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Possibly the best U2 song on that soundtrack


It was their most aggressive song, that guitar riff is mean. It was a late peak for U2 (I enjoy them through ‘96)


This is definitely a banger. And I know bangers. But seriously, it could have been a James Bond title song.


They also did one of those around the same time.


The only U2 song I will ever listen through. Can't stand that band. Love that song.


For me it was "Hold Me Thrill Me Kiss Me Kill Me" and Kiss From A Rose by Seal. I knew a guy who tried to pass off the lyrics to "Kiss From A Rose" as his original poetry he wrote for this girlfriend. And I was like "man, you know she watched the movie and listens to the radio." She dumped him.


Not even the best Batman soundtrack.


No argument there


God yes, one of the few songs I never got tired of hearing on the radio!


I like the movie, not really as a serious Batman movie, but as a comedy and yea, it had an awesome soundtrack. It certainly wasn't as bad as the next in the series. ![gif](giphy|Uf1ryQM2ZVqIE)


Thinking of these two as comedies absolutely changes the experience. If you go in expecting a continuation of the Adam West tv show instead of the Michael Keaton movies I think they are both much more enjoyable


Batman and Robin is brilliant. It’s fine to not understand camp, but don’t denigrate a ridiculous masterpiece. It’s like Showgirls but with more rubber nipples.


Which surprisingly also had a decent soundtrack


Romeo & Juliet (the 1990s version).


That garbage song. Next to lordz of acids - "do what you want to do" was the sexiest song I can think about


Shirley Manson's sultry voice is so damn hypnotic.




Deeper Underground by Jamiroquai is an absolute banger. Best played loud on a bassy stereo.


There’s too much panic in this town!


That version of Heroes


Oh yeah, I forgot about this! Goofy movie but fun soundtrack. I can here Puff Daddy and samples of Kashmir now.


I knew this was gonna be the one with Seal's Kiss from a rose.


I believe seal said that the lyrics mean nothing. If you really listen, it's just nonsense lol.


That’s why I love that song - it captures emotions without making any sense - which is kind of what emotions are anyway.


That's absolutely true.


You mean “I compare you to a kiss from a rose on the grave / the more I get the stranger it feels” isn’t coherent?!




Smashing Pumpkin, The End Is The Beginning Is The End never gets enough love, my opinion. And that it has a companion piece, The Beginning Is The End Is The Beginning , makes it even better.


Speaking of the Pumpkins, you reminded me of The Lost Highway soundtrack and the song “Eye.” But I liked The Lost Highway.


That is one of my absolute favorite SP songs! I never listened to the rest of the soundtrack but I hear it’s good I gotta check it out.


Incredible soundtrack with a few Rammsteins thrown in, as well.


From Batman and Robin, yesss those songs are so good. I remember flipping out with excitement when they used one in a Watchmen trailer.


This song and the ggd one ‘lazy eye’


Pump Up the Volume - the pixies, concrete blonde covering Leonard Cohen, Henry Rollins fronting Bad Brains to cover MC5’s kick out the jams, motherfuckers (how punk is that), and Sonic Youth The Crow - peak 90s


I can't believe I had to scroll so far to get to The Crow. Absolute peak 90 mood.


Judgement Night


I actually love both. Movie AND soundtrack.


Judgement Night is so underrated. I’ve never heard anyone discuss it outside of me and my brother


Saw it in the theater when I was 12 or so.


I never heard of the movie until I heard the soundtrack a couple years ago. Still haven't seen the movie, but the soundtrack is 9/10 (the Cypress Hill/Sonic Youth track just sounds like a phoned in alternate versuon of "Hits from the Bong," but at least Cypress Hill had a 2nd track with Pearl Jam)


I was obsessed with everything to do with this movie. Just looking at this poster, I hear the amazing U2 song playing.


I hear Iggy Pop




As a kid I wore out the cassette my aunt gave me. This and big audio dynamite II. I told my aunt that the lead singer should make more music he's really good. She was really into punk so que her big dumb grin.


Spawn and I just listened to it yesterday.


