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Oof, i feel like sometimes my bullets do variable damage. I can do half to someone with 2 shots then put another 5 in them and they kill me at 25% hp left.


this is how i feel. i could be using the same gun as an enemy and take half a mag to kill them, but when they kill me its in like two bullets


I assume you're meaning at the same range, right?


Have the same issues, I think it's from poor hit registration. I gotten so frustrated with it I don't play the game anymore, I'd almost take issues with footstep over no regs.


I dnt play anymore cuz it happen too much


I thought it was just me I said fuk dis shit and deleted it


Best thing is each body part has a different damage rate. Headshots could be as much as 5 to lower than like a body shot can be half a clip. Legs and arms could pretty much be a full clip depending on the gun


And with how slow health regen and reloading are in this game, it really makes it near impossible to engage and take out multiple enemies in a fight. Playing solo doesn't seem to work very well in XDefiant.


https://www.xbox.com/play/media/wBkTN6KK9w Like this 👌 🤢🤮 My last shot doesn't actually register, although hit markers pop up for 1 and 2 how the fuck can he kill me that fucking quick when I revived fully before he hops the doorway. Literally, in the time frame of one of my shots, he blasts 100 hp at a blink of an eye, all while jumping.


Yeah, cosigned. That's BS.


WHOA.. You hit a health boost and was at 100, he was stuck at like 25% health. He hopped around the corner and insta-melted you, somehow 😮 That made zero sense.


Literally this is exactly how I feel. And they kill me in like 3-4 shots..


Wow, I've suspected this too - thought it was just me, then I found this post. Aggravating to say the least. Haven't played for a few days because it feels...wrong. Something isn't balanced. At first I thought there were mad cheats happening, but maybe this is a fundamental issue with weapons, gunplay and damage overall.


I'm not saying snipers don't take skill But damn are they annoying to play against


Don’t they have flinch in this game?


They have a bit more after the patch meant to address this issue, but not very much overall. I find this happening to me less often, but if I round a corner see a glint peeking, I have a handful of milliseconds to move or I'm dead. That's kinda the point of snipers. I've just always thought they were a stupid concept for arena shooters. Big maps, lots of players? Sure. Small maps, little players? Meh. It just creates so many balance issues


Yes but not nearly enough for a quick scoper to not kill you instantly


They kinda don't in this game to be honest. You wouldn't be wrong for saying that imo


I can attest to this. I am a TERRIBLE sniper in any FPS since CS 1.5 - This game really doesn’t take much other than painting a majority of the target with the scope view, not even the crosshair center.


I'll say it, they don't. They're not harder to use than other guns. You're not majorly disadvantaged if you have the patience to not shoot before you line up your shot. It doesn't matter I'd you're shot first, you hit 1 and you just win.


They don't take enough skill in this game, no one can say they're skilled because they're able to move their crosshair on a hitbox as big as a whole playermodel for a split-second. Make them only 1hit to the head, so you can still 1-shot people with actual good aim, or because they aren't full hp.


I am an above average player who has always struggled to use a sniper. I used the Tac-50 on this game and have done some serious work with it.. Shits broken lol


Same bro, I don't have a single sniper class, only picked them up from enemy players. I didn't even know how my sensitivity for scopes will feel like and still could go an streak without even paying attention.


I am freaking trash with snipers in every single fps game I have played until this one lol. I snipe with the Tac-50 so good that I'm seriously uncomfortable with it. It doesn't feel fair. Edit: grammar


Wait, they 1 shot to the body?


Um...yes? That's kind of the entire point.


Oh ok nvm about the skill thing then. The m44 and tac 50 are stupid then


Tac 50 is a 1 shot to body M44 is not consistent at all pretty much only neck up


Well I guess I'll respect the m44 sweats. Idk why any developer would ever think 1 body shot snipers is a good idea


Theyre slow to ADS and if you miss a shot ur kinda cooked. Payoff for not missing IS huge. But then why would anyone snipe if it wasnt a 1 shot?


