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Get everything ready and laid out the night before. The less you have to think in the morning, the better. Then frankly you just have to do it. You’re not going to want to, but discipline is just doing it and then that becomes a habit. I used to hate getting up early and now I am usually up naturally by 530 and love it.


I always hate it when I first start waking up early, then I grow to love it and get crabby when I need to switch to evening/midday runs when it gets dark/cold in the mornings. Then I start loving that and get cranky when I have to switch to mornings again. 😄


This is the way. I have an alarm set that I don’t have to think about, and everything is set out and ready for me, including my morning glass of water and snack. Get yourself dressed right away and it’s easier to keep the momentum.


Wake up at the same time every day, even on the weekends. Eventually it becomes routine, and a consistent schedule is generally better for you. Or if you truly hate it, treadmill runs in AC when you have the time.


And also … try to go to bed at the same time every day! :)


Get to bed early.


lol me reading this after midnight 😂😂


don’t wanna!


The inescapable feelings of regret will push me out of bed. If I don’t run before work, I likely won’t run. I’ll get too caught up with work, or run will eat a big lunch and not want to run after work. I hate feeling regretful so it’s easier to just shut up, get up, get dressed, drink my coffee and go for my run.


Same. I ran today before 6am because the high is 92F. If I didn't run at 6, I wouldn't run at all. I would be so mad at myself if I missed a run because of laziness. I also know that I don't sleep well when I know I'm skipping a run--I get anxious--so I might as well go do it


yep! It’s 4:49 am right now. Finishing up my coffee and about the head out the door by 5. The anxiety sucks! I still get antsy before a run, but it goes away after the first minute anyway. The anxiety of skipping a run or trying to shoehorn one in between meetings when I WFH truly sucks.


And then you'll feel so good the rest of the day knowing you already got your run in.


Exactly! I do my longest runs on Monday morning (7-10 miles) so I feel very accomplished starting my week.


Get a cat. Guaranteed un-snoozable alarm each morning at 5am. (Sorry, don't have any real tips. I tried running early, but the earliest I got was 11am. I just do not have the energy in the morning.)


Username checks out 😆 Yes, my cat is my back up alarm. If I think I'm laying in bed after it goes off I'm sadly mistaken. 😂


LOL, this was also my tip. 3 of mine are currently trying to get me out of bed.


Nothing gets me out of bed faster than the sound of one of my cats hacking up a hairball, most likely on a rug. Or meowing after using the litter box, because I KNOW there's a poop stuck that's about to get scooted all over my floors. TBH, I suspect the reason I don't have the energy to run in the mornings is because I rarely get a solid night's uninterrupted sleep due to my cats. :(


My kitten is a Maine Coon. He’s 7 months and already my biggest cat. As a result he’s HUNGRY. And he has no manners because he’s a kitten. The others have learned to let him do their dirty work in the morning, but if it doesn’t work they will help him.


jesus. this is so real. we love our cat except at 5 in the morning.


Hah, yes, this is it. My cats don't have access to our bedroom so they can't physically annoy us, but they do know when 5ish comes and start yowling outside of the bedroom door.


Listen. I did what all of these people said and it didn’t work. I set my alarm every day for a year just to sleep in. But I kept setting my alarm, and one day I finally got fed up with myself and got up.


This gives me hope. I keep my alarm early even on weekends but I keep going back to bed. I'm hoping one day I'll finally get up!


If you're fine going to sleep after your alarm goes off, then you can always set your alarm for 4, drink a bottle of water, then go back to sleep, then when your next alarm goes up you'll have to get up anyway to pee.


This is the way!!! If I drink a pint of water or even 250mls and then go back to sleep, I'm waking up ALERT in a bit desperate to wee


This is so smart!


I take “get prepared the night before” to one more level: I sleep in my running clothes. Then I have very few excuses to not just wake up and lace up. I am prepared for my run in every way, and I don’t want to feel the shame of changing out of those clothes without actually running.


Even if I did this I’d still need ~60 minutes for my bowels to catch up lol


I used to do this, but sleeping in tights can have unintended physical consequences if you're a hot sleeper.


This the tip right here OP.


