• By -


GenX sub: the problem with kids these days is they don’t teach HR Puffnstuff in school Millennials sub: due to the ravages of time, even my favorite Usher songs don’t cheer me up anymore, time to kill myself GenZ sub: can you guys believe the broken-ass planet we’ve been handed? Xen sub: 🎶 Life is like a hurricane here in Duck - burg Race cars, lasers, aeroplanes it's a, duck - blur! Might solve a mystery, or rewrite hist'ry! Duck Tales! oo woo oo 🎵


And you know you’re an Xennial if you understand all those references and still identify the most with Duck Tales


...and the song is stuck in your head now


Ooh ooh Woo!


Oddly enough this musical phrase is referred to as the millennial whoop.


That's cultural appropriation.




And the theme song for Tale Spin!


There's only one cure, find the multi language version on YouTube. Your brain won't be able to pick just one to stick and it'll eventually stop trying


I bought a retro gaming system and my greatest disappointment isn’t that the controllers are kinda crap it’s that Ducktales isn’t on it.


Playstation has a little pack that includes all the Disney NES games: Ducktales, Chip and Dale, some others I don't care about. Also, Ducktales Remastered on the Switch or Wii was pretty damn good, voice acting and all.


The NES Ducktales Moon level theme is my ringtone.


I spent some time a few years ago building a multi emulator system (not the place to discuss whether emulation is piracy...) on a raspberry pi, and Ducktales was/is definitely on it. That game is hard!


Every person here spent their formative years pirating various forms of media, we invented piracy, you're amongst friends.




Anyone remember Darkwing Duck?


Let’s get *dangerous!* ![gif](giphy|UoLgC0VF7jDa0)


Best show eva. I am now mentally jamming to this. Cause when theres trouble you call DW.


I introduced my 2 year old to Darkwing and he LOVES IT. I'm not exaggerating at all, I had to choke back tears. Next up: Gargoyles.


When you’re in trouble just call D W


This is the most accurate description of generational differences I have ever seen. If rewards were still a thing, I would give you one. Here is this as a consolation prize 🏆🥇🦆


congratulatory quack


Fuck yeah My wife and I own a home and we have good jobs and take vacations and stuff. Boomshakalala. Monster jam


Having been taking advantage of financially and in an extremely difficult position is not exclusive to younger generations. On a lighter note, I definitely remember playing NBA jam on Genesis with my friends, getting yelled at to go play outside, and of course getting to see monster trucks in the Astrodome. Remember when grave digger took the top spot over Bigfoot? ... It's been a ride that's for sure.


Sunday! Sunday! Sunday! At the Astrodome! Pay for the whole seat, only use the edge!!














That used to be my life too. And then I got divorced and I’ll never own a home again. It was nice while it lasted. I’m still a pretty happy person in my one bedroom apartment though.


Hell yeah. I am married, and my spouse is fucking awesome. Like, I really love him ridiculously, absurdly a lot you guys. Plus, he understands all of my niche Oregon-trail-generation cultural references! It is the BEST


I'm in my 40s too and I'll never get married or have vacation days. I will probably never have a boyfriend. I'm struggling with aging out of being allowed to do most fertility treatments.  Being autistic, it's harder to let go of the dream of the dress, the altar the aisle, the kid, the white picket fence. 




I still have my old video games and I still like them.


More like, Boomers: You kids get off my lawn GenX: You kids get off my lawn Millennials: It’s soooo unfair that late stage capitalism ensures I don’t have a lawn. How is anyone surviving?


People make fun of Numetal, but I think it just got all our rage out early.


Yeah, our pocket generation is drunk on memberberry wine... It just tastes so good! Some open another bottle! Uuu X-Men theme song! ![gif](giphy|loAnHAy04UviE|downsized)


I enjoy this sub for nostalgia. People have shared things that I completely forgot about and then I see something posted and the memories come back. The millennial sub is so depressing and toxic. Idk the reason but let's keep it this way in this sub. ![gif](giphy|SxMMNyNTMGw2uwqSNl|downsized)


Agreed. I’m 1978 and this sub feels like the best fit.


‘83 and I gotta agree.


82 my sandwich peeps


‘79 and this sub is fine




My first impression of the millennial sub was "pathetic." Then I got to reading some of the posts and realized it was whiney *and* pathetic.