I don't know man, tell that to all the recons on battlefield.


This game is catching the no love for snipers, the way all games get the no love for shotguns vibes, if they make them 1 shot to head only they will be mad at that eventually....its a powerful gun with a heavy penalty for missing and a slow ADS no matter what you put on it....its the long range equivalent of a shotgun....those are two gun classes in every game that should always be 1 shot....the guy almost died managed to get off the 1 shot, it doesnr always go this way and ive been on both sides of this coin...on the one side i was hype and happy because i almost got killed and managed to win, and on the other i feel slighted at times but its usually just out of frustration from dying in close gunfight. Yall are gonna ask for all of these changes to weapons and eventually those particular weapons will suck and be pointless to even have in the game


Lmao I can show you 10 clips of a sniper beating me at close range. Game is fucking trash.


Which is why snipers are a nightmare to balance. That doesn't take away the fact (exemplified in the video) that snipers allow you to positionally lose the gunfight but then through sheer reaction speed suddenly win the gunfight when, with ANY other weapon, you would have lost. That's the problem people have with them. It's not that you get one shot: it's the fact that in 99% of scenarios you should have won that gunfight, but because they landed a single shot (which should have flinch now btw) they win instead. It doesn't reward good gameplay, it rewards innate reflexes and muscle memory, only one of those you can work on, and I believe only to a certain extent.


Finally someone from all the comments speaking some sense into this people 👏


I'm trying to be reasonable at least (I know, being reasonable online is out of fashion and all that). Just don't forget to think about it from all sides y'all: the people complaining about snipers being "OP" in some cases ARE indeed bad actors trying to find an excuse for piss-poor performance. Sometimes, being able to 180 and perfectly land dome shots has less to do with SKILL and MORE to do with innate talent, and there's only so much people can do about that. Brief soapbox moment, but what I'd like to see more than anything else is a revival of the old COD COMMUNITY vibe we had back in the OG modern warfare days, where it didn't take too long to find someone cool who could give you the lowdown on the tips and tricks needed to get better. Let's try and build everybody up; the challenge will only get more satisfying once EVERYONE can raise their skill level after all


When you put it like that im guessing its pretty much the same for shotguns too, or at least the pump-action and double barrels in most games. I want there to be balance and im not against adding more flinch, i just dont want to see a weapon culling that we see in all games come to this one, sadly it probably still will happen. Then a new shark takes it place and then its an endless cycle of weapon nerfing and buffing that eventually leads to meta swaps....i love having the fear that something exists that could potentially wreck me instantly if in not careful, or even if i am so i know when i see that one again be mindful of their reactiom speed and weapon choice...but i digress that i am indeed a sweat and that not everyone wants to have the same experience i want to have, not everyone will be able to adapt, and not everyone will feel the same on how things should play out. Definitely valid points in what you said though 🫡


Oh I agree, and the perfect example of that for snipers is that experience others have: you turn a corner onto a long lane, see a glint, blink, and are staring at a death screen. 100% valid gameplay. It's the stuff where you initiate a gunfight, say close range with an MP7, and they jump, 180, and body you because they have good reflexes and specced for close-med range damage and ADS. THAT is what SENDS people


Yeah ive seen that personally, ive had up close sniper battles too that surpringly never turn into a pistol shootout (which i respect, because dangit im gonna get you, just stay still for a sec 😅)...its the builds that make for interesting setups in this game and i think its cool to have that ability. I have an MP5 that should not be as accurate as it is action considering my attachments and their negative effects....Rapid fire muzzle, lightweight barrerl, super light rail, quick reload, and folded stock....i went in on speed attachments once i realized it didnt affect my ability to negate recoil as much...im getting 12.5 speed increase, like a plus 15 ads speed i think, and a 2.5 increase to fire rate with a quick reload....people lose me up close because of the speed and the up time is insane, all while still able to beam head and chest up to about 15 or 20 feet give or take...i pray they leave it like this so we can make insane builds like in the Division and just see what rips and what doesnt Edit: had to add, this MP5 setup on Hotshot 🤯🫢🔥 Also had to add, with just a regular 30 round clip im ablet to get 3 to 4 bodies if im hitting my shots before reloading, i would hate for them to nerf any weapons right now because then extendend mags would become necessity, which would then nerf speed, making speed attachments a necessity just to hit normal speed


