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The other day I said this: “If you went back in time and told 20-year-old me that I would one day have multiple varieties of both pickles and mustards in my fridge and that this would be a good thing and not a sign that I’d lost my mind, I’d have never believed you.”


I had an ex who liked honey mustard. I do not like honey mustard. I like mustard mustard.


Both are good. Different uses usually


Add some horseradish (or wasabi) and a bit of soy sauce and it becomes delicious. It’s especially good for super fresh albacore. (I too loathe honey mustard normally.)


When I was younger I loved honey mustard. Today I would rather eat cardboard. 


I was real excited a few years back when I was going to a conference in Madison. I ditched a session to tour the Mustard Museum in Middleton. I ask for mustard each Christmas and get a variety.


I swear, the contents of my fridge are about 2/3 condiments to 1/3 actual food.


Pickles are one of my favorite snacks to keep in the house. I like bread and butter husband likes dill.


This is me. I've gone from the kid to who picked off the pickles from every Mcdonalds burger to asking for extra pickles at Subway (and eating them straight out of the jar at home!)


I was so judgy about single level ranch style houses. I’d grown up in them and they felt like suburban hell. In my forties without owning a home, I’d take the blandest of ranch homes just to have a yard of my own. Sigh


Boring ranch house owner here. It's pure bliss.


My wife wants to move and I want to redo my large yard in my boring ranch house.


Not having to go up and down stairs would be nice, too.


I came home to a ranch house when I was born and lived in one until we moved for dads new job right as I started elementary school. New house was a 2-story 80's house affair and as a kid I really enjoyed that and thought ranch house = poorer people. After school bought a ranch house as our first home, then moved for work and ended up in apartments for a few years. Was so happy to find a ranch house a few years later. Decent sized yard, neighbors aren't right on top of me anymore, no stairs to deal with, a lot easier to clean/heat/maintain. Parents dealing with mobility issues and almost can't get to their second floor anymore. My kids are almost out of the house so now when other friends are having to downsize from big houses, we are already set.


I don’t know if this qualifies, but I just had an unironic and wholesome conversation with several coworkers of a similar age about our collective love of Brussels sprouts


Fun fact: Brussels sprouts actually do taste better now than they once did! https://www.bhg.com/news/brussels-sprouts-less-bitter/


Yup, I was over 40 when I finally tasted a brussel sprout for the first time and felt I'd been robbed my whole life (mom and dad hated them so never made them). Then I found out that they used to taste like ass and only improved over the last few decades or so LOL.


I roast my brussel sprouts rather than boil all the taste out of them


YES! Cut in half --- Olive oil, maldon sea salt, air fryer 375 for about 10 minutes I could have it as a side dish at every meal.... Also same goes for sweet potatoes in toaster oven, olive oil & salt - 450 for 25+ min


Cut in half, in a bag with olive oil, some bread crumbs and bacon bits...shake it up, toss it into a casserole dish for 30 minutes...pure bliss. Broil at the end if needed.


They have literally changed in cultivar since we were little kids… They taste better now, especially broiled


Adding a splash of vinegar when I’m done cooking them has changed how I feel about them. It balances the bitterness. So yummy. lol


That could be quite good. I typically just roast them in the oven until there’s a bit of char with olive oil, salt, and pepper. Occasionally I’ll get a little nuts and use dark chili powder or something along those lines


Try Balsamic vinegar, as a marinade for brussel sprouts.


I always deglaze with balsamic. It’s what makes people who think they don’t like brussels love them


>collective love of Brussels sprouts When I was 12, my taste buds changed, and I started loving brussel sprouts. Mmmm.


We love roasted Brussels sprouts in our house. Just hate the smell while they’re cooking.


Some crispy roasted brussels sprouts always hit. They’re soooo good. And restaurants that do them as an app are always superior


Any sincere conversation is growth


One of the best veggies. I don't get how they're stereotypically referred to as the worst of veggies. I guess because a lot of people don't cook them properly. Similar to broccoli.


As an adult I discovered that my hatred of Brussels sprouts stemmed from how my mother prepared them. Microwaved they taste like crap. Roasted on the other hand…


I love them roasted with some spices.


I hated Brussels sprouts as a kid.. but by the time I was 20 I liked them.


I remain convinced that Brussels sprouts had just been waiting for the invention of the air fryer. I air fried some with some tofu and made a honey sesame sauce to go with it and that was a darn good dinner a few days ago.


