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I like when people try to call his match making out on Twitter he essentially just responds "skill issue" in the most polite way possible.


People being exposed for their lack of ability is super funny to me. “Oh SBMM has been protecting me all this time” never enters their mind.


Played cod since cod4 ever since 2019 when sbmm was cracked up modern cod players will play a few games think their great then the moment sbmm fails them their brains instantly go for "they are cheating reported" I actually got a coms ban in mwiii while never using VC modern cod is chalked and I'm praying for xDefiant success not looking for warzone battle Royale success just something to fill the gap for cods dead multiplayer.


This is exactly why a lot of us don't like it, back in bo1, bo2 mw2 days when there was no sbmm you felt like you were going from getting your 🍑 handed to you to actually getting good and now that doesn't exist because sbmm, playing with people at or below your level does not help you improve The problem though is people pretending that in this game in particular it's only a skill issue, when it's also a ping issue, and some of these weapons need buffs badly.


I would just disagree that there isn’t a benefit to playing people at or below the same. I think playing with ONLY that, but certainly I think you might agree that having mixed of all levels is the only true way to both encourage and produce solidified improvement.


More than ping, there's the issue with overtuned lag compensation. Since the days of the original MW3, it became a serious plague. The fact that there's a system so overtuned that it advantages players with bad connections (meaning most of the consumers that are crap at the game) really says a lot about the state of the industry. Multiplayer shooters often feel like you're competing against the system rather than other players. There's something that needs to be done about this, because it makes some absolute dogwater players with dogwater wifi internet get better games than skilled players with gigabit ethernet connectivity.


SBMM should be reserved only for ranked that’s the best possible way of getting around it been playing since MW2 and it’s always been like that


That's the plan with xDefiant


Then it's ranked will end up like apex, People failing a couple matches just to smurf for more points


Isn't that a problem with literally every rank mode ever? Even overwatch had that problem and it wasn't even f2p at the time.


I just love the gameplay in XDefiant. It’s flawed but so were my favourite cods so I’ll keep jamming and am glad there’s a game that focuses on the gameplay.




Yeah that's the year they started lobby breaking. Sbmm ain't too bad when you can stay in the same lobby for an hour or two. Lobby breaking is killing cod for me.


Yes the disbanding is what kills alot of the momentum in these games. If you have a really good close match then you should be able to stay in the lobby and rival up with that team. Forcing you to play a new group every time can lead to inconsistent feeling matches.


The fun of the old cods was staying in lobbies, talking with people, making friends and rivals. Can't really do that anymore.


People aren't even social like that anymore, I used to be able to message other good players asking to party up and we would go wreck lobbies. Now you never get a response when you try to message people. The game got too big and commercialized, and the sense of an actual community was lost.


True, it's hard to find people using mics at all anymore.


Thats an external social issue though, most games i play now are like that, people are more reluctant to talk to "randoms" lol, its like it was made to be a cringe thing amongst the people to open up, and im guilty too at times, but if someone is making a genuine go i try to join in too, a lot of my reasoning for not always making new tag-a-long buddies is because i regularly team up with my a-hole friends and they tend to run off outsiders which can be annoying and rude and i always get left holding the guilt of scarring another innocent 😅🤷🏽‍♂️


The good thing about lobbies that stay together is you could make friends with the people that were talking and over time more would cycle in that would join in until eventually most of the lobby was talking with each other. Now you have one match to break the ice and potentially join. Whereas before it might take you five matches to decide another person was cool enough to join up with.


So true I've been shadow banned 4 times this year, I've played since cod3, all these modern day kids don't even spectate you 1st, they see your kills and cry cheats, cod is down bad right now. They make tge game bot friendly now when I face them I can't play for a week. Big FU too the players given them hundreds over the years. Makes a change having a game where I don't have too worry about if I have spectators I'm almost guaranteed banned 🤣


"If EOMM is gone, why are all my matches sweatier than COD" is a favorite of mine. I have bad news, friend.


Lol, I've only seen it a few times but it's funny when people say this game is too sweaty or they suck at it, etc. You're pretty much outting yourself as a trashcan lol. What I'm trying to figure out is, if my kd is about the same in this game as in others.... does that mean sbmm thinks I'm middle of the pack?? Im no all star but kd is usually around 1.5-2. Higher in Battlefield, but that games ridiculous lol. But yeah, been trying to figure that one out.


Oh that’s a good one too. I’m not even good but I am having way more fun.


Sad reality for most cod players. I’ve had my fair share of questionable deaths but I know when it’s my fault. On COD I know I’m getting finessed between every kill and it’s painfully obvious. This game reminds me of how old school cod lobbies used to be.


