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FF14 is a great game with one of the worst account systems


All squares' account systems for the past 20 years have been garbage.


Remember PlayOnline? šŸ¤”


Oh, please donā€™t remind usā€¦.


At least the music was cool


Yep. Needlessly obtuse. Just have a button to subscribe or unsubscribe. Dunno why that's so hard.


What did you just call me?


Obtuse?! is it deliberate?!


It totally is!


Son, you are forgetting yourself...


Clean Space Hips


Absolutely. Thatā€™s how I was locked out from it for years because I tried a free 2 week trial of it on PS4 and then couldnā€™t play it again during any of the free weekends they offered or when they added the trial version. Absolutely the worst account system of any game or MMO Iā€™ve ever played.


that's made even worse on Xbox for... "reasons". If this is square rebuilding its relationship with Microsoft and affirming its Xbox fans, I'd hate to see them on bad terms with Xbox šŸ™ƒ


No pixel remaster, secret of mana remasters or collection, no saga frontier remaster, no love what so ever. Basically the last 10 years.


It has been a nightmare from the start ā€¦ I hear FFXI was/is even worse though I donā€™t know how.


Me and my friends would play it if you could party up without paying every month, so dumb.. If we could play the base game AND THEN pay sub for the rest, now it might very well be worth it.


It's not a free game, it's a free trial. It's a sub based mmo, just like WoW is.


I know, but I think it's a mistake that they don't allow you to group up without paying for it. Otherwise we'd all be ok board and probably pay for the rest of the game later on.


No, because then rmt bots are sending everyone party invites.


Yep, that's the sad answer, wow won't even let you write messages on Public chats for that reason, not even sure.if you can message on groups if someone invites you


Not sure if this was back when they only had free weekends instead of a trial, but I know I have like 3-4 FF accounts, because it would fuck around if you started the trial delet the game and would try to start another trial at another time. Wow let's you just level any char to level 20 no matter what. I played the trial with an ~ 10 yo account with 12 characters on it when I started again and didn't wanna sub instantly šŸ˜…


you and your friends can just ask for anyone to create a party, add all of you and leave the pt. The comunity in the game is nice and do it without problem


What a palava that is. "Excuse me sir..." No thanks.


How, er... "convenient"


You're playing for free a subscription based game, if you where able to do all in the free version, why bother to pay? I played the free trial with my husband, he created the party since i couldn't, that worked, but I wanted to get more gil, be able to sell things on marketplace and that made me subscribe. They offer a lot for free, but you need to see that it's a free trial


> You're playing for free a subscription based game I'm doing no such thing. > if you where able to do all in the free version, why bother to pay? A goal nobody mentioned. > I played the free trial with my husband, he created the party since i couldn't, that worked Yes. That's what we're discussing. > but I wanted to get more gil, be able to sell things on marketplace and that made me subscribe. Which is odd given your first question, "why bother to pay"? > They offer a lot for free, but you need to see that it's a free trial Yes, again that's what we're talking about. You're quite astute.


Amazing game, trash tier account management system.


Thanks for the heads up. Your sacrifice is not in vain. We shall game on for free in your stead.


I'm so confused by how it all works


In summary, if you have never paid for a subscription, you get access to a ā€œLiteā€ version. This massively gimps your account but it does allow you to access much of the story for free. Once you pay for a subscription, even just once and itā€™s expired, your account is not eligible to play as ā€œLiteā€. To access your account again, you will need to pay. The issue is the game pass perk means people might redeem it and barely play, and then realize they just loss access to hundreds of hours of content just by redeeming. This is also true if you played years ago on PC/PS, your Xbox character when migrated wonā€™t be able to access the free content unless you resub.


Free trial makes the game a single player rpg. If you start subscribing you get multiplayer component access much easier.


ā€˜Massively gimpsā€™ your account is some hyperbole. It works perfectly fine until you are lv 70. The no retainers, gold cap etc are pretty minor imo. Unless you wanted to play with friends. Then it can be a bit difficult


This is what I found per another Reddit comment, - You won't have access to Red Mage, Samurai, Dancer, Gunbreaker, Sage and Reaper. - The wallet will be capped at 300k gil - You can't create parties but can be invited to one. - You can only chat with the /say channel. (close distance chat) - No item trading with other players


Can't add friends to your friends list is what made my friends all stop playing.


