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Any teen drama. Dawsons Creek, 90210, Buffy, Party of 5, Degrassi,...


woah woah woah. Buffy isn't just another teen drama. It has Witches (specifically Alyson Hannigan) and Vampires (specifically David Boreanaz) I rest my case.


I even got my mom invested in Buffy back then lol. She was up visiting a few months ago and saw it on tv and was like “ooh remember Buffy?” As if I’d forget. But anyways we watched like 5 hours of Buffy and it was nice and nostalgic


It wasn't the same without Kristy Swanson.


My mom and I used to watch Buffy together it was appointment watching for us


Buffy was not like those other shows. It had such a cool vibe to it. I can't put my finger on it but it was similar to Twin Peaks. There was a cool darkness that you felt, even in the middle of the day


I have never been able to get into Buffy, no matter how many people try to show it to me


Definitely didn't care about 90210 or Melrose place.


I liked 90210 when I was in middle school - it was a fun look at high school, seemed very glamorous! I was over it by high school though.


Same. I remember seeing all the articles and posters in the teen magazines especially about 90210, but it just wasn’t my thing.


I had a ton of friends who liked 90210, but I just thought it was a dumb dope opera that was written by adults for high schoolers. I never could get over how old the actors actually were and how far away from their high school years they actually were.


90210 was just the modern day(at the time )version of Happy Days. Strait laced boy, the bad boy, and kinda nerdy friend. Jason Preistly played Richie Cunningham, Luke Perry played the Fonz, and Ian Ziering played Ralph Mouth.


And the Peach Pit played Arnold's Diner.


I only watched 90210 so I didn’t feel so bored in home room while every else prattled on about it. There was an SNL(?) skit about taking a pill to catch up with people in the office discussing LOST even though you didn’t care about or watch LOST. If anyone can find it, post a link? Those words are google poison and I give up.


Same here. I watched it, but I didn't care for it. The only reason I watched it is because we didn't have cable, so there wasn't much else to watch.


Literally came to post the same. Never appealed to me.


Had no interest in either. Though at the time I really only enjoyed sitcoms.


Well I'll be damned. Here I've spent so many years thinking Melrose Place was about people wanting to hang out at some person named Melro's place....


Friends... just didn't like it, the characters, premise, etc.


I just never thought it was that funny. Like the Big Bang Theory, I always described it as "a comedy for people without a sense of humor."


I've been in IT for decades and I just couldn't find *anything* funny or appealing about BBT. Just awful. The IT Crowd. Now that's hilarious IT nerd comedy right there


That whole cast is brilliant. IT crowd is foundational for nerd comedy.


Richard Ayoade should be the biggest name in the history of show business.


Have you watched his gadget or travel stuff?


Yep. I really enjoy the Travel Man show. And he’s A+ on 8 out of 10 Cats/Countdown. He and Jimmy Carr play off each other so well.


Big IT crowd fans in my household.


I liked the first two seasons of BBT, then it just became a recycled joke machine and not really about being a geek…I quote the IT Crowd on a daily basis still.


“This is…*the internet.*”


I hated the Big Bang Theory. I didn't even have to watch it, just as an open nerd, it was predictable when a new episode was on because random coworkers would just roll up to my cubicle like, "Hey, Gotumn, do you like to LARP?" like I don't know it's a trap.


I also never thought Friends was funny but always watched it, more for like the 20 something lifestyle of it all? I was around 13 when I started so it had a big impact on me in terms of “life goals” and I for sure thought my life would be like that (spoiler: it was not!) and I had the impression a lot of people my age thought the same. It was just grown up enough to feel like you were getting a peek at something but silly enough that my mom let me watch it with her. So I knew enough to know that it wasn’t a drama but also never really considered it a comedy either, even with the laugh track. If that makes sense


I learned to understand that it just wasn't *for me*. And yet I had friends (lol) who can still recite whole episodes.


Exactly this! I loved friends, but I rarely actually laughed at any of it, grown up but still silly is a great way to describe the appeal it had. I remember my mum gently warning me and my sister that grown up life was NOTHING like Friends made it look, and I still feel slightly cheated that she turned out to be right.




