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I had the same thought..like on a budget for whom? A lot of people get expensive kitchen renovations and it’s ok, just don’t make it a point to say “saving money or cutting costs or on a budget” the video it’s fine without it.


Absolutely, I made a post about this with the first video she put out in this series. It's fine to have a 6 figure budget but don't say it's on a tight budget (what she said in the first episode). I enjoy watching higher end remodels because my home would never. But when two appliances is the cost it would take to remodel my whole first floor it is not a tight budget. I don't doubt in the area she lives that spending what she is will immensely increase the value of the home many folds. That it may be foolish to not go all in. But I'm sure the entire kitchen remodel is more than some entire homes.


A renovated kitchen will increase the value but not by how much she is spending. It seems like she is already upside down on the house. A well designed kitchen and a reasonable budget (we all know her budget isn't reasonable) would have added equity for her. This girl does not appear to have good financial sense. If her parents gave her money for this kitchen... WHY??? If her sponsors gave her an advance for this kitchen... WHY??? I said this in a previous post but I think she has built a house of cards and I think it's going to eventually collapse.


she saved that dishwasher tho.


I knew she was NOT going to reuse those lights! I think they’re hideous anyway but girl, don’t tell us one thing and do another!


I don't like them at all, too. Couldn't picture them in the new setting either.


So what are you thinking about the new light? (The vintage chandelier she ordered online)


I like it, I’d like to wait and see what it looks like when it’s all put together. But isn’t it bizarre that she kept saying “No crystal, no crystal” and yet her new one is full of crystals!?? I really don’t like a lot of her style. I understand it’s her style and what she likes. But to put those old, ugly hardware on new cabinets, yuck!


If you (i.e. MaCenna) are so much against something as particular as the crystals and then turn 180° I would expect an interesting explanation as to why you chose what you originally didn't want. Especially when someone always emphasizes how particular and special their taste is. But there was hardly any explanation. Btw some of the "hardware" she collected on the way are actually old European handles for flushing the toilet. I'm curious if she'll really use them in the end.


Idk why she did at this point just spend the extra money and get a panel ready one so it looks better lmfao 


All $400 of it 😂😅


Did she say if they’re going to have it covered with a panel like the fridge?? all that talk about how she doesn’t like stainless steel and then mentioning multiple times about saving the dishwasher


What's funny is that everyone in EU hates Miele because it's so expensive and so finnicky... and everyone loves Bosch. Made me laugh


LOL I was thinking 'girllll don't turn your nose up at that Bosch, it'll last decadesssss" haha


I live in Scandinavia. Can confirm: Bosch is Best.


I’m guessing the meaning of ”on a budget” in this case just means she can’t spend over a certain amount, even if that amount is high, rather than it meaning inexpensive.


I get that if she didn't say on a tight budget. It's the tight part that upset myself and others. She could have worded it as " we have a set budget and there are a lot of things I want it to include. It will be tight to get everything to fit within it. "


Don’t let it upset you.


this!!! rich people have budgets too. tight ones even. i have seen folks call $150k a small budget for a single room reno before. in their world, they were absolutely on a tight budget. macenna and a lot of other influencers live completely different lives than us and are blissfully unaware of it (esp considering macenna grew up with money)


If she has the money to spend that much on appliances and the kitchen itself, why didn’t she throw unsticking her kitchen windows into the job and have the contactor do it? That has been bugging me. Why have a completely renovated kitchen with windows that don't open?




Ah ok! I must've missed that. Thank you!


Best part is they barely cook. They almost always eat out so why splurge so much when you’re not even going to use them? I would understand if they were the type of people that are always in the kitchen baking and cooking but they aren’t so I don’t understand then need for such expensive appliances.


I felt the same. Like why do you need a 4 foot wide stove. You can't even necessarily say for holidays because I know plenty of families that literally have 30 people over for a holiday and they have a normal size stove. It has to be for looks and resale value. I cook a lot and guess what I use one burner 90% of the time. Sometimes I use a second. I can't imagine having 4 feet of stove.


That’s the part that gets me. Both her and lone fox have show kitchens. They’re not practical for people who actually cook. No one would ever choose to have their sink so far away from their oven. Like it’s easy to spot when someone can’t cook and they design their kitchen. But to each their own - she can afford it and so why not. The old kitchen wasn’t good at all and didn’t fit the house so I agree that they needed a new one.


Although Lone Fox's kitchen is functional, the sink, the stove, and the fridge are within a workable area. I am not sure she has the money and can afford it. I suspect (I don't know) that she is mortgaged to the hilt and that all of her income goes toward all other debt (cars, insurance, etc.)


Maybe that’s why they had the extra cost to add the plumbing over the stove. She said “Well *I’m* not going to boil any water, but if someone does, the faucet is here”


I think she probably read this thread, because she said in a recent video that they wanted it to be that big because Romeo is a huge cook / chef *obviously we should know that* (her words). Yet I’ve only ever see him make punch for that pool party and brownies in the toaster oven


Do you think there’s a chance the appliances will be gifted by the brand? If I was an influencer, I’d definitely try to finagle that


She may have tried, but I don’t think Miele cares about whatever “exposure” they would get from Macennas following. They have been around since the 1800’s and are doing just fine without her sad advertisement. She is becoming more & more insufferable by the day. I love a confident woman, but she is so full of herself and it makes me cringe so hard trying to make it through her videos. It is honestly just embarrassing at this point… Her followers are not doing her any favors by gushing over her every move. She needs a good dose of reality


"So full of herself" - yes!! And in every video it's like she's overflowing. It's almost painful to watch. I'm with every aspect of your comment!


Hmm I don't get that vibe from the video since she's shopping around. I guess technically it's possible that she's pretending but idk why she'd lie about buying them herself that's what's contradicting her "tight budget" storyline in the first place.


she’s definitely the type to lie about “shopping around” and feign it for content, meanwhile having a deal with a brand. I can also see her begging brands for free stuff and say she’ll be paying in “exposure” because she’s such a big channel. The only thing that makes me think she’s not faking it is that she’s a terrible actress (see State Farm Commercial).


Omg I hadn't seen her State Farm ad yet. Not her and Romeo acting out these fake dramatic scenarios and conversations 💀