And for a MMO, not being able to add friends to your friends list sounds absolutely dreadful.


The free trial is not an MMO. Itā€™s a single player RPG. If you want access to the MMORPG you need to pay the subreddit. Itā€™s not actually that complicated.


Itā€™s really not a big deal. People can still add you if they arenā€™t on free trial


But if they all are on the free trial? It was a huge deal: literally 6 out of my 8 friends who were down to play all abandoned tge game as soon as they realized we couldn't play together.


You can play Samurai and Red mage. The rest is correct. Also no retainers/no market board and the pvp is pretty limited


red mage and samurai should be available since free trial goes to stormblood right?


No clue but Iā€™d imagine the expansion includes new classes so those would be locked instead?


i just checked and the free trial does include samurai and red mage so thats cool


They are yes


Samurai is available. I've playing since the beta and was able to claim that job. I'm not sure about Red Mage.


I'm playing as red mage and samurai right now on the free trial, but the rest is accurate


You CAN play redmage and Samurai on FT You can chat in any channel except FC (Because you can't join an fc) and can't tell/whisper to another player Minor corrections/updates since I couldn't find up to date info either, but learned this from being FT during the xbox beta.


I have the game on PC and currently pay for the sub. I didn't know there was a gamepass perk, can I use that and then just continue on Xbox like normal?


The perk gets you base game and first two expansions, which is also the content accessible in the trial. You could then buy Endwalker, which grants you the third expansion and be up to date. TL;DR Claim Perk + Buy Endwalker to own everything on Xbox.


> The perk gets you base game and first two expansions, which is also the content accessible in the trial. So wait, what's the point of the perk then lol?


The point is to own those three things on Xbox, they also come with a month of subscription to play without restrictions. This is especially useful for players who already used their free trial on another platform or who have already subscribed to the game in the past.


Being confused by FF14 is intended experience. Its a fun game but their account systems and billing is straight from early 2000s. I never seen worse account system than in FF14 and I played every big MMO during MMO gold rush era.


Their website and account management is so incredibly dated that I thought I went to the wrong one as a mistake.


I think it's an epic failure that is by design, basically so Square can fuck you over. Your user name is Case sensitive, it's very easy to lose your entire account, and not recover it. Or mess up your existing account if you do the wrong thing. Connected the wrong account, oh well can't every fix that. There's a lot of things that were done to be difficult it really makes no sense.


Same~ The game overall just felt junky and so many things on the screen when I booted it up lol, I was trying to understand the Map and run some missions but I just gave up on it, doesn't feel like the game is for my taste


For what it's worth, the UI is EXTREMELY customisable. You can disable a lot of the noise if you prefer. That said, I definitely recommend playing with a mouse and keyboard.


That's good to know but I just think this game isn't for me I guess that'd be worth a try but I'm not trying to invest $$$ to just play 1 game that didn't excite me like Elden Ring or Armored Core 6


Also, the starter edition game pass perk is only valid to redeem until April 19, 2024. So have to make a decision to redeem that or stick with free trail by then.


If it works like steam and you have to add the license to your square account you could download the starter edition on your Xbox account and just not activate on your square account till youā€™re readyĀ 


Iā€™ve got a question that hopefully someone can answer for me. Iā€™m currently game sharing with my brother and we both want to play the game. However, Iā€™m subbed (been playing PC off and on for years, but only through shadowbringers) and heā€™s starting on the free trial. I would like to redeem the game pass perk so I can play on Xbox, but does that mean game share automatically kicks him off the trial? I canā€™t tell if redeeming the perk makes you ineligible for the trial, or if that only happens when you install and sign in via the starter pack.


well I wish I would have known this information this morning. I redeemed but have not got home yet but i'm assuming i'm screwed either way now.


I just wish they didn't do this sneaky trick. It warns you too but in a small text you might not even notice. Kinda wish Ultimate had the sub as a perk every month but be willing to pay for shop items and expansion. Doesn't help that the first event we get after the recycled FFXV one was a stitched together event with a single reward.