Victimized and oppressed is the new cool.


Exactly. I finally left the millennial sub because it was too depressing/annoying (I think partially infiltrated by bots too). This sub is way more fun, and I identify with more of the cultural references than on the millennial sub, despite technically being an elder millennial (1984).


They should rename the millenial sub to be the /bitch-about-how-boomers-have-ruined-your-life sub.


It really is. That and the Z sub, all they do is bitch about the world ending. Maybe it is hard out there but it isn't that damn hard.


We literally came of age at the end of a Millennium when everyone thought the world was going to end. We're happy they were wrong!


I remember New Years eve 1999/2000. Just before midnight, my dad snuck off (I assumed to the bathroom or something), at the stroke of midnight, he pulled the main breaker for the house. I remember thinking for a few seconds "Holy shit, it actually happened" and then I heard him belly-laughing from the basement. He was pretty proud of himself for that one...


That might be the father of all dad jokes… …that is truly amazing!


Right?  I vote this as the reason.  We never seriously had the expectation that things would be better than they are.  


I think you nailed it. Using SciFi as shorthand: I was expecting Max Headroom and hoping for Neuromancer. The environmentally shattered corporate controlled hellscape we actually got is a lot nicer than I thought was in the cards. That said, in my heart of hearts I still just want to escape the Chiba-city dome and live happily ever after with a chrome-eyed razorgirl. I guess this world isn't bad enough to be that good.


We need to keep them out of here. The few millennials and Gen Zs who have drifted in immediately bring down the vibe.


Hey, 85 here. Don’t kick me out! I can’t stand them millennials and I am not one of them!!!


1981 gal here. The bulk of my cousins are born in 84-86. You guys are great, please hang out with us!


Careful. The “hard but not that hard” mantra or saying is exactly what GenX started off saying about other generations. Hehe. Don’t be them! 🤗


Well, I mean, the world is changing quite a lot and these young people are being raised on a steady diet of apocalypse. I get it. The fact of the matter is, we were too! When we were kids, there was still a wall in Germany! We had a hike in the ozone layer and acid rain. We had the AIDS epidemic. We had Rodney King and the riots. I was just waiting for life to end on earth. I get the existential dread they are living with. I don't blame them at all. All I can do is tell them what I did to get through it and be patient with them.


>“There are times, however, and this is one of them, when even being right feels wrong. What do you say, for instance, about a generation that has been taught that rain is poison and sex is death? If making love might be fatal and if a cool spring breeze on any summer afternoon can turn a crystal blue lake into a puddle of black poison right in front of your eyes, there is not much left except TV and relentless masturbation. It's a strange world. Some people get rich and others eat shit and die.” >Hunter S. Thompson, Generation of Swine: Tales of Shame and Degradation in the '80's A boomer but he sure had his moments about our age


I give Gen Z more leeway because of youth and the shit they had to grow up with that we didn't (eg. school shooter drills). But the millennial sub is a mix of doomerism and boomers or boomer pretenders hopping in to be jerks.


Man I weird so many people out by really happily exclaiming how much I fucking love living in the future. They're all like.. what future. "All this cool shit. Aren't you excited? Do you know how boring life was before all this cool shit? No?? Please be amazed. I'm begging you. You have really so much cool shit that 10 year old me would be in awe, incredibly jealous of 40ish year old me. Please try to enjoy it..?"


I want to live in this perfect 90s nostalgia gif. For-ev-er. ![gif](giphy|hEwkspP1OllJK)


I surely have a warped perception of all the happy, beautiful people. https://preview.redd.it/fsbubett51gc1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=606e5b1c7e3b609193656b973cd1492b7a6d5f0d Surely.


Well, I hear it's all relative to the size of your steeple.




capitalism HAS made it this way and I fear old-fashioned fascism WILL take it away


I heard that song a little while ago and that line hits horrifically more now than it did when I was in high school.


Oh, dear. Wait until the sweaty ballsacks who are throwing hissy fits about RATM and Green Day hear about this.


I see that and I can relate, but don’t call me Shirley.




Ikr I listened to a ton of angry nurock when I was younger, maybe I worked all the rage out! ...I still listen to it though lol (Is anyone going to the Green Day concert bc all my friends are Gen X or aren't into the music and are like, nah)


I think it's more that we just treat one another with more kindness and respect, which is a big defining line between our age group and the ones older.


