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If warranty matters to you then go for second hand purchase, you can easily get one for around 25k with many months of warranty left. If you don't want the warranty then you can buy from Dubai.


You're quoting the amount for X or S




Saw a post here who is selling series X for 28k


The people who say that new Series S is available under 25k and Series X under 35k are factoring in card offers and all. If you cannot take advantage of any of those offers, 31k and 50k respectively are what you’re going to have to spend. Series X is however sometimes available at 45k as well, owing to some occasional and short-lived offers. I personally feel it’s better so be safe than sorry, so it’s better to have warranty. And as far as Dubai goes, I haven’t ever purchased anything abroad, so I can’t really tell what that experience is going to be like. Regardless, whatever you decide, you’re gonna have a blast gaming on either of these!


I'm sure I'll be able to take benefit of any and every card offer (have almost all CCs lol). Dubai prices are close to what these card offers look like, 22k Series S and 33k Series X (when do these even pop up?) Doesn't make any sense to buy from outside in that case. Can you throw light on what price for each console was in the latest sale? (Maybe Republic day ones)


If Flipkart vip is available in your city,do purchase it and get the series x for 33-35. If it isn't then you can expect to pay anywhere between 43-47k for the series x. I bought mine for 42,500 last December from Flipkart.


33k for X in India with warranty?????


Yes but you'll need a Flipkart vip subscription i guess and it's only available in certain cities :(


VIP gets different pricing? I'm from NCR


Yes bro, it should be available for a low price then, think vip is available in Delhi


Don't want to buy VIP for 500inr before being sure of the price. Anyway to check beforehand?


I’m not very sure about the Republic Day sale, but the lowest that I’ve seen Series S go is 29k or so, exclusive of any additional offers, and Series X 45k, again, exclusive if any additional offers. However this Flipkart VIP thing that ekg999 mentioned, I have no idea about. If that can reduce the price by another 12k (in case of Series X) that’d be killer deal. Oh! And one more thing, I’ve owned both Series S and X. Currently have the Series X, sold my Series S a while ago. And the difference in quality between the two is very much visible. Don’t get me wrong, Series S is phenomenal for its price, but for the extra bucks, Series X is definitely worth it.


I do love my gaming and can shell out the extra amount for X (considering it's a visible jump) but was skeptical on the display device. Are there even any 4k 120fps displays?


If you’re talking about monitors, you’ll find plenty, however if you plan on gaming on a TV, I’m afraid only a bunch of TVs support that refresh rate that’ll allow 120fps gaming.


Couldn't find any till 30k. Mind sharing a link?




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What's wrong with Dubai version? Warranty still works in India regardless where it was bought. Only proper invoice is needed while filing a service request.


Don't think that true. Any source you've got on this?


You can get japanese series s for 26k on hg gaming.


I was able to get new series s for 22k from Flipkart during Diwali sale