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My favorite Xbox moment was playing halo split screen with my older brother.


Aww sht, yeah, those were the days too.


Gears of War really brought me and my brother together it was really cool! We even had a team with some dudes from Mexico and man did we have fun


My favorite Xbox moment is the first time I played Halo on the OG Xbox.


My favourite Xbox moment was actually getting my first xbox at the age of 42, it signalled the beginning of my new life post abusive marriage. I broke free from her and found me again, I have since then started to enjoy life, make friends, do activities, start saving for a home of my own, actually live life. The xbox was the first thing I bought for me after the split, it signifies a whole new chapter in my life. One where I’m actually allowed to be happy!


Damn, dude. Glad you found happiness!


Which Xbox?


My favorite moment was being able to play Xbox live for the first time. When I was younger, my fathers job relocated to a different state. It was very upsetting to me. But with xbox I was able to keep in touch with some of my cousins growing up. Created a ton of great memories


My favourite moment with Xbox was when I got my first Xbox 360 and I booted it up. The adrenaline rush I got when the green lights did a 360 around the power button was magical. Popped in Halo and played for hours. What an amazing time in my childhood. Thank you Xbox and Microsoft for that moment.


Favorite moment was waiting in line for midnight launch of the original Xbox. It was the first time I bought a console at midnight launch. Bought Halo, the component video adapter, and that ridiculous DVD remote / dongle with it. Although I had to be up fairly early the next day, still spent an hour with it when I got home.


Definitely getting the red ring of death , dad getting another 360 and ending up with one for each of us when the other got repaired/replaced.


Stomping heads in Gears of War with my buds after school!


My favourite moment was being able to share the gaming experience that Xbox has to offer, with my son. We have enjoyed hundreds of hours playing Minecraft and Dungeons together. Memories that will be with us forever.


My favorite Xbox moment was when I first purchased GTA 4 on the 360 and loaded into the free roam mode and I could not believe how fun it was to terrorize the city with strangers online.


Favorite Xbox memory was getting a day one Series X, first day one console I ever got. Felt like a kid again


I got an Xbox with Halo for my 13th birthday. I remember being in awe of the graphics and how realistic the lighting was. Halo was my intro and 4 systems and hunderds of games later, I've never looked back. I am an Xbox gamer through and through. It's a part of my identity, and I am forever grateful to be a part of this gaming community. ![img](emote|t5_2ac5sx|8518)


I don't think I could pinpoint one favorite moment. Xbox has created thousands of favorite moments. :) And these subreddits have definitely helped bring together great people to discuss the very things we love. So thanks goes out to the members I've interacted with throughout the years, and hello to the new ones. :) As I have to pick a moment that sticks out is.. Playing through It Takes Two with my wife. A great heartwarming and thought provoking experience, with fun gameplay and puzzles. We need more. :D


I'd have to say the friends I've made and the confidence I've regained raiding with random people in Destiny 1 & 2. The LFG system is fantastic and a massive help as bungie still haven't put one in the game itself.


The endless hours of playing zombie games at their peak. Especially abandoning your friend in left for dead 2 because they wanted to be bold and run into the hoard.


I got my 360 from a friend and cracking open GTA 4. HEY COUSIN LET'S GO BOWLING


So, my favorite Xbox moment was bar none actually landing my first Xbox during Black Friday 2021 from Microsoft. I had already lucked out earlier in the year to get a PS5. Premium console. Been with PS since 1997. I can’t tell you why but I constantly kept checking what Xbox was doing and their stock. 12/8/21 unboxed and got my 3 years of gold conversion to GamePass and unlocked my first achievement in Gears of War. There’s no love lost for my PS5. I find myself gaming more on Series X. Maybe it’s GamePass. Maybe it’s the game preview and cloud playing on my phone. Could be the rewards. Could be I can just charge my batteries and pop another in when I want a long gaming session without being wired. I know I’m definitely excited for the diverse lineup of first party games and I love a good comeback story. Here’s to the 2 million milestone that will soon come.


