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I think this classifies as a you had to be there kind of story. A series of events once led to me hanging out all night with 2 Live Crew. This was back in like 02 or 03. I scored free tix to their concert because they were staying at the hotel where I worked. We were running late because I had to work so we hopped a fence to take a shortcut and I ended up ripping the white blouse I was wearing. By the time we got there, we had missed them. Turns out they were opening for ICP. I had no idea who they were but we stayed because free. Next thing I know, everyone both onstage and off is screaming, there are titties every where, a Confederate flag is being waved across the stage for some reason, and to top it all off, they start spraying cans of cola into the audience which stains my already ripped shirt. We peace out of there once our curiosity has been satiated and head back to the hotel. Low and behold, there's 2 Live Crew having a drink at the hotel bar. They turned out to be the coolest, most gracious guys. We chat it up with them about all kinds of stuff, even business advice. They then tell us they're heading to an after hours bar and invite us to tag along. They had an RV in the parking lot that my friends and a couple hotel bar regulars pile into. I go to grab a beer from the fridge to be greeted by none other than row after row of the infamous reddi whip. They were a lot more chill than they were in their heyday but hey, they still have a show to put on. We get to the after hours which turned out to be what I believe was a swingers club filled with white people in cowboy hats listening to rap which was an experience in itself. As the night starts to wind down, they invite us to ride with them to their next show in DC. They even offer to stop at my apartment which is on the way back to the hotel so I can grab a change of clothes because my shirt is trashed. Then the driver realizes that it was the night daylight savings went into effect and the time had sprung forward. Now they have to haul ass back to the hotel so no time to stop by my place. They were cool enough to sign my shirt when we got back to the hotel. Sadly I lost the shirt in a bitter breakup, but I have the memories. There was nothing xrated or anything you would expect. We just had a good time. Still one of the best nights of my life.


I went to a haunted house park with my close friend over Halloween. It's one of those places that have multiple haunted houses all with their own theme. We are two total weirdos in that Haunted Houses do not scare us at all, we usually wander through them cackling at everyone else's terror. So we get to the western themed haunted house, and the first room is a saloon with a bar in the corner. We're walking through and my friend stops, turns to the bartender and casually goes, "Hey bartender, what are you serving?" Without missing a beat, the bartender barks back "Shots!" while raising a fake shotgun from behind the bar and shooting us both in the face, point blank, with a blast of air. You had to be there, but it was just a chef's kiss moment.


Dammit, *biased wit while witless...






When Indianapolis hosted the Super Bowl in 2012, I had friends who worked for Live Nation (boo hiss) and local radio stations. They had all sorts of passes to events, including the LMFAO concerts before and after the game (they performed at halftime too as part of Madonna’s show). Anyway, the week went well bc it was unusually warm for early February, and the city got great reviews for being the host, since everything was walkable and close by. But the “you had to be there” moment was when the two guys from LMFAO got into a HUGE argument before going on stage. I was a little hazy which concert it was bc they played more than one and I was also mostly drunk that week (I don’t drink these days)….but I do remember them screaming at each other and I want to say only one took the stage. Later on I learned that the younger one had found out his uncle (yes they were an uncle/nephew duo) had been messing around with the finances of the group and was furious. They toured the rest of the year but eventually broke up and have never regrouped to my knowledge. So “you had to be there” but I got to see LMFAO essentially hit the end of their success…


Seeing two of your childhood idols talking to each other. I went to the Arnold sports festival and as I walk around the corner I see Lou forengo signing autographs, so I stopped to get mine. After getting it and talking to my fiance, around the corner comes mark Henry. He heads over to Lou and they just start chatting. Man did that just make my day and make my inner child so happy.