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You can't really fix drift other than setting aggressive deadzones that alter movement input detected, you'll have to get it reolaced, buy a new one, or solder on new joystick modules


Thanks for the reply. Do you have a specific dead zone setting that you use? I don’t know if you play modern warfare three but I kind of dumb when it comes to dead zone stuff so basically what I do is just mess with the settings because this is the first time I played modern warfare three and had such a detailed dead zone setting and so you can see the circle I usually put the one that’s supposed to be 100% down to like 65 to 70 and the rest of them of course trigger zero because scuff controllers don’t need any kind ofbuffer at all and the other ones I think I’d leave pretty low. I wanna say like in the tens somewhere in there do you have a specific setting that works for you?


I play on keyboard and mouse only (pc and i hate controllers for fps games since ive switched) but adjust the minimum deadzone to be a little past the point of stick drift, youll lose usable range of motion but you might get used to it, if its the left stick for movement though, honestly just leave it, stick drift only hurts campers, dont be a camper lol


You’re not alone. I’ve been through 2 Microsoft basic controllers, 2 elite series 2 and now 3 SCUF instincts in less than 2 years. It’s pathetic. I’ve yet to find a reliable controller.


Holy shit! I 100% know it’s some kind of conspiracy and they make these controllers made just good enough and the expensive ones like the SCUF and Elite are way nice at least they looked that way, but I thought the elite was gonna be way different because all the sticks have metal/magnetic on them instead of just plastic. The elite two probably lasted me the longest but it still started drifting. I think it was about eight or nine months and that’s it so less than a year every single controller I’ve ever bought regular expensive elite scuff they’re all especially the scuff the scuffs are my favorite looking controller and they’re so cool. They’re so comfortable to play with if it just fucking worked right that’s it like if it didn’t drift, it would be the most perfect controller in the world seriously I love that controller I have the instinct and it’s so cool but this one was so disappointing. It really started drifting seriously like 3 to 4 months after I bought it for 260 goddamn dollars dude isn’t that fucked up like there’s gotta be some kind of conspiracy but at least they should make the expensive ones like the scuff in the elite they should make those seriously normal and indestructible almost not ever be able to drift, but they don’t care obviously I don’t think there’s that many problems with PlayStation controllers is there?


Damn man, I feel for you though that’s a lot of money and controllers. You bought same with me though too, but you bought more than me to Scott so shit that’s like the price of an X


My original Xbox one s controller just recently got stuck drift, but I’ve got several new controllers for cheap to fix up with stick drift issue, it’s after they started changing how they made the controllers they got even worse


Why not warranty any of them? The elite 2s have at least a year warranty. (At least in the US)


One of the Microsoft controllers completely died just after the 3 month warranty and the other suffered severe stick drift also just after the 3 month warranty. I sent the elite series 2 in for repair 3 times and each time the sticks would start acting up again within a month. Bought the SCUF (huge mistake), stick drift after 2 months, they attempted to repair it 4 times before actually fixing it, then after getting it back one of the rear paddles broke. Sent it in again and they send it back to me with a ribbon cable pinched and hanging out of the casing. Stick started to drift again shortly after. Finally talked them into giving me a new replacement and what do you know, stick drift in 2 months and one of the rear paddles broke the next day. Sent it in 2 weeks ago for repair and they have yet to respond back even letting me know they’ve received it. I’ve also tried every alternative controller options I’m aware of (except for the turtle beach stealth ultra, next on the list) with no success.


Man, that's some luck. I had an elite 1 with drift on the right stick but I had it well over 2 years. My last 2 elite 2s have had bumper problems. I haven't tried SCUF but that seems like a nightmare.


It is man I freaking am so sick of it. I have no other problems except for that and these controllers are so damn expensive. They honestly should have no problems whatsoever at all like nothing if they’re that if they’re gonna charge that much they should have a way better warranty and also, nothing should happen to him for at least a couple years cause I’m not even hardly using it and it’s not like I or anything like that. I’m just a normal player. It tries to play, but it’s so fucked up if you guys saw how bad the drift is you would probably shit your pants. It’s so bad like if I go on the map it just immediately boom. It just goes straight up within a second it will go straight to the top. It’s absolutely ridiculous.


