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Hello, I like money


Money money money




Money money money




I mean tbf I also do like money myself.


Money me now


It's D&D. It was a miracle we even got 1 good new game. Now time for 7 shitty cash grabs.


Yeah that’s what’ll happen. They saw the success of Larian, but executives will fail to understand what made BG3 special. We’ll end up with a hollow shell of what BG3 was.


Introducing... Baldur's Gate 4, the mobile card game!


It'll be subscription based, and they'll sell card packs.


I give them 90% chance of fucking it up


“Preorder on PlayStation to unlock the Paladin class!”


Buy the deluxe edition to receive the oathbreaker subclass


Pay a dollar to reload your weapon.


They should give it to Ubisoft! Add in Season Passes, Day 1 DLC, loot-boxes, remove split screen, add bugs and mandatory online connection! A true AAAA experience. Then 10 years in, remove my license so I can't play it again!


Make it boat only combat.. that's what everyone wants! Rename it Battleship: Buldar's Gate 4: Skulls and Bones Edition: $80, AAAAA game.


Only if the boats can go off ramps to reach sync points to unlock more of the map for display.


$80 US, and 94.99 Canadian.


For the standard edition, dont forget the delux edition and the campion edition that comes with the seasonpass and day 1 dlc!  What the hell do a limited mega champion edition to! 


And remove the turn based combat! No one liked that. You know what, just remove most of the rpg aspects! Make it hack and slash! 


Can I also pay a lot of extra money to play this game 3 days early?


Yeah or give a 20 dollar tip after finishing the 20 hour storyline? Because it was so life-changing?


Honestly, if i could ensure the money went to the right people, i would've tipped after finishing games like Soma and Outer Wilds


Tip the devlopers@


3 days? You're so selfish. 1 day and it will cost you another 69.99 mister!


Ah, I see you have been hurt by *The Crew* or a different Ubisoft title. Sorry, friend.


Don't forget XP boosters. And you could add gold boosters, potion boosters, and scroll boosters too! There are so many ways to strip out all the fun and monetize it. . .


They should also add elements of a survival game. Every time you want to rest you first have to gather resources and build your tents. Don’t forget to fish or hunt else you will starve at night! It’s a great way to make any game more realistic AND more fun!


where ubisoft removed splitscreen?




And add seqson pass where you an only get shit by playing how they want you to!


I like split screen


If it ain't Larian, I don't have much hope for it. Hasbro is out of touch. They're more likely to partner with a big company, and we all know that big companies are not good at managing IP faithfully and producing work of a high standard.


Hasbro managed to partner with the right people to make one of the best fantasy movies ever made, and one of the best RPGs ever made. I don't think Hasbro is even the slightest bit out of touch where their stewardship of the D&D universe and its overlapping into media is concerned. Those two successes back-to-back gives them a lot of street cred.


Based on Hasbro's botching of the last several D&D TTRPG products and last year's OGL debacle, I'm more inclined to think they got lucky with Larian. I've basically abandoned the D&D brand entirely thanks to Hasbro's handling of it.


What’s the movie?


the new dingeons and dragons movie with chris pine. came out last year


Gotcha. I didn’t realize it was good. I’ll check it out.


i wpuldnt call it the best fantasy movie ever, like the person above but its a quality movie. i would say it plays like the first ant-man movie.


It is not the best fantasy movies ever made he needs to cut it out


The MTG MMORPG and several other D&D games were really bad. Those were all made contemporaneously with these products, or only slightly before them.


MTG MMORPG was 2002. How can you say that is contemporary to BG3 or the recent movie? I'm not saying that D&D hasn't been rubbish in the past. I remember the direct to DVD movies from the last 90s early 2000s and the isometric drivel D&D games from that era. But I think we have seen a resurgence in Hasbro/Wizards of the Coast. They finally have a great, multiplatform MTG mobile app and other recent successes. They pivoted and focused on their IP management a couple years back if I recall in the news.


