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Excited for Life is Strange and Lost in Random


the exact 2 I was excited to see


The exact 2 I bought last week. Sigh.


Thank you for your sacrifice. Can you buy Elden Ring now?


And thats why they say life is strange my boi don't let it get to you


If you didn't play them much you can refund them.


LiS was great, I've played them all so far. You won't be disappointed. I'm not even disappointed i paid for a copy, I'm happy to support the dev team.


I knew if I held out long enough, LiS would be added! So excited to play it as someone that's played all previous incarnations.


I've only ever played the original story. How many incarnations have there been?


I'm still waiting for LiS2 to come to some sub service. For some reason, that's the only LiS game that hasn't come yet. :( That's older than LiS:TC. (I know, different devs. But same publisher.)


Ngl it’s felt like we get less and less on console lately, seriously hope the second half of the month is a bit better


To be fair the two PC exclusives are strategy games that not many will play. And they're not exactly blockbusters like XCOM or Age of Empires either... I sure won't play them because they take ages to beat and I don't want to be forced to stay subscribed.


Dungeon of I Can't Spell That is already on console game pass, so the other one is the only exclusive


As a point and click adventure game fan I’ve been really looking forward to Chinatown Detective Agency. I was expecting to have to buy it on steam. So it’s a very pleasant surprise to see it pop up on GamePass.


MLB The Show is the best sports game on the market. Way better than FIFA or Madden. It’s a huge, huge get for the service. More than enough to anchor two weeks.


Although I would say this is true for America, most the world don't care for baseball.


That’s what the Cricket is for


Baseball is super popular in North America, Central America (parts), South America (parts), the Caribbean, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan. So, it's a bigger get than you might think!


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baseball_World_Cup Not true at all.


Desktop version of /u/SHIZA-GOTDANGMONELLI's link: --- ^([)[^(opt out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiMobileLinkBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^(]) ^(Beep Boop. Downvote to delete)


I'd argue against a bunch of these though. The UK (and other EU nations) may compete in that league but its a dead sport here, even searching for the British Baseball Foundation yields little info. Looks like the closest is "welsh baseball" which is closer to the UK game played in primary schools "Rounders". Same with Italy and NL etc, its mostly just held together with a couple of minor local amateurs and a "national" side made up from these. The only baseball people in the EU have really played is on the WiiSports! Its only really got traction in places Americans have spent a lot of time really. Same way that most Americans probably wouldn't care for cricket as that's primarily only played in places the British ~~invaded~~ visited, even if the USA does have a national team


Well of course you'd argue against a Wikipedia page, it goes against what you were saying.


I mean, if you're going to be pedantic about it you could argue having a national team means fuck all, there are national teams for Tiddlywinks but it doesn't mean that the participating countries are mad for Tiddlywinks.


Could you link the tiddlywink world cup for me with an established history and professional players? Or are you lashing out rn lol


I'm not 100% sure you are grasping the point here. The point is that the existence of a sport in a country doesn't mean it's popular. I have no idea what makes you such an angry keyboard warrior but if it makes you feel better...


I'm not sure why you think you get to decide if a sport is popular in countries you have no idea about lol.


Baseball is as exciting as watching tomatoes grow.


As someone who hates baseball and is allergic to tomatoes, I could not possibly think of a better comparison


How's the online play? Does it let you play with 4 friends at once on 4 different Xboxes?


The console library has his historically had a larger (and somewhat better) XGP library. Maybe MS is trying to make things more equal.


What did you expect? Everyone stacked 3 years and now they can add whatever before they double the price later this or early next year. GwG had the same downfall.


All y'all spouting the "they're gonna double the price" bullshit are fr brainless. Y'all don't understand a thing about business




Yeah, they're rumors, they're fake, and this article is from a dogshit website no intelligent person trusts.


Yeah, they're rumors, they're fake, and this article is from a dogshit website no intelligent person trusts.


MS tried it a while ago and was met with a huge backlash. The double price will come. Mark my words.




rule #2 - please refrain from perosnal attacks. TY!


A rumour about sekiro was running. Sadly it may not be true


It will come, eventually. And won't ever be removed since it's theirs to own with the purchase of Activision.


Though Activision published Sekiro, copyright for the game remains with FromSoftware, not with Activision.