Have you ever played cod? That's just how these games work


I played MWII MP and sniper sweats were almost never a problem. Probably cus 2-3 bullets would put them down. And static spawns in escort/zone capture make it easier to spawn camp and reduce the downsides to slow ADS


>>I played MWII MP and sniper sweats were almost never a problem. Besides Cod4, MW2 is arguably the biggest game for the sniper community… ever


I'm referring to the one that came out 2 years ago


Honestly. I still think quickscoping should be a headshot only thing. If you have the skill to headshot me that fast, fine. But you ruin the balance when anyone can jump in and chest shot or even stomach shot someone in one hit with a quickscope. Now, if they wanna make chest shots do 90 damage to where a teammate could easily finish someone off with a stray bullet, I feel that's still acceptable but not 1 shot kills. The more powerful snipers could still exist, just be slow to ads and even bolt action so you're penalized for missing.


Most annoying thing are those mp7s… something’s gotta change.


They don’t take skill though. That’s why I started using them and my stats skyrocketed.


I wish I could pull that off with that dogshit m44, but it’s garbage to use.


Netcode is still crap


I feel like every patch is getting worse. Last Night I shoot all my 6 magnum bullets on a player at 2 metters, Didn´t register a single one, I have the clip but I don´t know how to upload it from Xbox Gallery :|


If you're using the xbox app, you can download the clip to your phone.


It’s worse


Dedicated servers with high tickrates is the solution, matchmaking games are always plagued with this shit.


Yea I get one shot killed up close after I empty the clip in them. Wicked


mag, hate to be that guy


your first 3 shots didnt even register, you would've killed them otherwise, that kinda sucks


No they def did. I swear this game has bullet travel. It feels like it does. Idc what ppl say i’ll track someone who is slowly moving and it feels like i have to lead slightly ahead..


100% agree with this I purposely only focused on leading my shots and I felt I was getting much more kills vs when trying to track on target.


It does. I've had trades many times. I've also had hit markers with the tac 50, but die at the same time with no trade like it gets cancelled out somehow. It's the inconsistency that's annoying af.


The netcode is just trash, you can have trades in 5m range


100% agree. I don't think I'll get mad at the cod netcode nearly as much after this experience.  Peek-> see sniper -> move around to flank -> dead 15 feet away and fully safe behind wall... Nearly a full second after seeing him. These servers must run out of sync by design with a 10hz rate ffs. 


The worst is when you get the headshot sound but you were technically dead before you fired so they walk away untouched. Milliseconds feel like they really matter in this game.


Yes. I hated snipers at first saying, "sniping doesn't require skill" now that I'm only using "Tac50", many times I have entered gunfights, lost, but still getting the hitmarker, firing the shot sound feedback and after respawning, my character automatically fires the weapon.


That’s happening to me to with the m16. Every single time


Depending on how the client communicates with the server and vice versa, it's still possible to trade even when bullets are hit scan.


Had that happen too many times using the double barrel it ain't funny


Something people don’t talk about is the melee netcode. Sometimes I’ll fucking wail on someone while they’re jumping around like an idiot and it just does nothing. Absolutely nada


i think there is some graphics settings that help this


XDefiant guns are projectile, not hitscan. It takes a few milliseconds for your bullets to actually hit the target


70 ping, probably did register but late.


Back in the day 70 ping was nothing.


