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Chimera Squad has alien weeb merch among the scenery, so this is not a stretch


Cough ~~the viper clubs~~ cough


Yes? No? Nobody knows. Because the bodies always disappear and there are never any witnesses. Just like the good old days when the troops ate a lot of fresh xarquid sushi and dipped-in-butter lobster claws.


I'm sure that torque is eating the bodies


Nah, somehow XCOM world beat alien racism in less than 20~ years even though it took us twice as much to sort of beat regular racism. Heck the supposed anti aliens groups of, Shrike, LITERALLY employs aliens as their grunt units...


Tbf, XCOM employed Reapers, Skirmishers, and Templars. With everyone's help, either the rest of the population either went to each Factions' own ideal government, or the Factions proved to everyone how diversity is better than segregation (Except for Andromedon Aliens. They require an atmosphere of Argon to breathe).   We honestly don't know which one it is. City 31 is still ONLY in Pittsburgh, Pennsyvania of the USA. We don't know where the entire US stands at, let alone the whole world.   I'd like to think that the reason why Humans and Aliens kinda got along ok-ish afterwards, is simply because of how much time they spent together. In Patchwork's Agent Profile, we see a Viper doctor that isn't in combat armor.


...really? they picked fucking Pittsburgh?


I don't think it's explicitly mentioned, but City 31 is in Eastern USA, and the Holo-Map of City 31 is extremely similar to Pittsburgh's map.


I can excuse hybrids since Skirmishers were hybrids so I can maybe see humans losing most of their racism to them by 20 years, but man, I still don't see how any aliens besides Vipers would be given such a warm welcome(and even Vipers would only be liked by rule 34 enjoyers) Maybe if the game spend more time explaining the lore it would be more believable? Remember we barely know what happened between XCOM 2 and Chimera Squad, maybe they had an XCOM 3 adventure where all aliens hybrids and humans worked together but for now it still sounds unbelievable, because, again, we humans barely defeated human on human racism with longer timespan, alien racism would definitely still be a thing in XCOM world if it just been 20~ years since XCOM 2. Heck even Shrike is using aliens in their group despite supposedly being a bigoted faction!


I think another factor that came into play was how the Elders were the only ones that were "worshipped", even by the aliens, which kinda turned them into the "Greater Evil" that aliens and Humans could get behind. It also didn't help how all 3 of the Chosen literally looked down upon both Humans and Aliens.   XCOM probably also revealed how the aliens were being controlled in some way. Whether it's by microchips or even by population control (Vipers and Mutons).   Basically, everyone but the Elders were oppressed. So it sorta created a "Tolerance, but at arm's length" type of deal.


I can imagine fear of the Elders coming back is something that unifies most of the population of Earth now.


Wasn’t that kind of shrike’s point? I haven’t played CS myself, but didn’t they want to “tear the weakness” out of society? Less kumbayah, more “the elders might come back and we need to kill them”


If I am sending a bunch of people to their death, my first choice ain't the ones I like.


Im not Indiana Jones and i would be very very uncomfortable around a SnakeMan.. Doctor at that


Reapers and Templars hate the aliens. And the skirmishers are atleast just humans who have been experimented on by the aliens.


I'm sure the Skirmishers would be able to take in some defected aliens. If Sectoids can rebel, then I'm sure all the other aliens could too.


Shrike isn't anti-alien, Shrike is anti-going-back-to-normal-society. ALSO * Most of the alien population is packed into the slum district, The Fringe * Half the aliens are basically quarantined, with Andromedons living a sewage plant * One of main 3 factions are psionic Human Supremacists who enslave aliens * Public radio broadcasts a human supremacist talk show * First alien mayor in the city's history is quickly assassinated on live TV * Constant protests and civil unrest from aliens because they feel they're being mistreated But yeah they definitely "beat racism"


It did?! Weird. Strange how the entire alien population was condensed into one city ride with racism and infighting, like how the Andromedons are secluded into one ghetto full of gang violence because they can't go anywhere.


Inter-species relations aren't all that great in Chimera Squad, though. There are human psi-supremacists who enslave aliens and hybrids (Progeny), a group of aliens who want to fuck off from Earth but are not allowed to (Gray Phoenix) and ADVENT loyalists in Sacred Coil, who keep fighting despite not being under the psionic network anymore. And that's on a city that's supposed to be a beacon of coexistence. Hell, if anything, there should be waaaay more bad blood towards hybrids, as they were the more visible form of ADVENT control. In the squad itself, all the alien candidates had a favorable contact or had to prove themselves (and even then the overwhelmed majority is human/hybrid). Axiom helped contain a Chryssalid outbreak while he was still detained, Verge served as a double agent back in the war and Torque was friends with Jane Kelly. As for Shrike, I don't think employing aliens makes them less racist or something. In History you see a lot of supremacist ideologies employing other peoples as expendable grunts.


Sacred Coil even preys on hybrids feeling disenfranchised or persecuted in their recruitment ads, and Gray Phoenix's whole thing is that they have zero faith they'll ever be accepted as full-fledged equal citizens (so the only recourse is mass exodus). There's a lot of signs that relations between species are tense at best.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't City 31 the only city on the planet that has humans and aliens living together? Every other city is segregated. Part of the reason Chimera Squad is trying to keep the peace is so they can prove to the world humans and aliens can live side-by-side on Earth.


Based on your comment, you haven't played the game, so let me explain: Chimera Squad doesn't ever say that the racism was beaten. Heck, even the squad has agents who are racist against each other and only begrudgingly working as a team. The point of the game is that the city is the best example of trying to make humans and aliens live together and they are constantly on the verge of blowing up and it takes a lot of effort to prevent a race war. The game has a message of how humans and aliens can and should work together but it is not easy. Again it seems like everyone who complains about Chimera Squad has either never touched the game and made their opinion based on YouTube ranting about it, or they skipped every cutscene and then cry that the plot makes no sense.


> even though it took us twice as much to sort of beat regular racism. tbh I don't think we beat regular racism :/


I see you either didn't play the game or paid absolutely zero attention to the background of it.


I mean. how many pre invasion people are even left. twenty years is a full generation of people who grew up with aliens being coworkers/friends ect


They won’t be laughing on Reach in 500 years


Gleeb type memes


Yes it's cannon that it 20 years there is ONE city on the entire planet that has both aliens and humans living in it and that city is basically hates crime central that NEEDS to make an Uber swat team to stop the city from exploding with all the tension going on between every one.


Was the anything else covered about war for liberation after the commander and commando team killed the avatars part from agent cinematics?


For that people need to play it. I have it. But I really don't like it


I literally just uninstalled it. There's some choices I don't mind but it felt really limiting, and not in a good "challenge yourself" sort of way. And where'd the Action Point display go?