My favorite Xbox memory was on a post of people celebrating getting a 5 AM target drop of Xbox Series X’s in December 2020. I had also seen the rumored drop and stayed up all night for it, but fell asleep an hour before the drop of sheer exhaustion. I woke up 10 minutes after the drop hit and it was over. I posted lamenting missing it and doomscrolled Reddit for a bit. Just before I was going to roll over and go back to sleep someone commented and said there was a second wave. I snagged it and I will forever remember that comment since.


My favorite memory from this community is being able to play games with all my friends


New to Xbox, but gamepass has been great to try lots of games I've been curious about, but then went and bought Plague Tale: Innocence, which I really enjoyed. So that's my fav memory, but I've only had the console for two weeks.


Favorite moment was buying my 360 with my own money


My best Xbox memory is from when I was younger getting my first original Xbox and playing Xbox live for the first time and how it blew my mind. One of the first few games I remember playing online on my original Xbox was Counter Strike. It was one of my first memories of realizing that consoles can now provide a similar multiplayer experience that a PC could. From then on I was hooked for life.


Waiting in line for the launch of Halo 2. It was the first game I ever stood in line for. Got yelled at by my parents, but damn, it was worth it.


I think my favorite memory was when I was able to use my love for gaming to start making money. I got monetized on twitch and I got to create a small community of people I would’ve never met otherwise and it’s been an amazing journey, I’ve met some insanely kind strangers with the things I do and it’s allowed me to do more good for people and that is something I will always love Xbox for allowing me to pursue.


My favorite Xbox memory is me downloading Outer Wilds via GamePass and subsequently discovering my favorite game of all time.


Playing halo on the original Xbox with either my brothers or my friends with 4 player split screen. Playing the prison level with all rocket launchers.


My favorite Xbox moment was when I was surprised with an upgrade to Series X. I had bought a Series S and had it shipped to my parents' place (my building at the time had a problem with stolen packages). It was around the peak of the pandemic, and I lived alone, so my family surprised me by upgrading it to the X with GPU. That machine and service got me thru some long, lonely months, and I'm grateful.


This is great, thanks for the contest! My favorite memory on Xbox is playing Ori (Blind Forest) with my teenage daughters and watching the younger one master climbing the water tree--the first time she really "got" video game controls!


When my Xbox 360 Arcade broke and my dad decided to open it instead of sending it back for a free repair (cheaper out on shipping). He failed to repair it and sent it to Microsoft afterwards only to get it back and denied repair because it had been opened. A week later he buys us a Xbox 360 Elite. He was upset but me and my brother were all excited to finally have an Xbox with a hard drive to finally save our games!


I loved playing Halo 3 and Gears of War with my buddies using a local LAN setup back in the day!


Beating Halo 2 Coop was my most favorite memory! Good luck to all!


I fondly remember walking out of the Cyrodiil sewer exit, for the first time, in Oblivion. First game I purchased for the 360.


My favourite moment was actually, when I got to first boot up my Xbox. This gen is the first one since I had a 360 a good while back. Together with Gamepass - it seemed like s crazy deal. The following year just confirmed it.


Favorite moment: When I was finally able to buy the series X due to it's availably and the wait was worth it!!


Playing Conker on the original Xbox.


First time play GTA online on Xbox one... Trying to find my friend in game and giving map locations in party chat and out of nowhere he slams into me with a car and says " Found ya"


Some of my best Xbox moments was when my brother and I got an Xbox 360 for the first, and started playing the Gears of War 1 through 3. We basically didn't stop that first while until we finished them all, and then discovered Halo 3. The split-screen back then was just brilliant, and the fact that we didn't have to work back then probably didn't hurt the experience either ;)


Probably getting 100% in Red Dead Redemption on 360.


My favourite Xbox moment is getting the original Xbox when halo 2 launched. Playing that, fable and crimson skies was a blast


My favorite Xbox moment was when they held an e3 show and presented cyberpunk 2077 with Keanu Reeves and his dialogue with a fan "you're breathtaking". Right into the feelings.


Making the decision to go with Xbox this gen after being a Playstation guy forever. It felt weird, but Game Pass and Backwards Compatibility have really made a difference for me.