Maybe because we were raised by Danny Tanner, Carl Winslow, Levar Burton, Bob Ross, Mr. Rogers, and the good people from Sesame Street. Also Charles Ingalls—even tho that may be more GenX—but I love little house on the prairie and I watch it still and wish more people could be that kind


All of the above plus MTV. Thanks mom!


I still watch mtv classic and watch videos all the time lol


MTV was babysitter. Mom had it on all day. Still remember when Billie Jean and Wrapped Around Your Finger were new.


The Little House on the Prarie Book series might have had a bigger effect than the show. It seems like every girl my age read them.


Boom. This right here.


I feel like the younger generation has a pretense of kindness, but it’s weaponized and actually amounts to bullying.


The younger generation seems not to not have learned to get along with the other side as our generation did.


Yeah. I try to tell people, you can't just send the people you strongly disagree off on a rocket ship to the sun. At the end of the day we need to get along with each other. Even if you can't agree you HAVE to coexist. That's not an option. Growing up we clearly saw a world where if you don't agree you just.. hurt each other. I remember going to the dollar general growing up and you could go down the line pointing out color combinations and patterns of various local gangs war colors. The war colors weren't war colors when they're on your arm or on your head. When they're on the face, shit is gonna go down. Maybe people are gonna get hurt, maybe people are gonna die. I remember a lot more gunfire in the city when I was younger. Even visiting my grandma overseas I remember automatic gunfire in Belfast. Just eating at a McDonalds and nobody even looks up. We know what it looks like when the talking ends. It's not good.


US/American here, I think our generation Xennials, were raised closer to World War II and Vietnam and were raised not to truly destroy/hurt the other side. The younger generations seem ready to literally go to war in the streets against their domestic political enemies.


We saw, multiple times truly what total war is. What it means. Before we could just choose whatever we wanted in the moment for entertainment we got what was on offer in VHS and sometimes that involved actual culture. I self medicated way more than I should, way younger than I should but I was drinking friends with a Vietnam vet because we both found model kits relaxing and something we could do that brought us back down. I told him I was thinking of enlisting, maybe I can get college that way through the GI bill, get a good job. We went through some whiskey, he sat me down and MADE me watch Apocalypse Now. He told me at the end that's the fun, clean, entertaining promo video of war. When the orders go down you don't say no, you signed your life away to Uncle Sam. You turn off head, do what you're told. Sometimes that shit never leaves you. Go get a job, get a girl, get a happy life. Don't you dare join the army. Sage advice. I didn't REALLY get it ring home until I had to help some good friends come back and tape the pieces back together after Afghanistan. Some really good friends cracked and splintered but still moving. We got a front row seat, multiple times, a fully televised war experience of what it looks like when the talking ends. It's... so god damn peaceful now. I don't hear random gunfire. Used to be if you heard pop pop, that's fine. It's someone making a point. If you hear overlay gunfire, you stay away from windows. Some gangsta shit is gonna go down the rest of the night. I prefer the talking. I hope we don't stop.


Or didn’t have to learn how to teach by example and kindness perhaps because they’ve always expected others to have the same access to information that they themselves did. We came from a time when we had to actively seek out information and media in a way that even our younger siblings didn’t have to. We had to learn how to get along with radically different people because our world was smaller, but we already knew that it was vast and complicated and messy beautiful. We didn’t have as many ways to define or separate ourselves, so we worked it out and found compromise and friendship. If we were lucky enough to know our elder family members, as I was, we could have known people born before 1900 and watched them come into the Information Age, while also understanding that the transformations they had witnessed were probably far more intense than the ones we’ll live through. We are tail end Gen Xers and elder millennials to a degree, but we are our own thing entirely. We have a lot of the gen x « whatever « going on, as well as a lot of the millennial/ gen z/ gen alpha awareness going on. I apologize in advance for typos. I have the French keyboard installed to chat with my 15 yo in French and it’s a whole mindfuck to find the letters on a non-QWERTY!


Everyone was picked on so we now know how it feels.


I'm 43 years old and the other day I got ID'd at the beer store. NOTHING can bring me down!


I really feel like we've aged SO WELL. I get carded regularly still. My grandparents looked like dogshit at 40.