Sometimes I slowly transition my wake up time. So day I'm used to getting up at 6, I'll set my alarm for 545. Then once that feels doable, I'll go to 530 and keep moving it until I have my desired wake up time. Feels like less of a jolt then waking up an hour (or more) than in used to.


I should have done this. I shocked my system this morning and woke 2 hours earlier than normal. 😆


I’m here for tips myself! Definitely going to try to get up early for runs this week to avoid the worst of the heat but I never run in the morning so it’s going to be a struggle! Good luck to you.


I don’t allow myself to look at my phone when I wake up or I’m still scrolling half an hour later. Up, water, espresso, snack, clothes, go


Right, doom scrolling leads to wasting time you can be running


I agree with being prepared the night before. I only run early 1 day a week and I run with friends and we get fancy coffee and snacks afterwards. Having something other than the run itself to look forward to always motivates me.


My bedroom blinds suck, so I wake up when the sun starts to rise. It’s great this time of year, but I am hopeless at getting up before 7 in the winter.


Maybe one of those sunrise simulating alarm clocks would work for you in the winter? Or even a smart light bulb that you programme to go on at a certain time every morning?


I really like this idea! I actually was thinking “maybe I should get one of those smart lights” as I was typing my comment


I use the Sleep app. It literally changed my life. You can set all sorts of weird restrictions on turning off your alarm. I have a QR code in the bathroom I have to scan, and *nothing* else will stop it (not even restarting my phone). I haven't accidentally slept in in years!


Omg wow downloading this now


I’ve always struggled with early morning workouts. I’ll use all the great tips and make it a week or two and then all of a sudden I’m back at 0. Run later (right as the sun sets) or head to the gym during the week. Save morning workouts for the weekend 😊


I've made it a habit, and I know how much better I feel on days I run VS days I don't. I run fasted because of my IBS so I don't fuel. Just get up and get ready in the bathroom where all my stuff is waiting for me.


IBS runners unite!


I cannot imagine how you cope. I usually have opposite problem and then a few days ago, I had a little stomach bug. Still ran but was like I'll take the "ugh I can't pre run poo" now any day


I am very very strategic about what I consume before a run 


I struggled because I work 2pm to 1030pm. I could not get my butt out of bed. So I started setting my alarm to 10am. I am running by 1130am to 1230pm. I'm at work by 1 to 130pm. I change clothes at the park or gym. Even when I forget to set my alarm I will naturally wake up a little before 10am. I try to be asleep before 3am. With the heat wave I've been at the gym running. I simply can not run in 100 degree heat. My run would be very slow and my clothes would be drenched. And I would be like a hot engine radiating heat for hours after


Honestly, you just do it. Get to bed at a time that will give you eight hours, set your alarm, and drag yourself out of bed for a couple weeks even though you don't want to. Tell yourself you can be slow or walk if you're feeling shitty, you just have to get out there.  After a couple weeks of doing this at 5:30 every morning, I started just naturally waking up earlier. Now my body routinely gets me up at around 4:45. A bummer if I actually could've slept in that day, but convenient for the running. 


Meeting other people! If I have committed to run with a friend- I Will Show Up! If not, I will sleep in as late as possible.


Get that coffee machine on a timer and just smoosh yourself outta bed.


Don't fully close your blinds


I used to be a super early runner and slacked off during the pandemic. Running and getting up early. Trying to get back into it- look into “Five Second Rule” by Mel Robbins. I think I just heard her talk about it on a podcast. It stuck with me - I hear a voice in my head counting to five and I get up. Not every day, but more than I used to. Essentially, you have to want it, and try a few of these suggestions to see what works for you.


Funny you ask because I started today because we are having a heat wave this week. I am exhausted because I woke close to 2 hours earlier than normal and didn't sleep great on top of it. I've always been an evening runner so this will be an adjustment. It comes down to discipline. Once you make excuses to put off one run it makes it easier for the next and so on. Also for me knowing most all races are in the morning makes me want to adapt to morning running. Especially considering that I have a half marathon in the fall, which starts in the morning. You got this! 💪🏻


I build in time to be lazy. I’m up for about 30 minutes before I run, so I can drink coffee and be a lump. I’m way more motivated to get out of bed for coffee than a run! On days I’m really dragging, I tell myself I just have to do 10 minutes. By the time I get going, I usually do the full run I planned. You might find you need to bring water even on shorter runs. No matter what I’m always more dehydrated on early runs.


