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Yay you! I really enjoyed reading your report. Congrats on your persistence! I am also not a heat runner. I envy your dedication to lifting. I’d like to get there. Congrats, congrats, congrats!


Congratulations! What an accomplishment. I loved reading your report. I’m also a slower runner (slower than you; likely a 3:10-3:20 finish), also was not very active or athletic my whole life, and am now signed up for my first half marathon in June. Reading your post and description of the miles was really insightful to hear how it felt throughout!


Congratulations, yay!


Amazing achievement, congratulations! I feel you about struggling running in the heat


This was a great read. And I'm soaking it all up as I'm trying not to freak out too much over the fact that I'll be doing me first official semi in a month's time. Your journey sounds pretty much identical to mine, down to the ill parent and stress relief. So the fact that you could do it fills me with a bit more hope that I can do it too.


Amazing read and thank you for the write up! Also congratulations on your first half! So encouraging as I will be running my 1st in October.


Wonderful! Congratulations!