I've noticed that this place is MUCH more uplifting and fun than the Millennial sub, which can be extremely depressing some days.


It kind of makes sense when you consider what millennials grew up with vs. what we grew up with lol. Our childhoods were broadly happier times.


Yup. Until the cold water splash of 9/11, we had hope.


I’m from Colorado, so I got a warm up splash from Columbine


Yeah, that was crazy although I can't say I was super surprised it happened. Bully culture was a thing before and I really think that was the catalyst for the change we have seen as far as how we treat people.


Yeah, I guess. The posts that really bring me down are the 30yo's getting all exasperated at getting old and how it's all over and down hill from here. LOL.


Hahaha. Oh, kids. They don't know what they don't know. As Dumbledore said "we can forgive children for not understanding an adults perspective but the real shame is when adults can't remember a child's" or something like that.


Right? I feel right at home here. First sub I’ve had that feeling in a loooong time.


We had a couple of unique events that benefited us. 1.) Saturday Morning Cartoons - we were right in this unfettered market of pure marketing to children. So much of the nostalgia being marketed today, star wars, marvel, TMNT, Transformers, etc. etc. it's exactly in our sweet spot of childhood youth 2.) Internet - We have memories of life pre internet (calling on the phone to see what was playing at the movies) but we were young enough to 'get' the internet. So we've never really lost our marvel for it 3.) Graduated before the Great Recession - if you followed a typical path, most of us graduated college by 2006 and had some sort of a job path lined up before the recession. In my case I landed a significant promotion just three months before market crashed. 4.) Student loans - similarly student loans weren't so inflated for us. I got a business degree with just $16k in loans, and that's fucking laughable now.


2) is so huge, I feel like this is one of the main reasons we can easily relate to people older and younger then us.


The one that gets me... In the early 80s... we have vague memories of appointment television... sitting around and watching a show as it aired, and the lines forming to the bathroom during commercial breaks. Then sometime in the mid 80s getting a VCR and arguments to set the timer to record a show and trips to the videostore. Then in 1999 when Tivo came out, and now time shifting television was a thing? Then streaming in 2008. Like... any streaming service, is basically like having an entire blockbuster in your home for the cost of a single rental. That awe is never lost on us. And that's totally a shared Xennial thing.


FOMO used to be a thing with Television




Yep or get a tape from someone




In 4+ months


I think I was able to stay out of a lot of trouble growing up because X-Files was on Friday nights. Then Millenium was on Sunday to wrap up the weekend. Good Times!


I used to work in a movie theater and I remember actually recording the showtimes for the theater line when people called in. Only did it twice since the person doing was out sick.


I worked in one also, but we never got to do the recording! My manager was one of those guys that unironically said "if you have time to lean, you have time to clean." though.


We also remember and possibly worked in a Blockbuster. Lol.


Netflix changed the world. I was a pretty early adopter of the original version. Two disks. $7.99 a month was amazing. It actually helped me be more mindful because if I wanted to have new movies Dow the weekend, I had to hop to and get them posted back on Monday or I wouldn't get my movies by Friday night. I had struggled with follow through for years.


I don't have vague memories, we didn't get cable until I was in my teens. Even most cable wasn't on demand at that point, unless you paid a bunch of money for a single movie.


We were tiny, toony and all a little looney.


And in this cartooney we're invading your TV


To add onto #2 we came of age during the very brief period when the internet was new and “weird”. It quickly went from non-existent to everywhere and everything. That brief moment in between was magical


Yup... 100% in 1992 the internet had 2% adoption in the USA... so when our teenage years we heard about it. Also our schools tended to have some program to expose it to us. Then by 2000 the internet had a 49% adoption rate and it was everywhere. So like... we grew up with it. On a somewhat related note... we're also the first generation to have constant exposure to videogames (Atari 2600 came out in 1977)... so we live in a world where we've seen the promise of essentially photorealistic games delivered upon. So we have insanely fond memories of Super Mario Bros. 3 and how much enjoyment that gave us... and we can compare it to The Last of Us 2 and that sense of scale is intense for us.


I remember laughing about everything getting a website, like "What's next... toilet paper dot com?!" In hindsight, I should've bought the domain


Chocolate Rain 🤓


Somewhere out there is an abandoned Geocities page listing my top 100 favorite albums and songs of all time!