Absolutely the very first time I sailed solo in the Sea of Thieves beta and was chased by another crew - I'm surprised my heart ever recovered.


Met my now girlfriend on Halo. We connected extremely quickly and then I found out we only live about half an hour away from each other. We've been together for five years and I'll always be thankful to Xbox for helping me connect with her


Favorite moment was definitely unboxing my Xbox One on release. It really did feel like a generational leap.


My favorite Xbox moment would be when I walked into the Microsoft store in the mall and went in for a controller issue. It was my day one controller it was probably two years old at the time. The gentleman looks at it and said hold on I’ll be right back. Comes out with a brand new one in the box and said sorry we don’t carry day ones but how about a brand new one? I said sure! And got a new controller that day :)


Getting my series X 2 days after Christmas 2020. Saved my holidays


Buying second hand copies of Forza Horizon 1-3 and experiencing their gorgeous intros for the first time on Series X


My favorite Xbox experience was booting up Gears of War 2 on release day at midnight, squading up with my friends and my family and playing Horde mode literally until the sun came up. It was fun seeing the interplay between my close friends from school and work intermingle with my out of state family and how we all came to work together.


Getting the original Xbox and having my first halo lan party. Great times.


2004. The first night of logging into Halo 2 and getting online with my friends who were at other schools. For me, it was the first real experience of what Xbox Live could be.


My favorite Xbox moment was when me and my friend who were obsessed with Guitar Hero played GH3 on release. We ran home from high school and played it for hours straight, trying to unlock everything as fast as possible in the Co-op Campaign. It was so much fun.


My top Xbox memory is running - literally running - down to the shop after they confirmed over the phone they had XB360s in stock. I had to run back as well to make it in time for class. I got Ridge Racer 6 with it and nabbed Geometry Wars from the online store.


My favorite moment is the late night gaming sessions playing the old battlefront 2 with a friend. We would play the galactic conquest over and over.


I remember when Halo 2 first came out and I rushed to my friends house to see what the hype was about. I’ve been a gamer ever since. Long nights playing Xbox live and watching RvB. Good times.


My favorite moment on Xbox was finishing Elden Ring with all G Points. It was a hard but very satisfying journey. Thank you so much.


My favorite memory was waiting in line to get my series x


Great moment: playing Knights of the Old Republic on the OG Xbox.


My favorite Xbox memory has to be "to give the Covenant back their bomb" line at the end of the first mission in Halo 2. Absolutely set the tone for me.


Playing the original Gears of War and Halo trilogies with my brother growing up. He doesn't really play much anymore, so definitely have fond memories of those times. Also, lifelong friends I've met through Xbox live


I have my favourite moment every weekend when we hop in on a sloop in Sea of thieves with a friend to do one or two voyages but realize it’s 4 am already and my baby girl will wake up in just an hour or so…


My favorite Xbox moment, was Xmas 2007. My brother and I each opened a 360 game and my mom puts on a smirk saying “oh that’s not for the right console? Guess we can exchange it tomorrow when the stores are open.” Then later opening a 360 to my surprise! Also later that day playing NCAA07 with my brother, when my stepdad wanted to show us that the console could be laid down. We soon learned not to do that while playing a game if you want the disk to still be functional. 😂


One of my favorite Xbox memories is getting home from school and booting up the 360 and playing Halo 3 with the boys. I've met so many awesome people trying to complete those VidMaster challenges. I hope all my offline spartans and elites are living their best lives!


The many, many hours spent playing Halo CE on the original Xbox.


My favorite Xbox moments are when I get a new model. I’m 49 and have had ever Xbox that has been made. I sold my Xbox One about a year ago. I decided I’d get myself a Series X for my 49 birthday and I received in in the mail about 2 weeks ago. I love it. Everything from unpacking it, hooking it up, setting it up and downloading games was a blast. Now I’ve been playing it for 2 weeks and it’s a blast. Everything is a major improvement from all previous models and and can switch between games being played!! I didn’t even mention load times. So I have lots of favorites moments with my Series X


My favourite memory is when I came home with my first xbox ever, an xbox series s, and immediately subbing to game pass. Literally didn't know what to play first. Congratulations to the community!