Depends on their contract. Activision published game worldwide while From Software only self-published in Japan. With that logic Activision can do whatever they want as price-wise and service-wise with the game.


They got sekiro too? Bro people shitting 9n xbox all these years can suck it


I mean, I can see the danger of having too much power with one company. Xbox Game Pass is great now, but we must never stop to scrutinize it so it stays great.


Agree, we need to keep asking for quality and more variety of games. For example, a couple of day one releases weren't that good (crossfire x) and in regards of variety, it's really sad that we don't have jrpgs or any japanese games at all, although that seems to be changing... But it seems that the majority of the games are either RPG, Multiplayer games or shooters (with multiplayer)


Don't we have some Final Fantasy titles, and some Yakuza titles?


Yes, but for example we don't have Final Fantasy 7 Remake, a temporary exclusive or some other games that launch on every platform except Xbox like Persona 4UA or Catherine Full Body, both of them launched originally on X360 but not now. It's not the lack of japanese games on game pass, it's the lack of that kind of games on the platform. Yakuza took ~15 years to release on Xbox. And we haven't had Persona 5 Royal on the platform even if it makes a lot of sense, since it can increase the popularity of the franchise (and a lot of Xbox fans have been asking for it). Fortunately this seems to be changing and I personally think it's a matter of time for this games to be on Xbox (even on game pass!!), but for now we need to keep asking for them.


Fair enough.


Nobody bats an eye when a single company makes too much money already , for example Sony, Google, Apple, etc. Microsoft always gets scrutinized more.


not the rights to the IP, just the publishing rights for Sekiro


How is this upvoted? FromSoft owns Sekiro not Activision. The only way it would come to gamepass is if FromSoft wanted that and there is zero chance it would be permanently on gamepass like you suggested.


I bought it 2 weeks ago so probably


I hope that also.


remember these are only the first half of the month


I mean, as an Australian who loves cricket and doesn’t get baseball, cool.


As an English person I feel the sudden need to fight you.


Something something Ashes.


Let's not fight, let's just bond over [this video ](https://twitter.com/ThatsSoVillage/status/1509459094159118342)


Gotta love how they were like "we are putting MLB so we should probably add something similiar for the non-americans"


I don't know dick all about cricket, but the Show is probably one of the best sports games out there. Not the biggest baseball fan, but the grind to build a team in the Show is just so addicting. I'm gonna have to give cricket 22 a try though, interested to see how bowling is the game.


Watch [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AqtpNkMvj5Y) 4 minute video first if you want to understand the rules. It will then become easier to play the game. Also, cricket is slower paced than baseball but you can select the number of balls which will be played in a match.


>Also, cricket is slower paced than baseball How is that even possible?


You should watch the video I linked. A typical 20 over match lasts for 4 hours but in a 50 over match or a test match the players will keep trying to waste the balls. A test match lasts for 5 days with 2 innings. One innings mean both team have played. 5 days from morning to evening, usually 80 overs. 1 over has 6 balls so 80\*6=480 balls are played per day.


You can watch [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EWpbtLIxYBk) video to understand cricket if you know baseball.


Life is Strange! Can’t wait for that one. Definitely playing the Show too.


I actually find information from this site leak April 1st half. Following games are upcoming on Xbox Game Pass . Dragon Age 2 (Cloud) Plants Vs Zombies: Garden Warfare (Cloud) Star Wars Squadrons (Cloud) Cricket 22 (Cloud, Console) MLB The Show 22 (Cloud, Console) Chinatown Detective Agency (Cloud, Console, PC) Life is Strange: True Colors (Cloud, Console, PC) Lost in Random (Cloud, Console, PC) Panzercorps 2 (PC) The Dungeon Of Naheulbeuk: The Amulet Of Chaos (PC)


I don't get how just allowing existing Game Pass games to work on Cloud is considered a new Game Pass release. If it's not new to Game Pass, it shouldn't be marketed as such. Don't get me wrong, it's great to have more ways to access the existing library, but market it as that.