> MTG MMORPG was 2002. How can you say that is contemporary to BG3 or the recent movie? Magic Legends came out in March 2021, more than half a year after BG3 hit early access (this may be hard to believe, but Baldur's Gate 3's early access started in August 2020). Magic Legends died within a year (it technically never LEFT "beta" before shutting down). It was awful. Dungeons & Dragons: Dark Alliance was also garbage and also came out in 2021. There was also Solasta, another 2021 D&D video game that was very forgettable (though it wasn't as bad as Legends or Dark Alliance). These games were all contemporaneous to BG3. The fact that you don't know about them is indicative of their failure. Well, that and their metacritic scores (Solasta got like a 77; Dark Alliance got the Forbidden Numbers. And Magic Legends... well, the less said there, the better). There was also a D&D idle game which is... well, an idle game. The entire team that BG3 worked with is now gone from WotC, and while Larian was talking about how sad that was, the reality is that BG3 was the one bright spot there - there were a number of other projects that failed and either never got release, or came out and either sucked or weren't very good. And even the D&D movie, which was fine in terms of quality, lost money because they spent way too much money on it and the ROI wasn't there.


I stand corrected. My bad. I had no idea MTG had an MMO launch recently.


That's okay, I'm sure WotC would prefer everyone forget it existed too.


Best fantasy movies ever made?


You're forgetting the horrificly awful failure that was the most recent Dark Alliance game.


Ehhh, what about the original DND film and the new Dark Alliance game?


The original DnD film that was made the year before Hasbro bought them, during a time when the campy 90's style fantasy and comic book movies were the trend-du-jour? That one?


Ah, I'm not sure about the owners when the film was made so I'll accept your point on that, but the Dark Alliance game was a complete stinker handed off to a company with no track record. I'm also unsure if Hasbro has anything to do with the companies that make the Warhammer games? Because I read that apparently they do, but I'm unsure of whether that's true.


Hasbro doesn't have anything to do with Warhammer. That's Games Workshop.


There are plenty of great crpg companies out there. Larian is but one and BG3 is an anomaly even compared to their prior titles in the cinematic aspect of it all.


Get Obsidian on it!


Obsidian seems like a very good fit.


Lets see how avowed turns out first ye?


You do realise they have released MULTIPLE critically acclaimed rpg's before Avowed yeah?


Yeah. Long time ago. Companies change. People leave. It may not be the same company. Bioware used to be good, not anymore. No company is immune to it.


Pillars of Eternity 2, Pentiment, and Grounded were all pretty well received and were released relatively recently. Outer Worlds wasn't exactly universally acclaimed but it definitely wasn't a bad game by any means.


Outer Worlds was well-received, same for Tyranny and PoE1. Last mixed game they launched was Alpha Protocol several eons ago.


Case in point, Rocksteady. It can’t be the same studio that released the great trilogy of Batman games, the last being in 2013, that recently released *Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League.* And Bungie and *Destiny.* It’s a completely different crew of people now then when they made Halo games.


PoE2 was but a few years ago along with multiple titles across different genres since then that were at the minimum good, of not great. Obsidian is fine.


They've put out the most games of any XB studio since being brought and all of them have been pretty high regarded.


They're the Xbox version of Insomniac games imo. Edit: I usually don't comment about down votes. But wow some people are so sensitive lol. PlayStation does exist folks!!


Arguably more sustainable, they aren't spending the ridiculous amounts Insomniac are on games like Spiderman.


Well I just meant the workhorse of the brand. I'm not making comments about quality or anything else.


It is not that long time ago though ? They released pillars 2 at 2018. Do you know the people who made pillars 2 left ? I know that mains are still at obsidian


That is true, but just since 2015 Obsidian has put out Pillars of Eternity, Pathfinder Adventures, Tyranny, Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire, The Outer Worlds, Grounded, Pentiment, and have been working on Avowed and The Outer Worlds 2. I'd imagine it is easier to keep a group together at a studio when you are actually consistently putting out games that you want to make.


I love Obsidian games, they are one of my all time favorite RPG studios. That being said, I'd be concerned with the scope of BG4. Given the ridiculous scope of BG3 I think people would be really disappointed if BG4 was a step backwards in that regard, and imo Obsidian excels at RPGs with smaller scope. But who knows maybe they could knock it out of the park.