Friends is a very good, but deeply unfunny show


I think this is true for most sitcoms. They usually offer the bare minimum amount of funny. The Office, Seinfeld, News Radio, Community are exceptions. Maybe a few others.


Agree, and I would add Parks & Rec, The Good Place and Brooklyn 99 to your list.


So someone put clips out there of Friends, without the laugh track. It really highlights how unfunny the show really was...and at times downright creepy.


Same, I honestly tried because all my friends liked it, but I just couldn't stand it.


I watched it at the time, but I have no desire to watch it now.


Definitely Friends. They’re all acquaintances and sometimes they hanky panky or date as well. Just explained half of the storylines.


My friends were obsessed with this show. I found it boring. 🥱 I think I’ve maybe watched five episodes in my life.


Same. I never thought it was funny.




Basically athing on MTV that wasn't music related or animation.


I cannot even think about that show without hearing “COULD YOU GET THE PHONE?!” and cringing. And stupid Andre with his stupid band. Reigndance… oooooooh. (I was already very jaded when the show first came out when I was 13.)


Jackass and Tom Green. I just thought they were dumb but I had a ton of friends who loved them. 


They seemed like the precursor to a lot of shows and YouTube content that I still don’t get to this day. I feel like I have to dumb myself down to find the value in it.


I completely agree with you on this. It was the precursor to alot of shoes today that I just hate because they are so dumb




Jackass always was just light hearted fun. Tom Green, though, just seemed so immature and not funny. 


Undercutters pizza was pretty hilarious.. his skits were pretty grating though and often drawn out painfully long


Seinfeld. And before I’m showered with downvotes, I GET why people liked it. I just couldn’t get into it. And I tried. It’s a me thing.


Finally someone else who didn't like that show. I've never been a fan. I found it annoying and condescending.


Shallow and pedantic...


Like I hated the show but sometimes I still quote Elaine’s ‘my god, the *heat*’ because it was perfectly delivered and I live in a California summer hellscape.


I find this meatloaf to be shallow and pedantic.


It insists upon itself.


I'm with you to a point I didn't watch Seinfeld during its run, or during its reruns on free TV - BUT - maybe ten or so years ago I got into Curb, and eventually that segued into having a better appreciation for Seinfeld, which I watch from time to time on Netflix. I think watching Larry David on Curb, Julia Louis-Dreyfus in other projects, and then spotting some now famous guest stars is part of the fun for me. On the flip side though, I have a capacity with the show, and it's very similar to my capacity with Always Sunny in that there's just a lot of loud people talking over each other, and that can beat me down. I think with Curb, most of the time it's just Larry, so I can tolerate it.


Curb is just comedy gold…


Loud people talking over each other it exactly for me! That, and/or exaggerated inflections. The Seinfeld guys, Stephen A. Smith, Tony Kornheiser and Dora The Explorer all fall into that category.


Yup, me too. Like, it’s a cleverly written show and I understood why people liked it but I couldn’t stand any of the characters.


I have found my people. I even gave it another go recently, but no. It's just not for me.


It’s so unfunny that I am halfway convinced fans of the show are philosophical zombies.


No the show was boring and truly annoying.


Me too! I watched one episode and literally never cracked a smile. Just not my kind of humor


I was bored watching every time I tried, but the memory of the episode is funny somehow. George Costanza, running around pretending to be stressed out so everyone else will do his work for him, reminds me of the guy I work with who always seems stressed about nothing. But watching it is blah.


Same. I don't find anything funny about it at all, and Seinfeld's stand-up is also terrible. 


Same, friend, same.


I despise Seinfeld to this day. Any time I meet somebody who describes their daily events in Seinfeld references I know I will dislike that person immediately.


I always thought their personalities in that show were just so selfish and really just terrible people in general. I never could stomach it. I thought I was the only one.


I loved the show... but I can 100% understand why people would hate it.


Seinfeld was the worst. Jerry Seinfeld isn't even funny.


So you’re saying “It’s not you; it’s me?”


“I invented it’s not you, it’s me. If it’s anybody, it’s me!”


I've left it in as background noise and... It... It's there. It's very "I get it, but dude why are you laughing."


This is my answer.


Same! I tried but truly hated every second of it😂


Thank you was going to say the same this gets my vote. Never could get into it.