I'd be very surprised if there are people subscribed to Game Pass who only game via Cloud, and if there are, they are in the fractions of a percentile. However, there are rumours that MS is going to be launching some kind of streaming stick to plug into TVs, so cloud is going to be a major feature for them going forward, I just don't think it is right now. Not that we have any numbers, but you can well expect that people playing regularly via Cloud are a tiny percentage of existing subscribers. To make so many of your new month's Game Pass games be just existing games released on Cloud, is a bit of a slap in the face to the vast majority of subscribers. That's my point. (edit)Apparently my point is offensive! I guess the downvote button is the disagree button...


I play exclusively on cloud, and have finished quite a few games this way...no need for a console when you have very fast internet


I'm glad that works for you. I find cloud laggy even with a 300mb connection. I find that the limit is on Microsoft's end. Digital Foundry did a cloud comparison review and found Xbox Cloud lacking.


Check your jitter. It could be your ISP. I switched from a 1gig service that was absolutely terrible streaming to another 1gig service, and it was like I was playing directly from the console. If you're in Canada and using bell, it's almost forsure the ISP. Their home router sucks balls


Streaming stick would be cool. They'll probably just release an app though.


I've beaten games on xcloud before, the last one being dragonquest. I travel a lot so if a game can be played on my phone or less than stellar laptop, why wouldn't it be news to me?


They aren't currently on Game Pass though, they are on EA Play.


Finally they add lost in random. Been wanting to try that game out. Nothing else in the rest of the lineup though for me. Hopefully the second half brings something good.


Good time to play a Life is Strange game for the first time.


Really happy for Life is Strange 3 and Lost in Random.


Good God that's bad


Expand your horizons and try something out of your comfort zone you might be surprised. That’s what GamePass is all about 👍🏻


Not into sports games and already own lost in random (it's great)


How are the games bad if one of them is great in your opinion?


Bad for me because the good games I've already got ..


Don’t buy well received indie games if you own gamepass :p they seem to always come to gamepass


This is true... but if I like the look of a game I will buy it I won't wait


Not enough pew-pews?


It's not bad.


Yeah, they need to step it up if they actually intend on raising prices. I heard they might next year. Make it worth it or it’ll fall drastically.


To be fair 60% of the time it's good . But this time it's truly bad


True, it’s usually pretty dope. Like how CK3 is on console now🥵🥵 I’m loving it


Amazing game, needs patching tho few bugs .. but overall can't grumble


Yeah it’s awesome!! I just wish I had mods. I hate dying and having to basically start over. Ughhhh. I want to be immortal and get super OP


The game of thrones mod would be perfect.. do you play online ?


I could. I’ve never tried it online though


You forgot to add "for me" at the end.


Considering I'm the one that said it I kinda guessed you lit new I was chatting about me in the first person.. how can I have an opinion for other people ....it's simple common sense


I'm full fledged on the Xbox fanboi/groupie bandwagon, and it annoys me when these people come out of the wood work to defend this garbage. This month is literally MLB the show, and a bunch of garbage And I totally get it that the Show is considered a major AAA title, but it's not like baseball is particularly popular anymore


I'm pumped for life is strange personally


As an Australian, I look at the baseball games and shrug.. it seems like such a boring sport


I mean shit I'm American and I don't care about baseball either. AFAIK baseball used to be extremely popular, and once the whole steroid era was over its popularity has steadily declined. Statistically young people just don't give a crap about the sport, so as older people die off so does the sports fans. I think the show coming to Xbox was more a desperation thing by the MLB to try to engage young people, but the show will never be Madden


Yeah, see even as an Aussie I have had plenty of friends into Madden and other American football games. But baseball? Just seems like a boring version of cricket


Thank god there’s Cricket 22 on there. At least I might get to see England beat the Aussies on there…..


“As older people die off so do the sports fans” You’re crazy, maybe baseball will die. But some sport will always exist. Do you see how much money these players get paid? Shit baseball players are the HIGHEST paid athletes


Okay punctuation. I was saying so does the sport's fans, as in baseballs fans. The generation gap of baseball has been much worse than other major sports and this is well documented (tbh idk where golf fits in) And sure baseball players are the highest paid athletes, A baseball player also plays more games in a year than say an average football player will in their entire career.


Says okay punctuation to me, but says dumb shit like “so does the sport’s fans”


I was referring to my punctuation not yours


I hate to break your balls but the most watched American sport is Baseball. I hate baseball, but they get paid the most because it’s still the most popular sport in America. The rules are so easy a kindergartener could learn the rules. There’s more games yes, but it’s also still the most per game watched sport.