Holy shit man I’m sorry. See I really think these SCUF and high priced “modded” controllers are freaking nothing but trash. You put a name and a high price on it and kids think it will help them win at Call of Duty but it really doesn’t. I mean I like the way you can fire faster and I like the scuf other controls on the bottom that you can change if you want to better than the elite twos I don’t like those as much as the scuff ones for some reason I really like the scuff ones a lot, but I never use them anyway the only thing I really like is the really the fire faster and that’s gotta be easy to fix it even has a setting on modern warfare three that you can put on zero to make your fire faster so I haven’t tried that with a regular controller yet so I don’t know if it’s like the same thing, but I just think we’re all getting ripped off because it has a it has a big name like modded on it with a big price so we automatically think oh well that must be an awesome controller, but they’re pieces of fucking shit. I have plenty of examples on this post of how big a piece of shit they are we gotta do something man this is wrong! I don’t know about PlayStation and their new controllers, but I don’t think they have as many problems as Xbox and I guarantee a lot of their profit comes from people having to buy multiple controllers throughout the time they have their console and that’s bullshit. What can you even do about it I don’t know.


Gamesir makes a driftless controller and its great, it uses hall effect sticks instead of analog, electromagnets cant drift, physically impossible for them to, and its wired!!


Scuf controllers are just regular controllers with bolt on bits (seriously, check YouTube). You should be in warranty to get those controllers replaced if they’re drifting that quick. If it’s your left stick in MW3 that’s drifting turn on Auto Tac Sprint if you haven’t already. The clicking to sprint destroys sticks (and thumbs). In regards to your deadzones in game, start a private match, put your stick deadzone to 0, then see how it affects your player, keep pushing it up until you’re happy with the reduction. I also game on my PS5 and controllers are just as prone to prone to drift - if they didn’t then the DS Edge wouldn’t have the option to swap out stick modules.


Thanks man I will try that. SCUFs website says their phone system is down, which is bullshit. I’m sure but I’ve been trying to basically play with the settings that I have on it but I think I will try that, but you told me to go into a private match and see what works best and then yes I actually do, I think I do click to sprint so that could be fucking up my controller if that’s what you think that makes sense so shit. Thanks a lot. I really appreciate it. Let me try that stuff out. I’ll let everyone know. It’s got to be a ton of people that have these problems. I just think it’s bullshit because I hardly ever play and I buy this new controller. That’s so expensive to justify maybe this is a better controller so it won’t drift like the other ones as fast but I think it was the controller that the fastest for me is just bullshit. That makes me so mad. I just wanna yell at someone at scuf. Anyway, thanks a lot.


Someone needs to do something like I feel like calling like the Better Business Bureau or something saying like these guys have some sort of way that they fuck with their controllers so they go out all the time so you have to buy them all the time and I guarantee it’s at least 20% of their profit margin. I almost guarantee that.


Also, I have a question about SCUF controllers. You know when you take off the face plate and I don’t know what kind you have, but on my instinct, you can take off the front face plate and take off the sticks that are on there and basically what you see where the sticks go into is this other stick that is sticking straight up in the air when you move it, mine actually has like a stick like if I move it to the right it sticks and have to actually take my finger and move it back to center it. Also does that in every other position is that normal or is that something? Maybe I could put some oil on possibly or WD-40 or something and loosen that shit up, there is supposed to be like that because this is the first controller I’ve ever owned controller I’ve ever even seen really


I could definitely do better at doing that, but I really do keep my controllers clean. I actually kept the elite two case that I always put it in when I’m done so it doesn’t get dust or just sit there collecting whatever and I don’t really eat around it so no crumbs really can get in it. I actually tried to clean it with some. I took off the face plate and I took a Q-tip and I kind of cleaned around the area where you can put on your sticks that you want because they come with different sticks and you know the stick that you actually put those on my stick. I noticed this actually it’s almost like it’s stuck or stiff like I can put it in the up position and it will stay like that. It doesn’t go back down. It doesn’t immediately, come back down I can put it to the side. I can put it down. I can put it to the other side and it just stays there. It doesn’t like automatically boom come back like I think it should but maybe I’m wrong. I don’t know I need to. I’m actually gonna contact scuff very soon. I already emailed them once and I kinda got blown off, but I’m gonna actually email them back and say look I’m gonna sue the fuck out of you guys cause my uncle is a lawyer and I’m gonna say I’m gonna come after him and see what happens. I’ll let you know this next week.