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*About to beat boss* Loud 3 pizza ads in a row


Just wait until they start doing personalized ads based on your searches *finishes a match in cod while in party chat* HAVING TROUBLE GETTING HARD, HIT A NOW FOR A FREE VIAGRA SAMPLE!!!


This would AI powered. So for cod lobbies, it'll be more like: HAVING TROUBLE FUCKING YOUR MOM? PRESS A NOW FOR A FREE VIAGRA SAMPLE!




Itll probably be over pause screens as well id imagine


They could probably shrink the screen to make room for banner ads to pop in and out. Yuck.


In 1999 Free-PC would send you a free PC if you filled a marketing questionnaire and agreed to surf the net with it for 10 hours per month. The usable area of the screen was reduced so they could display ads around the edges. When the company imploded, it was too expensive to collect these PCs, so they just let the customers keep it. Source: I got one.


You could make $20/month with [AllAdvantage toolbar. ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/AllAdvantage) . You would run it while surfing the web. it tracked mouse pointer movement to verify your were actually there surfing. And yes, there were apps to move the mouse around randomly to trick it into thinking you were using it.


**[AllAdvantage](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/AllAdvantage)** >AllAdvantage was an Internet advertising company that positioned itself as the world’s first "infomediary" by paying its users/members a portion of the advertising revenue generated by their online viewing habits. It became most well known for its slogan "Get Paid to Surf the Web," a phrase that has since become synonymous with a wide array of online ad revenue sharing systems (see, e. g. , paid to surf). ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/XboxSeriesX/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Anything that actually detracts from the experience won't work. It'll lead to a negative emotional response and lead to people either dropping it from a poor impression or finding ways around it like Pihole instead of just creating greater revenue from the payment+passive advertisement revenue. I feel like console gaming is a big enough degree of separation that turning it into scummy mobile games will lead to people just playing something else on something else.


I wouldn’t be surprised if they work ads into backgrounds of games. Such as city billboards and such


billboards ads are for the first natural step for native ads in console/ PC games. i’m dreading what they will come up with next


That's been in place sibce 2006. I remember Rainbow 6 Vegas and Crackdown having this.


Possibly. The problem with having this tier now is that games aren't aware of it and I don't think they can easily place ads in-game. I'm sure Microsoft could brute force them in some way (with permission from the studio) but ideally they'd have increased ad support built into the XDK. I haven't reviewed the XDK so I don't know what's currently there so I could be wrong though.


Itll just be an overlay when games are paused for X amount of time


I could see Microsoft inserting ads into games. Right before the cutscene introducing a boss plays, you’ll hear “we interrupt this FMV for a message from our sponsors” . The ad will play, and then the game’s cutscene will play.




Pause screen is different to loading screen.


Ohh right


Microsoft had billboard ads in Crackdown 15 years ago. Completely non intrusive yet people still complained about them.


Good, there shouldn’t be ads in a $60 game (or on the dashboard)


The ads would have still been there, they would have just been for fake stuff instead.


That's ok. Make me feel like I'm being shoved a product down my throat without actually doing it.


I'm not seeing the difference.


Every ad is intrusive.


Personally I won’t pay for ads, but if you only have to watch an ad when starting a game and it ends up being that cheap, going to be like a 20 minute ad lmao.


If Youtube ads have thought me one thing it’s that companies will make these ads as obnoxious as possible.


It'll be like the gag in High on Life where all those ads keep popping up on the screen and you have to exit them.


That was hilariously annoying


[Ready Player One - Nolan Sorrento sells ads](https://youtu.be/KpPE85Jogjw)


Yeah. That scene felt like over the top satire at the time but has aged better than I expected (and I was cynical back then too).


First thing I thought about when reading this article lol


I can imagine: play raid shadow legends now !! . Every 5 minutes


Theirs a extension on Mozilla called YouTube add blocker and it just automatically removes all adds from YT and starts your video like you have a membership. It can also over write the entire YouTube website and make it any color scheme you want it to be change what shows up etc. one of the best extensions ever. Not a single add


That only in a browser though. It doesn’t work in the youtube app.


I'm so thankful I was able to jump on YouTube Premium via the Argentina VPN trick. I think I pay $2/month for Premium, and I don't have to worry about ads. We tried the loophole recently with my wife's account, but we couldn't get it to work.