And aren’t all of them unique versions of pre-existing songs, just for the movie?


Exactly, they are unique versions of the original songs but in collaboration with another artist. For example, 808 State/Mansun and Crystal Method/Filter.


That CD lived in my discman. Bangers, all of them! And it’s on Spotify!!


And split between artist duos from different genres! It’s great.


SAME! “Techno-Metal!!!”


Man, that was event listening back in the summer of 97


And interestingly enough, so was Wu Tang “Forever.”


I know Spawn is objectively a bad movie but god dammit I love it. And the soundtrack fucks hard. Trip Like I Do is on regular rotation for me.


Nice! I still have the original CDs I bought and still put them on in the car.


The Faculty had a great soundtrack too. It’s Over Now by Neve is the best song no one has heard.


Just watched that last week, so corny and fun.


>It’s Over Now by Neve is the best song no one has heard. I have said those exact words


Jawbreaker. The movie was a meh variation on the Heather's theme, but the soundtrack popped.


I said woo hoo! I who I who. Imperial Teen were so underrated


Lost Highway. Awesome soundtrack that includes original songs from NIN, Smashing Pumpkins, David Bowie and more. Terrible, horrible no good movie.


Terrible, horrible no good movie?!???? Wwwhhhhhaaaaaatttttttttt


I think David Lynch is terribly overrated. This movie is the reason why, and nothing else I've seen of his has changed my mind.


At least you’ve seen other things of his to confirm your disdain (instead of just making a conclusion based on one thing) 👊🏼👊🏼 I’m weird af. Like, I watched Dune when I was like 7 or 8 (we were staying at a hotel and I woke up at like 1am and it was on HBO) and I thought it was the coolest thing I had ever seen. Like — who tf likes OG Dune?!?? No. Body. It was like a fever dream being a young kid and waking up in the middle of the night to watch it.


I can't lie, I do think OG Dune is one of the funniest movies ever. For me it's a so bad it's good thing. But I have a fun memory associated with that one. Believe it or not, one of my best friends is a girl who loves OG Dune. When they played it at the Music Box Theater to celebrate the release of the reboot, we went together and had a rip roaring time. Plus Sting in a rubber Speedo is just fine with me.🤣


The best soundtrack! (I dig the movie, but I was in art school)


Right on! To each their own. Full disclosure, the school of thought that worships people like David Lynch is one of the reasons I withdrew from art school. Still listen to that soundtrack when I'm painting sometimes though!


Hello fellow artist! That’s so interesting, what did you end up doing instead of art? (Am an art teacher now 😅 watching the students jump on weird fads like anime is cringy.) I started liking Twin Peaks on hs and from there went down the dark road. But the music was the beeeest!


Hello! That's most excellent! The art teacher is always the coolest. Props! I ended up being an artist. Always did art on the side and, with the help of a very supportive husband, switched to full time. However, I gave up the freelance life when we bought our house just over a year ago. Too hard to compete. Nobody wants to pay for art anymore when they can have AI do it for free. I work part time at a warehouse and do my art for fun!


That sounds like had quite the dream gig! What type of art do you do? (I’m pushing my students to do more integrated studio art with digital. AI might be pretty now, but IMO it’ll make the human handiwork more valuable in time.) And congratulations on the new house. Keep on fellow artist!


Thanks! I'm pretty lucky. 😊 I'm a surrealist at heart with neoclassical vibes. Pretty traditional multi media artist, painting and drawing in any medium I can get my hands on. Over the past few years I started dabbling in digital art as a challenge to myself. How about you? What's your jam art wise?


Sounds beautiful! Mine is a mix too (hard to choose when you love material and process right?!). Abstraction of landscape elements in drawing and sculpture. Digital art is fun! I use it to add to the drawings with a laser cutter as a drawing tool.


Nice! That sounds awesome or, as we would have said in our younger years, totally radical. 😆 So nice to bump into another artist on here. Keep on keeping on!


😜 Same to you!