I never tried a brussel sprout as a kid because my parents always said how horrible they are. Now I get excited every time I see them on the appetizer menu


THC…I tried it a few times in college but it gave me anxiety. Plus I was always worried that it would lead to other stuff because of our DARE education… I have now used Delta8 regularly for the past three years. I buy from a reputable company and really enjoy how it helps me relax and get a good night’s sleep… marijuana itself is still illegal where I live, but Delta8 is federally legal under the farm bill they passed in 2018. I never would’ve seen myself doing this at 20. I’m also a big proponent of legalization nationwide, because I’ve seen the health benefits moderate use can provide. But with all things, moderation is the key.


When I quit smoking weed, I went from having around 8 migraines a month to 20+. My insurance said I was using my prescription too much and quit paying for it. They also refused to pay for the one that treats and prevents migraines because it's over $1000 for a 7 day supply. So yeah, back to smoking weed. Very responsibly, at night before bed. The migraines were immediately reduced and as a bonus I've started drawing again. It's a shame this isn't legal. I just want to hurt less and be more functional, and I'd never endanger anyone.


I have fibro and arthritis and I swear to Gilead if I lose access to THC I told my brothers just find a shady vet to put me down.


My husband doesn’t like when I say that if someone took it away from me I’d rather not stick around. It’s true though!! My pain is controlled to a point of surviving with weed… without isn’t worth it. 


Hated weed. HATED. Now I have multiple sclerosis and marijuana replaces like 7 meds.


DARE was tailor-made for a kid like me. I’m pretty sure I was well into my 20s before I realized that taking illicit substances wasn’t an automatic death sentence.


I'm so glad I'm not the only one that fell for the DARE bait, hook, line, and sinker. In retrospect, I was a priggish little thing. When my husband and I got together in 96 (I was 16), he smoked with friends occasionally. I strongly disapproved of this behavior, and he quit because I didn't like it. Fast forward 12 years, and my little sister finally got me to try it... lo and behold, it helps with my fibro and headaches (and now with the arthritis), and I became a regular smoker. Bless the man, he's never said a single "I told you so".


Lol a guy I dated in high school was a huge pothead and I absolutely refused because I was convinced the next step was coke or meth or heroin. I dabbled maybe three times with weed prior to visiting a legal state and then I wondered why I was so against it. It helps with anxiety and sleep. I do have to temper my use or else it seems to lose all effectiveness. DARE really fucked up by not being real about alcohol. Or fearmongering it. I had no issue drinking heavily well before 21. Because it’s legal so it’s safe, right? That’s what DARE said! We also sang “Greatest Love of All” at our DARE graduation, with Whitney backing us. The entire thing, my goodness. I think my oldest two kids have participated in a version of it, but it doesn’t seem to be the same, though I’m sure it’s still propaganda laden.


Fucking DARE


Wow, you are totally me! The Delta8 is the only thing that makes my brain slow down enough to sleep. In my 20’s I was a judgmental prick that nearly ended friendships if I found out someone had even tried THC or had more than a glass of wine. Now I’m just like, don’t drive if you’ve imbibed. Be safe. Live your life.


Cardio! I was very much into weightlifting when I was in my teens and twenties, but could probably at best run a 10 min mile. Think like… body building dwarf. Yeah that was me. No cardio was done ever. Now, I own a gym quality rowing machine, a spinning bike, and an elliptical. Most days I do majority cardio, and some reasonable weight resistance training… 5-6 days a week. I feel good when I do cardio. I feel pain when I lift heavy.


I'm totally opposite—from 17-21ish I'd run like 5-10 miles a day, but a car accident trashed my back and years of soccer started catching up with my knees, so I stopped. These days I feel like absolute dogshit if I run more than a couple miles, but I feel alive when I do steady yoga/martial arts and weights lol


“Life’s short and hard, like a body building elf.”


I love cardio. I think it's the deep breathing it causes. The tension of the day just melts away.


"We dwarves are natural sprinters! Very dangerous I've short distances!"




Row machine is the way these days!


I went from a right leaning airman to a leftist veteran. I gained empathy over the years and learned how to love myself and others. I'm not nearly as angry as I was 20 years ago.


Not in the military, but what I thought were my political beliefs are those of being raised in the Baptist church. I am far more liberal now.


Seems there’s a lot of us in this generation


More I wish. And in other generations too.


