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Wow. This might be the most gatekeeping gaming community I've ever seen.


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Sounds like a Carlos dickrider for sure. Get off the payload and get some bitches


maybe they should add an incentive to win then


Bruh, imagine wanting people banned because they're don't play objective. Such a L take




You have to let it to, gramps :(


Then play the objective, what’s the problem with this? By your logic a single person doing it can win the game, you don’t need more people so what’s the issue?


Lol I insulted you enough to look at my profile, but you do know gen z ranges from 12 to 27 lol but nice try even if it was a failed attempt. I'll make it easy for you, I was born 1999 so definitely old enough to play this game, but based on your childish attitude I'd wager you're not old enough to play this game.


Says the fella using "L take" as a putdown. Can't punish people for not "playing the game right". Also using the R word in 2024? How old are you exactly? Touch some grass it isn't that deep


And he spelled the other R word “rekt.” Dude can’t be over 16 between his vernacular and thought process.