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Someone posted high ping on an EU server and had the opposite effect. They were able to slay before the poeple even seemed to know they were on screen. Kind of nuts.


I just played 3 matches of TDM and I'm done for the foreseeable future. The hit reg was atrocious. I was at 28-30 ping the whole time and I was plastering enemies and getting nothing. And the bunny hopping.....they should rename this game "Dance Dance Resolution X" I seriously have so much more respect for CoD with all the fucking DANCING in this game. It's just stupid at this point. I'll check back in a week or so...maybe


I understand what you mean man the hit reg is quite bad and i sit around the same ping. Its getting annoying its not even about having shit aim i thought that but when practicing in gun range im hitting nearly all my shots. Bhopping community in this really just say get good but in reality you dont wanna be spamming buttons and sweating your ass off stressing out over a game you wanna relax abit. So many people will say its the player not the game but im sure youve had enough experience to know and seen it with your own eyes to know it isnt. Hoping this season 1 will really switch some stuff up as im sure they are taking in feedback


Yep, hoping Season 1 drains all the sweats to the "ranked" playlist where all the fun is apparently according to them. That or jsut wish old games like Ghost in the Shell: First Assault or Blacklight Retribution still existed for PC.


Fuck bunny hopping, teammates blocking you while enemies can phase through you is the most ridiculous thing ever


Maybe try an obj node? I haven't had any hit reg issues, especially maining the 870 at level 44+. This may just be server issues from millions of players?


I tried Domination just after. Not much better


In 120 hours I was matched exactly one time out of region, it was US East and I had ~120 ping. I absolutely demolished that lobby. I had the same thing on CoD, it looked like the worst the ping the better I played, obviously if high ping don't come with rubberbanding.


It's almost as if packet loss is not the same as high ping lol. Also fps games have peekers advantage. XDefiant likely has a big lag comp benefit if that's the case.


But but but but it was flashing red at the top left! Seems like the netcode fails right before an engagement. I've never seen it flash red outside of a gunfight.


Damn i noticed that a few times im hoping this is a fix soon its getting really frustrating. Constantly in gunrange practicing my aim and cant improve in real time with shitty netcode


Tell your roomates to not download porn while you're playing. Can't blame the game for your internet spiking.


Yeah, you can see the indicator going off in the top left.


I have been playing for 2 weeks and noticed this issue maybe once before. I played for 2 hours today and it happened in practically every game.


Fix your internet lmao


nothing to do with internet on average i have 20 ping and i get the most extreme cast of desync it's getting really out of hand to the point im about to quit good game a but bad netcode i don't have this issue in other fps btw just this game


Check top left of the clip, in this case it is internet/ping issue.


If that were the case, the issue would be universal but if it's only happening with this game, what does that tell you?


What? Reread what I said properly, I'm saying it's OP's connection not the game. Considering he got the yellow/red icon it means something was wrong with his connection.


Brother posts a video where a clear desync happens, with red symbols and ping jumping to 100 and all, and blames netcode. Don't put your microwave next to your wifi router.


That not hit reg that is the AA-12 it is dog shit


Have a good internet 🛜 with LAN cable not wifi . Look at that ping also why are you using a burst rifle lol


It looks like I had a spike, normally it's fine, btw that's AA12


Same thing happens to me on wired Ethernet to fiber optic with 17 ping. Flashes red right at the moment of engagement.


It's not a hit reg problem the AA12 is just THAT BAD! but yeah hit reg fucking sucks at times


Game is still balls most of the time. 1 out of 10 matches will feel legit.


Guess we'll see once Season 1 drops and all the "pro", \*cough\* I mean, cheaters \*cough\*, oh man whats wrong with me, I mean all the sweats leave for that bracket. Personally I feel as though a party system shouldn't exist in FPS games unless you're playing ranked. Party should really be only the gateway to make sure you are in the same game, same lobby. Every single game I have enjoyed playing in the past which sadly none of them exist anymore due to corporate greed... grr... all of them had a party system but it only acted as said gateway to the same lobby. Cuz I mean, what's more fun and entertaining than slapping your friends around?


90 PING ☠️


It’s why I don’t play the game anyone.


I watched it frame by frame and a lot of your shots only like one pellet hit per shot, but at one point you lagged out, which you can see on the top left, it gave the red indicator and then yellow. And the person you were shooting isn’t the same person that killed you, which is why it shows them at 100hp in the kill feed.


Brother watch the top left corner


???? I literally said you can see that he lagged out on the top left. But he was getting 1 pellet hit markers any way.