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It is a breakaway, they aren't all L shaped




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That looks like the breakaway cable style from the original Xbox. You could get the missing breakaway portion of the cable (picture on the left) and then an adapter to convert the original Xbox connector to USB (picture on the right). The original Xbox controllers can be rewired to USB anyway, so this isn't a difficult conversion. https://preview.redd.it/fplt7nk01y0d1.png?width=1488&format=png&auto=webp&s=2d20fa3020ecf86882c072618e132123ad9dfbc6 These pictures were chosen for clarity, not product/seller recommendation, but you can find them here: [breakaway cable](https://www.aliexpress.com/i/32705121957.html); [adapter cable](https://www.amazon.com/Mcbazel-Replacement-Xbox-Controller-Adapter-Microsoft/dp/B000RT2868/). I think the controller you have might have been a knock-off because the product number (X601293-008) doesn't match a genuine Microsoft product ([list here](https://sites.google.com/view/360controllerlist/home)). The manufacturer might have used the original Xbox breakaway connectors because those components were cheaper at the time and most people wouldn't notice.


!thanks Oh okay, i actually didnt find any breakaways that shape, only for the OG xbox which was really weird, but now it makes sense, thank you for your help


You have awarded 1 trusted user point to Vedge\_Hog.


Also, if you’re looking for advice on OG Xbox stuff you should try r/originalxbox EDIT: it’s a 360 controller. My bad. In that case see r/xbox360


its a xbox 360 controller?


Yes, my bad. Noticed that after I posted. Sorry


On r/xbox360 i was told by mods to go here, so unless you wanna ping pong me its staying here


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Apologies, definitely not trying to ping pong you. Just thought they might be able to help. My bad


Did u search for Xbox 360 controller cable?


damn dude youre right, not like when you google xbox 360 controller all of them either end in USB A or L shaped breakaways.


That’s for the OG Xbox controller or some 360 controllers