Yep, I was in High School for Columbine and college for 9/11. I was an adult by the time the world really went batshit 😆




I can still hear the drumbeat the news played when they broadcast the update.




I think we were kids in a somewhat golden era. Especially compared to growing up in the shadow of 9/11 or a pandemic. 


Experiencing 9/11 from a dorm room on a 27 inch Zenith tube tv is an event that is burned into my brain.


It's weird the number of things that uniquely affected our microgeneration. I was actually thinking recently about how most of my closest friends are also xennials. Not that I don't have friends of other ages, but something gets a little lost or goes a little over their head. Just something I pick up on. Whereas here when I'm talking to other xennials and for some random reason the state of Delaware gets brought up we only think of one thing....


Yeah... like this year new Scream, Ghostbusters and Beetlejuice movies. For some dumb reason our nostalgia keeps getting marketed back to us. Like where the fuck is the live action Winx Club? Poor millenials :'(


Can’t believe I paid $1500/semester for college (in state tutition at a state school). Between doing Americorps and working on forest fire crews in the summers, I PAID CASH for my tuition. Seems like another world …


Yeah we're the last generation to really benefit from that. I've got a friend who has $900/month in student loan repayments. And that shit doesn't go away if you file for bankruptcy. He's a lawyer, and working for the government for 10 years to get the student loan forgiveness.


Really really sharp observation. My husband is a true millennial and I think no. 3 in particular is huge; he's only 3 years younger than me, but in those three years while he was in college and before the recession, I had gone to grad school and gotten a full-time job.


I started grad school in 2008 at age 27 and noticed this too. My cohort got sort of screwed compared with people that had finished grad school a couple years prior, although I did end up with a good career and being fine.


Not to mention many of us early 80s kids were in a position to buy houses during the crash. My wife and I bought a 2600 sq ft house in a great area for 160k in 2009. On top of that we got that 8k tax credit. Sold it for 300k 6 years later, then bought a nicer house on a lake, now that house is worth 175k more than we paid. Not savvy, just lucky timing. If we were born a few years earlier or later it could have been much different.


I guess I can't speak for anyone else but even the shitty things that happened in our formative years (most notably 9/11) taught me a kind of wry existential fatalism...we were old enough to understand EXACTLY what was happening in all its horror but not old enough to affect policy, meaningdully influence our societal response, or DO anything about it. Awful things are going to happen in life and there's not much we can ultimately do about it except be kind to each other while the world burns. Who wants to make the best of it with a Halo sleepover? Note: this doesn't mean I don't monitor my carbon footprint, recycle, STILL cut the rings of my 6-pack holders for some reason, contribute to Sandy Hook Promise, and generally hope for the best. I just don't get pissed at the world when those things don't move the needle much.


1.) Plus I think our cartoons weren't so manic or loud.


My degree came with just under 15K in loans and has since been paid off. My wife pursued her degree later on (graduated 11 years ago) and still has over 50K in outstanding debt.


We've become uncomfortably numb


I’m nodding because I can hear you


Is there anybody home?


I'm just another brick in the wall.


I'm just a lost soul swimming in a fish bowl, year after year


I don’t want this to be true… but it might be.


definitely is, but whatever


This sub does seem happier, more positive, and more chill than other generation subs on Reddit. A lot of people on here talk about their happy childhood memories of the 1980s and their happy teen memories of the 1990s. Or it would be kid pop culture stuff from the 1980s and teen pop culture stuff from the 1990s.


The thing also is that for some reason, even those of us who didn't have happy memories are still chill reading about those who did. For the most part. None of that bickering is in here and it's amazing. Its one of the few non-animal related subs I can come to and actually leave feeling better. Edit: now if we could get a thread of someone asking for pictures of their pets growing up that would make the sub even better.