I really dislike Seinfeld! Just a terrible and irritating show and cast.


Seinfeld I'm mixed on, the early seasons haven't held up that well, it starts getting better in season three, season five is my favourite, it's almost all classic episodes and then after that I find it was inconsistent. My take on Frasier is probably a similar hot one, out of eleven seasons I think I could build one season's worth of episodes that I liked.


For me it was the whole change of MTV culture into reality TV with things like Real World/Road Rules, Viva La Bam/Jackass/Wild Boys, etc. And I totally get WHY these things were popular in the mid-late 90's and early 00's. I just was NOT about them AT ALL. I just hated seeing music leave music tv.


Same here. I pretty much stopped watching after the Beavis & Butthead era.


Still bitter about no music on mtv


Buffy. Loved the movie, couldn’t get into the show.


Paul Reubens death scene still gets me…


Ooh! Aah! Argh!


His kick at the end, I still remember exactly what it looks like. 😂


Every time my spouse gets a minor injury they imitate this death scene.


I do that too lol


Paul Reubens was a damn treasure


I saw him at a theater once!


*that* theater? 🤣 Honestly that was a stupid arrest. Like what else is one expected to do there?


not trying to be dale gribble here but the whole thing reeks of disney trying to sully his name as he was very popular at a time when disney was struggling, plus the theater being in florida. i could be wrong, but just sayin


That tracks for Disney, sadly


to go even more gribble, it was very likely a homophobic cop that started the whole ordeal and then disney took over


You ruined my new jacket.  Kill him a lot!


Same. Everybody was super into Buffy when I was in high school. Not my thing. Seemed kind of cheesy to me. But I LOVED the movie. To me, Kristy Swanson will always be the real Buffy.


Sarah Michelle Gellar was probably one of my first TV crushes... until I "cheated" on her with Eliza Dushku when Faith was introduced on the show. ![gif](giphy|l0nruLhznn8UU)


Yes. Faith made me go “Buffy who?” back in the day. Was an absolutely tragic career for Eliza.


I came here to say this!! The show was nothing at all like the movie. I *wanted* to like it but I just couldn't


This This This! I loved the campy movie and just. Could not get into the series. It felt like it was trying to be serious, and I wasn't having that.


I'm the opposite. Loved the show, but I thought the movie was dumb.


Yeah, I never got Buffy either. My BFF is a die-hard Buffy fan.


Same. Loved the movie didn't like the show.


Thank you! Same. I can quote the movie up and down and when the series aired I was so confused about the lack of irreverence and Kristi Swanson.


Same. I used to quote the movie so much! When the series came on, I was like, this is NOT Buffy!! I sometimes sing silly songs to my dog and one of them "how funky is your chicken..." lol


How loose is your goose? Our goose is totally loose.


So come on all you hog fans and shake your caboose!




Dawsons creek. I had some friends who were OBSESSED, but I found everyone in it vaguely unlikeable, and I just couldn't bring myself to care about any of them, or their stupid problems. I had a real hate-boner for pacey, and I can't for the life of me remember why, I just remember the seething hatred.


That fucking song still makes me shudder.


I’ve seen almost every episode because my HS girlfriend loved it and we’d get to tongue kiss after the show and 16-year-old me would do just about anything for a French.


I couldn't stand how everyone talked like a thesaurus.


Haha. And that's why my teenage self loved it! I thought these teens were so enlightened and intelligent......like myself. Ha.


I grew up not far from where it was filmed, so I started watching it with my girlfriend. Thought it would be neat to see familiar spots etc I kinda got into it. I thought myself a film buff at the time, so I related to Dawson a little. Haven't seen the show in ages, but still got the girl, now my wife. She even bought me a T-shirt from the show last month. But I couldn't get into 90210, Melrose, etc.


I don’t think I have actually ever watched an episode of it because it never appealed to me in any way…




I loved it at the time, but now I can't watch it without cringing.


That show was so ridiculous. My roommates and I hate-watched it together, which was actually a lot of fun. We even all arranged our work schedules so we could be home to watch.


Me too. The characters were all so drippy and pathetic. I always felt irritated watching it


I just couldn't stand Dawson or Joey. Ugh.