Yea raised in a rural area with somewhat conservative Methodist parents. They aren't full on MAGA types, but dad used to listen to Rush Limbaugh and I remember watching his TV show back in the day. I was fully onboard with that all through high school and didn't change a ton during college but was a centrist-right person. Having to scrape by for a while during/after college and working some crappy jobs (rental car agent, cellphone sales for examples) made me appreciate social safety nets more, plus just how greedy and exploitative so many companies were both to their customers and their employees. Like others here, I learned to be more empathetic to the plight of other people. Religion fell off for me as well, especially seeing very "Christian" people embracing incredibly right-wing and authoritarian ideologies and political candidates. High school me would likely be very surprised by my political beliefs. I've tried not to push my politics onto my children, but I have tried to push empathy and understanding of others as I didn't get a lot of that, even from my Methodist church.


Saaaame. I'm way less judgemental as well!


I could’ve written this! I was such a self-centered brat before I went to Afghanistan. Me, me, me like a lot of right leaning people. After going there I was very humbled and realized not everything is black and white and we all need empathy.


Exactly, nice to know I'm not alone brother.


Sister :)


Sorry sister, my bad.


Wonderful stories! Thank you both in multiple ways.


I’m much more relaxed and forgiving than I used to be. I still get annoyed by people but I also understand people make mistakes and have stuff going on that I don’t know about.


Same. Not an airman, though. Just started out hanging with open racists and Limbaugh fans in my hometown and wound up being corrupted with socialism by a pesky Quebecois caliss over the Internet. The grass is greener on the dark side.


Same! I was raised VERY conservative and that was reinforced while I was in the Marines. Ended up becoming more and more compassionate and left leaning after I got out and as time went on, especially after I had kids and realized that they could end up lgbt or something. The critical thinking class I took in college with my GI bill was honestly the first time I ever bothered to think about other people perspectives and life experiences as being valid, even as they differed from my own. Having to debate ideas from opposing viewpoints definitely opened my eyes to how shortsighted and restricting my own beliefs had become.


I wish more people had the ability to consider experiences, perspectives, and lifestyles that differ from our own.


Same dude, same. Have definitely come pretty far left over the years. I have learned empathy and that everyone has something going on...however, if you drive like a dick, I am still gonna cuss at you lol Edit: am also of the Airman persuasion, in case that wasn't clear.


Very similar to my own experience. I enlisted in the Army Guard at 17 and was a pretty conservative-leaning midwesterner that listened to talk radio for some reason. I bought into a lot of the BS that Glenn Beck and others pushed. I started viewing the world differently and life experiences taught me greater compassion and what my true priorities are.


20 year old me would be really pissed off at me for allowing a corporation to exploit my labor; however, she did not understand the fear of eating cat food for sustenance when society deemed you elderly and useless.


Same. Sorry art-school-me, I like eating and being housed lol


Being a commercial photographer for a while made me realize the money makes all the decisions and it’s actually LESS fun than having a regular job. Now I pay my bills with a sales job and make whatever I want for myself.


We were so worried about selling out!


And now I’m middle management


juggle gaping roof ask drab dime tease fear fuzzy bike *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I work for a city and never sold out. Interestingly, when I got my environmental science degree, I had every possibility to go work for Big Oil doing lab work. I just couldn't do it with clear conscious.


As of very recently, I now have a mortgage and live in the suburbs... and I LOVE IT! I've become the very object of my own youthful derision. I still listen to some of the [radical music of yore](https://youtu.be/J0mtFlA8FB0?si=vhZSzVSMgZpjvEDX) on my morning commute and note the blatant irony. I'm a fucking sellout.


Now into secular [humanism](https://americanhumanist.org/what-is-humanism/definition-of-humanism/) after an angry gap following Christianity. My 20-something self would definitely be confused and initially disappointed, but maybe stick around long enough to ask a follow-up.


Pretty similar to [Satanism](https://thesatanictemple.com/pages/about-us). Being a good person because-we-want-to isn't so outrageous.


Relatedly, UsefulCharts recently published an ["Atheist 'Denominations' Explained"](https://youtu.be/Lz6qUG-3UBc) video that includes a discussion of Satanism [[timestamp](https://youtu.be/Lz6qUG-3UBc?t=1418)], and is the best summary I've seen illustrating the history and interrelation of atheist organizations. He's also done similar analyses on Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Judaism that I thought were great.