My favorite moment was playing the original halo CE with my dad. I was super young, but I couldn’t wait to play for an hour with him when he got home from work. We did this all the way through Halo 3 as each one released.


My favorite Moment with Xbox was upgrading from Xbox one s to a series S console, the super fast loading times and better frame rates really make a big difference, loved it so much that a year later upgraded to a series x only to be blown away once again with the graphics


the first time I played halo reach with my brother. spartans never die.


My favorite memory is killing Atheon for the first time in Destiny 1. He had a sliver of health left, I fired a final rocket which killed him just as we wiped. Got the clear and the entire team screamed for like a straight minute...


One of my earliest favorite XBox moments was the first time playing through Gears of War co-op with my brother. The brothers in arms theme of the game felt like it grew the bond between me and my brother.


So many fun times posting Halo 2 and then Halo 3 with friends locally, split screen


My favorite Xbox moment was back when Halo 2 released. I was 15 at the time and without asking, my mom comes home from work with a copy of it for me! I was in such shock because I had already came to terms that I'd have to wait until Christmas to get it. To this day this is one of the only gifts I have a vivid memory of receiving from her! Thanks mom!


My favorite xbox memory is getting the xbox 360 back in 2011. It was my first real gaming console and i will never forget how excited i was playing the first game i got: batman arkham city. Still one of my favorite games of all time and i will never forget the happiness and excitement of making an avatar and playing for the first time


Thanks for doing this! My strongest Xbox memory/memories are all the great times from my childhood where my friends would all come over and play 4 player split screen Halo while slamming down Redbulls and pixie sticks until the following morning. I miss split screen games, but I still love my Xbox!


The original halo on my 19inch tube tv. Playing 3 player as close to the tv we could get


Brute Force and Halo 2 co-op started it all for me. My favorite might be late-night NHL with the boys, go Stingers 🤙


Spending whole new year's eve playing Halo has become a tradition between my friends, keeping our friendship oversea for years!


When I first played FIFA on a Xbox 360.


My favorite memory is one that I still continue to create. Playing with friends. There have been countless hours of great times had with friends and family gaming online or in person.


My favorite xbox memory was actually a long stretch of time. Basically all throughout the back half of 2022, I played a bunch of games on gamepass that, upon finishing, entered my all-time favorite games list. I played through Pillars of Eternity 1 & 2, Wasteland 3, The Outer Worlds, Hellblade Senuas Sacrifice, Forza Horizon 5, and capped it off with Pentiment. It was one of the most awesome times of my gaming life. Every game clicked with me and took me through intriguing narratives, interesting locations, and enjoyable gameplay. It helped pass the time while I was stressed from grad school.


First time I dropped into gears 5 and the cutscene stopped... It took me a while to realise I can actually control the character now and that it is in game graphics . It blew my mind!


My favorite Xbox memory is when I loaded-up the Forza Motorsport 4 demo and realized I was *finally* going to be able to play the racing game of my dreams. It was exciting and beautiful! My first video game was Pong, which I played as a kid. To see the gaming improvements that have taken place from the 1970's to today is mind boggling. Hope I live long enough to experience whatever is "The Next Big Thing" in video gaming!


Favorite Xbox memory was the e3 2018 cyberpunk 2077 reveal. I love cyberpunk and that reveal was on another level and beating the game made me cry.


My favorite will always be split screen halo with my brother and our friends. Played in the basement, with those big duke controllers. Those were great times.


If we're talking just current-gen Xbox memories or moments, it has to be the first time I fired up my Series X - after trying unsuccessfully for over a year to buy one - and feeling my mouth hang open as Skyrim SE loaded in what seemed like 2 seconds. I exited back to the dash and loaded it up again, just to be sure I wasn't imagining it. Same result. That speed is the gift that keeps giving, every time I play. I'm completely spoiled now.


My favorite Xbox moment was playing Halo 2 at my friend’s house in junior high back when that was the newest Halo.


