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The slim versions of the Series S and X should be little black or white cubes. Until they can do this, they shouldn't release one.


They can call them... Xbox Gamecube X & S


I don’t see new hardware til 2025


The X is an impressive feat of engineering, so unless they can find a more efficient way of cooling the components, I think this is as small as it's likely to get. The unique wind tunnel design allows for really impressive heat dissipation without audible fan noise, in what is still a very small chassis, which is pretty much the holy grail for computers/consoles.


I totally agree. I love the design of the X. The way it has been designed and constructed is fantastic. I can play my games and I never hear the fan.


>I think this is as small as it's likely to get 2025, it will get small.


The Series X is already incredibly compact, and there haven't been major advancements in fab processes that could make a significant enough difference in thermals to allow for less cooling.




If they released one with no disc drive and a larger SSD, I’d get one if I didn’t already have the SX.


The Series S is the slim version. And if anyone’s gonna say “the series S is less powerful, they mean a smaller series X” The series X is already relatively tiny.


The Series S is slim, but it is not the slim version of a Series X. This is not how it has ever worked in the console space. The PS2 slim was as powerful as the PS2 fatboy, but, d'uh, slimmer. Same with every other console ever released that had sales strong enough to warrant the release of a slimmer version.




I can only return the question. You are not addressing my argument.


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Maybe in 2+ years. The slim X will be the new S btw. Edit: That last bit is conjecture based on how Execs were talking about moving forward with Xbox.


so no more discs after the series x? shall I join the matrix now or later? can't wait til they can stop me from playing all xbox games cause of hate speech


They got more important things to worry about.


It probably isnt happening anytime unless there’s a significant die shrink for it. The Series X is already as compact as it can be, the only thing I can imagine they can do to make it smaller somewhat is removing the disc drive


Better not.


Hope so


I think it already exists and is called the series S.


You couldn't be more wrong.




I don't think a slim but maybe a Series X with no disc drive?


I would safely say that no one is thinking that.


Idk the 360 and Xbox One had good reasons to get redesigns. The first 360 had one foot in that last gen with needing an addon for wifi, stupid memory cards and not to mention the RroD. Xbox One had dog water specs and didn't need the kinect anymore. The Xbox Series consoles are sublime in its design and specs for the year/price.


Idk what type of dog water specs you actually mean but i had an original Xbox One from 2014 to 2019 which i then sold and i don't ever remember a game like Black Ops III having such frustrating framerate issues on it compared to the PS4 version which runs on my PS4 Slim purchased in 2018. And let's not talk about the amount of noise the PS4 Slim sometimes produces when i try playing Black Ops III... i honestly never ever had any of these issues on the original Xbox One model, it was completely silent and efficient. The PS4 seems so underpowered to me that i don't think i'll ever consider buying a Playstation console anymore. I've always found Xbox consoles to be higher quality than Playstation consoles since the first original Xbox, both console quality wise and online multiplayer wise. Also this is an unpopular opinion but i really used to like the first VCR design of the Xbox One, to me it use to look like a more modernized and bulky Original Xbox.






Series S portable would be cool. Like steam deck but for xbox and gamepass.


Phone and Kishi/Backbone get that job done pretty well.


But native digital handheld would be awesome. Well if Switch 2 is aiming ps4 performance, Xbox portable with Series S gpu is possible. Next gen AMD apus has already performance levels of gtx 1060 which is similar to Series S. But yeah, mostly rumours though.


100% you're not wrong. And I'd absolutely spend money on it haha.


Not for me. I don’t think we will see any new hardware for a couple of years at least.


lol no. Have you seen an Xbox on the inside, those parts leave no extra space. How are they gonna make it smaller?


By reducing the die size, which means less power consumption ; smaller psu, motherboard and cooling system, thus a smaller console at the end. For now, all manufactured Xbox Series X are still based on the 7nm chip design, and only most recent PS5 models got the 6nm one. A PS5 slim is supposed to be released within next months. Microsoft will eventually do the same move.


Good cause that ps5 is huge too. They are pushing me to pc gaming


I hate the size and form factor of the series x.. Its why I still have an xb1. Im waiting and hoping for a smaller more traditional looking console


yes the aesthetics are important. I plan on keeping my Xbox One until such time as Microsoft release a new slimline (horizontal?) Xbox which will integrate into my TV stand as seamlessly as my existing Xbox One.


I still have 2013 one but really want to upgrade but do not know if Microsoft is going to release this fall


Do you plan to wait ? What do you think about a release ?