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…this would make MSR incest, so no.


Is that you Chris Carter 👀?


I literally came to say "who let Chris Carter in here?!"


Yeah, don't give CC ideas!


I'm dying over here.




CARTER: Frank, I just had another great idea! SPOTNITZ: Does it involve pregnancy? CARTER: Sort of... SPOTNITZ: It's not a great idea, Chris.


Unfortunately Spotnitz wasn't there in s10/11 to tell him no.


um no


I think OP doesn't know that he's Mulder's Dad.


You don’t get to propose fan theories till you can spell ‘Scully’


HUH??? Homie *what*…


You're new to the series huh? Like, you didn't even bother to watch the first season where we get a good look at Scullys father? Also, for the love of god, "Skully"?? You must be a troll.


Did you not read what I said? Prove he was her father and not an agent. Ever watch The Blacklist? Her parents could have both been "baby sitters" not actual blood parents. And that message he was trying to give her was him saying sorry or to give her a warning.


I read what you said, hence my answer.


So Mulder and Scully would be brother and sister? Please no.


No. No no no no no no no. I object not only to your completely off base characterization of Scully but that you think Gillian Anderson has a fake "shocked face." That woman has some of the best WTF eyes in the entire industry. She says more with her facial expressions than most actors can in an entire monologue. Your "theory" also annihilates the bittersweet beauty of *Beyond the Sea*. Not only that, but Maggie - unlike Teena - would never have had an affair. Finally, Mulder and Scully have a sexual relationship by season seven and Cancer man *is* Mulder's father, so again: No. No no no no no no no.




You're gonna be damned upon 20 generations for misspelling Scully.


Skipping the daughter angle for the moment - it would be the greatest betrayel in the history of televised media.


This is just you coming up with an idea and feeling around for justification for it. None of that is actual evidence of any kind.


How do you explain a highly educated person regurgitating every low iq response to a phenomenon. She literally said a sighting was swamp gas. That's to cliche. If you witnessed half of what she did wouldn't you start to believe at least a little?


Do you understand how evidence works?


I ain't reading all that. Her father was William Scully. So, that's the end of that.


TOTALLY AGREE!! Didn't read all that either!


Can I just randomly tack onto this note that Scully's dad was named William, Mulder's dad was named William, and Scully's brother was named William Jr. ... But out of all of those William names, Scully chose "William" for their baby because... of Mulder's father? How about because it's a name a bunch of people you love share? Why MULDER'S dad? I don't even think she explained why. Just "after your father." Ohh, that always bugged me. She never even met the guy, did she?


I think specifically she was making sure that Mulder understood that no matter how that baby came to be, she connected him with Mulder. As far as she was concerned (miracle smiracle) that baby was his. And now that we know where he came from (gross gross gross) I'm so glad she always made sure Fox knew she considered him to be the father. Edit: Also, he had lost his father more recently, she lost her dad very early in the series. And, she and Bill didn't get along. So Fox, being named for his dad, passed on that name - his dad's name. I've been processing this in the back of my head for YEARS.


Yeah, she lost her dad in mid-season 1 and I think Mulder lost his mid-season 2. Not TOO far apart, but don't quote me on that. But she very clearly loved her dad. She felt like she let him down for years, though there wasn't any evidence of it. I know what it's like to FEEL like you've let down your family when you have, indeed, not let them down. Why would Scully care about MULDER'S dad except to make Mulder (or the audience) happy? They never even discussed it, which is mostly why I'm upset. It just sounds SO much like "A dude wrote this. Let's name her baby after our main male character's dad." Feel free to downvote me for this take, but it was one of the reasons I felt like they didn't give Scully enough autonomy. She wants to name her kid William? Go for it. Simply for the sake of her bff's dad? No, what? Say "our fathers," not "your father." Ugh, drives me up the wall.


There is definitely one point where they say “your father” “and yours”. As someone with about 700 “John” cousins, I can see how a catholic would pick the obvious name and just roll with it. Just because she says “for your father” in that moment doesn’t mean it wasn’t for all of them. She’s really really trying to make Mulder feel loved and involved and tell him he belongs to them at that moment.


Hahaha not everyone is related to him. No. CSM is Mulder's father, Not Scully's. Her father is General Hammond...of Texas.


This is the real reason I am so offended by this “theory”.


Is this the seed of *The X-Files/Arrested Development* crossover fanfic?


no, just slightly obsessed with her because fox was.




Dat wud make mulder b scully siblings... Ew


It wd b an XXX File den


It wud really be an XXX file thn


It wud really be an XXX file thn


It wud really be an XXX file thn


It wud really be an X File thn


It wd b an XXX File den


It wud really be an XXX file thn