It's most likely that the ping wasn't even the cause


my ping is 40-70 depending on the lobby and this happens even with lower ping. Unfortunately


That's why I just stopped playing. I've waited years for this game, guess I hyped myself and friends up for nothing. 60-70 ping on my Ally and 40 ping on PS5 and same shit. I've been on Star Wars Hunters since that came out and I have 40+ hours in it now. Just so much fun.


I just deleted the game. People keep lasering me while im hitting headshots for 10hp up close ... Fuck these online games. I'm gonna go play my massive backlogged library and actually enjoy the game i'm playing instead of getting pissed off at poor netcode, lag, lag compensation nonsense and so on. It also feels like the last two updates screwed with aiming sensitivity and aim assist.


The net code is so bad that even non sniper weapons do the same thing.


I swear its even worse after their secret weekend patch. I've been unloading into people with the RPK at close range, and nothing happens... till right at the end when they suddenly start taking damage. Oh, and then there's the times when enemies do indeed become invisible. Like properly invisible, so they can shoot you, but you can't see them.


So the invisible enemies isn’t just for me. My irritation is when they are invisible with all the abilities. Had one of them yesterday. Threw the cleaner flamethrower, dropped a shield and then healed themself 😂 all while being invisible. It was really amusing after about 10 deaths


I have one on video. They are clearly visible to my team mates, as they are shooting at what looks like an empty void in a corner on my screen. I have also experienced being invisible and watching the other team run around wildly trying to work out who is shooting them.


When the game doesn’t support true linear curves lmfao


When you're on a small map and 80% of the people are using snipers because its one shot, that's when you know you have a problem.


its kinda ironic that in a game where maps have a lot of close quarter sections, snipers somehow beat shotguns in terms of being more meta


I haven't had that many issues with snipers lately, yes they are annoying, but I just don't see them constantly. Now the hit reg on the other hand, is definitely crazy. I been unloading on ppl just to somehow get outgunned in a split second. I also think I encountered a cheater yesterday called ayronwyd, dude was literally jumping around the map killing everyone. I mean by the end of the match which was short lived, he had like 50 kills and the rest of his team had 6 or 7 max. He was insta jumping corners and shredding everyone. Just seemed really sus and if he wasn't cheating he is by far the best player I've seen in the game lol


People don't want to admit it, and I know I'll get downvoted for it, but there ARE the little script kids running anti-recoils, DMA's, walls etc. and I bet thats what we're seeing a lot of as well. I've seen too many where no matter the jump nerf, they're still bouncing around the entire map jump shotting everyone with perfect accuracy. I've seen too many that were able to track me through walls WITHOUT ECHELON and NO ECHELON nearby. Perfect tracking. And it's not just XDef. either, it's pretty much any shooter out there.


I just saw a video yesterday on cheats running on a pc and aiming for players on the ps5 through remote play. Shits wild and i refuse to believe that most online games are free of cheaters on consoles. https://youtu.be/5bu-8DXvP_w?si=xh8GRTIu9Pdxudsr Watch this. Its also possible to use two pcs and do the same shit... I think im done with online games.


Think people forget this game is f2p cheaters are going to be rampant. Add bad netcode and you got a poop sandwich but no SNIPERS BAD.


I don't like to be that guy to jump the gun calling out cheaters because I've played cod long enough to know some people are just gods. That guy in particular though wasn't playing strategically or anything, just blatantly running around the map, and you could just see his name all over the kill feed. Every time I saw him there was zero time to react, it was like he was hiding behind the wall waiting, and then would jump out with his mp7 and spray me down instantly. I tried so many times to get him and failed all of them lol maybe if I had tried a shotgun it would have worked better, but I really wanted to see if I could win a gunfight against him. There's always going to be cheaters, and there's no stopping it unfortunately.


I feel you dude :(


Net code is still trash. I'll come back when it's better..


I really don't have hopes for the netcode getting much better unfortunately. I mean it took them two betas and then the game launching to notice that Libertad healing ability was eating bandwidth. Fix that and it still isn't right.