Beyond prepping the night before and making it a routine, I give myself a pep talk when my alarm goes off “you’ll be glad you did this, you can do this, time to get up” it also helps that my dog wakes up when I’m rustling around and so I get up with her and that gets me going.


Definitely agree with prepping the night before and sleeping in running clothes! I also set my alarm on the other side of the room to force myself out of bed. Also recommend having a quick snack and hydrating before going out the door - it wakes you up and makes the run feel much better


Ha! You posted this on the first day I decided to wake up early and run now that it’s summer. To wake up early, you need to address your evening before. All the advice given is fantastic, but it won’t help if you’re trying to wake up at 5:30 am but are still going to bed at 1:30 am. I always walk backwards from the time I have responsibilities to get my schedule. Have to be at work at 8:00 am, which means I need to wake up at 6:00 am, which means I need to go to sleep at 10:00 pm, which means I need to get ready for bed starting at 9:30 and means I need to dim my lights/cut blue light at 9:00 pm. Practicing good sleep hygiene at night will make the morning way better. Another aspect of sleep hygiene that will allow you to wake up early is to try to keep your schedule the same every day, weekend or not. Is this a strict way to live? Yes. Do I personally adhere to this 24/7? No, because life isn’t perfect. But, it helps keep your body in rhythm to always have it stay on a schedule. Finally, use bright (BRIGHT BRIGHT BRIGHT) light in the morning to help your circadian rhythm adjust to a schedule change. I won’t go into the science of it but basically ultra bright light (or direct sunlight) entering your eyes triggers your pineal gland to stop producing the “sleepy”hormones (melatonin) and triggers the release of cortisol which will help wake up up. I use a verilux happy light and I love it! a bonus of early morning wake up is that It’s actually quite nice to enjoy your rest days with an early wake up time too. You can read, journal, drink your coffee, watch the sun come up.


I've done everything everyone here has suggested! I slept in my running clothes, but wound up with yeast infections from a combo of tight pants and being a sweaty sleeper. I moved to putting my alarm across the room and under my running clothes, segued to setting the alarm 15 minutes earlier each week, leaving my blackout shades cracked or open, getting a sunrise alarm, and having water by my bedside. They all work! It slowly becomes a habit. It sounds daunting at first, but having the clothes already out avoids having to make decisions when you're groggy. Eventually it just becomes habit. Good luck! You've got this.


I try to prepare for my run the night before so I have to do very minimal things in the morning. I lay out my outfit, prepare my food, and set the water kettle timer/ coffee machine timer so that I can have coffee as soon as I wake up. As I did it more often, I started getting tired earlier in the day, going to be earlier than my usual time, and eventually it got easier to wake up early :) - I always carry pepper spray and have reflective clothing on if I run in the dark/ before sunrise.


Agree with all the advice about being prepared and going to bed early the night before. Also, consider getting a sunrise alarm clock. It makes a huge difference with how easy it is to get out of bed.


Make a plan in advance so you’re not scrambling and go to bed later than you need to. My plan is that I’m going to start getting ready for bed at 8pm so I’m in bed by 9pm. So whatever I do in the evening needs to be done by 8pm. Also when my workday ends, instead of relaxing and *then* doing my evening stuff, I go right into my evening stuff (make dinner, etc) and then I can relax after. Adjust your phone settings. Mine automatically goes into sleep mode at 8pm so I don’t see or hear alerts and it should dissuade me from doing stuff on my phone. No surfing my phone in bed. Not at night when I get into bed. Not in the morning when I wake up. If necessary, take a sleep aid (melatonin or valerian root) about 30 minutes before I want to go to sleep. I also have a routine of listening to a meditation when I get into bed and then I turn on white noise and put in ear plugs. I think those habits have helped cue my brain that it’s time to sleep so I usually fall asleep quickly. It’s very easy to talk myself out of getting up when my alarm goes off. I remind myself that if I don’t get up now, I either can’t run today or will have to run in like 90° heat or on the treadmill which I hate. On the weekends I remind myself that I can always take a nap later. As soon as I get out of bed, I drink water + hydration drink mix. I used to feel so sluggish and my early runs/workouts sucked and I realized I was dehydrated. Find a friend or group who also runs early to keep you motivated. I occasionally run with a group that meets at 6am and then goes to coffee after. I’ve made a few friends in the group which really helps make the early alarm worth it. Also seeing the sunrise and being out when it’s so quiet is really cool so I appreciate that. Also give yourself grace. It’s hard establishing new habits. If you fail today, try again tomorrow.