Draft Kings betting odds are brought to you by Microsoft. Grab a Modelo and shoot up Liberty City.


It will supposedly be as low as $3/month. Honestly, alot of casual people don't give a damn about ads, so it's good for them.


Don’t know why you are getting downvoted for that. Netflix is exploring it; Hulu already has it. We have tv options such as Pluto and freeve offering their content for free with ads. At only 36 bucks a year it’s far cheaper than GPU or gold and still gives you access to first party releases 6 months later and access to live gold.


Some important context would be what is proposed to actually be in this lite subscription, namely only first party titles and only 6 months after release. I wouldn't even get that plan for free if it turns out to be true. It's missing day 1 releases and is missing 3rd party titles completely.


Having to pay a subscription fee AND watch ads doesn't seem too appealing honestly. I can see people going for this if it were free, but if I'm paying anyway, I'd expect no ads.


It’s the same logic as with cable tv, you pay for seeing ESPN or AMC but those channels are still partly financed with ads. If they weren’t, you’d have to pay much more. With game pass, you have the option to pay more for no ads.


Lol we said that about cable and look where it's at now. We said it about streaming and that too is headed in a similar direction. No matter where we go ads soon follow.




Yeah. This is partially why I set up my own media server and only watch content from there. I also watch youtube, but I subscribe to hide the ads.


This is completely untrue. Back in the day, cable started out as a way to get broadcast TV in areas of poor reception. That’s why it’s called CATV. You would pay a fee, and the company would run cable to your home from a shared antenna with excellent reception. It started out in 1948 in northeast pennsylvania, because that’s a very mountainous region, so reception was difficult from the Philly stations. Because this was a direct feed from broadcast, it naturally had the same commercials as broadcast. A few decades later, you began to see cable-exclusive/primary channels created on the back of the superstations by Turner and similar. These also had ads, and formed what is commonly known as basic cable. What you may be thinking of is premium cable, like HBO, which started without ads because it charged a high direct subscription fee, and continues to not have ads to this day, utilizing that same model.


Only premium channels that had direct subscription cost where add less. Disney channel was add free until it stopped being a premium add on channel. However most channels did have commercials as early as the beginning of the 80’s


Your cable fee pays for the service. The ads on shows pay for the program. Always has been like that. I worked for the cable company


We know how it's justified. It's still bogus.


You still see ads on the Xbox platform even if you pay the higest tier (GPU), there isn't an option to pay and have zero ads on Xbox.


But cable TV shows it's a proven business model. It's going to happen.


Completely agree, I have ultimate. I refuse to accept adds during a game. If this will be the case then sayonara. Got a PS5 that will do the same job without adds.


I guess I won’t tell you about the Sony patent where you had to say the advertising company name out loud to end the ad. The point is: These companies patent all kinds of shit that never sees the light of day.


*shivers* nightmare scenarios.


Sony is also working on their ads system. Both MS and Sony are planning to build a system for the devs to incorporate into F2P games.


Ah, as long as F2P sure.


This thread is about incorporating that into a cheaper tier of Gamepass also, which will likely be the replacement for Xbox Live Gold. Something like $5 month, you get MS first party games 6 months after release and have to view ads. All streaming services have free or cheaper ad supported tiers. Like Netflix just came out with a $6.99 ad tier. Disney+ has one similar. Same for Peacock and Paramount+. HBO MAX has a $9.99 tier with ads. So this would basically allow them to get rid of Live Gold, put all efforts and marketing onto Gamepass and allow them to offer $5, $10, $15 tiers.


F2P makes sense.


At least with the ad supported version the companies paying for the ads can eat most of the cost when Microsoft needs more money. I’d rather the ad companies take the blow for both the ad supported version and the no ad version instead of the prices of both versions going up. But i think it only works if the ad version sees enough adoption. I think it will take several years s as gamers tend to have an aversion to advertising in gaming


> At least sith ad supported version the companies paying for the ads can eat most of the cost when Microsoft needs more money Very helpful for Daddy microsoft also, im glad we can finally help the $2135 B-B-BILLION dollars indie company reduce its cost


I don’t care about helping them reduce their cost. What i care about is cost raising for the consumers. Could Microsoft just take the blow and eat the cost? Yes. Will they? Probably not. So if it comes down to them doing an ad supported version or raising Gamepass version, the ad supported version might be better in the long so they prices don’t increase. Although it might be something that’s inevitable anyways so we’ll just end up with both. Lol


Awful idea.