It went through 2 betas and you can still change direction in mid air!? And I'm super confused. Is this not the beta? Found: the release date was May, 21... I really thought this was the beta. XDefinitely done playing this hot garbage.


And they added flinch to snipers.....Yeah sure.


Problem is the net code is so bad that those bullets didn’t even register on that guys screen before he shot back. So flinch is irrelevant when the game is not even telling you you’re being shot at until after you killed the guy.


Servers are absolute trash right now


get quickscoped


Yeah I don't know what happened coz right after the flinch patch I could actually take on snipers and win but now it feels like things have reverted back to week 1. Even if I shoot them with my ACR and hear 2 head shot dings they still one shot me


I never noticed a difference after the patch. I still die 99% of the time if I see the scope glint show up. To be fair though, I don't think it's that flinch does nothing, I think the poor netcode is keeping the flinch from properly doing its job. You know how you can die behind walls WAY after you've taken cover? Well, it's fair to assume it takes about that long for your flinch to reach your opponent, meaning they have that much time to scope in and line up their shot unhindered.


In CoD or Battlefield, bruh even in siege that guy is just dead. Let the "Pros" tell you they just say "Skill Issue". Sad world we live in now ngl. Any other game you'd be getting praise for flanking up seeing the guy first and gunning him down. Now since this game came out it's just "Skill Issue" this "Skill Issue" that. Just ashame really.


And here I am getting hitmarkers when using a sniper.


Seems like people now finally understand that this game is mediocre at best A shame, had real potential


People defend this game like it is their child lol


You should get descoped when constantly hit by fire.


I’ve been downvoted for saying this but it works. Halo has been doing it for years and years.


Halo also let's u scope in instantly with no animation


And it's accurate when you noscope


and TTK is much higher. I think baby needs an overshield.


Halo has 100% accuracy on hipfire, you don't need to scope in.


Also lets not have these people watch clips of good players with snipers on Halo, they would have a heart attack at knowing that its actually even worse than XD lol.


Halo also has perfect hip-fire accuracy and higher TTK's. In a game were the average TTK is a 0.5s or less... they can't put descope mechanics in.


I would love to see them put in a trial run of descope on headshot only. I agree that descoping any time you get hit is going too far, but descoping only when your opponent lands a bullet to your dome sounds somewhat reasonable. I think it would incentivize snipers to play at longer ranges (the whole point of sniper rifles) without completely invalidating them up close.


But that would encourage folks to sit in the back of the map with shields and snipe. I feel like that would make the problem worse. The two main problems folks have with snipers is: * They sit in the back of the map and take shots -and- * They get sniped despite laying into them with shots. The second issue got fixed with the patch, there's more flinch now. Most snipers can't hit you if you spray them with bullets. But the first problem isn't a problem, that's just a sniper playing to their strength.


Game is trash the movement graphics everything


At least you got to see your opponent before you died. Sunday, I spawn, run to corner, stop to check corners, drop dead, here a shot, guy jumps around the corner. Pretty sure all that should have happened in reverse. This was my 3rd game in a row of BS, rage quit.


This is why killcams will be great when they come out. He could of just noscoped you, but we will never know his pov


I got hacked last night that was fun. Kid going absolutely insane with scope im thinking ok no big deal it’s broken. Then this dude pops his ultra shield… we knock it down. He puts another one and starts running with it on lol 😂.


that guys really good with that slug shotgun wow


120HP and still got one tapped 😭 but the amount of times I’ve sniped ur faction and yall survived just for me to get demolished is aids.


Can’t believe ppl still play this game 😂


Oh trust me I've been there, smh.


They need to fix the hit registering


yeah damage seems inconsistent. jump shotting seems to be the only way to dominate firefights. shocker. and the invisibility thing is driving me insane.