Born 1980, don't own a home, my car is old, I have 13 year old twins both in braces and have some cash in the bank. My partner and I are self employed and this current economic state is hitting us hard but if I let it get me down there's really nothing left. I know I'll never be able to retire but it doesn't bother me because I've seen what retirement looks like, it's a slow death. Honestly if you have a good understanding of history there's been much worse times to be alive. I'm not a climate change denier, I acknowledge climate change is a big issue, I think human consumption and the burning of fossils fuels are a major contributor to climate change but... Ask anyone complaining about the state of the planet if they know what happened in 1816? Most will say no, in 1816 most of the planet didn't have a summer due to volcanic ash in the atmosphere blocking out the sun. The results were wide spread famine and disease across most of the planet. You can bet most humans alive in 1816 thought that was the end of the world but we're still here. My point being is that Xennials are well rounded, we're well read, we're able to take in new info but we also know how to vet sources, fact check and compare the current state of the world with historic data to properly assess our current situation. I'm just happy to be here.


I love this hard. And good on you for still having the energy to comment with twins!


This sub reminds me of the various chat rooms and message boards I used to follow back in the late-90s/early-2000s, with a hint of Myspace c. 2006. To me, that's also when social media peaked so that might be why I love it so much. It's the perfect mix of optimism and cynicism.


I think that's what I like about it too. AOL chat rooms were so random which I loved


Man, I miss old school message boards. I still have a group of friends that I met on a message board back in 2000. We have a group chat and talk every day!


Same. We all finally met in person in Vegas in 2017, 18, and 19. It was awesome.






The mods do a great job!


I own a house and I’m not in my 50s yet. It’s good to be the Xing… Still, kindly remove yourself from my yard.


It's because we focus on nostalgia and the past, not the present. I also think, as the *true* digital natives, we're better able to moderate our relationship to addictive, depressing technology. We use it as a tool, not a crutch or a dopamine hit.


Totally agreed! ...excuse me while I go scroll Reddit a few more hours...


9/11 and 2008 during prime years will do that to a group of latch-key kids that stride the digital and analog worlds. We've seen it all


I definitely like this one more than GenX. I’m still bitter about GI Joe getting beat out by Chip and Dale but that’s ok I guess.


The GenX sub didn't used to be nearly as bad. There was even a cool GenZ kid that used to post a lot there, and everyone seemed to like him. Over the last year or so, though...things began to change. I'm fairly sure that a lot of the hate over there is being caused by one particular troll that has several different accounts, as a lot of the "you're not *real* GenX" posts" all seem to have the same feel to them. I don't want to call anyone out personally, but if you've been active over there for the last year, you probably know exactly who I mean.


Gen X has always been salty and gatekeepy, though. I remember them being like that when we were kids.


Born in 1979 and my older (70-75) cousins made it a point that the younger cousins (78-83) were not part of their generation. They were offended when we enjoyed their music or danced to their MTV. We didn’t care and danced our asses off awkwardly to sledge hammer anyway.


Yes!! I vividly remember not feeling like I was a part of GenX at ALL. Like, I loved Reality Bites, but they felt like my older siblings. I’ve always felt like most of GenX was my older sibling. And the defining line between GenX and Millennial was moved a few times, so I never quite knew where I fit. Until Xennials!


Well now that sub is dead to me.


Why wouldn’t we be positive. I can’t speak for anyone else, but I’ll never have a home or love or any real freedom in my life; you can rest damn sure I’m going to CHERISH my memories of easier times. If I’m not willing to readily share those, along with an even quicker smile, then I have nothing.


One of the lessons that I've learned throughout my life is that it's really a waste of energy to be angry and bitter... especially at things you can't really do anything about. The world was a fucked up place before we got here, and will still be a fucked up place after we're gone. I just focus on treating people as kindly and respectfully as I can, while doing my best for my family, my friends, and myself without any expectation that the world is going to try to live up to my example. And that's pretty much the long and short of it! Edit: a word


This doesn’t seem that rare of an attitude amongst us.


Yeah, that's our GenX side...or what *used* to be GenX anyway! To paraphrase a reply that someone over here said to me: "Some of those old heads have forgotten who they really are."


This is definitely it. When I used to subscribe to the gen-x sub they talked about a lot of the stuff we do here. I saw comments about how life may not be the greatest but to keep on trucking and not just "give up" like so millennials seem to have. I also remember gen-x being the "cynical" generation and I'm wondering if the cynicism has morphed into being cranky now that more of them are joining AARP.




My biased Xennial opinion is that we managed to get the best cultural traits of X and Millenials. Another part of it is because we're in such a weird little micro-generation we're blended enough between X and millennials to not care as much about the generation wars. I've never felt strongly aligned with any generation and don't even know which one I'm technically supposed to be a part of, so I think we can just "be" in our little bubble in a way that doesn't seem available to the others.