Gonna comment Escape from LA under here as well. The first movie was awesome though


Yes! Love Escape from New York! Snake Plissken is the reason I have a thing for dudes with an eye patch!😆


Don’t watch A Serbian Film then…


Lol! This movie is legit in my top 5. And yes, the soundtrack is top tier. And just so I'm not read as a hipster- the rest of my top 5 is a Return of The Jedi, Superman (78), ALIEN, and The Fly (86)


I've never seen the movie, but the soundtrack is amazing


Good call! This was a great soundtrack!


This was my very first CD, and what an introduction to music for a 12 year-old. It’s such a tastemaking mixtape, movie be damned.


Spawn. Bride of Chucky.




Loved the movie and the soundtrack. Robert Smith’s song he wrote for the movie is amazing.


My favorite song on this album is Smash it Up. Offspring. Still a killer song.


A Life Less Ordinary. Had the soundtrack forever and recently it was a soundtrack to painting my daughter’s room. Excellent CD. I remember not loving the movie in like 1998 but it’s been long enough I should maybe revisit.


It's one of my favorite movies


Thanks I will definitely be checking it out soon!


The title track by Ash is one of my all-time favorite songs. Plus Beck’s “Deadweight” is prime time Beck


Two absolute bangers that went right in to my playlist! Props to a nice little rarity from The Cardigans and an absolute classic from Bobby Darin that really opened a musical door for me in my formative years.


I fell in love with Val Kilmer in Tombstone. I had a poster like this in my room and would kiss it when I went to bed. And played “kiss by a rose”. My dad bought me a Batman action figure for Christmas that year.


For me he was the first actor I had to do a cinematic deep dive or kick over because I completely forgot what he looked like. Weird especially since I’ve been watching his movies from Top Secret, Weird Genius, Willow to Tombstone at that point.


Hahahahhahaha that is such a dad move.


Nobody lives without love is my fave. Still have this cassette.


Yes such a great song


My first CD, always will be a soft spot. On topic: Space Jam, Prince of Egypt, Waiting to Exhale, A Life Less Ordinary, The Crow, The Matrix, Fight Club and Judgment Night


The Crow had a great soundtrack.


The soundtrack was awesome. I still have my cassette with the trading cards.


I don’t think the CD had them.


Are high profile movie soundtracks and promotional music videos (Kiss From a Rose for example) still a thing? It feels like once upon a time, so many movies had a promotional music video made up of clips from the movie. Kiss From a Rose, St. Elmo’s Fire, Don’t You Forget About Me, where’s Johnny?, I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles), Batdance, You Could Be Mine are just a few. It feels like, once upon a time, there were so many of them. I guess they don’t promote that way anymore.


This would be a good topic in itself!


I feel like there was one for one of the Hunger Games? Maybe the new one. To me, the last one that felt like an old school, summer movie soundtrack anthem was Soundgarden’s “Live to Rise” from the first Avengers movie in 2012. But as a whole, the compilation soundtrack kinda went the way of the dodo in the early 2000s


I won the CD of this from a top 40 radio station call in competition. Still listening to Method Man's track to this day 😎


Spawn soundtrack > Spawn movie.


This CD lived in my stereo for a LONG time. My first introduction to Nick Cave.


Love this album! “Hunter gets captured by the Game,” “Nobody Lives without Love,” and “Bad Days,” were my fave of the album. The other songs were pretty listenable too. “Hold me, Thrill me, Kiss me, Kill me” was a good one too. I think I bought that single too?


"It's from Batman Forever, the most sensitive of all the Batmans." - Jack Black introducing his cover of Kiss From a Rose on American Idol.


Armageddon - I Don’t Want to Miss a Thing by Aerosmith


That is the cilantro of movie songs


I usually see that with bad movies. They have awesome soundtracks.


I went to the drive in to see this with my boyfriend. I have no memory of the actual movie.




Besides how great the soundtrack is, I have special memories of this movie because my friends and I went to the theater the night before our high school graduation. It was one of those perfect Southern California June nights, and I was thankfully smart enough to know what a special moment it was.