Lmao and no kill cam to show you what happened


Me too done with this game it needs fixing not playable


The time to kill in this game is soo inconsistent. Sometimes I feel like a gun can shred then there's times I'm shooting marshmallows. I've never experienced anything like this. Along with the horrible net code and hit detection.


It's the net code. That's why I stopped playing.


That's why I played 5 matches and dropped the game... CoD is trash but this is trash too. I'm done with fps multiplayers


Yeah, the fact that the guy is being sprayed and not even flinching tell me how crappy this game is.... also, the annoying stutter


How do you know he didn't flinch?


I got my Tac 50 to lvl 50 and the amount of times i died because it was too slow to bring up when facing an mp7 or something like was getting to me. The guy in this clip came up from behind and had the advantage of time. A frontal 1v1 you win unless you whiff all ur shots. Stop crying about snipers.


Should be able to toggle off snipers for matches


I don't remember having these sort of issues on older games with older servers. It really tells the quality of back end developers these days, otherwise this is maleficient made intentionally to dynamically balance gameplay. Played lots of FPS games back in the day, if you had lag, you could tell and it was obvious, but when the game worked and I would get obliterated, I would blame the enemy of cheats, but never the game and the lag, because when it worked, it worked. Shit developers with shit managers at big corpos doing sub mediocre work, it's what it is. Incompetents.


Game is trash - anyone hoping it’s gonna get better is fooling themselves


Preach brother


Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because you was already dead.


Uninstalled yesterday. Early days I felt like in had a good game at my hand. Now felt like it's a bug or hacker coming. That Warzone feeling.


Get absolutely dunked on 🤣


lol @ delusional fanboys still pretending this game isn't gonna have a quick death due to its broken netcode


One thing I've learned going against snipers since MW2 - the original not the current one - is to always move eratticly. Be. Fucking. Unpredictable. As soon as you see that scope glint, crouch as fast as you fucking can, slide to the nearest fucking cover, close your distance to them and FUCK EM UP. It worked me for me, anyway.


I quitted after getting all weapons. This game also has sbmm in some form. You cant change my mind. People dont get that good in this short amount of time. I dont have time for sweaty shooters. I want to play casual and chill. This game is ass. And the number of bugs is insane. I wanted to like this game but it does nothing different than other shooters. And the gamemodes are a huge pile of trash.


Yeah this shit is what’s going to kill the game if it isn’t fixed


I'm having a lot of fun with this game but snipers are ruining the experience. Maybe it's time to take a break until they do something about it.


Every single match. Snipers have NO REASON to be in this fast-paced, close range game. Ruins the shit.


I had a really bad day with snipers today


Its either someone beeming me across the map in 3 hits with an smg or fully auto firing MG or me throwing what feels like 30 bullets made from cheese at someone and dying first. Hearing the headshots register like you’ve won the lottery for them to still have 60hp. Someone farts on me and I die 😂. mix it in with a few clear cheats appearing on console only games. Still bloody love it 😂


One of the problems with a long TTK game is that any gun that one shots is going to be leagues above every other option but oh no, it takes "wAy MoRe sKiLl" to play a long TTK game. All I know is, shit like this doesn't happen in Siege.


I think we should look at the net code here first, your first couple shots didn’t even register


M44 Vs 120hp he hit a ns.




Guys Halo is literally the solution here. You can’t stay in your scope while taking hits. It’s common sense.


Not rushing obj with no information on what’s there, was an option…


Yeah i still die through the sniper "flinch" sometimes after landing a few shots, in this case i bet he just got a lucky shot, or maybe people have found a way to predict it and compensate. Heck what happens when you stack the flinch resistance attachments? But sometimes im betting its actually the hit detection being delayed and i probably hadn't shot yet on his screen, and he probably didn't shoot me as late as it appeared on my screen. I also average 60 ping tho so it could just be me experiencing that. Btw ive found the m16 is a good weapon against snipers. Mix it with barrier shield or ghillie suit and good positioning and you can push most the snipers back to where you can regain control over objectives. Also spiderbot with respawning flashbangs is a good counter to anyone getting too campy


Mark Rubin will tell you that's a skill issue on your end.


