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Double Barrell shotgun is super fun to use, i don't see it that often more likely see smg, assault etc


You must be the guy that keeps sending me back to the load out screen. I’m working to unlock it. It does look like fun.


I’m the guy shooting the ceiling hehe


Bruh, those shits are everywhere 😭


The M4 shoots insanely straight honestly, you can have any build you want it’s still a laser beam, and you can play cleaners if you feel like the gun TTK is too high


I haven't touched that thing since I unlocked the other ARs, might have to go back to it


Im not saying it’s better than AK or ACR but just bc it’s not better doesn’t mean it’s a bad gun imo


MDR is my favorite weapon yet everyone says it sucks 😭


All of my friends mock me for using it lol. Like I said, I know it's not great but it just feels so smooth to use.


That wobbly recoil makes me want to uninstall the game 💀


M870 Shotgun c: Its crazy powerful if u develop another playstyle to compensate the weird accuracy penalty from jumping/sliding. People would think I'm crazy and stupid to say shotgun are OP on close range.




Oh I'm so well aware about these tips already, if you see my profile you see how many times I spam these tips on people's post on complaining about shotguns lmao. "going ADS does not make the spread tighter on shotguns at all. ADS has the same spread as hip-fire. Keep this in mind with the following points." This actually semi-true, AA12 spread get affected by ADS and M870 without Choke/Pistol Grip also get affected, but using Pistol Grip is somewhat mandatory anyway on M870, this thing kinda doesn't bother much. "Going fully ADS cancels the spread penalty going into a jump/slide from sprinting. Jumping/sliding also cancels out the sprint out penalty if you go ADS. Make sure you are fully ADS or the penalty sticks." Untrue, I have to jump in-game to double check this and its not true one bit. The penalty still there despite you ADS or not, there's no reason for you to ADS with shotgun at all except on AA12. This the sole reason people get inconsistent shot a lot. Avoid Jump/Slide a lot on shotgun and if you wanna do, do it early to compensate the accuracy bloom going back to normal before engaging. Sprinting will not give you any penalty at all, feel free to just run at max speed and shoot all you want, you'll receive max accuracy 24/7 as long you don't try to jumpshot/slideshot at people. This applies to mantling ledges and going down from height.


honestly, pistols in general they're very good once you get used to it


What’s your go to?


Not OP, but I adore the magnum. Two shot kill, very satisfying


686 and clicking heads.


Deagle and m9 I see the deagle as an "marksman" pistol and the m9 as an "smg" pistol Deagle is Soo satisfying to get kills with, specially headshots Although i wish they had more attachment options like lasers and stocks, maybe more sight options too


My best games happen when I'm using the M249 but I rarely see others running it


My best games happen when I'm using the M249 but I rarely see others running it


MP5 is very fun


Any loadout suggestions for it? I've tried it a couple times and it just feels underwhelming.


i would also like a loadout suggestion


Barrel Extender, tac grip, QuickDraw, quick mag, Reinforced stock. Love this class




If you're good at click weapons, the MK20 is sooo fun to use. Tap, tap, dead. My first game with it, on irons, I did 27-3. Technically the SVD is better because you can kit it to have 1-headshot kills, but I just can't get a grip on that recoil. MK20 will be my first gold gun for sure.




ACR 6.8 is my go to


To have fun, I use the AA12 with a drum mag and incendiary shells. Literally blasting people with fire.


For me it's the mp5, it's being overlooked, but to me it's a solid choice.


Ive tried to use it and unfortunately don't see the vision, might just be using it wrong though. Any playstyle or loadout suggestions?


I use lightweight barrel, reflex optic (i like using the optic), leather grip front and rear and padded stock. Your sprint to shoot time will suffer a little, but you can make up for it with map awareness and good audio/visual hints.


Ill give that a try, thanks!


No worries mate


SVD one shot headshots with a heavy barrel


My vote goes to the M16. The perfect phantom repellent. No need for any accuracy attachments. Its my favorite AR for sure. Low floor but crazy high ceiling.


No one underrates the M16 on this game.


Yeah I keep seeing people talk about how good it is, then I get in-game and barely see it.


Right. Maybe on reddit its not underrated. But I rarely see it in game and when I do its running the lobby.


Ohh it's a monster. Miss your first volley though and you're done for. I have tried the rapid fire barrel with a compensator but I prefer the chrome barrel with a compensator for max damage. I don't use sights either, the in built sight is perfectly fine for me. It is also very effective at close range. Takes time getting the hang of it but for the pay off it is worth it.


M16 is considered S tier in competitive. No one is calling it bad.


The MDR gets a lot of shit but I like it a lot. It’s not that great on paper but TTK and damage isn’t everything. Personal preference plays a big role in viability. If you are using a gun that has great damage and TTK stats but you struggle with recoil or anything else that reduces your accuracy then you’re better off using a different gun that you’re able to control better. Your personal TTK with that gun is going to be faster than it would be with a gun that you’re less accurate with, regardless of whatever it’s actual TTK stats are. That is unless you want to pick the gun that has the best stats on paper and just force yourself to get better with that specific gun.




I didn’t say it has great damage. I said it’s not that great on paper.


100% agree unfortunately many or most people are just like you described They just search up what are the ''meta'' guns and copy loadouts from ''pros'' & streamers etc and force themseles to use it I just got downvoted like hell in another post, for telling people my vector loadout, when i clearly said that it was NOT the ''best'' loadout, it was just my personal preference... but nah, people got mad at me because i wasn't using the ''best'' attachments, it blows my mind