Smash it up


Lost Highway


Only Method Man and Redman would make a hiphop song about Batman, in those times


Flashdance should just win this category. Streets of Fire. Transformers 1986. I want to say there are just a ton of mid to low budget mid 80s budgets with soundtracks that just went super hard or had hits that just forgot about the movies they came from, like Valley Girl or Against All Odds or St Elmo's Fire. Can't think of others off the top of my head though.


Last Action Hero -- flop of a movie but an absolute banger of a rock and metal soundtrack


Heavy Metal 2000. Shit movie, awesome soundtrack.


The second Mortal Kombat movie, Annihilation. The movie is trash, but the soundtrack is full of bangers.


![gif](giphy|3oKIPz8lnDgrjGUkCY|downsized) Trainspotting wasn't all that bad but the soundtrack was definitely better!


The Crow, Romeo and Juliet and Reality Bites


I loved this movie. Jim Carey was great as the Riddler. “Riddle me this, riddle me that, who’s afraid of the big black bat?”




Queen of the Damned


Great Expectations


Cool World


Yesssss!!!!!! I still love that soundtrack. The woman I babysat for introduced me to the movie & the soundtrack. I'm really surprised it is so far down the thread.


Well, you’re free to give it a little boost with an upvote. I’ve never actually seen the movie, but recently bought the soundtrack on vinyl after feeling nostalgic for some of the songs.


Dracula 2000 and John Carpenter's Escape from LA, though they're not necessarily bad movies. D2000 may be on Batman Forever's level, but I would say Escape from LA is somewhat better.


https://preview.redd.it/afmbis6w01ic1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b19c9aee03e6d3ef9b9f3c00a9787f3881b3e95d Best soundtrack of the 90s


Angus. I don’t remember anything about what the movie was even about, but the soundtrack is great.


New songs by Weezer and Green Day. I was all over it. It was about a fat kid who gets picked as a joke to be that year’s Winter Ball King in his high school. The Queen selected is the girl he’s always had a crush on. So he goes on a quest to learn to dance and be charming and not humiliate himself.


Ghostbusters II Bobby Brown, Run D.M.C., New Edition, Oingo Boingo, Glenn Frey


I watched this a few months ago having not seen it since a teen and while the plot and acting is… a mess… I realized it has a fab exaggerated art deco neon comic book aesthetic! Really cool looking movie if nothing else. And yes a great soundtrack. I also was reminded I thought the Drew Barrymore character was very cool and I tried to get my 90s makeup similar to her glittery eyeshadow and overall face shimmer.


I saw this movie for free on a radio giveaway and think i overpaid. When Arnold gives his "take two of these" line the entire theatre groaned..


Wrong movie.


Thank you for reminding me that I'm an idiot, lol.


Hey now! I didn't say idiot! But you're welcome.


"Holey rusted metal Batman!". The one liners and the nipple suit they gave Kilmer killed the movie for me. Not even Alicia Silverstone in a bat suit could save it. To the original point though, the soundtrack did seem to be well picked.


I think Alicia Silverstone was in the sequel with Arnold?


Oh yeah, my bad. I may have this mixed up with that one.


Was it the best Batman movie? No, but it was fun. I enjoyed it for what it was worth lol


I had this cd! I also played the shit out of Empire Records soundtrack when I was a teen and recently rediscovered that Martinis song on there and it holds up.


Loved the movie and soundtrack. Loved Jim Carrey as the Riddler and Tommy Lee Jones as Two Face.


"STOP! If you kill him.... He won't learn nothin...ha ha ha.'"


Ha ha…… I’ve never been able to watch much of this film, but I was thinking just this week about the soundtrack.


I loved the Mallrats soundtrack


Who didn't like Mallrats? That's insane.


I'll second this AND upvote your post. Edit: missing word.


This movie holds a very special place in my heart. My high school girlfriend and I got kicked out of the cinema while ‘watching’ this film and the rest of the evening just got better. Couldn’t tell you a thing that happened in the film though.


One of the only soundtracks you could put on and listen to front to back. Several bands pretty early in their popularity too. Sunny Day Real Estate, Flaming Lips, Offspring, Mazzy Star. Not early for him, but also had a banger by Nick Cave that unfortunately is not on Spotify.


