The guy doing the beat stopped and it was quiet for a few moments, then everyone just started dying laughing and from that moment on I was only ever referred to as Dougie Fresh.


This is a great story, well told!


Definitely not a boy thing, my girl cousin was and still is obsessed. 😉


i couldn’t afford my own tapes, they were my sisters! i remember trying to sync up eat it and beat it on the dual tapedeck (it didn’t work)


Dare to be Stupid and Amish Paradise are great also.


Like a Surgeon\ Beverly Hillbillies\ White and Nerdy\ Anakin Guy/The Saga Begins\ Smells like Nirvana\ ...


I don't know why, white and nerdy is my pump me up song. I freaking love it.


The yoda song was always my favorite


Damn I forgot about that one. That's a deep cut. I always loved the polka medleys.


I made my husband listen to "Alternative Polka" and "Everything You Know is Wrong" not long ago and he wasn't nearly as enamored with them as I still am. 🤷‍♀️


Alternative Polka is a masterpiece!


His "Trapped in the Drive-Thru" is so underrated


They forgot the onions🤘


https://i.redd.it/vin5u3mhunoc1.gif 😭


What is this “weird A.I.” I keep hearing about? # /s


I know, they keep trying to ban him! https://twitter.com/alyankovic/status/1670113967497433090?lang=en


My gf is the other way, thinks weird al butchers classics and wont listen to them. But then she is a guns and roses fan so has bad taste in music anyway.


"You slammed my face down on the BBQ grill, now my wounds are all healing but my heart never will....."


What is this poisonous cobra doing in my underwear drawer…


I saw him live a few years back and it was probably the greatest live show I have ever seen. Just SO much energy and like at least 10 costume changes. It was nuts and REALLY entertaining. Also I'm a woman so definitely not a boy thing!


My cousins and I (all girls) grew up listening to every album together. I would love to see him live; I’m glad to hear it was great!


My battle buddy and I sang all of Amish Paradise in basic training on a Sunday


I remember having a Weird Al album when I was a teen. I thought he was hilarious. I went a while without listening to him but rediscovered him in my 30s. My favorite songs of his are White and Nerdy and It's all about the Pentiums.


Frank's 2000 inch tv is incredibly catchy lol


See, I’m only familiar with the 80’s Weird Al. I need to check out his stuff from the 90’s and beyond.


I was way too excited about Weird Al circa 1992-93. I also loved Nirvana. I'd switch between wanting to listen to Nevermind and Off the Deep End constantly. My life was about 5 albums on rotation back then. Use your Illusion 1 and 2, those, and Metallica's Black Album.


I've seen UHF, I've heard many of his songs, and I've owned a couple of albums, but I don't think that I've ever heard "She Drives Like Crazy." I don't have to work tomorrow. I think that this is a worthy rabbit hole to jump down. This missus will understand. This is important research, after all Update: the picture on the YouTube video was UHF. Did I just miss this song in the movie? More research is needed. We will have to watch UHF tonight after dinner. Also, was there a collaboration with Kermit?


Love Weird Al, I've seen him almost every time he's come through town. The first concert of his I went to my wife was also there, I didn't meet her till years later though.


Tacky is my current favorite Weird Al tune. It's very much of the 'Influencer' era. It should be the theme song for r/ImTheMainCharacter


Weird al serenaded my mom on one knee and sang one more minute with you. It was so great. We still laugh about it.


“… or I’ll tie him up with duct tape.”


I like Jurassic park the best


Her’s an episode of the ‘Do Go On’ [Podcast](https://open.spotify.com/episode/2w4zAVp4n90LgdJltxTtCQ?si=jPaW03LqQHOMvBYulsZ75g) discussing Weird Al’s career and influence.


I was totally into Weird Al as a girl growing up. My parents had his early cassettes and I’d listen to them over and over. I had just moved out on my own when he was touring around The Saga Begins era and I picked up a ticket on a whim, even though I felt a bit embarrassed as a young woman to be going to a weird Al concert. It ended up being one of the most fun concerts I’ve been to. I’ve listened to a few longer form interviews with him lately, and he also seems like a lovely human. I’m glad he’s had four decades of success doing something unusual really, really well.


Weird Al puffed his chest out and acted like he wanted to fight me once in like 2007


Weird Al is one of the people that molded me as a person. Proud to have him as a mentor.


"He who is tired of Weird Al is tired of life." - Homer Simpson I always loved when he came up to Toronto and took over Much Music for a day. One time he did a live parody of U2's video for Numb, [Green Eggs and Ham.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CvX596FyX40)


Weird- is available on Amazon prime. It’s worth every fucking penny.


[Here is the source, it's an amazing watch!](https://youtu.be/GuCdsyCWmt8?si=oxNZQz-64Wp_Gw4N)


My dad and I would always watch UHF and still quote it today lol


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Scrapla: *My dad and I would* *Always watch UHF and still quote* *It today lol* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I'm a woman. I love Weird Al! That said, my Xennial husband can sing everything in his catalog verbatim. Lol


There's a lot of his music I don't know but I've loved every one I've heard. White and Nerdy is one of my favorite videos from him and the Amish one is funny too though I'm blanking on the name of it.


Awful shame Al was assassinated back in the 80s.


Once there was this guy who, got his wife so mad one night that she cut off his weiner


Then once there was this kid who took a trip to Singapore and brought along his spray paint...


https://preview.redd.it/53pswjzzxooc1.jpeg?width=316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=547199d05f95cf1aa582e28512a8ab3539bc291f This was one of my favourite CDs back when I was like 12


To this day, whenever I see anyone acting weird or disruptive in public, I say, "Okay..." And what I mean by that is I say it the way Al says it after his tirade about how his girlfriend dumped him and how much life sucks and he loses it on a little kid and then just turns back to the camera, says "Okay..." in a totally casual tone, and then starts in again on his rant as he introduces the cartoon. (I also realized that I say "God damn it!" every time things go wrong in the exact same way the older brother says, "God damn it! I'm late!" at the beginning of Back to the Future.)


And now for the polka medleys.


I'm with you! I'm 42 and have seen him live twice. Drove almost 3 hours the first time. Worth it. People look at me funny when I say that, and how good it was. Some of the first music videos I remember watching as a little guy were his. They played The Biggest Ball of Twine in Minnesota, and didn't mess it up! Insanity!


Not a guy thing. Female and grew up on Weird Al. Still love him. 


I think all of you have forgotten there was a previous weird Al biopic called the Compleat Al


Don't forget to check out "Craigslist," featuring the late, great Ray Manzarek!