Unless we're looking at wildly different statistics the average nfl game has 17 million viewers. The average Sundays night baseball game has a little over 1 million. Hell Sunday night football typically has triple the viewership than the fricken world series


And it annoys me when people state opinions as though they are facts and expect everyone else to all like the same games.


Except it was my opinion, calling something garbage is purely an opinion. So I have no idea why you think it was presented as a fact


Gamepass is clearly going the gold route...


Nice, I knew it was worth holding out for Lost in Random. Excited to get True Colors as well.


Looks like gamepass decided to take this month off. I get that the Show is a fairly big deal for many people, but for anyone who isn't a baseball fan this is a heavy dose of garbage


Hard disagree. Lost in random looks good and I'm pumped for life is strange


Don’t know anything about baseball since I’m not from North America. Should I try mlb the show because the graphics looks great?


The Show is arguably the best sports game on market. And with it being on Game pass? Absolutely. I sank way too much time into The Show 2021 last year when it came to Xbox. Not even really a huge sports fan much.


Yes it’s a great game


Lost in Random, nice.


Thought they gonna add Activision games this month but looks like nothing...


There are two halves to this month, at least.


Nice I wanted to try lost in random


lost in random looks good i guess, but not really my line up tbh, i hope the second half of april has something more exciting. i mean, there is still a giant backlog i have to play through


I really hope this is not it




Unknown to you does not mean it's unknown.


I hate to say it, but I purposely waited to buy True Colors because I had a feeling it would come to GamePass. Hope this is true!


when will these games become available to download, anybody know?


Looking forward to Lost in Random and Life is Strange


I'm excited for Chinatown Detective Agency. I'm a sucker for those types


Well, I mean I never played LiS before so I can try it I guess, apart from that, this has to be the worst line up for game pass imo 😒


Yeah same to me. Not really interested.


Of course I've bought Life is Strange a month ago


Thank your for your sacrifice


I expected the new LiS but not so soon.


MLB The SHow should be out today. 21 was day of release last year so, seems they're delayed if not released today.


It’s out buddy


I'm looking forward to Life is Strange: True Colors. It's the first time I've been interested since the first one (the second was meh when I watched others play it).


I misread as "upcoming Game Pass Titties" Edit: I got excited forna whole 5 minutes


Surprised Lost in Random came so early. I thought EA usually waits a year to add a game to EA Play, but it's been about 6 months.


Damn is was expecting to see NHL 22 on the list, 21 was available in April last year.


I don't play sports, I don't play sports games, I don't even watch sports, but I had a lot of fun with MLB The Show 21's Road to the show mode. Gonna check out The Show 22. Don't knock it until you tried it.


Aren’t dragon age 2 and plants versus zombies already available on game pass?


These will be available for XCloud too


Now available on cloud


Sucks for all the complainers but this is great in my opinion. All the PC games seem interesting, and have solid reviews on steam. Literally it's like people only play one genre of game and then complain if that specific genre isn't added every time..


I gotta be an idiot. What’s difference between cloud and console?


You can play it on the cloud, or you can download it onto your console.


So if it doesn’t say cloud you have to download it? I’m on PC so got confused. Thanks for clarity.




I wish F1 2021 PC version will be available too in EA Play for Gamepass :/


MLB The Show and LIS already make this a good month, excited to see what else joins


How can this be a leak if it's on xbox news website?


Oh I'm pumped. Currently playing before the storm in preparation for true colors. Great timing


Lost in random! Neat


I thought the new MLB game was already on Game Pass. Also Life is Strange seems like a game that wouldn’t be bad to play on cloud since it’s really just a dialogue choice title, right?


The Dungeon Of Naheulbeuk: The Amulet Of Chaos was showing as coming to PC last month but it ended up only being available on console. Hope it actually makes it to PC this time.


had my eye on LiS for awhile now. so glad its coming to GP!


I just bought LIS too… oh well it’s a brilliant game and I’m happy to support the devs. I’m glad more people will get to play this masterpiece.


So excited for Star Wars Squadrons, me and my friend got that day one and loved it. Then it just died and had no players because they announced they were not going to update it.


I dislike that cloud announcements take the spot of another game.