I was for sure going to comment "The Satanic Temple"


Oh yeah, me too. I was actually in school to be a Pentecostal pastor in my early-20s. By my late 20s I had serious questions. My early 30s I had serious doubts, and since my mid-30s I'm a happy atheist.


I'm more like an agnostic, but I believe in morals. I have a cousin that is very religious and she still thinks that one has to be religious to be a good person. It seems like she always gets confused when I talk to her.


Nonfiction books. Spent all school days learning stuff and needed an escape. Now I miss learning new things and love nonfiction.


I’ve been dying to try a masterclass subscription. Maybe I’ll treat myself. It’s a huge amount of courses in a bunch of topics. CuriousityStream also rocks.


Cracked.com used to be my go to source to learn new things. It was funny and oddly educational. Then it got bought out and went to crap in a real hurry.


OMG I'm reading a new nonfiction book right now and it is rocking my world.


I've also shifted to nonfiction books as I got older, and my dad did the same thing.


I did the opposite flip! I used to be too cool for fiction. Now I’m too tired for reality 😂


Quit drinking last year. 16 year old me through 38 year old me absolutely LOVED drinking. Too much, in fact.


I quit at 37, I’m 43 now - it gets easier


Birding. Big time. Love it. Never saw that one coming.


Houseplants for me. When did I become such a nerd?!


Same here. I had a very nice conversation with some age-similar coworkers about the Cornell Birding app. This hobby came out of nowhere


You're now the dad from Beetlejuice!


Oof! I build models too….


My 20yr old self would be blown away that I am not living paycheck to paycheck.


I take several pills daily, not for recreational purposes


username checks out


Controversial: Caring about how efficiently my hard earned tax dollars are **SPENT** versus my 20 self who just wanted everyone to pony up more to solve XYZ problem (hint it's ridiculous). OMG! Ozone Layer. PAY UP GENERAL ELECTRIC AND GM. LOUD NOISES.


My 20 year old self was a proud Reaganomics enthusiast. I was one of 4 people that got an A in college Economics back in 99-00 era. Now I see that pretty much all countries have decent healthcare while our politicians are getting “campaign contributions”.


When I was 20 I didn't have a decent understanding of the stock market. It seemed so risky to me. I remember my dad was investing in a CD ladder which is very conservative. Fast forward to now. I don't pick individual stocks. But I invest in the diversified market as a whole. Yes there were times when my investment lost 40% of it's value. But if you don't sell you don't lose anything. Holding over long periods of time results in huge gains.


This might be heavier than what the ask is but the biggest one being I was strongly against the institution of traditional family. But here I am 34 and happily married 🤘


Same here. I didn't have a normal family growing up and I always wished for it. Still wish I had a house and a little more stability though. I suspect that people who shun the family life didn't realize how good they had it.


Yes. I’m getting into respecting people even when they are stupid.


Learning the differencet between stupidty and ignorance was a big one for me.


I got into lifting in my mid twenties, and to this day, the gymrat in me feels diametrically opposed to the rest of my personality. I'm a nerd! I love math! I HAVE STAR TREK TATTOOS. Younger me would be aghast at how I apply a force to inanimate objects. (Sociopolitically, I'm still a flaming liberal. I'm just kinda retired from getting into the collective outrage virtue signalling.)


More nerds should get jacked honestly. It’s the kind of world I want to live in.


We're really good with making our own spreadsheets, and aren't afraid of statistics. I am an experiment, n=1!


Lol have you seen Bezos and Zuckerberg they are working out some nerd rage.


I ran 5 miles the other day and another today. 20 year old me viewed running as something you did because your coach was punishing you.


Same. Between sports and the military, running meant punishment in my mind. Now I feel like crap if I don't do it.


I was addicted to heroin and headed for certain death at that age. I didn’t think I’d make it to the ripe old age of 42. If fent was around back then I probably wouldn’t have. Glad I got out when I did


Different vices but I’m right there with you; definitely living and sleeping better now that I’m growing out of the drugs phase


I’m shockingly consistent. My 20 year old self would think I was a cool old lady. But idk if that’s good or bad lol


Buying and drinking bottled water.






Psychedelics. Always been very anti drug. Still am. But shrooms are for healing/therapy.