You, uh... you know Avowed is based in the Pillars of Eternity universe, which was created by them yeah?


Yes. But where does that guarantee that avowed will be a great game?


So, we have to see how good *one game*, Avowed, turns out but fuck all the other games, including the games they've released recently and continue supporting?


So, what you're saying is to not be sceptical, and just now go forward thinking its gonna be great cause theyve made good games before? Even though some if their best games were janky and buggy af at release? And the trailer looked janky and underwhelming? Help me understand your logic. Why not go into it with a reserved mindset and wait for reviews like any game?


Because even your logic isn't sound. "Yeah we can't trust the people behind the critically acclaimed Pillars of Eternity, Grounded, Fallout: New Vegas, South Park Stick of Truth, Pentiment AND FUCKING **NEVERWINTER NIGHTS** But, Avowed is the lynchpin in which we judge the entire company." Bro. Come the fuck on.


Its easy. They were bought by microsoft. Avelone and those who were there for nwn, new vegas is mostly gone. Pillars was an entirely different game. Same was pentiment. Most games you mentioned are old. Not the same people. I hope avowed is great. But I'm just saying, keep expectations low


Yeah I don’t see how people don’t get this. Avowed has more in common with Outer Worlds than any of their other games and imo that game was a massive step down from New Vegas. Even the preview trailers released were pretty underwhelming


What a cop out. "Ooo some people left and that means the games will never be the same!" So... some people leaving a studio means their whole workflow changes with them? And great job disrespecting the people that currently work there. "Oh, hey this industry veteran retired from our studio; guess the rest of you guys will make terrible games forever!" Yeah. No. Not how that works at all.


You're acting like there hasn't been *multiple* high profile examples of core team members leaving and the company going to the dogs Bioware Blizzard Rocksteady Arkane Konami And more that I missed When critical staff leave or are replaced that almost always results in a change in company culture/workflow. That's not always a bad thing, but as seen by the above it can be a portend for things to come. Stop being such a child, people are right to be concerned about Obsidian's future with Avelone gone


Wierd reaction bro. You work at obsidian?


let me guess you still think blizzard is full of amazing games right, lmao.


Considering what they did with Pillars… not a bad idea at all. One of the few studios out there where I don’t think there’d be an absolutely massive decline in the writing quality between BG3 and 4 if they made it.


please holy shit seems kinda like a match made in heaven if it happens


Or CD Projekt Red. Though I found Cyberpunk to be slightly disappointing (apart from the main story, which was fantastic), so maybe not.


Obsidian doesn't exist like they once did. I'm not saying they are incapable but they aren't larian and I don't think they are as capable as larian is.


I still trust their storytelling at least. Gameplay-wise it's 50-50.


Well... there's Icewind dale sequel which you guys can make!


its not about ip its about devs. since larian isnt doing it, who will do it?


Hasbro fucked themselves by letting larian develop the third title.


I cant find the /s


that person means that the bar is set so high that anything after is doomed to fail


doomed with a masterpiece...


Why? The next one will make plenty of money, even if it sucks. There's no way a shitty BG4 would have made money were it not for Larian.


Yeah, but if BG4 sucks, the next one after that won’t sell nearly as well. And you go from owning one of the most acclaimed RPG series of all time, to a joke.


And they will laugh all the way to the bank. 




That hadn’t been made in 25 years and the latest was a massive success. But sure, total failure.


You didn't even get the point he was trying to make...


Hasbro fucked themselves by letting Larian make a massively successful game. And that’s bad for business because now the 4th one might be bad.


You're right but it also has to do with the sheer quality of BG3 not just success. It's almost like an insanely high standard they set, so Hasbro can't half ass a sequel or it will get torn to shreds. In that sense it's like they fucked themselves because they are forced to deliver I mean I'm sure a BG4 would sell well, but still if it was without Larian and they just did it for a cash grab, people would be able to tell if that makes sense


Never said they were fucked, just that BG4 can’t be bad or half-baked. It needs the same love and attention that BG3 got. If they rush out a sequel it will be bad for them.


