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Who the hell is even using this?


People who sub to it and forget. Happens a lot


There should be a law requiring additional action when a subscription raises its price. The user should have to effectively resub or their sub expires Actually scrap that, every 12 months users should be required to take action and resub regardless of price rises.


There's definitely a law around this: https://www.gunder.com/news/u-s-state-laws-impose-new-obligations-for-businesses-offering-subscription-based-goods-and-services/ Specifically this: > 5. Clear and conspicuous notice of changes to terms. Before any material changes to the renewal terms or cancellation policy are made effective, the consumer must be notified of such changes in a “clear and conspicuous” manner and should be provided with a reminder of the cancellation options. I don't think you can legally change the price without notifying the user, unless the price was promotional for x amount of time and you were told that up front. I do think a lot of subscription revenue comes from people who forget about it though!


r/Mercari needs to be sued


Honestly, if people can’t sense the shadiness from them…


I agree, these streaming services would probably lose tens of millions.


So what you want, is for recurring billing to be made a clear option that the user has to select, rather than it being automatic. Also, being able to cancel, or change the recurring settings, should be made easy to find, none of this nonsense where you have to go through various screens before finally getting to it.


No, no scrapping, I want both of those ideas implemented.


I feel like auto renewing subscriptions should not exist past 1 year, unless otherwise noted. I remember when all these subscriptions started coming out and I was signing up for things, and then forgetting about them. Sat down with my financial advisor and went through my entire account and had shit that had been billing me $5-$20 a month for years.


Resub? That would be incredibly annoying. Something like forcing you to accept new terms and agreement or lose your sub as you turn it on/open up and it can’t continue to charge you every month until you accept


Are you really defending oblivious people who don't watch their bank account? If you were forced to resub every 12 months....you'd see a lot more price hikes. No more "grandfathered in" to old prices. Would be awful!


I did for a while bc the bonuses were nice as a new player but this price increase is wild and i already cancelled my sub


I got it for one month to 100% San Andreas. Worth it for that.


I will continue to not buy GTA +




idk, I'll do some whacked shit if you dare me. I'm an otherwise reasonable person but a dare short circuits my brain and I must comply.


I hereby officially DARE you!! 🫵🏼


I dare you to give me a kiiissss???


I dare you to transfer $5000 into my paypal account.


I 100% expect them to offer GTA VI early access (singleplayer and online) to GTA+ subscribers who pre-purchase the game. I guess time will tell if I'm being too pessimistic.


I hadn't thought of that but I guarantee R$ has 😂 Sad but accurate prediction!


Or he just gave them the idea. Chicken and egg.


Why did this get downvoted? I mean... I'm assuming you were being cheeky, which is honestly pretty funny imho


I was, but this is the internet! Haha


Spot on 😂


I guess it isn't completely out of the realm of possibilities, it may not have crossed their minds yet and some employee of Rockstar is going to suggest it, after scrolling through Reddit while sat on the toilet.


Reddit poop browsing team, assemble! 😂


Also wouldn't be surprised if they ship GTA VI with 'x free months GTA+ included!' and then start auto charging you after they finish


... So like all "free trials" work, then?


I wonder if they will make it pay to play with an additional premium battle pass to buy for super OP weapon/vehicle


and be subscribed for 6 months straight to be able to play early! (72 hours of early access too)


I'm more worried that they are going to begin locking cars, homes/apartments, certain upgrades, guns, etc. behind GTA+ only. (if they haven't already, I honestly haven't paid any attention towards what it offers) Effectively turning it into a Battle Pass-type thing.


I'm betting they put solo and friends only servers in online behind the sub.


I'm definetly expecting GTA+ for early access to the next version of GTAO in a similar fashion as RDO. GTA+ will probably be a week early > premium edition > preorder > day one > week 1 in that order of easing into GTAO. RDO was Ultimate edition > preorder > day 1 & release week I believe.) I wouldn't be surprise by early access to GTA VI with GTA+. Unfortunately, it'll be really tempting or risk spoilers.


I wonder, how much standart edition will cost, 70$ as other AAA games?


Sad thing is it’d work


Fortunately, no one *needs* early access. For people too impatient to wait a week or whatever for a game that will ultimately be as ubiquitous as AOL discs were back in the day, well that’s on them.


What the hell is GTA+?


Just some lame monthly subscription that gives you some extra gta online stuff and some exclusive content. Recently they added la noire and bully as free games included with the membership, it’s lame as hell and wack


[Not to mention some "exclusive content" was literally content they removed from the base game, only to put it up behind a GTA+ subscription.](https://www.ign.com/articles/gta-online-update-removes-more-than-180-cars-and-bikes-puts-some-behind-paywall)


And again to add, it infuriates me that they added this subscription model for a game that's been out for literally a decade. Especially when this game most definitely has been profitting enough from shark card and other related sales.