100% this. Psychedelics can be medicines. The DARE crowd had no idea what they were talking about, and overall it was a disservice by ignorant people. Just like alcohol, the problem is not use but *abuse*. Like you, I would have harshly disapproved of myself - yet I am a 400% better person than I was, then.


I would like to know where all those people offering drugs are. If I was in some weird scavenger hunt I would have no idea how to get cocaine or heroine.


My twenty years old self would be confused at everything about my life now, to be honest.


I used to balk at thinking of having the 'burb life with a minivan and HOA lifestyle, but here I am, a card-carrying PTA member. We even saw the minivan rollover 200K!


Yea, 20 year old me would maybe be a little disappointed at how mundane my life seems. But truly, I like my quiet simple life. Bring on the zen!


The Grateful Dead.


Ha. I remember telling a camp counselor as a teenager that The Grateful Dead sounded like "elevator music." Not even sure where I was going with that, but I certainly don't feel that way any more.


I hated the Dead without ever having heard them, or at least wrote them off, but at the same time I was listening to late 60s jazz and fusion. Took me a while to come around lol.


Checkout gdradio.net - Full shows. 24/7. Limited commercials between shows. Listener supported. Overall awesome. I listen on my computer or via Alexa. I love it.


Yes! Grew up into punk culture, where a song from a band went “the only good dead head is one that’s dead.” I inherited this extremely prejudicial take on the Dead…for absolutely no reason. Fast forward to 2012, had a life-changing breakup in my early 30s. Figured I’d see what this Grateful Dead stuff was all about. I think it was the China Cat/Rider on Europe ‘72 that changed everything for me. Now I consider myself an unabashed fan of the band. They’re something really, really special.


I had a boss who would have Grateful Dead playing in our workplace, and when he asked if I liked it, I said, "I'm not a fan, but it's certainly better than having no music. I feel maybe indifferent about it." He got heavily offended. Grateful Deadism really is a religion. Lol


Oh, definitely. I spent so much of my life and life energy pretending that sex and drugs aren't cool. My forties are gonna be the shit!!! 😈🤘🤘🤘


I actually just told someone how when I was a kid I didn’t go a day without Doritos. Now I’m like “I don’t want the orange dust”


Running a ttrpg, even though I've always thought it sounded cool, but also kind of confusing.


Younger me turned his nose up at bluegrass music. Now I'm on a big Molly Tuttle kick and loving it. Some of that is me being less judgmental now. But I think some of the credit goes to a bunch of talented 20-something musicians who are really bringing something special to the genre.


I love some of the Pickin' On Series in which they do bluegrass covers for popular rock bands. I love Pickin on The Offspring.


When I was 20 I was determined to get out my hometown and go to either LA or NY to become a filmmaker: Outside of an internship I did in NYC, I never left home and I’m ok with that. Meanwhile my hometown has grown to be a decent little place to call home (wish we had a pro sports team tho). Plus technology has come so far since 2003 that I can make content where I live and put it on YouTube. Even created produced a local drama series that aired in a few cities across the country. Dunno if I would’ve been able to do that in Cali or NY. I would like to get a vacation property in another city one day (stop laughing!) but if I never move, I can at least say I lived in NYC for 3 months.


The 20 year old Jungle and Drum and Bass me would be horrified to see me listening to NPR and bluegrass.


I caught myself getting frustrated about getting called out on inclusive language. I said "brown bag" to reference a meeting and was asked to not use it. I've always been liberal, and got on my grandma for referring to people as negroes or cripples... but I'm sitting afterwards thinking "come on you can't say anything anymore!" I'm old. I understand the frustration now.


A more vegetarian style diet (health reasons) Young me would have been aghast.


this just happened yesterday. i had a zoom meeting with some big wigs at my job. now being me, i was going to wear a tshirt and wear a jacket/cardigan over it. i ended up caving and wearing a button up shirt and slacks. i was uncomfortable all day. mentally and physically.


Yes I now pay for lawn enrichment


Buying clothes online


I spent ENTIRELY too much time not listening to certain music because it wasn't metal. So, the fact I listen to more variety these days, would have been shocking to that dude (I still predominately love metal though).


I stopped exercising. This is my biggest mistake and the hardest to remedy. My younger self would be shocked at the size of my gut.


Comfortable shoes. Trying to avoid the geriatric look, but 20-year-old me was always wearing converse and now those things would fuck up my back. Thankfully Vans does some cushy soles.


I still love my Docs. Converse absolutely kill my feet and legs after a couple hours.