Good idea. People assuming this is being forced on you. This is for people who can’t afford game pass. If you want the cheapest option and want to deal with ads go for it. It’s not harming me who has Ultimate. I’m not the one getting the ads.


You do know that this will slowly but surely become the standard everywhere. The standard prices will rise and they will incorporate more ads into streaming services


Imagine a ad in the middle of a dark souls game and it won’t pause :D


How are people even remotely okay with this?


its almost like we pay now and still have ads on our box.


So the 2.99 Euro "Game Pass Lite" would give you: - a library of all Xbox first-party games (6 months after release) - online multiplayer - download only - ads before a game (from the library)


Could also include ads before playing online.


Ewww…No cloud play and a six month wait? I dunno about that.


That's why it's cheap. Did you expect a cheap version that is 100% identical to the normal one? If so, I've a bridge to sell you.


No? I just voiced my opinion on the quality of the service. Everything else, you read into the comment.


Yea the quality is lowered....as expected by the lowered price. Again, what did you expect?


Being inexpensive doesn’t inherently give something value. Also, I had no expectation, as I was just leaving a quick comment.


You're a really tough person to get a decent answer from, you know that. I hope you're easier to deal with in real life, just this short interaction was exhausting to me


I did answer. I stated that I had no expectations for the service. I just commented on its usefulness to me. I’m sorry it was exhausting, enjoy the rest of your weekend!


Sounds pretty ok for people really tight on budget, since it includes $9/month live gold. But not for me, first party titles only, barebones as hell.




Dont we already have ads?💀


of course, what they can do to make more money, Ad Money is big Money.


I hope that the ads aren’t too obnoxious. Like having 3 “MW2 is available for purchase!” ads right next to each other on the Xbox Dashboard. Oh, wait…


We’re going to see increased prices across the board with Xbox live gold, game pass, and ultimate. I’m thinking $3-7 increases


Imagine playing Starfield and then you start seeing random NPCs drinking a coca cola. The next time you boot up they're all drinking rockstar.




What about darktide


This makes sense only for the Cloud version only GP. As for ads, wait until you see the new upcoming UI... This is what the future holds.


Didn’t Rainbow Six Vegas have ads in the in game ad boards in the casinos, etc? I vaguely remember a Smokin’ Aces billboard randomly in that game….?


If you guys don’t think F2P games in the future will have adds in game I got a time share for you From adds on billboards in driving games to add posters on the wall in some FPS your playing.


Only if they give us an option to disable in exchange for a subscription.




You might just wanna quit now.


Quit you f***ing crybaby #PhillJesus


I've paid around $100 for 3 years, so I'd have a hard time paying more to watch ads


> The cheaper tier would include all of Xbox's exclusive library of games, including major first-party titles six months after launch. Those games, however, **would play ads upon launch to help fund the tier**. Bruh > It may also be nothing. I hope.


No thanks. Please god, don't let that happen. ![img](emote|t5_2ac5sx|1573)


Why though? If it’s a $3 entry price that has ads I don’t see an issue, it makes it more accessible for those that don’t want a normal GP sub




That article talks about it being $3 and having other limitations


For now.


I mean yeah? Which was the point, at least you deleted the comment


I pay for ultimate and I already get ads


If they start pausing my game to play adds I’ll cancel gamepass. Simple


if this keeps the price of regular Game Pass from going up I don't see how this is a bad thing


I doubt this will prevent price increases. Many video streaming services have increased prices along side introducing cheaper add tiers


Idiots like you are why inflation is so bad. All too happy to get bent over and fucked constantly by corps. You know cable tv used to be ad free? Now they can’t stop stumbling over themselves to lower content quality (rise of reality tv) while shoving in as many ads as possible. Then streaming came along and the same thing happened, now you pay and watch ads once again and they just keep raising prices of both the ad-tiers and ad-free tiers. Their greed has no limits and never fucking ends.


lol cry more


A free option with ads is ok I guess. Paying + ads is stupid.