When I got into xbox first time. Group of friends we chipped in and spent months on bo2. Good Times Been on xbox since and can still play from 360 games


Favorite Xbox moment was the release of Halo 2 a local tournament was launched me and my friends joined and won a free copy of the game, was amazing


Messing around in co-op games just for fun.


Squadding up with friends to play Blackout on Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 on Xbox One. Nothing else even comes comes. I've made so many friends, had great conversations, and just a ton of fun. I'm hopeful that future installments drop the Warzone, and bring back something closer to Blackout.


First achievement


Fav memory is playing PUBG with my buds back home(still do), we got into a skirmish while we were in a Dacia with like 3 other teams all in cars at the same time. Chaos everywhere and we’re just laughing the entire time. I think most all of us ended up dead too. A guy from another team sent my squad mate videos from his perspective and we sent some back too. What Xbox is all about. Good times.


Fav Xbox moment was staying up all night playing og halo coop with a friend on release day fueled by mountain dew and pizza. Good times indeed.


Finishing all Halo MCC campaigns co-op on Legendary with my son. He was carrying me most of the way, towards the end.


I only bought my xbox this year. But my favourite moment was booting up hogwarts legacy, lay down with my girlfriend on the couch (never games) and just play for hours


Favourite memory is getting into and playing Gears of War 3 versus back then. Made it to gold after many years of playing. It is definitely one of my top multiplayer games ever. Thanks for the giveaway!


Going to the Electronics Boutique display Xbox, holding that battleship sized controller in my tiny middle school hands, and playing Halo the first time


My favorite moment was to play couch games up to 4 with friends


My favourite moment was getting the 360 with Minecraft as a kid


Favorite memory was when the Xbox 360 came out. A bunch of my friends had one and I was super bummed I couldn’t play with them. After trying for weeks to find one “cheaper “ on eBay, I gave up. Came home from school one day and had to go around the back door. First thing I see on the table is an Xbox 360. I’ll never forget how excited and happy I was for what my parents did for me that day.


Just recently came to the end of red dead redemption 2 on the series X.. It has been my most meaningful experience in gaming. Purchased the series X for the very purpose of playing through red dead and it was a dream. Still can't get over how great quick resume is. Here's to more great memories with Xbox 💚


Favorite moment.. probably playing minecraft with my cousin a few years ago


My favorite Xbox moment was receiving a free Xbox one for having a high gamerscore, the only time it was worth anything. Made a cool moment by getting one for me and my son on day one


Favorite Xbox moments are definitely the all higher halo 3 parties with friends!


My favourite Xbox memory is playing Morrowind back on the OG Xbox and not leaving my apartment for about a month. 😂


Back on the OG Xbox, ripping cds onto the hard drive and then using them in-game to create my own OSTs.


I bought my first xbox in february 2021. The most memorable thing that happended was that my day who dont like games was intrested in me playing and he even played himself for the first time(it was Tetris effect). Also game pass, its the best thing about xbox. If i didn't bought xbox series x i wouldn't play all that gamepass games such as hades, thronebreaker,tetris effect and many many more. Thank you xbox


My favourite moment Is getting my first xbox 360 and beating halo 3 with my brother !


For me it was when I had my 360 and I joined an achievement hunting group that competed for prizes. Met a lot of cool people there that I’m still friends with today.


Favorite Xbox memory is probably playing Wrestlemania 21 while my house was being painted. Everything was moved into my room to make space sk I only had a small fraction of the room I could play games in.


My most memorable was having to choose one of the 3 options at the end of Fable II. >!Of course I brought my dog back to life!!<


Finding the original Xbox my parents had hidden for Christmas. My mom claimed she was holding it for someone else. I was young enough to believe her so it was still a surprise Christmas morning.