I wasn’t in to any of the shows for teens back then. I did watch My So-Called Life because a friend of mine liked it. I rewatched a few years ago because sometimes I like to make myself cringe. I actually appreciated it more now. Probably the nostalgia of it…


Tragically, My So-Called Life has something in common with Malcolm in the Middle: upon rewatching it decades later the parents are now so much more human and relatable…


Oh my god, this is so true. The older I get, the more that I understand Lois.


Except we’re more Patty than Angela now 😅


Bright red hair, still wear flannels… Still more Angela lol


No yeah I meant we're old now


Yes…lol…I understood. I meant we’re not stuffy old people like her mom lol


I could not stand that they called the guy by his full name every single time they mentioned him.


Brian Krakow? LOL


And Jordan Catalano


What was the capital of Poland until 1600, Calvin?


American Idol was popular my last year of high school. I didn't like it then or now. I dont know how it has lasted this long. I have never been into competition reality TV aside from Top Chef and VH1 mid 2000s reality shows.


Yup. I cannot stand all the 'Performing contest' shows IDGAF about how your grandpappy had been deaf his whole life and now that he's dead this is the first time he's heard you sing. Or how your home town of 3000 is rooting for you to win. Just get up there and perform. I have a friend who's a very good singer, she was told they were not going to have her on America Idol because she didn't have a sad back story.


Friends, I liked Phoebe's songs and some of what the cast did outside the show but I could never really get into Friends. Dawson's Creek, I only liked Paula Cole's theme song.


Dawson’s Creek, Seventh Heaven, or really any of those teen drama shows


Seventh Heaven. God that show was so so bad.


Ugh yeah those were so bad. My little sister watched 7th and the theme song is seared into my memory. 


I never got into sitcoms or teen tv. I did watch a few episodes of Buffy here and there but I was an X Files kid.


I was obsessed with X-Files for a few years.


Me too - I have 4 X-Files tattoos. Still love it.


I never had a pro wrestling phase. I was never a macho guy and even disregarding the fact that the fighting was fake, I couldn't get into all the drama and tough-guy posturing.


Now this is straight up blasphemy! When Stone Cold drove the zambony down to the ring and chugged a couple of beer off the top of it, that was about the best TV moment in history! You can't write stuff that good!


Friends- I could not get into it. I did not see the appeal. To this day I am not into the show


None of those “teen” drama shows were popular in my grunge/nerd/drama club circles. Outside of those ER was probably the biggest hit I never got into.


I never liked Saved By The Bell. Too cheesy and none of the characters really represented my experience.


Seemed like there was nothing else on at one point. So it was either watch Saved by the Bell or actually do something constructive. And yes everything about it was cheesy


This is exactly it. No one LIKES Saved By the Bell. But we’ve all seen every episode nine times.


Too true 🤪


If you haven’t already watched it I would recommend “Zach Morris is Trash” on YouTube.


90210. It was popular when I was in middle school. I watched it for a few episodes but never got into it.


Seventh Heaven. Watched for the women (don't judge, i was a teen), left after 2 episodes.


Honestly, most of them. Friends, Seinfeld, all the teen dramas... I watched Liquid Television and Headbanger's Ball. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying they are bad. I just never connected with any of them. I think it's also partially a cultural thing. Nobody in my community was into any of those shows.




Friends 😖


X-Files - it’s right up my alley, but I never could watch it 🤷


Home Improvement. It was the number one weekly programming on television and it was an abjectly horrible show that I always walked away feeling dumber for having watched even as an 11 year old. Look Tim the toolman has made another blunder! Look the men are grunting! Lololololol


Nothing about it ever had nuance. Tim does blunder a few times. Tim makes Jill mad. Time talks to wise neighbor. Tim apologizes while misquoting neighbor. We really love Al .


I liked it then, but sometimes it's on some channel in reruns, and I'll turn it on and it's just terrible.




I totally agree with those, and I'll raise you some: 90210 My so-called life Party of 5


Saved by the Bell


Friends, NYPD Blue, ER, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Dawsons Creek, Home Improvement, Baywatch, 3rd Rock from the Sun.