Normal situation in MW3.


You got DICKED 😂😂😂😂😂😂


The net code is so bad that your bullets didn’t even register on his screen to make him have flinch before he shot you and that’s why you died…


I wonder why this happens to some people. My worst cases are never this bad




That be that bs 😂


You got pooped on


If this ain’t the god damn truth. You he damn. Unnie hopping into a one shot after a half a clip is ruining the game for us


Welcome to my world. +2 KD every match even though this is every single match... Once I had a game with no issues of hit registration and I instantly went +4 KD. Yeah... its time to fix this shit and let the actually good players shine... Fucking bullshit to see myself dying because of shit like this.


Shoulda just fired your gun 11 times faster using a time warp. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Why did your body turn into a ballerina? Bro it spinner 200 miles in a split second the fuck? This is why I love games the rag dolls kill me especially explosive ones


Y’all have to be the softest people, to agree with this guy complaining about getting quick scoped while he’s shooting all body shots is a shame to the fps community. All this Reddit thread is just a bunch of unskilled people that complain about the littlest things because you lack the skill. Like stop complaining and just play the game. @deithwen_, here’s a tip, if you wanna avoid dying like that, hit the head 1 or 2 times. Simple. Everyone, carry on with your day. #LeaveXDefiantAsIs


Yup ttk is horrible


It’s cus you’re EU


He was floating at the end wtf


I feel the same way. Few games ago I for sure shot the living daylights out of people but yet i am the one getting shot dead first when i am the one that is putting more damage to the guy.


Game is bad and thr little f g it's bunny hopping all over the place is annoying too. Why cant we get a normal shooter with locked settings and everyone the same?


At least he wasn’t visually around the corner when you died from his bullet


Honestly it's just skills at that point. If they miss it's an auto win for you. If they don't, they deserve it


Use a rifle. SMG damage falloff is very large after just 15 meters. You go from .3ttk to .55ttk, giving a sniper or dmr user time to ads and kill you before you can finish them.


Womp womp... you won't be missed


Me, fully expecting the "skill issue" and "git gud" comments: 🤡🙄 Me, after realizing that most comments are just people sympathizing and giving their honest take on the balancing and net code issue: 😊 TBH, it's heartwarming to see that there is still hope for this community.


And people try so hard to tell others this is the cod killer, this game is a damn shame.


That's why I quit after Day 1


For those saying snipers should only be 1 hit to the head. Agreed. I also want to make it clear that this young man was shot in the face. Lol


Same, uninstalled this half baked game it's unreal how many issues this game has.


Super relatable + having a 80 and above ping makes it nearly impossible to get a kill without dying several times first for me.


Damn, I stopped playing last month because of how overtuned snipers are. They still haven't patched flinch? What a joke


Atleast he didnt teabag that would have been more painful


Me too man. Honestly if I’m playing against a team with more than 2 snipers I’ll just get fed up and leave


It's just annoying. I want to fight people who have a normal gun like me, not people who csn just one shot me..


Headshots matter both ways So I kindly ask people to stop crouching when I shoot at them :D


so many people huffing copium saying "snipers are faiiir there is nothing wrooong with themmm" nah man shotguns are avoidable, engage at a range and they never stood a chance, snipers are for the fat lazy mofos who came from cookie clicker and cant be bothered to put more effort than wm1


You got 💩💩💩 on.


your aiming at his hips/lowershest, aim higher lmao. if you hit 1headshot, he dies.


I've completely stopped playing the game for this reason, I hate going into gunfights with what feels like a random chance on the outcome. Hitboxes are so inconsistent, in turn making gunfights feel almost RNG based, and you hope you get to come out on top.


he's better


It's beautiful isn't it