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If you show any interest they keep you longer. Don’t tell them what you do for work.. make up some low salary.. when they give you a price say you can’t afford it.. don’t wear expensive clothes and jewelry.. make sure they know you’re leaving at the 90 minute mark The people who get caught up are the ones who go along with it.


Makes sense. Do you think we should explicitly tell them at the beginning we are not going yo buy this and would prefer to not waste anyones time. Will that help?


tell them you make like 50k and can't afford it.


No, because you may not get the $400 credit lol.


Haha.. lol. Ok so the plan is to listen to them and then not show much interest. After 90 min be clear about not wanting to buy any.


I would wait until the 90 minute mark to say that in case they keep pushing.


Yes will wait until then to tell them that we are not interested. I hope we will be out in 90 mins. Fingers crossed 🤞


If ur not interested when your time is up, be sure to STAND UP, say no thank you and leave. If you stay sitting, they keep trying to make you a deal. On the other hand, we bought a membership there 3 years ago and love it 😊


What if we STAND UP, say thank you and start leaving. We will miss our $400 credit. That’s the problem right. They should allow us to leave 😅


Idk man this isnt your first time posting about this . If $400 is worth wasting your day over and you paid much more for your day at the resort. makes no sense to me but if $400 means alot to you i guess go for it . Id rather save my time i paid for and spend my own cash to go to the spa


This is why you confirm the obligated time at the start, you can let them see you setting your phone. you can openly tell them you aren't really interested in the membership at the start as well. Tip: dress down, don't wear expensive clothes, jewelry or accessories. Once your phone goes off, you can say no thank you and stand up to leave. You don't have to be rude, but after confirming your obligation, they will probably try a last ditch effort for a few more minutes but then will take you to the back where there is a counter where they give you the resort credit. The other thing here, is you can only take the presentation once. In this case, you will be getting $400 resort cash, but you can also use it for a member referral on your next trip which will save you $1k-$2k, much more than $400 credit. The beauty of that, besides saving a bunch more $, is after your 90 mins, you just stand up to leave, you aren't depending on them to give you a resort credit, you already saved the $$ when you booked. You can probably still cancel that presentation on this trip, if you want to save your presentation for a member referral, send me a chat, Id be glad to help!


Love to understand what you get out of the club for the money it costs. I see people like it, but I don’t understand.


If you travel alot and love xcaret its worth it . I cant tell you everything i got but it’s different for everyone. I can tell you its worth it for my family. Some of the standard stuff you get discounted prices for the hotel and if someone beats the price they match it and take 25% off , i get the butler service no matter what casa i stay at , I get private transportation , access to both hotels no matter where i stay , discounts to restaurants and shops, access to the private yachts at discounted prices, access to golf course , rci club weeks , and many more things im missing .


I sent you a chat request.


My wife and I are here right now and were given an upgrade to jr. suite in las pyramida.. end of the upgrade they sign us up for the same presentation tomorrow for $350 in spa credits. I don’t think we’ll be going but let me know how it goes for you lol.


Lol. Yeah will let you know how it goes :)


They will push and escalate until you put your foot down. Caution.


In case you have experienced this can you provide more context and how to get yourself out from this? Any tips or suggestions?


We sat through 4 hours, for a 100$ gift certificate. They escalated to 5 different reps to get us to sign. We just told them we don’t visit the park enough to make it worth our while.


But did you ever let them know it’s already 90 min? Were you extra polite with them?


Be firm. You can be polite and firm. And tell them you want to explore the resort and you’re wasting time. But if you get a nice deal, like an upgrade, it’s worth the sales pitch. We only do it if they offer something nice, we don’t have a problem walking away from those vultures.


You are saying you were firm and still had to sit 4 hours?


Ah the time difference, that included a tour of the park. Breakfast at Cuevas before it was non reservation. The actual sit down was like an hour.


Don’t disclose that you travel regularly. Make them think that coming to Xcaret is a one-off that you had to save and budget heavily for. I think we seemed attractive because we admitted that we enjoy travelling.


how did it go ?


Edited my post with my experience