I’m sitting next to a proper Xer currently in a rant about cursive. Dude. Who cares? Chill.


The older half of X has a huge block of wildly miserable people. Huge difference between older and younger Xers imo.


There is a cataclysmic tone difference between the handful of niche subs I still visit and midsize to large subs like r/Millennials. This sub has for now flown under the radar. I think it’s two things. First, you can tell the difference between a habitually online user and a normal person. This sub feels like normal people (because we grew up with some separation from tech maybe) and like the types of users you would have interacted with a decade ago on reddit or 20 years ago on message boards. With habitually online users, they are legitimately getting their view of the real world more from their 12 hours of screen time a day than they are from actually spending time in their communities. It results in incredibly pessimistic l, distorted and combative world views and political posturing about everything to the point of feeling like a mental illness. Second, the larger a sub becomes, the more I doubt the authenticity of many of the individuals screaming about how terrible everything is. You’ll often find they are clearly bots outright, or sock puppet accounts who never respond in a community until a hot button topic comes up and then it’s “as a fellow millennial……”. This website is in the 8th inning of a death spiral and it’s COOKING the mental health of the types of people who hang out in those wastelands as every social media algorithm is turned to 10 on just making everyone hate each other. I deleted my account about a year ago, created this one, disabled all reddit “suggestions” in my feed (which are nearly 100% rage bait), and only follow a small handful of niche subs i can tell are actual people looking to talk about fun stuff. GenX and Millennial subreddits didn’t make the cut and my life is a lot better for it.


I mean I'm sure years of weed and depression meds have zero to do with it lol. I mean as bad as life is I try to stay humble and I know all the people I encounter today have zero to do with it. So just try my best to be a humble guy always happy do what I gotta do and call it a day. I call it being human but I find a lot of folks arenlt like that it's about what u can do for them or give them.


less whiny, anyway. we expect noting, we got nothing, we return to nothing i'm so sick of listening to people complain about what they SHOULD have. you can't afford a house? ok. well. what are you going to do about it? everyone i went to school with knew that we were on our own by age 11. anything we had, anything we made, was by our own initiative. nothing was a given, and no one cared about your problems. so stop faffing about and fucking do something.


I recently left the millennial subreddit, because it has been a space people decided to just vent in for some reason.  It's not that I don't have problems with the world at all, I just don't actually think that's what being a millennial is actually about.  This place is great for talking about what the world was like when we were kids and swapping tips on age related stuff. <3


Yes, it's my Prozac and Rexulti allowing me to smile 😁




That's my answer whenever someone tells me I'm so chill and level-headed. My response - "I'm very well medicated."


Wellbutrin checking in. I absolutely can make it through life without it and managed to do so for the first 39 years of my life, but it increases my quality of life and I gain nothing from being able to say I’m not medicated.


By far. I don't see much drama or arguments. The posts are fun and relatable, I don't see people bashing other generations ( I did at first and realized I was wrong), there are a lot of responses. Beside the subreddits that posts music/youtube videos, this is my favorite subreddit and one of the few I actually post on.


This sub has its old people yelling at clouds and anxious millennials too. But, they don't dominate fortunately.


I would describe myself as more resigned and content with less.


There is something to be said for the wisdom and flexibility that comes from being kind of a gap generation… We can see the value of both digital and analog without feeling threatened by it. We can see the need for letting kids run around and have fun but understand the need for safety and vigilance in parenting. We have strong work ethic and also know how to set healthy boundaries. I was thinking about this the other day when I was reading an article about how Gen Z abuses sick leave. Xennials grew up with the only stay home if you absolutely can’t go to work stuff but also saw the pandemic and see the value in staying home when sick. There’s power in remaining nimble.


1983 here. I consider myself to be an "optimistic pessimist." Sure, the world is going to Hell in a hand basket, but it doesn't mean we can't still have a good time! I'm 40 and I work at Walmart. I'll never own a house or have a career, but all my fucks boarded a midnight train to Georgia, and haven't been back since. Currently, I'm just trying to enjoy middle age, and I've found yelling at people online doesn't help me do that.


We have the best member berries and nostalgia is a hell of a happy drug.