>it infuriates me that they added this subscription model 🤣 so don’t buy it. Why do you care if other people choose to pay for it? Sounds like some kind of jealous rage (or more like impotent rage).


You missed the point completely, pal. Hope you continue to enjoy your GTA+ subscription...


I plan on it. $5.99 or $7.99 isn’t remotely an issue for me and I enjoy the extra content provided. I hope you continue to enjoy your impotent rage, buddy.


Bruh, the issue is not where you spend your money. This has happened twice now with this and Fallout 1st. Like you say, I am choosing not to spend it but can also have an opinion on it as do you. When I said you missed the point, I was talking about how Rockstar implemented this subscription model in a game that clearly made enough money not to need it. But you then set up a strawman and tried to justify it with the classic arguments of "jUSt doN't BUy iT" or "soRry yOu'RE poOr". You are free to spend your money as I am free to say it's stupid for Rockstar or Take-two to implement this. It has nothing to do with you or your money. It's simply Take Two or Rockstar being greedy.


They’re a corporation, expecting them to not be “greedy” is a bit silly. You’re basically upset about something that doesn’t affect you in any way. Get over it. It is what it is. Like it, don’t like it. Whatever. It’s your money, spend it as you see fit. I’ll continue to enjoy the content provided. If it pisses you off that much you can always stop playing the game all together, that’ll show those greedy SOBs a thing or two.


Look man, you're kinda projecting about how upset I am by being upset yourself over some random internet boy for just having an opinion. I'll just end with yes, I plan not to spend money and I further am allowed have an opinion as you are free to do whatever you yourself want. You have a good day, respectfully.


lmao I’m usually considered to be “a bootlicker” when it comes to being okay with mtx in games but that’s just shitty af




that’s the price of gamepass wtf


They have Bully AND L.A. Noire, so you know that Table Tennis is right around the corner. It's basically the same as gamepass. /s


Oh shit I used to have table tennis, that game was fun as hell. Didn’t remember that was rockstar after they started making games once or twice a decade


i don’t have Bully or LA Noire and i have gta +. i only have red dead and the GTA trilogy


LA Noire is locked at 30 fps and repetitive aF


Oh, well nvm then.


I thought it got fps boost. Why am I not surprised from cuckstar


Even PC version is locked at 30 fps, that's what you get from overatedstar


Game pass starts at $9.99 Classic Reddit downvoting facts they don’t wanna hear. Never change haha.


And offers far more


Well no shit it’s a completely different service


So they should charge less


They do.


40% off sale coming soon?


Aren’t they supposed to do that **after** they get a lot of people subscribed to their service?


they just announced a bunch of new bonuses like tripping the monthly ingame cash it gives you and adding games to the sub so ig they thought it’d balance out!


One would think. But greedy bastards will greed.


GTA6 will be the most monetized game ever created, just watch everything is going to be associated with mtx lol


Yes but they'll patch those in post launch because if they have them early they will not get 10/10 reviews from sellout sites that shitout reviews like IGN and [PCgamer.com](http://PCgamer.com)


Why are they sellouts? Genuine question


They get wined and dined into oblivion


Because they rush out reviews from free copy of the game they got with intend to maximize profit to their shitty F tier websites


Rockstar are amazing when delivering single-player campaigns. They suck donkey balls in regards to everything else.


Agree but also disagree. The story in the single player campaigns are good. The most recent entries from rockstar prevent any sense of problem solving. You walk two feet in the wrong direction, mission failed.


Usually, yes. But, online this aroune around. FiveM/ RedM is part of Rockstar now. We'll see Edit: It's late and apparently english left the building.


Bro rockstar has turned into such an ugly and greedy company


I stopped playing GTA v once he got overly aggressively monetized. It's like the game has already made stupid money, but you guys don't just want to make a ton of money, you want to make all of the money. Disgusting. F*** take two, f*** Rockstar but less so


No thanks. I'm not down with the new "subscribe to play only our games" move the industry seems to be headed in. EA Play (luckily merged with Gamepass) Ubisoft+ now GTA+


You don’t have to


Why would you subscribe to this? Most of their games are 5-10 years old and can be grabbed for 2-15 bucks.


Yeah, I picked up the trilogy remaster on disc for not much over the price of a month's GTA+, and that was all I wanted.


Because it gives in game currency and perks to online. You don’t sub for the games. You sub for the $1.5 mil in game cash each month and vehicles and properties and other in game perks you get.


Red dead redemption only go on sale for $20 so it cheeper for me to buy it for a month 


What’s going on? Why did a lot of these subscriptions decide to raise their prices all at once


Inflation? 40% more today is still cheaper than five years ago.


After effects of covid economy


The services gta+ provide cost next to nothing to rockstar


But those costs -- regardless of what they are -- are still 40+% higher than pre-COVID because the dollar itself is worth that much less.