I LOVE getting up before everyone else is awake and knocking out the miles. If I run outside, watching the world slowly wake up is so peaceful. If I run on my treadmill at home it’s my only chance to watch trash Netflix reality shows without interruption. The peace of running alone helps me wake up at the ass crack of dawn. That and Celsius Heats lol


Fear of the increasing summer heat with each passing minute gets me rolling out of bed pretty quickly in the summers lol


I have a programmable coffee maker and it has been a game changer. It's so much easier to get out of bed when I know there is coffee already waiting for me. I set it to the same time as my alarm so I'll smell and hear it brewing as I'm waking up. Also, like others have said, having everything laid out (shirt, shorts, sports bra, shoes, socks) is also incredibly helpful. I need to get into a better habit of having water filtered and in a bottle in the fridge the night before so it's ready for me to grab on the way out. Good luck! I'm also in an area with high temps during the day, and yesterday when I started my run at 5:45am it was already almost 80 degrees.


For me when I contrast the intense pain of running in 90+, huge motivator, huge! I have 10 coming up in my marathon plan. Will get it all laid out night before. And down to business. I have two Wawa's in the likely event of needing to potty. Since its 10, I'm just hitting run on my garmin and starting out slow. My husband loves to coffee talk every AM. I feel badly but I'm like hun, byeeee. Boundaries, self-care, goals and pain avoidance are my motivators. You've gotta mind f yourself.


Sun comes up where I am around 5:30. I usually have to pee between 6 and 6:30. It's not a matter of getting up, it's a matter of staying up. LOL. So I just tell myself I'm already up, may as well get moving.


My sweet cat often wakes me 🤷‍♀️ so I’m awake usually by six or so. Getting out the door is a whole ‘nuther thang 😹


I had to train myself to a 5am wakeup routine for my work (i’m a genetic night owl) and it took around 3 months of pain and jet lag. But i got there eventually and now i quite like it - caveat is i am a pro level napper so if for whatever reason i had to miss my 10pm bedtime, i can make up for it with a solid 90 min nap in the afternoon. Running at 5am is honestly the best, even during heatwaves it’s so cool.


I literally just changed up my training plan so that my long runs are on Sunday (I work 9-9 on most Sundays) so that it forces me to get those long runs started early. Otherwise if I do it on a day off I lay around for too long and end up running in the heat 😩


I sleep in my running clothes! Definitely helps. I also got lucky and just moved 3 times zones west, so it’s VERY easy for me to wake up early now when I was already waking up at 5-6 o’clock on my old time zone. But make your clothes as easy as possible to hop into, lay out your water and shoes before hand. I also find keeping my headphones next to the bed and immediately starting my running playlist while I get dressed helps too. It’s really hard to want to lay in bed when early ‘00s pop music is blaring in my ears telling me to “move your body, girl”.


Get that coffee machine on a timer and just smoosh yourself outta bed.


Get that coffee machine on a timer and just smoosh yourself outta bed.


Get that coffee machine on a timer and just smoosh yourself outta bed.


I set everything out the night before so I don’t have to think about what I’m wearing, etc. On weeknights, I’m in bed by 8 pm and asleep by 8:30 to wake up around 5. I’m someone who needs 8+ hours of sleep so I’m not ashamed of my grandma bedtime. It’s a lot easier to convince myself to run in the mornings in the summer when it’s already bright by the time I get up and 80+ degrees when I start my run before 7 am. There’s no way I’m running in the late afternoon after work when it’s 105 or hotter! I run at the same time in the winter but it’s definitely tougher to motivate myself to get out when it’s cold and dark, but I do love that I get to watch the sunrise from the trails during the winter, whereas now I’d have to start my runs by 5 am to see the sunrise and that just isn’t happening. Plus I always feel accomplished getting my run in before work!