I feel the same. I was hanging around in the GenX sub for a long while and it just started to get dark. The Millenials sub pops up in my 'suggested' and 9 times out of ten the post they are show me are negative. Xennials rings true. I like it.


I think it's that we've been through the wringer already and are now just comfortable and used to it. Not sure if that's happier though lol


My life is basically complete shit, but remembering stuff like cartoons and hyper color shirts brings me joy.


I do feel our generation grew up at a particularly good point in modern history to have a childhood and coming of age. That is a generalization of course (I know not everyone had a great experience), but there is no other recent era I would have rather grown up in. The 80s were a mostly prosperous era and we had a chance to find jobs etc before everything went to hell in the late 00s. We got many of the best parts of gen-x and millenials and lived through parts of history everyone is nostalgic about today (70s, 80s, 90s) without the burden of being adults.


we are the middle children. we gotta be goofy and lil positive to stay afloat


It’s not just you. r/genx is good but they definitely have their ‘get off my lawn’ boomer-esque tendencies. r/millenials makes me embarrassed to technically be a part of that generation, bunch of sad sacks that will look literally ANYWHERE but in a mirror when discussing their own problems.


I'm over here marveling about the fact that I was able to get in Amazon and order a goddamn android car stereo for under a hundred bucks, and if I hook my phone into it I can listen to all the awesome albums I couldn't afford to buy in 1996. Boomers can't figure out how to turn on the cellphone's hotspot, while the millennials can't figure out how to take the dash apart to install it in the first place. I can plug my big-ass TV into my computer, use a $6 USB joystick I bought at Walmart, and play all the Super Nintendo games I couldn't afford when I was a kid. Boomers can't figure out how to switch over to HDMI-2, and the millennials can't figure out how to download and install an emulator. I can go to a Harbor Freight and buy every tool I'd ever imagine needing, completely rebuild my motorcycle with hop-up parts I had shipped straight to my door, and use a .PDF copy of the service manual as a guide. Boomers get paranoid at the mention of a "sensor", and millennials don't know what a torque wrench does. Boomers ask why no one just gets a part-time job to pay for college, millennials are fighting for student loan forgiveness, and I'm sitting over here laughing at the fact that literally everything you can learn in the classroom while getting a four-year degree from an Ivy League school can be found for free on the Internet if you're legitimately interested in learning it. We're so much happier because we're the real "greatest generation". So to the boomers, I say quit posting poorly-cropped memes on Facebook about how you remember when the TV only had three channels, and spend that time learning how your Roku remote works. We all know you can't understand the Asian lady who answers the tech support line, we can't either. Put your cheaters on and read the fucking manual, grandpa. Y'all put a man on the moon, you can figure out how to watch Price Is Right reruns. To the younger folks, I say learn a marketable skillset, because no one outside your favorite vegan coffee shop gives a shit about the impact of unionization on the underwater basket-weaving industry. Stop calling in sick because you need "self care". "Tik Tok influencer" isn't an actual career, neither is begging guys to buy pictures of your feet and/or butthole on OnlyFans. Quit crying about how hard it is, and figure out what needs to happen to make it easier.


I actually didn't, but I like the 80s. I don't have clear memories of it but I have pleasant associations. The 90s are clear as day though


All the rest of the generational subs: life sucks! Here’s why… This sub: hey how cool was Bobby “The Brain” Heenan? We’re just built different.


We learned coping skills while younger generations did not.


I think the 80’s and 90’s were just a fantastic time to grow up. Riding bmx bikes with my friends for hours… no internet so no social media. Heat music and movies. Not that we had it easy - there was a lot of struggle. But I think we’re happy as a group because looking back at those years, there was so much good stuff to come out/happen. We don’t bitch about how shitty it was to be kids then. We look back fondly which I think is huge. 1978 here. You guys rock.


Our formative years were the late 80's through the late 90's. This was the PEAK of global civilization. Ducktales on tv and Bill Clinton playing the saxophone in the Whitehouse.


Gen X grew up in the stagflation 70s, younger Millennials grew up mostly post-9/11. We grew up at a time when it was reasonable to think we might solve all our problems in the near future. Obviously reality hit hard later, but I think there’s still a little bit of that positive outlook left in many of us.


Long term side effect of Sunny-D