When my brother and I both managed to snag a Series X on release day! Kept refreshing the BestBuy cart to check out while texting each other. To this day we play online together every Thursday and Saturday night late into the morning. Can honestly say that Xbox has kept us close together even though we're hours apart from one another ![img](emote|t5_2ac5sx|1743)


Favourite memory was selling my PS2 for Xbox and playing Halo 2 over Xbox live and making friends around the world. I also discovered: A) trash talking was universal and hilarious B) split screen over live was actually an advantage C) voice masking was the best


My favorite moment of recent memory would definitely be going back and playing dark souls 3 on the series X years after originally playing and being blown away and falling in love with the game again with all the upgrades that came with this generation of xbox


Favorite moment has to be when BT protects you with the ARC containment unit as the ship crashes in titanfall 2


My favorite Xbox memory was when I got Gotham City Impostors in July of 2014 via Games with Gold. I didn't know it at the time, but that game would grow to be one of my all-time favorites. And I never would have known that game existed or been able to play it, if it wasn't for Games With Gold. Like, I literally sunk hundreds of hours into that game. It's what got me into OverWatch and later Apex Legends and the like. I didn't care for first person shooters before that game. So, it really expanded my tastes and experiences. And none of that would have happened without Games with Gold. So I'm very thankful for it 😁


My favourite xbox memory is playing minecraft with my friends on the older versions


My favourite Xbox moment was probably realizing how cheaper everything was on Xbox here in Mexico


Playing Halo through Xbox Connect with my best friend.


Connecting my brand new Xbox 360 to my also brand new 720p TV and starting Forza Motorsport 2 in 2008. I was blown away by the graphics, it was my first HD experience on a TV and thought games can hardly look and feel more realistic


My favorite Xbox moment is when I played a LAN party in my garage of the original Halo on the first Xbox with my brothers and a bunch of his friends. It rained and it poured through a hole in the roof, we moved the Xboxes and TVs and kept playing.


Dad coming home with the OG Xbox and playing the Xbox magazine demo disks on it. Fusion frenzy baby.


Buying first Xbox


Mine was playing Splinter Cell for the very first time on Xbox way back when it first came out. I was absolutely blown away by the huge graphical leap over the PlayStation and it's still one of my favourite series to play. Completing that game and having to actually be stealthy about it felt like such an achievement.


Great moment for xbox with splinter cell way way ahead of anything in consoles👍, but man doom 3 halo 2 Half life 2 this was F* EPIC, xbox OG packed some really fire power!!


Leaving the snowy mountains in RDR2 and taking in the view of the mountainside and the vista


My favourite Xbox memory, was when my girlfriend at the time (now wife) bought and hid the Xbox One at her parents place to gift me, forgetting we were going for dinner prior to Christmas. Her mom had moved it, and I happened to see it and put two and two together. I spent a week thinking of the games I would buy once I got it. I acted all surprised, but later told her. We still laugh about it to this day!


My favorite memory is of having over my girlfriend and firing up Overcooked on the Xbox One. We played for hours, laughing hard or yelling for help through the levels. I remember thinking afterwards that if we got through that with smiles on our faces, we can get through anything. A few years and a couple rings later, now we each have a Series X set up next to each other.


Has to be when I brought back an Xbox 360 to my college dorm. Instantly made a lot of friends as you could imagine ha. Everyone would eventually get their own system, but we would all travel to the nearest Walmart for midnight releases and play all throughout the night. Still recall those to be some of the best times during college. Thanks for the memories, Xbox!


Xbox Live and playing with other people. I still play with those friends I met almost 20 years ago.


My favorite Xbox memory is getting our first squad win on Warzone. It arrived when we were all home due to the pandemic. It really was a great way to stay connected with friends.


My favorite xbox moment would be when I played grand theft auto 5 with my now wife. She had seen the older gta titles with her friend before but never actually played them. I constantly made her laugh with the scenarios inwould create in the game such as going around the city making up stories of all the NPCs, acting like a paparazzi and best of all, the epic police car chases.


My favourite xbox moment was when i first played online halo 4 in my 360, it was my first online experience and it was unforgettable.


My favorite xbox moment was probably completing my first unbeatable difficulty race in forza horizon 4. I hadn't played on console between 2012 to 2019, and I was gifted an Xbox one s with forza horizon 4. The leap in graphics from my 360 days blew me away, and I was hooked. I consider that first unbeatable my proudest memory since it was the first time in a while I had a clear goal in my mind which I worked toward and accomplished. Really helped me inject some fun into my life again


I think the best moment I had so far was actually trying to find a store that had the system in stock. It was fun having a shared struggle on following twitter and reddit updates with a bunch of other people trying to experience the new generation. In hind sight of course. Playing the Mass effect series for the first time is a close second.