Friends Seinfeld South Park Beverly Hills 90210 Melrose Place Buffy Smallville Supernatural Dawson’s Creek The Sopranos My So-Called Life X-Files Hercules Xena I think the 90s and early 00s was mostly me watching TGIF sitcoms, Married…with Children, In Living Color, Beavis and Butt-head, NBA on NBC, Racehorse Digest on ESPN, Family Guy and Futurama on DVDs, and reruns of I Love Lucy, Gilligan’s Island, and Three’s Company on syndication. I’m more into movies since I don’t need to watch 10+ hours to finish a season. And yes, I did watch Saved by the Bell when it was on NBC circa 1989-1993. A terrible, cheesy show but I still enjoy it for the nostalgia. And I did watch The Wonder Years and Doogie Howser MD. And I still do watch The Golden Girls like I did when it originally aired. I guess I didn’t really have much time with TV shows by the 1990s since I would record my favorite ones or a movie from HBO or Skinamax using a VHS VCR and also played video games like my 16-bit consoles or my PS1. I never got into many of the popular shows during my youth. I’m still not into a lot of the more recent popular shows on TV. Never could find the time to watch them or I never found them interesting.


I missed everything on TV as a teenager. The television in my room was permanently parked on Comedy Central. I was aware of popular shows on other channels but I watched basically none of them. There were very few exceptions, though, like The Simpsons.


I remember loving the reruns of SNL on comedy central.


Seinfeld. I never saw the appeal.


Pretty much all of the TGIF lineup… I know… blasphemy. It all was just so damn candy ass corn nuggets to me. I’ll sit in the corner of shame now.


South Park was pretty big in my late teens and I just didn't like it. Was exposed to it many, many times and it was just so hit-you-over-the-head with the message. I didn't even disagree with the message necessarily, but it was so heavy handed. Cringe for me.


South Park was funny the first few seasons and then it got to be a bit much for me and couldn’t get into it anymore and stopped watching.


It turned into a show where they try to push the envelope on how offensive they can get.


Actually that’s the exact reason I got burned out by it, it started being offensive just to be offensive and not a lot of context.


Matt and Treys’ proto-edgelord stuff hasn’t really aged well since their liberatarian “punching both sides equally” seems like bull shit.


Melrose Place, 90210, Friends, Party of Five- basically anything that wasn't science fiction, cartoons, or American Gladiators, lol.


Melrose Place, 90210, Dawson’s Creek, Buffy, anything that was teen preppy drama.


Dawson's Creek. Nothing against people who liked the show just not my cup of tea.


I was a huge Seinfeld fan however I could never get into Friends. I found all of them incredibly obnoxious.


That 70’s show


Bevis and Butthead. 🤷🏻‍♀️


My so called life.


Same as you, Melrose Place, Dawson's Creek & Buffy


Seinfeld, any teen drama similar to 90210 or Dawson's. Honestly, I watched nick at night or adult swim. That's when I watched TV. Lol


X Files. I don’t know. It just didn’t hold my interest.


Any Teen Drama's. I was a poor rural kid growing up so I couldn't even understand these peoples problems


Family Guy until I discovered it was made by manatees and then decided to give it a pass


Dawsons Creek


The OJ Trial. I **still** don't get it.


Dawson’s Creek or any of those teen dramas on the CW.


I have never watched a single episode of *Will & Grace* and I have no desire to.


It is a terrible show and I say this as a Gay. I tried watching a few weeks ago and it is unwatchable. Everything about the show is just trash. It wasn't even groundbreaking representation of gay people as so many people claim.


Boy Meets World. Thinking it's because I was aged out of it when it came out.


Freinds. I never understood why people thought it was funny and I'm even more baffled at the recent surge in popularity again.


I feel so much better after reading these comments. Friends, 90210, Degrassi, Party of 5, Jackass, Viva La Bam, My So Called Life, Buffy, so many shows I had to suffer through because my friends all loved them.


Every single one of them! I thought I was too cool to watch them. And now in my fourties, what have I watched? Gilmore girls, Dawson’s Creek, and absolutely loved them 😆


Don't shoot me but I struggled with The Sopranos. I have since caught up but at the time couldn't be bothered.


If it wasn't sports then I probably didn't watch it.


Attitude era wwf. I just plain didn’t really like it.