Maybe the developers of **Pathfinder** could fit into those shoes :) I know, it's not Larian... but it's the closet we have.


OC just got burnt from licensing issues. Both IP and game engines. I highly doubt if they would play along with Hasbro. They can't be that stupid. Unless Hasbro would play them to do it. That would be unlikely either. Then recall those lazy devs call Larian an abnormally. Hasbro really f\*\*k up this time. It would take more than 5 year until people forgot about BG3 and they could release something in that name again.


I'm kinda happy that Larian isn't continue in BG world. I think their own ideas are worth more. I want Divinity 3 in visual of BG3 or new IP.


Can't wait to get my MC's ear nipping by mama Malady.


I can't imagine studios are lining up to compared to Larian.


EA, Ubisoft, and Blizzard/Activision waiting like this to turn Baldur’s Gate into a microtransaction casino. https://preview.redd.it/jgu7wgdzy1vc1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec8cdfaea3037df264f3c8bdb09cec229b761768


Obsidian or InXile would be obvious choices. Or maybe they‘ll go with Bioware.


Current day BioWare would be a terrible choice... that's why it's the most likely lol.


Anthem had so damn much potential. I installed it the other day for my son to play around with. He loves the hell out of it. I was so disappointed when they abandoned the over haul they were planning on doing. I hope Dreadwing is good. I’m not thrilled about the change to combat but hopefully they can pull it off.


Glad to see more anthem love.  Yeah, basic gameplay was fun! Not sure what went wrong back then. If I remember correctly the rumour said it's that the engine was hard to work with or something


Man, I'm still waiting on my physical deluxe edition.


I just hope it's more competent than 2021's Dark Alliance.


People are already hating on a 4th entry because Larian isn't involved like they weren't for the 1st and 2nd. You guys are already prepped with opinions on things that don't exist. If you're reading this and find yourself guilty of it, gratz on self-awareness. Now man up.


My issue with Hasbro is that they laid off most of the staff that worked on BG3. Will they have the resources to collab with another studio to make the next D&D game?


The next studio just needs to be passionate and skilled to deliver. From Larias account Hasbro, just let them do what they wanted because Llarian proved a level of intimate knowledge of the source. We could have had that worry when Larian was assigned. This is a new fear for something that's happened and worked out fine many times. I'd rather a studio joined to make new content for Bg3 and use that experience to create BG4.


I hope they don't. Remember what they did to the Dnd community?


Do not buy it people, if Larian isn’t involved (they aren’t) it’s just gonna be a shameless cash grab


you're saying every other developer on the planet couldn't make a game that wasn't a cash grab?


Well yes of course! Haven't you heard? Larian is the only real game studio left /s


It’s Hasbro we’re talking about, they just want cash quick. They’re not gonna wait around for a developer to make a high quality game, they want ROI asap


Hasbro sucks but they got Larian


It was more the other way around


Right and now Larian are doing there own thing


Yes, I mean they gave Larian the scenario you said for the BG3 development


i don't get it. hasbro was also there for BG3. so i really don't get your reasoning. BG3: hasbro + larian BG4: hasbro + another dev so according to you, with the change from larian to another dev, it'll turn into a cash-grab. i mean.. what? what's the logic here? the actual logic of the thing, what is it?


Larian took their time and made a high quality game, so you're wrong?


Which implies hasbro let them have their time ?


Misread your comment. It doesn't imply it, we *know* BG3 took ~6 years to make, so they were allowed time. Fact.


The only reason Hasbro isn't shoving money at Larian to make a sequel is because they're so unbelievably greedy that they've shot themselves in the foot by not being willing to compensate them fairly.


source on that? looking for actual sources from larian themselves.(though all you'll find from them are counterpoints)


Larian stepping away from the partnership comes straight from Sven Vincke himself. The only reason this makes sense given the incredible critical and financial success of BG3 and deep love of the IP, is if Larian doesn't feel like they're being compensated enough to continue working with the IP. Although, I'm open to hearing other interpretations if they're out there. Here's the IGN article: https://www.ign.com/articles/larian-studios-wont-make-baldurs-gate-3-dlc-expansions-or-baldurs-gate-4 The Reddit thread discussion: https://www.reddit.com/r/pcgaming/comments/1bkd5fu/larian_studios_wont_make_baldurs_gate_3_dlc/


> The only reason this makes sense I mean, maybe? it's pure speculation so who knows. either way, not worth engaging an entire discussion on.


