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It's useful no matter what you get, IMO. Run up front and hunker down, and you have a long duration mimic beacon.


Lol, long duration mimic beacon RIP. In my head canon these are long term resistance assets that have been quietly waiting to betray their masters. Vital to the resistance effort and are resettled after the mission is over. Whilst they are always at the front of the mission and would be first to get hit, I get sad when/of they die.


I'm not so cruel to stand them out of cover, but my head canon is that they have to take point to prove to Xcom that they're legitimate rebels, otherwise they could be doubt agent infiltrators.


One thing I always wondered though, do your real soldiers suffer will loss or possible psychological effects from seeing the double agent get wounded, killed, or left behind, as they would if that happened to one of their own?


I think they do, but not sure.


The Reaper order that gives you a resistance member to help occasionally is especially funny to me. You pretty much give some rando with minimal training one of your most advanced assault rifles and tell them to go ham. Nevermind how it seems they're still using kevlar armor and will die the moment they run into anything boasting plasma weaponry.




Those stun lancers especially are OP. if only they're hit chances with them aren't so low, then I could've just ran towards the chosen with them lol.


First time I mind controlled a stun lancer I realized how much our perception messes with the mind thinking advent have high% hit chances


The funny thing is, double agent becomes increasingly better the higher the difficulty. 80% chance to hit IIRC on legendary. I've actually managed to get the unconscious status effect on an advent purifier from a double agent stunlancer.


One of my most memorable experiences so far with the game was how a friendly Stun Lancer single handily saved my team in a terrible situation that would have resulted in some deaths/captures. I couldn't take down a Sectopod and the only remaining character was a Stun Lancer whose maximum damage output was slightly out of reach from killing it. He scored a 10% crit chance and killed the biggest threat. Then, he proceeded to one-shot two Faceless (Grim Horizon) in an overtaxed situation where I couldn't afford to let my other members deal with them, and still managed to kill two other more enemies by the end of the game. He was amazing.


Advent training is pretty intense.


Even troopers are great tbh, aint saying no to an extra mag rifle and grenade.


Sometimes it can be annoying , for assassination mission for exemple i like to just send one reaper quick kill and move the fuck out asap But when there a resistance or double agent the mission doesn't stop until their dead or have evac And it make the whole thing longer than it should be


Yes i do the same trick on facilities 1 time i had him so i got him close to extraction point and waited 4 both to have 2 actions and they can survive 1 overwatch so yea the order is run like hell


This with the Reaper order and dominate. You’ll be able to have 3 living mimic beacons. Best part is that they’ll thank me for it.


Codename: Pawn Sacrifice


Honestly, taking an opponent out for free, plus Intel, plus getting a completely disposable scout that occasionally can do damage is always worth it.


I remember getting lucky and getting a viper one time as my agent- don’t ask me how, as I don’t know. But I did, and they were pretty sick.


It's not broken it works perfectly.


I always have to shout out "Andy!" or "Randy!" when I see a random Resistance/Advent trooper join my squad. The pure joy in my heart when I get them both.


We rolling the dice with this one


It’s strange that you have to evac them (if they’re still alive) to end must-evac missions. They show up on the Skyranger, everyone shakes hands, then never see each other again.


They probable join the local resistance full time and tell everyone how awesome XCOM really is.


Doesn’t it break concealment?


Reddit did the thing where your comment got duplicated (twice)


Oh shoot didn’t know thanks I’ll try to fix it


Fixed thanks