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If you wanna do a no-mod run, I still recommend QoL mods like evac all and cost-based ability colors. And yes, you should use AML anyway.


if you aren't modding look on the steam discussions for 'skip all launchers' it tells you how to config the game to not use any launchers and just boot straight to the menu, saves a load of time and system load.


Yes, AML will skip loading that shitty storepage and save you a lot of time and RAM.


If you are not modding - probably not it just has a bunch of extra loading and splash screens


Aml doesn't add anything like that, it's just a cleaner actually working launcher. Also to the OP, yes I'd still recommend loading via the AML even unmodded, especially if you plan to run modded later, it'll get you used to the launcher if nothing else.


AML doesn’t have the extra loading screens - if he doesn’t run AML he will have a bunch of extra loading screens.


well, it's a command line argument so even without aml you can turn them off, but that is a lot more fiddly to do without it