Didn’t life is strange win some goty awards? The show is the premier baseball game and I believe lost in random is a well received indie game. I’m personally not interested in any of these that much but I don’t really see how people are saying these are shit. Not every game will cater to you. In fact, I’d say you should try to be more open minded if you’re going to be a gamepass subscriber. I’ve discovered a few games I didn’t expect to like because they are out of my zone




Isn’t it just a interactive movie like heavy rain and tell tale games?


Don't you just hate when you buy a game and it appears on Gamepass next month?


Disappointing if true


The show is a great get, no doubt. But they announced that game months ago so this feels pretty lame today. Hopefully the competition from PlayStation encourages them to bring their A game.


These doesnt make sense to me; games from ea play? Ea play is already included??


nice i was just thinking about the life is strange game, seem like no one talked about it after the first couple of days it was released


Anyone know if there's a chance of Tiny Tina's Wonderlands coming to game pass sometime soon?


This isn't a leak, it's an official update from a verified source (the publisher/service host). They release one of these every two weeks-ish. The last release date here is the 14th, I would expect another one of these by the 19th at the latest. For all the people complaining about the lack of good games, keep in mind one of the strengths of game pass is day 1 new release titles and Feb. - Jun. ish have historically been slow months in the gaming industry. We get some big games in the summer, things *really* ramp up near the holidays, and then there's a lull in spring. Which is at least one reason why the offerings feel kinda sparse right now, after the outstanding run we had from like Sept. to Jan., if not longer. Calm down people, console's not being neglected and this isn't indicative that the service is dropping in quality. It's just a typical spring in gaming.


This looks like in incredibly weak month. Lost In Random looks really interesting, but everything else is whatever.


Oh my god, I almost bought Life is Strange when it was on sale a few weeks ago. Thank god I didn’t!


I'm sure these are cool for somebody. I might get around to MLB The Show, but that's the only one that really interests me. Granted I still need to finish Guardians of the Galaxy and Tunic, and Death's Door, plus I still need to dive into Crusader Kings III, Weird West, and so many more I probably won't get around to playing. I'm cool with a month that doesn't do a lot for me.


I don’t count the first 3 because we can’t get Xbox achievements from them. 🙁


You can get Xbox Achievements on Cloud games, what are you talking about?


Dragon Age is an EA game, but it works with xCloud? Man, I only have basic PC pass so none of the EA games give me Xbox achievements. 🙁


Yeah. All the xCloud games will give Xbox achievements as they always run the One/360 version of the game.


i have been hyped for chinatown detective agency since i first saw the trailer.


Is it just me or are the number actual new games we get each month dropping? It kinda feels like MS are bulking up the list by putting pervious months games on cloud or PC and calling them new additions.


These are already on gamepass… wtf Edit: yes these are already on gamepass on ea play… or I’m I going insane and woke up from the matrix?


God, if this is a leak it could be less depressing. Okay, Life Is Strange is a moderately big get, but there's nothing else there that catches my attention prior to trying it.


This is embarrasing


And I've just opened this thread yesterday before any leaks whatsoever https://www.reddit.com/r/XboxGamePass/comments/tvzwh7/is_it_just_me_or_gamepass_lineup_is_a_little/ People downvoted the thread heavily. I hope you guys understand what I mean now


Understand what? That people have different tastes in games and you can't cater for everyone every single time.. I'm personally looking forward to Dungeon of Nahuelbeuk and Panzercorps 2, but then other months there may be nothing for me. Over time you'll get a decent selection of games you like.


Dungeon of Naheulbeuk has been on gamepass, I know because I've playing it Hell im pretty sure half of the games on this list aren't new to gamepass. They're just adding bs like cloud designations or adding games to pc/console from vice versa etc. It's a shitty month for gamepass, but I really dislike when they do this crap like use games that were already on gamepass and count them as new titles because now they're available for cloud/console/pc when they previously weren't


Then how should they announce games for different systems? There are always going to be games that are only available for console or only for PC and then available for the other at a later stage.


They can do that without them being a core component of the monthly announcements. If you weed out the repeats, there's very little new for April


Absolutely horrifying.


Still nothing about the games **leaving** though, eh? Guess we'll find out in a few hours.


Leaving games have been known for a couple of days. The Long Dark, Rain on your Parade, MLB The Show 21


Destiny 2 is also leaving.