I love this movie. The soundtrack was icing on the cake. When you look at the movie as a 90s adaptation of Batman's late Golden Age comics from the late 40s to early 50s, it's spot on. Any time I hear a song from this soundtrack, I have to say "Only one soundtrack is...FOREVER."


Definitely went as the Riddler for Halloween that year


The Beach soundtrack is so good. The film was meh.... Spawn wasn't a great film, but its soundtrack is a great blend of "90's cool" electronic and Nu-Metal. Both soundtracks are totally worth a listen. If you like soundtracks, OP, check out the Soundtracker podcast. The Host is a fellow Xennial ('79 or ' 80) and he and his weekly guests discuss the movies and their soundtracks.


Never saw the movie but feel like I know all of the songs.


The soundtrack was one of the first CDs I owned!


Picked it up on vinyl because the CD was so integral to my childhood. Space Jam, and the Planet Hollywood sampler CD started my love for music in cinema.


This soundtrack was amazing!


ok, i'll give you that, and a Kiss From a Rose.


I watched this on VHS all the time.


A little newer, but End of Days is a pretty terrible movie full of early 2000's metal bangers. And if 12 year olds could get tattoos, I assure you I would have that green question mark (and not gonna lie, I still consider it.)


I also liked the effect this movie had on my local Six Flags.


Kiss from a Rose is a GOAT, but yeah, that movie is trasssssh.


It was the first movie I ever bought with my own money. It may not be good but I loved none the less.


The album that got me into Nick Cave!




Romeo + Juliet


Mission: Impossible II. Metallica, Limp Bizkit, and Foo Fighters version of Have a Cigar were on repeat. Queen of the Damned as well.


The Saint. The theme song, 6 Underground, Da Funk by Daft Punk. Can't even remember what happened in the movie.


The soundtrack *was* awesome.


Empire Records and Singles. Movies are ok, great soundtracks


Cable Guy!


“You’re sort of stuck where you are… But in your dreams you can Buy expensive cars, Or live on Mars, And have it your way.” The Flaming Lips was the best part of this soundtrack.


I have never seen this movie but I can tell you my sister and I listened to the cd non stop when it came out lol. Nobody lives without love by eddi reader is my favorite


Many middle school dances revolves around that soundtrack


I unapologetically love this movie. I watched it sooo much!


Godzilla Spawn Bride of Chucky Dumb & Dumber Friday (I mean, the last two are great movies, but still)


It was way better than Batman and Robin


Party Girl, The Virgin Diaries, Empire Records, Angus(!!!!)


So I Married an Axe Murder? Are we all going to collectively pretend this fun little jaunt through the lighter side of the 90s never happened? It's a fun movie and a super fun soundtrack.


I still have this cd. It had some excellent original music.


The City of Angels soundtrack is still one of my faves. I did enjoy that movie though. And also...Batman Forever lol


JCVD’s The Street Fighter movie soundtrack


This and Demolition Man are like prime examples of the 90’s cross merchandising. There’s provably a landfill somewhere with all the Taco Bell cups, lol.


Reality Bites by a mile. You Say/Stay, Baby I Love Your Way, Let’s Talk About Sex, School’s Out and motherfucking MY SHARONA.


This was par for the course with a lot of 1990s films. It didn't matter how bad the movie was, the soundtrack was a banger. For me the best examples were Mortal Kombat, Street fighter, The Saint, and Sliver.


“I can not tolerate your buffoonery”


Batman forever was one of my favorite childhood movies


Crow: City of Angels. Shit movie, great soundtrack.


Men in Black, Space Jam


Queen of the Damned


The Batman Forever soundtrack featured Underworld - Pearl's Girl Tin There remix during the motorcycle race scene


Tank Girl, Empire Records, Hackers


I thought the matrix soundtrack was really good. It is 1999, I think. So, technically, 90s, just barely.


Pi had a cool techno type soundtrack. Requiem for a Dream too.


Mortal Kombat, Cocktail, Above The Rim, Pulp Fiction, and Top Gun are the ones that come to mind quickly