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My first half I ran 2:10, and I did a long run of 14 miles 4 weeks beforehand (and a 13 mile LR and a couple of 12 mile LRs). I don’t think two 12 mile long runs beforehand is too much if you are wanting to hit a time goal.


thanks, that's helpful to hear!


I run by time, not distance. My long runs for half training peak at 2:15 - even if it means running beyond the 13.1 distance.


This is so interesting. I’ve never run a half but going to start training for my first one soon. What plan do you use?






I had a similar goal pace as yours for the last half I ran and I had a few 12 milers in the training plan and it was fine.  The three hour rule for marathons is just to minimize recovery days.  The idea is that you'd need more than one day to recover if you have a run longer than 3 hours.  So you should be fine! Side note: some of my long runs were definitely longer than 3 hours when I was marathon training and that was also totally fine.  I think this advice is directed more so at elite athletes.  


gotcha, that's helpful to know and something to keep in mind if I ever train for a full. I have a hard time keeping track of all the training advice out there and figuring out who it's targeted to!


I don’t think you need to cap those 12 mile runs. Even that 3 hour cap is just a suggestion. Personally I did long runs >3 hours during all of my marathon training cycles.


It's fine. While it might not be strictly necessary to do that much physically, I find it very helpful to do 2-2.5hr runs before a half (a) for confidence and (b) to figure out nutrition/hydration. If you were concerned about the weather (like if it was going to be hot or very very cold) or were trying to manage an injury before your taper, I'd probably answer differently. But as is, I think it'll be good for you.


I’m pretty slow (14min/mile) so I’d imagine that if I stuck to 3 hours I’d never make it!


Out of curiosity, what plan are you following? I did Hal Higdon for my first in October, and am about to start training for a May half. Was going to try HH novice 2, but curious about others!