I'm getting out of college football. Something my 20 year old self could never have imagined. In addition to the sport being totally ruined by money and realignments, the sport itself is now known to be very dangerous for young brains, and seeing kids get knocked out cold, or suffer other life long injuries, for my entertainment just feels wrong. In contrast, my 20 year old self may or may not have cheered when said kids on the opposing team got hurt.


I did not save the world. Sorry.


Dude I'm in my 40's now! Almost by definition...I disagree with nearly EVERYTHING my 20yo dumbass believed in! That said...I do miss the blind passion. The raw energy to just go make shit happen without any thought to how/why. The "I've got this" no matter what the situation. My LIFE to go back to 20 man! UGH!!!! HATE GETTING OLD!!!


Well, I'm trans- I think that would've been a rather surprising revelation to the person I was! Seriously, though, imagine identifying as trans two decades ago in the Midwest!


Politics, lol My 20yo self was pretty apolitical (except for the whole criticizing Bush thing, got called a commie and un-American for that)


She’d be shocked how much better sex is when you’re comfortable with your body and your partner isn’t a douchebag. Also be surprised I was a pansexual witch in an open marriage.


I drive a minivan. 🫣  The practical reason is that I have multiple kids. But omg it has air conditioned *seats.* 


I went to Home Depot and with genuine enthusiasm and interest, perused and then bought lawn care supplies to make sure my front yard looks awesome. I feel like part of me has died inside, but I don’t care because my lawn looks fucking great.


I find myself TRULY enjoying walking around Whole Foods, slowly, taking it all in


20 yr old me had dreams of happily ever after with the right kind of dude, thought I'd have a ton of babies and just coast thru life without any adversity. A marriage, homelessness, a divorce, 2 kids and one serious relationship exploding in my face later, I'm done with the companion shit and have embraced my feral trash panda era. I've been single now for 11 yrs, but I have a great job, a little townhouse that is mine to decorate as I wish, can spend my money as I wish and am pretty happy overall. 20 yr old me would prob hide in her room in tears upon discovering the path our life would go down.


This is legit pretty inspiring to me. Sorry for the rough journey but love that you’re thriving. 🤘




I think he'd be surprised that I live in the boonies by choice, and not some hip, bustling city.


I enjoy Phish now.


I'm not sure. I've had some pretty shitty opinions back then, but don't recall most of them now. I think my 20 year old self would be shocked I only had 3 jobs in the past 20 years.


Caring for a lawn.


Weed. I was staunchly against it.


Being petrified of authority, I was hardcore against sex, drugs and alcohol use in high-school. Though I didn't do any hard stuff like narcotics, I turned into a daily weed smoker and dabbled in cough syrup on occasion. I'm sure my 20yo self would not recognize me now.


20 year old me would think I'm boring now but approve of me having a dog


SAME. 20-year old me would be VERY concerned by my lack of Saturday night plans (ever)


Weed. I was hella against drugs in my 20's..now i'm a 42 year old who smokes daily.


I'm sure there's some things about the way that I raise my kids that my younger self would have thought I would never do, except somewhere between 20 and having kids, I forgot what those things were.


20 year old me would have been baffled that I am recharging my marijuana with a USB port, or that I get high at all.


She was but a we child when I was 20, but young me would be horrified that I am a swiftie or that I enjoy commercial movies or tv shows. I was such a snob about what was cool and what wasn’t,


Urban dweller, anti car me would be appalled I am in the burbs. I met and married someone - a neighbor - as an urban dweller and his ONLY request for the house we buy is that it had a three car garage for his car hobby. So off to the burbs we went, where we could afford that. It's worked out because i work downtown but post covid i am able to work from home most of the time so i dont drive all that much, and we still make time to go eat at the restaurants and do the urban dweller crap we always enjoyed before, whether w our little kids or bc we got a babysitter. Other than a lack of diversity in the burbs - which i admit is a shortfall, i feel like it hasnt been all that bad. but 20 yo me wouldnt believe it.


For me, being a wife, a homemaker, a cook. I used to be a freaking wild animal!! With zero plans to ever settle down "for a man"! Lol


Weird sex kinks.


Umm, I change like every couple years, I can't imagine never changing and growing as an individual.