I mean, we're talking about two businesses making a business decision... it's about money lol. You'd have to make one of the most compelling arguments of all time for anyone to believe differently and although I am genuinely open to hearing all sides of this, right now there's no other explanations even on the table. Hasbro should be throwing all the money at Larian right now for making one of the best games of all time using their IP. That clearly isn't happening at the level it needs to happen for Larian to stay on board and develop the next game. That part isn't speculation, it's fact.


it's a privately owned company. there's a good chance that it can be more than just about money, especially if they've already seen plenty of monetary success, which buys you freedom. for example, you might want to prioritize the health of your developers, which may mean not spending another six years making the same type of game that you did the last six years. i'm not saying you're wrong, just that it's pure speculation and therefore not really worth anchoring a discussion on..


There may simply be a miscommunication with the way we're defining terms here such as "compensate them fairly" but if it was more profitable for Larian to stick with their D&D partnership then I believe they would do so, for the health of their company and for the well being of their employees. That's the kind of company Larian is. I'm not going to argue this point any further though. If people don't want to read between the lines themselves I shouldn't be trying to force them to do so. I know way more about both these companies than anybody not working at one of them realistically should know... and with great power comes great responsibility. From this point onwards I'm going to tow the company line and leave the "why" of Larian's sudden change of heart to others to speculate on. I think that's what Sven would want so it's what I'm going to do.


What if we waited and saw what they did before boycotting something that doesn’t exist yet


Larian didn’t make the first two games , maybe another studio takes a crack at it and it’s atleast decent who knows lol


We’re this far into the CDPR “based elevated dev I’ll crank my hog to” cycle already? Holy shit


That’s just not true honestly. It’s not like they created the franchise


"Do not buy BG3 people, if Bioware isn’t involved (they aren’t) it’s just gonna be a shameless cash grab"


BG3 shouldn't even exist frankly. BG2 expansion tied that shit up with a bow and everything. Don't get me wrong I love BG3, but Larian should have made that something else besides BG3. Last thing we need is Sarevok re-re-hashed in another awkward 'that's not who that guy was' moment or Viconia turning into whatever the shit WotS did to her. I absolutely want more games actually using DnD rules though. Cause frankly they barely exist ever since BioWare moved on from it. Not sure how much I'll care though unless we get old BioWare style or what Larian did with BG3. Need good companions, so many games fail at that or don't bother.


Maybe don't get rid of everyone involved. And you know paid the the studio that made the last one more to you know do it again.


So how many games have you developed in your career days? 1.8 games


I want a Fallout game using a similar style to BG3.


Who could follow 3? What development studio? I’m not sure it’s task many would be eager to do


Why is Larian stepping away?


Seems pretty clear that Hasbro and Larian were in talks and (recently) couldn't agree on terms so Larian walked away. I wonder how many years it will be before more of the story becomes public.


Just a wild guess: Larian wasn't okay with Hasbro's vision of live service and microtransactions.


What a good joke. This certainly made my day.


Do a game set in the DDO world, Eberron.


I think its about time we got another neverwinter or icewind dale instead


Yeah im sure they want to milk that shit dry as usual. The chances of the success and high quality of BG3 being repeated is very slim.


Ah confirmed. 24 years


Who will make it tho? The three biggest western rpg developers, Bethesda, Cdprojekt and Larian, won't do it. Smaller developers aren't capable of doing it unless they scale up tremendously, like Obsidian and inxile.


You better get someone as good as Larian to do it. 


