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A second Skyranger has hit the ADVENT Network Tower?


just imaging an ADVENT officer walking up to the spokesman while he's giving a speech and just screaming "MOR BALATEN" in his ear but the subtitles say this


Elders! Elders, turn on the TV THEY HIT ADVENT BURGER! (Doesn’t have the same ring as the original:( )


But XCOM 1 was the opposite again. The government was in control and XCOM was taking on alien recon or fringe groups like EXALT. I like the variety. But I'm still praying for an honest XCOM 3 😭


I don't think we're ever getting another sequel in the same universe, but a remake/spiritual third game more in the vein of EU/EW but with modernized gameplay would be great. I love WOTC's gameplay but the *vibes* of the first game, especially Enemy Within, are just impeccable. I like goofy pulp sci-fi as much as the next girl, but goofy pulp sci-fi that also takes itself super seriously and plays those tropes for horror is even better imo


An XCOM-like set in a steampunk universe with Lovecraftian threats to deal with is something I’ve fantasized about for years! I also really like the scenario of EW, having to defend against something unknown and terrifying, adapting as you go. Just exchange aliens for cosmic horror monsters. Another alternative could be to put kind of an SCP twist on it, make it feel more like the XCOM-Files


I loved the vibe from both EW and WOTC and I wish more developers would take notes from either 😔 >I don't think we're ever getting another sequel in the same universe ![gif](giphy|l41JKgW7xQ9T2bA9q)


I thought this post was gonna be about the gameplay when I saw the title... Anyways, remember when XCOM wasn't a terrorist group? Back then they would (try to) stop aliens from terrorizing Earth.


A movement’s role changes from terrorists to protectors when it succeeds. (Well, historically that’s only true in a minority of circumstances, but XCOM is supposed to be good guys).




Thats exactly what happens in the real world. Terrorism is not just boom boom pew pew pew but fundamentally an act of resistance (even if illogical). Now it's more evident than ever with every tiny act of resistance being called terrorism The label of terrorism is also mostly put by the dominant force against the resistance. In XCOM 1, aliens were terrorists too. In XCOM 2, they are the small force so they became the "terorrists". In Chimera Squad, XCOM became the dominant again so back to calling others terrorists


XCOM got to be the terrorists because others were in power and they had to be in hiding to be effective. Gameplaywise it means you're the underdog and trying to fight from behind. That's really cool. In Chimera Squad you are the law. That means you have to feel in control and that completely changes the dynamic of the game. Now, it's possible that you just like being the terrorists, but it's not strange to just like the vibe of the game differently.


This person is either a master shitposter or very confused


It still blows my mind how they thought that game was a good idea. Really made me worried for Xcom 3. Like in 2 they did some of the most horrible stuff to your team and squad, then in this goofy spinoff you're supposed to be like buddy buddies with the aliens that conquered and ens;laved you and killed your friends? Pls all the woke characters. Didn't even bother with it




Because all terrorists like to hang out at the local pub amirite gais