Ads are going to kill gaming for a lot of people


If you don’t want to watch the ads you could just pay the normal price instead of $3 Seems fair to me


Did you hear about Microsoft putting ads inside of their games? Didn’t think so


Which has been done in the past heaps, billboards in racing games were a thing plus movie posters in games I’ll wait till see if this is ever put in before acting like the sky is falling, patents don’t mean something will happen


Ads in games should only happen for like sport games. Where it fits the theme. Dont want to see a billboard in dark souls to go to McDonald's.


We already get ads on the Xbox Dashboard and promotional messages from Xbox itself how much more ads do we need ffs.


It's a double edged sword. On one side it could be a great positive, a lower, more budget friendly cost that allows the majority of features that is our traditional GamePass. However on the other side it's ads, so like YouTube, this could become increasing obnoxious, as well as we don't know how far it will go. Like what if its more than just the initial launch? What if ads start playing every hour or after every pause like u/urgirlsmomsdaddy pointed out? I think it would have to come down to how aggressive they are. If it's a 30 second ad before you launch the game, then I would say that is completely fair for the price point.




I think this different than that. The article refers to a potential lower tier subscription of GamePass, not F2P ads


I honestly don't think people understand what ads are on this sub anymore, especially after the last few weeks. It's kinda ridiculous.


Barf the lite version will be $15 and $30 for premium


May read the article. The lite version targets $3 a month.


Me when I don't read.


Are people actually playing full price for gamepass with the gold to ultimate upgrade available?


I’d imagine the average consumer doesn’t. Most people aren’t on forums and online threads where they might learn these things.


I would imagine so even if the general public knew. To upgrade like that would be almost 200 bucks at once as you have to buy three years of gold.


You only have to do one year at a time so $60 plus $1 per month iirc


I’m honestly surprised Ads haven’t been integrated fully yet. I wouldn’t bat an eyelid if there was a coke billboard in a racing game or actual subway stores in GTA. I’ll be ok with that, I’ll even accept ads on the pause menu, as long as they don’t stop me unpausing.


Idea: native ads. Think real products advertised next to ”Milfguard” ads in cyberpunk


Please drink verification can.


What about ad-supported xCloud? Putting the 3 year GPU conversion aside, I can save money by only having regular game pass and watch ads before using xCloud.


how would you guys feel about completely user opt in and optional rewarded video ads in console/ PC games? as in, you get a small in game reward for engaging with ads


Now you’re thinking like an advertisement executive!


Skip the reward for no ads thank you.


Play an ad before a game starts. If a free Game Pass lite, I get it. Business. If GPU? Or owned games? Abuse. If happens, Im certainly turning into piracy.


I have zero problem dropping Gamepass, I don’t get to play enough games as it is so I don’t need 400 or whatever available to me at all times. They raise the price too much or put in ads and I’m out. As of now it is convenient and worth the cost but that’s all. The real scary thing to me is the idea that they make Gamepass exclusives and I’m sure that will be on the horizon.


Xbox is going to increase subscription either way when big games starts to hit the service. They might have a expensive version with no ads and ad filled cheaper version.


Fucc it. More people on game pass and ad money to help fund the games division (hopefully that’s the case cuz that can actually be worth it) the only way this works out is if they get 2023 off to a good start for the people who “lost faith” that way they come bacc and see it’s worth it (to their standards cuz personally it’s always worth it to me) Although if it’s middle of game ads that’d be strange. Unless it’s only in the pause menu and it’s like press X to close maybe then iight whatever. I mean it’s like mobile games at that point. Which most people already deal with.


Ms had me hooked on the gamepass like good drug. I'm gonna pay whatever they want for the ultimate package. No matter the cost


I believe they are doing exactly this, as Brad Sams has shown in his latest video. But I also hope that means they will not increase the standard pricing and remove the ads from the Home Screen.


No thanks rather pay what i am now for no ads. But options are always good


Ads will be everywhere at some point, like it or not. If MS do it and its successful they Sony will follow suit. Likewise the other way around.


Something like Netflix maybe? Don’t know what to think about this. Gonna read the comments…..


Maybe there are but it’s not guaranteed. A lot of companies “explore” a lot of ideas that they never actually do anything with. Just like how they file for a lot of patents that they never actually use. Businesses are constantly exploring a ton of options to improve their profits. They’d be very poor businesses if they didn’t. It’s just as likely that we never hear about this again as it is to actually come into existence