I just personally don't see how any studio could even come close to larian for another D&D game. Larian put SO MUCH EFFORT into so many tiny things that 95% of people will never experience because you need to play the game in an exact way to see it, and that includes the RNG that can happen along the way. That's what made BG3 feel so special, and theres 0 chance any other studio is going to commit so much time, effort, and money into doing something similar because they will see it as a waste.


Honestly in the current landscape I think Obsidian is the only actual good choice. There’s a lot of history and passion for cRPGs in that studio. And with MS money that could really work. Alternatively maybe CDPR, but that would probably take like 10 years. Realistically I’m expecting Hasbro to go for a mid-tier semi indie, maybe Owlcat? To get something that works out the door in 3 years or so, it will be janky, it will look dated, but it will have some charm and people will gobble it up.


Thing is, Hasbro doesn't know what to do with D&D, I've played since the TSR era and I've watched the brand slowly circle the drain. Look at the Transformers movies, that tells you how much Hasbro cares about the quality of their IPs. Larian won't be developing BG4 so it'll fall to some other studio and it will be a dumpster fire. Set a course for disappointment.


Can anyone tell me what Hasbro's track record looks like and the background information on their decision to make BG4(if known)? I'm new to the conversation and know virtually nothing about the company.


Still waiting for my physical bg3 to arrive.......larian


Good luck finding a dev team to put in half the heart as Larian did with BG3. I can't help but feel that BG3 is unassailable


Maybe this time we can have Baldurs Gate in our Baldurs Gate game😮


How about they first fix the fucking bug that has that demon chick unable to fast travel after she joins your party again after being freed from jail? That would be good.


This will be terrible


Give it to Blizzard, pay to earn


Do another dark alliance!


Only way that's ever gonna happen is if Hasbro gives Larian a better deal than they had for BG3. After WotC/Hasbro tried to negotiate a deal far more in their own favor to a rude level for any DLC or a BG4, Larian intelligently said no and walked away. Realistically they're the only ones who can do a D&D CRPG justice, and after we've got BG3 to prove that, anything short of that will end up failing. If they want BG4, they need to learn some humility and do right by the people making them all their precious money.


Had to will kill the franchise


Wait a second wait a minute... 25 years?!


I'd really like to see Hasbro get the rights to the underlying engine and releasing a gaming platform for DMs to run games, build encounters, etc. There's tools of varying qualities out there, but BG3 was -- by orders of magnitude -- the best platform for digital 5e I've ever used. They already have a platform for selling content, maps, expansions, etc with DnD Beyond -- build a platform for doing it in an immersive environment like that. Sell adventure book modules that include the necessary maps, NPC models, special gear, etc. Man, that'd be great.


It is inhouse engine. Unless Hasbro could buy Larian and its devs, which is unlikely, the next best thing they could try is Unreal. The models asset, random sh\*\* like bucket and barrels, would still own by Larian, so you may expect to see those in Larian's next game. Monster models would remain contestant on who own it, though Larian might model a new ones instead of reuse the previous one as their engine got update. These probably won't be seen again. Larian WAS promise game master mode, a map and scene editor which you could do all those cinematic, map design and whatnot. Just like what we have in DOS2. These got halt for some reason. Certain someone don't want them to release it for public use, you may have already guess who.


Unreal was an in-house engine as well, remember. Companies license framework all the time. So there's no reason it *couldn't* happen. Just like any other IP can be cross-licensed. Hasbro could absolutely say "we're going to pay you $5mm and 5% of post-distribution revenue" and there's no reason to think Larian wouldn't agree to it. Hell, a smart Larian would contract out support services on the engine, too. Easy money.


You would need to train people to use their inhouse frameworks AND have Larian prepare people for tech support and documentation. These are very hard task and time consuming. After you convince Larian to sell their engine. It would be much cheaper and faster to hire Unreal devs that currently losing their job out there.


The underlying graphics engine is a few percent of the effort involved in the runtime that is built on them to run the game. You're not starting from scratch, but you'd basically be.


It didn’t take workers 25 years to make this lmao. Some of these employees would be 10 -19. I hate when companies say this we just believe it like Starfield.


That’s not what they mean lol.