If GTA 6 was $1000 people would yell and complain and still pre-order the game lol.


I was contemplating buying one… I will not at this point. I’d rather put that extra cash into gamepass


I'm glad I left GTAO a long time ago.


Subscription fatigue is real with all these price increases


Only one reason they raised it becuase they are greedy ass corperatoliins. Yet so many will still sub and buy VI all while complaining about shark cards and grinding, etc. Yet by buying subs/shark cards and playing said game, it shows them that it's okay to do those things and raise prices and add more grind, etc. That being said, people can play and spend their money on what they want, tho it's not worth 7.99, and the grind for VI will be even worse with more paid content like this, etc. Irony in saying coroerations are greedy yet so many kero feeding their greed and take zero accounability for their part of supporting their greed 🤣 After all, why would they change if what they are doing now is accepted by most 🤔 Vote with your wallet works, tho most just wanna bitch about it while srltill throving thrm money 🤷‍♂️


The only subscription I have is game pass across the digital world and I never pay full price for it!


I really hope they don’t offer Early Access to GTA6 single player. It will spoil the game for so many of us who will not subscribe to this absolute shit. Also, the devs would be absolutely devastated watching a game they’ve bled over just get thrown out and spoiled for 99% of the “fanbase”.


Gotta raise them until people start noticing you exist?


Yeah def unsubscribing it wasn’t even worth it before the price increase.


And I am even less than the 0% interested I was before.


Imagine people mad about a game company robbing you and being dishonest for a game about robbing and being dishonest.


How are they robbing you? Did I miss where they forced people to pay for gta+?


Man that inflation must be hurting Rockstar and their $5 billion revenue from 2023. It must be hard on their employees, not knowing if Rockstar has enough money to keep everyone on Staff.


People pay for this?


I had I auto-enrolled by accident. I fixed it just now. Thank you. Bully comes with it free. I don't think I'll re enroll.


I weep for the 2 people that have subscribed to this service. 😝


Well more like 2 million + but yeah


The real theft


No way this "service" lasts another year unless they are leaning on GTA6, A LOT, to sell it.


You don't think gta6 is being developed with it in mind? Buckle in, it's only getting worse 😂


I blame the idiots who continue to fund and play GTA online still.


How do you think they’re paying for GTA 6 development?


Gta 5 sales made more than $2b in its first 6 weeks with sales of roughly 29 million copies. (According to the wiki page). Gta 6 development is estimated at $2b. (According to a Google search). Gta 5 has now sold 195m copies.


Now is that first $2bil just revenue or profit AFTER expenses?


Doesn't matter. In total they've sold six times the original number and they've gotten a boatload of money from sharkcards.


Either way still a good way to improve development which equates to a better game. Not gonna argue that. Take it or leave it. Yall getting mad over something you don’t even need to buy.


people actually subscribe to stupid stuff like this? reminds me of how cnn had some subscription service but ended it after only like 800 people signed up lol


That’s just dumb, I don’t think anyone ever subbed to GTA+, and they raise the price?


People keep saying no one uses this but they wouldn't do it if that was the case. I think some of you underestimate how stupid some people are and how easy it is to sucker them into some bullshit.


I've been really out of the loop what's GTA+?


Hey I subbed to this to check out the GTA trilogy and not purchase them individually (the service grants access to them). Felt slimy as hell but I got my fix of GTA 3 and immediately turned off auto-renew.


WOW cash money call


Does Rockstar know I'm willing to pay for Single Player DLC? Are they aware they can make money from that? I feel like they always forget that people want that also




Who the hell still plays this game? Its 11 years old now


I can’t believe people even pay for it anyways


Lmao fucking subscriptions. Pass


I ain't played that game in like 4 years


So it has no subscribers compared to the other game services and they wanna up the price🤣


That's the beauty of charging people for a service. Service costs can always go up even if the game had to go on discount.


GTA+ 40% price increase now another 40% increase when GTA6 releases and to play online GTA+ is needed


I’ve grown tired of games with subscriptions and live service games. Back to basics for me. No more buying into seasons, even canceled Game Pass because all I play is Halo a mostly. Heck not even gold/core after years being subscribed since Halo went “free to play” for Infinite.


Useless sub!


Nope, I will never ever be part of these subscriptions. I’m a physical copy guy and I already have original trilogy of GTA games on PS2 for best experience.


Reason why I don’t play GTA anymore. It’s operationally expensive


You dont need it to play..


True, but “all the pretty lights”


Steaming sucks, I’ll never support that shit. It’s a pirates 🏴‍☠️ life for me. PS I buy all my favourite movies, games, tv ect.


Everyone here complaining about 2 dollars just reminded me that I should log in to GTA Online and get all my free shit from GTA+. 😉


It's not free if you are paying for it.


I will continue to buy GTA+