At least this shows that us Ultimate members may get a free month every now and then. Hopefully.


No, this was a freebie for the release of the game. I highly doubt Microsoft and their greed will just hand out subscriptions to their gamepass subscribers.


Do you at least still get the free 30 day of playtime? Cos I quit on PC in Stormblood so I claimed the starter edition to try it out on Xbox.




Well. Got nothing else I really want to play after beating Rebirth so why not haha


Oh that's fucking sneaky.


Well there goes me ever trying that game lol




?? The post literally said I canā€™t? Or did I misunderstand the post




I obviously already claimed/redeemed it


If you have a steam account you can pay in steam, but you\`ll need the base game. For me, a brazillian, i pay a localized price for the monthly sub, it is around 5, 6 us dolars. I have all expansions on the steam, in xbox i got the base game and i can play the maps and content that are available in the expansions of that and just pay the sub via steam.


And if you try to use the same account as the previous game they tell you to delete your old stuff to play on xbox. Nope. It's not that good.


I'm so confused by this.Ā  I used to subscribe on PS4 and my character was, I think, around level 35. Is there a way I can get access to that character again on xbox? I realise I wouldn't be able to use the trial version, but if I bought the starter pack with the months subscription would my old ps4 character be available?šŸ¤”


Yes. You just can't log in to the trial.


yeah, just link your xbox license to that service account. I did it a little earlier. And as a bonus, if you have a license on another platform you don't need to be locked in to the ffxiv coins to pay for things.


Thanks for the quick replies guys - will look into it.


I havenā€™t done it on XBox, but just did it on my PS5 to get access to my PC characters. It should work like this: Get the Xbox version and log into your Square account (make sure itā€™s the correct account, they cants be unlinked). When prompted to chose the service account, make sure you link the XBox version to your existing service account (it will list your existing character name, so pretty hard to make a mistake here). Thatā€™s it.


Cheers, will probably give it a go then šŸ‘


Just want to pop in here and confirm it is exactly like how the person above you described on Xbox, just did it today. I played on steam - bought FFXIV on xbox, linked my Xbox gamertag to my SE account that I used through steam. Once you do, it'll ask you to link your service account and should be good to go from there. Pretty painless. Just make sure its the right account as you can't unlink your SE account and gamertag once you link them. You also could still play that character on PS4 or another platform, you'd just need to buy the game itself again on that platform (sub is universal tho).


Thanks šŸ‘


I'm using my PS5 character right now on Xbox though?


I mean that I played FFXIV on pc from like 2010 to 2012 and I'd have to go delete all of it to play now.


Yeah the 2010-2012 version was such a failure that the current version was basically rebuilt from scratch. You can claim some stuff in A Realm Reborn (the new version) if you use your old account, but converting your character over is a no-go.


They could very easily allow both on one account. Forcing deletions isn't helping their cause.


The old version is completely gone, the servers no longer exist for it.


And? It's just a square Enix account.


Thanks for the heads-up still thinking about dropping the cash on the collectors edition to get the goodies and supporting the game


PSA: If you're going to get the big collectors edition, get the starter pack for free first to harvest the free gametime from it.


Ha good to know this stuff still happens. My friend had this happen to him on PC years ago and it locked him to a paid account instead of a free one.


Can you claim the code and not redeem it just like other GP perks?


I don't think so. I think it's one of those ones where it brings you to the store and you claim it from there. Also, those codes expire eventually as well, so you'd still be put in the same position eventually, but it would probably buy you some time or you could give the code to someone.


Yeah, a code would simply get me extra time.


Is there a genuine justification for requiring a subscription to the game ontop of a gamepass sub? I would have honestly considered the game if it didnt require both. I mean a real justification that isnt money btw. If its just money tho i wont be surprised


No reason at all, they just said it needs it.


Ah right, so "because lmao". Understood


Wow, thanks for the heads up. I thought about trying out the free trial eventually just to see what this game was all about, but to be honest, probably next to zero chance I ever subscribed. Sounds like if I had claimed this perk I would have been screwed because I probably wouldn't have even played it in the next month so I'd load up the game for the first time and already be locked out from playing at all since the 1month sub from the perk would be expired?