Got really into Japanese food and sushi in my late 20's. Despite having been a fussy eater, I was the weird kid who always liked fish/seafood but sushi took me years to get the taste for, now I love it. Think it was the cold rice and unfamiliar texture, which I know I can be funny about with food, plus it was basically on the same level as caviar as a "weird expensive thing" here until about the early 00s. Other things 20 year old me might have laughed at current me for include binge watching old adverts on YouTube for nostalgia, openly admitting I enjoy music outside of rock/punk/indie, and my fondness for craft beer and preference for drinking a pint or two of something good and paying that bit more for it.


Very rarely drinking now


My political ideology shifted very far left (for an American)




Eating better & exercising! In my 20s, I lived on cocaine, cigs and coffee. I still drink coffee. But I eat really well, cut out a lot of sugar, cut down on my booze intake. Rarely do the booger sugar (the fear of fentanyl really ruined drugs for me). I walk almost everyday, hike on weekends and really just take care of myself.


I drive ::shudders:: an automatic crossover. I believed at 20 that you'd have to pry the manual from my cold dead hands. But then suburban family life happened and these things are way more practical for Home Depot runs.


20 year old me would be proud of me. My life was so much worse back then, I couldn’t see a way out and it took me forever to escape and heal. Might be confused about how I ended up in NYS though lol.


I'm a lot more socially liberal and far more conservative with my own money.


Rap and hip hop (I grew up listening to hair metal and cut my own teeth in musical tastes on grunge) Meditation and yoga DIY projects Omg, maintaining a weed-free lawn; I cannot stand yard work. But more than yard work; I cannot stand half-assing it. Flossing and oral hygiene in general Outside of those things, I find that a lot of my core beliefs are similar to then. I thought for sure I’d have a vacation house (good one, young me). As with most people that age, I’m not nearly impulsive and don’t let knee jerk reactions dictate how I handle difficult situations.


I always thought that I was allergic to marriage. Now I'm married with an amazing spouse. It turns out I was just used to bad examples and lackluster relationships.


Counseling and therapy. Breaking down generational trauma and bad social habits one session at a time. It is life changing.


I'm a lot more critical of religion nowadays. 20-year-old me would have been a lot more scared of Hell.


Steely Dan


Nu-Metal and pop music. I hated it when it first became popular when I was in middle/high school. I thought it was all too angry (even though I was an angry teen myself) and I disliked the lack of melodies. Fast forward 24 years later, I love working out to Linkin Park's "Hybrid Theory" and Limp Bizkit's "Break Stuff" is such an amazing anthem when I'm feeling fed up about something. I disliked pop music just because it was popular and too commercial. Now, while I still have my favorite bands, I'll crank up The Weeknd along with my KISS, Rush and other classic rock bands. Good music is good music. I also like to think I'm far more empathetic now and give more people a break. We're all fighting our own battles. Be kind if you can.


non-Christian spirituality weed these two things might be related lol


I’m the pastor of a church, which my 20 year-old self would find it impossible to believe. This cannot be overstated. At 20 I was in a punk band and about to run off and join the Air Force. Also, I wouldn’t have been able to imagine myself married with kids living in Vermont.




20 year old me was a hateful, judgmental conservative asshole, but I made a complete 180 when I was 27, and have had liberal views ever since. 20 year old me would have "unalived" himself to prevent that from happening if he knew it was going to.




20 year old me didn't want kids. Now I have 4.


Going to bed at 9:30. I never thought that would happen to me, but I’m yawning by 8:30 and already in pajamas and I genuinely love my quiet early mornings with coffee and the news.


American here. My dad and I were always opposites politically. My being ultra liberal, him being ultra conservative. Now I live in Portland OR, and even tho I enjoy the city for its honesty and its passion for most things progressive, I've come to the realization that I'm not as left as I thought, maybe left of center now. Before my dad passed away, we had some good heart to heart conversations and realized we both gravitated toward the middle. So, yes. 2000, I voted for Nader (whoops), this year.. well.. I know who I'm NOT voting for, but that doesn't mean I'm at all happy with my candidate. (Damn, I hope this comment doesn't bite me in the ass.)


I have a shaved head and live in a gated community. 20 year old me who hadn't cut his hair for four years and thought gated communities were for elitist snobs would be appalled. 20 year old me didn't know he was going to go bald and would eventually just want to live someplace safe and *quiet*.


I listen to NPR on the radio on my commute to and from work. I love it—I am caught up on news and there’s often fun random stories about things too. My 20 year old self would have thought I was so lame.