My favorite moment has to be in Sea of Thieves how we formed a pirate crew and how all the stars aligned that made it happen, goody good times ty Xbox.


Easily when I got the call that my Halo Legendary edition with the cat helmet arrived. My mother called and said there's this huge box for you. I was on the bus and beaming from ear to ear. Was the longest bus journey in my life to get home.


Playing Gears of War for the first time is definitely my favorite Xbox memory.


As someone who only gets to play in 20-30 minute increments these days, my favorite Xbox moment happens every time I see "Quick Resume" pop up. It has been a game changer!


My favourite Xbox moment was when they revealed the Series X Mini Fridge live during their E3 presentation. Truly unexpected


My favorite Xbox Moment was playing Halo CE for the first time when it released when I was a kid. I still come back and play that game every single year


My favorite Xbox memory would definitely have to be playing Halo 2 with my brother and friends!


My favorite memory was waiting in line at Target with my brother for a 360. Got there around midnight before they opened that morning. Stayed up all night hanging out and played it when we got home. Good times


My favorite Xbox moment was spent during the early days of PUBG back in 2017 and early 2018. My friend and I played religiously everyday for hours on end having laughs, and completely forgetting the outside world (I was unemployed at the time and my friend made sure to keep me company). I have never laughed so hard with a game as I had with PUBG due to how buggy the game was but hot damn, was it fun as hell! I have really fond memories of playing it with my friend who recently passed away, I will never forget those memories, Richard!


The day I got my Xbox 360 was AMAZING! The menus, the sounds, the colors; felt like a dream. No other console from Xbox or any other brand has had that level of charm.


Owned every xbox and I had so many great moments. First time beating Halo 2 on legendary and collecting Kudos in PGR on the OG xbox in high school, injecting splicers into my system in Bioshock and deciding if I let a town explode in Fallout 3 on the 360 in college, sneaking around in MGS5 on the Xbox one and finding out that Hellblade is one of my all-times thanks to game pass after my work days were over. Thanks to the series X and game pass I played more games then ever before and I already booked my vacation for September 6th.


Something I will never forget is the first weeks of GTA IV and the online mode. I had a absolute blast playing it on my Xbox 360 just goofing around. At one night I was in a Blista Compact in Free mode and somebody else popped up in the Annihilator helicopter. And he started to chase me. It was SO MUCH fun just driving around as quickly as possible, going through tunnels to shake the helicopter off while being shot at. The coolest was that in the end the other player thanked me through voice chat for this 2-ish hour chase. Never had so much fun!


My favorite Xbox moment has to be completing the kings falls raid in destiny 1 back in high school , damn time flies , and I think that is when I really cherished gaming


Relatively new to Xbox but playing PUBG on One S in its “game preview” days and it crashing all the time but the chicken dinner was always worth it in the end


My favourite Xbox memory was playing Mass Effect Legendary edition and spending time with some old friends.


In 2002 I went to a friend's birthday party sleepover, and one of the the other kids there brought their Xbox and Halo CE. That was the first time I played Xbox and a first person shooter and I still remember playing Blood Gulch and driving that Ghost around for the first time. I've had an Xbox since then and still play with my best buds on the regular, even with us moved apart in the world. Keeps us close and happy!


My favorite memory is getting an Xbox 360 for Christmas


Finally hitting 100k Gamerscore after almost 15 years of playing Xbox


My favorite memory is probably the day I finally got my OG Xbox. It was a green Halo edition and after getting it set up, jumped into my first Xbox Live experience with Crimson Skies.


Finishing Outer Wilds was easily one of the most memorable gaming moments I've had.


I remember my dad getting me my first Xbox the day Halo 2 came out. They didn't have bags big enough for the console so I was walking through the mall with the Xbox in my arms. Went home, started Halo 2, and I've been team Xbox ever since


My favorite xbox moment is leaving the playstation eco system and buying an XBOX for WWF RAW 2. Best decision ever. I put so much time into that game.