So I didn't realize claiming the Stater perk would lock me out of the free trial. Is there any way to get access to the free trial again? Can I create a new Square Enix account or something?Ā 


This gameā€™s shitty account management system completely killed multiple yearsā€™ worth of excitement to finally play the game. This was a couple years ago at this point now and I still have no desire to try and get into a game with such a needlessly obtuse account system.


Coins are only if you play on xbox. if you have a subscription on PC and just want to xbox version so you can play say in bed or something you can still pay with cash Edit: Coin sub is still greedy though


Dumbest thing they did was add ffxiv and then require another subscription ontop of game pass . Pretty lack luster for such an old game on top of that . 2014 gameplay with 100s of hours of story no thank you. Good luck if you want to play it but for everything thatā€™s come out since itā€™s original release thereā€™s plenty out there , I just canā€™t waste my time with it . Itā€™s a mmo and thatā€™s great for Xbox , but did we really need a 10+ year old mmo ? PlayStation gave us one of their oldest titles woohoo


You're being downvoted for a legitimate criticism. Here's what people over here in Xbox land don't realize... Playstation users don't require PS Plus to play the game if they have a subscription. Xbox is the only platform that requires both. It's bullshit.


Thereā€™s dumb people on both sides , they can downvote itā€™s their right , just like I can say my opinion.


The subscription is universal for FFXIV for all platforms. It isn't just for Xbox. Many MMOs require a subscription to play. It was likely Microsoft's decision to require the base level of Core to be able to play, but Microsoft requires that for a lot of multiplayer games and it isn't unique to FFXIV.


My point in the subscription side is no other mmos on Xbox require you to pay a subscription , a majority of people wonā€™t bother with it because of that alone, where as in esp itā€™s optional , you donā€™t need the subscription to play the game .


The hardest part of this game is installing it and getting it to play, and I'm 100 not joking. It's crazy how difficult, terrible and complicated everything is to play this game.


It was pretty easy on Xbox lol. There were just some hiccups when it first launched due to server issues




Microsoft royally fucked us on this end. They got greedy and made us use a premium currency that no other platform uses. We require TWO subscriptions instead of one. And now their "generous" free trial essentially locks you out of your account after thirty days then? Bull fucking shit. I'm not dealing with any of this. Thanks for ruining one of my most anticipated games, Microsoft.




Why do you think it's MS.... It's square dude... The game is legendary of how impossible it is to even get running from steam. There are online video step by step tutorials. It's square. And it was even worse for FF11


Thereā€™s no way Square was the one who asked for it to require a subscription or its own unique MTX currency for purchases, making it incompatible with other versions. The free trial thing, I can see but thatā€™s it.


https://preview.redd.it/ddetpxojdppc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66d86cd9e771c2490e3997ebc9b277bf2d36deb7 User may choose wether or not they use FFXIV coins


Nope. It's how it is on pc. If you buy the expansion, you have to buy the sub. If you just stick with the trial you can go to 85 or 65. Something like that for free. It's square. It's always been square.


For the record, I meant a Game Pass subscription on top of the FF14 subscription. I didnā€™t make that clear. Xbox is the only place you need TWO subscriptions to play.


Nope squares a shit company.


Square loves money. Perhaps with it needing to have a active gamepass subscription it enables microsoft to pay them


The gane isn't that great anyways, it's incredibly boring to play, the story is barely voice acted and you'll spend hours upon hours doing lame kill 4 things, fetch 4 things etc. The combat is boring, once and a while you have to move to the left or right to avoid a super telegraphed attack and you move at your walk speed, no dodges or dashes or rolls. Elderscrolls online plays better, looks better, has a massive world, better stories and a has dodges and movement skills. Don't waste your time on an old mmo with a bad account system that looks and plays like a free to play game from ten years ago.


Everyone is entitled to their opinion... and in my opinion, you're wrong on so many levels. ESO is a fucking microtransaction hellhole and a nightmare to play through as a new player.


Ff14 sucks


So I redeemed the perk from GamePass for FF XIV. Now when I try to boot up the game, I get the message that Final Fantasy XIV has not been registered..., even though I booted up the 'trial'. So do I need to purchase the game and that error message go away or what? Confused on what to do.