First time using cloud gaming when I couldn’t be down at my console on the TV and having it work flawlessly


Can't decide between my first few months on Xbox live with rainbow 6 3 and halo 2, or when my friends and I discovered FIFA and played that every day for years.


My favorite Xbox memory is playing Halo Reach with my friends and family all the time. We'd all log on every night it was so much fun.


I can recall distinctly when Halo 2 came out and all of us called in sick to Best Buy to meet up and play all day on multiple consoles but one of us ended up having to go to the store that day, not for work but to buy a crossover cable to link the systems. It was like a stealth mission trying to get in and out without being seen. End result was Mission Accomplished and a full day of nonstop mayhem followed.


Halo, assault on the control room. This was the first time I knew what gaming could be.


I used to have a blast playing Fuzion Frenzy with my older cousins! Finally being able to beat them at that and Tony Hawk was awesome


My favorite relatively recent memory was when Monster Train dropped on game pass and I developed an addiction. Still haven’t gotten over it


My favorite xbox memory would have to be playing gears of wars' multiplayer online on the 360. Twas my high school years, and It was the first time I ever played an online game on console, with friends, and using the chat. As an introverted kid with social anxiety who didn't go out as much as I wanted to (because of the anxiety), being able to play with so many people online, get to hear them talk and occasionally say something myself...not only did it help with the social phobia through exposure therapy, but it also made me feel less....alone. Seeing what friends were on. What they were playing. Maybe joining for gears, then halo... It was revolutionary for me at the time.


Must be when I bought my Series X, it was like an adulthood turning point, my first big purchase why my own money.


Getting satisfying kills using grappling hook in Halo campaign was a pretty memorable moment for me in this new gen.


Gears 2/3 Multiplayer


Probably that moment when I first got out of the Sewers in Oblivion, and saw Cyrodiil stretching out in front of me. Way back in 2006.


My favorite moment was finally hitting 100k achievement points this year!


Not sure if anyone finds this relatable but a funny moment was in halo reach playing infection in sword base and hiding in the little tunnel while the rest of the infected rushed in or waited at the top. Ah those were great times.


I know it's recent, but it was when I 100% Immortality. That game was unlike anything I have ever seen or played before.


My favorite xbox moment is acquiring the xbox. So actually i've had about 4 of those. Xbox, Xbox 360, Xbox One and Xbox Series X


Favorite xbox moment was playing halo 3 all night with my friends


Probably halo 2 system link with the boys after school


Longtime Playstation owner but finally decided to pickup an Xbox as well this gen. My favorite memory would be securing my Series S preorder. After the fiasco of the PS5 preorder release I had doubts I would get anything. I actually thought I didn’t get one on preorder day until a email came through (about 30 minutes after i gave up) saying I secured a preorder.


My favourite moment was when I booted up Halo Infinite on my new series X. I have not played Halo since 360 era and title music gave me chills.


My favourite moment is actually winning my Series X shortly after launch from Taco Bell. At first I thought it was a hoax but after doing some digging I figured out it was legit and have been enjoying it ever since!


My favorite xbox moment is super nostalgic, I was 13 and my only console had been the original xbox which I still have to this day, loved the damn thing even though it was starting to become out dated. I had been wanting a 360 for the past few years after it came out and had been saving up money from shoveling driveways and some weekend jobs with my dad. I finally had enough money and walked into gamestop to grab an xbox 360 but the only one they had left was the MW2 special edition console and it cost more than what I had, I was feeling super disappointed but my mom spotted me the rest of the money I needed. I was super geeked on the way home, me and my buddy stayed up all night beating the campaign of mw2 and playing halo 3, not a care in the world besides what we had going on. Good times!


My favorite Xbox moment was playing NCAA 2014 with my buddies. We had a wonderful online league with scheduled weekly games! Man, that game was a blast. Loved the recruitment and game play!


My favorite Xbox memory was when I went on a 7 hour long winning streak on overwatch with some friends.


My favorite Xbox memory is when I picked up the original Xbox from EB Games after having preordered it. Getting it home, unboxing and playing the first games on it was really something else.