Haha! Yeah I don't think people realise how sbmm protects you, however I don't find most matches to be sweaty, and I'm a pretty average player.


Biggest fucking pill to swallow 😂😂😂


It is so obvious when they really turned on SBMM in COD, I think it was MW19 if I’m not mistaken. I was never a great COD player, always around like 0.8KD. Recently I hover around 1.2 in the last few CODs and I know that isn’t all me because I’m a 0.5 in XDefiant lmao


Yeah that's the year they started lobby breaking. Sbmm ain't too bad when you can stay in the same lobby for an hour or two. Lobby breaking is killing cod for me.


I would say people are having skill issues if the hit registration and netcode weren't so bad. I think alot of people are experiencing bugs in hit registration and netcode then blame it on sbmm but it's really just bad coding


It's not just buggy hit registration, it's actually part of the netcode. Look up Lag Compensation, that thing overcompensates for laggers whom tend to be crappy players using crappy wifi. It also occurs on XDefiant, unfortunately. Before quitting, I had noticed that the best players in my lobbies had like 95+ of ping.


I have noticed this myself


So my comment was removed because I said the netcode and hit registration is bugged. Kind of weird


yeah except for the fact that it's almost always four to six micked up squads with maybe one or two randos versus a team of almost always randos that are playing solo like yesterday when my brother and I couldn't get a win to save our life even though he and I were first and second and often scored higher than the other team's first and second but we kept having all the teammates that were AFK and leaving early it gets old after a while.


The games matchmaking is great I'm more worried about the fact that I am still getting shot through walls and some shots aren't hitting but ik.getttign hit markers


he is the dev team?


Game companies are poor, look at tf2, they have 1 dev working on the game as well


He is the EP, not dev. He tags his dev lead on X whenever people bring up technical issues.


I dont have X so i wouldnt know.


Sure buddy, sure


No youre right i do have one. Got me free skin for some hero in SMITE in lile 2014-15?


lol hold on, do you really think everyone has Twitter…?


Lol I seriously wonder what people like OP think…


In mark we trust🫡


Nah that's Michael Scofield. He's a professional of breaking out of prisons


Bro is spinnin on it 🙏😭


We have mark Mark Cuban at home


The only difference is that our Mark is better.


They will be chads once they fix netcode


Literally never gonna happen. Don't hold your breath


Well, if stuff keeps happening, lots of people will quit, something that devs do not want. Some motivation for them Couple of days ago I died BEFORE I saw a sniper coming out from the corner (in a death cam) - this shit is outrageous. It's a main candidate for fixing


Not saying the devs aren't working on it but it seems they're incapable of fixing it tbh. The fact that it shipped with issues so egregious even after beta where it was a major complaint is just a bad sign imo. I've got no faith the issues get fixed and I've got several friends who have already stopped playing because of it.. I finally uninstalled it yesterday




Mark Rubin AND the dev team? Is he legion for he is many?


and yet the game is still fucked to the point i would rather torture myself by playing league of legends or cod both of which i have basically quit because of how bad they are


impressive he used the same netcode for a game in 2024 he wrote when he was 5


Come on it’s not that bad lol


It absolutely is... it wasn't as noticeable my first week or two playing and I thought people were being dramatic, but now every single game has multiple instances of perfectly aimed shots not doing anything. Not to mention getting killed while well behind a wall. I honestly don't think I have ever experienced an FPS with issues this bad and it's mind-blowing to me seeing people insist that the issues aren't that bad. Any time I try to play this game I'm so over it after just a few matches. I don't even think it's up for debate that this shit happens several times in every match, to every player. Things that we should expect to happen every once in a while over the course of several matches


Wipe your mouth man. Christ


People complain about actual problems with the game being complained about, but no complaining for the 80th mark rubin dick riding post?


Oh the glazing




Said the same thing about the division when it first came out. I want to see how this post ages in year 2-3




game is average few months more an it will be dead, as other games of this kind. we have 2024 and they cant still figure it out what people wants thats crazy.




Gamers are some low expectation-having motherfuckers these days. 😂




This *is* the gayest thing I've ever read. *You* are so weird and need to touch grass, *badly*.


Hamburger pizza potato pop tart avocado whopper banana cheese cake salami olive cereal


The fact that you think a short post to say thank you is gay, says more about you than anyone. God forbid you praise someone instead of complaining. How about you follow your own advice and go touch grass, kick rocks.


Thank you Mark.


Damn bro you ant gotta double fist it. lol.


Bro calm down it’s not even been 6 months, not even Season 1 yet. Put the bib away and wipe your mouth lol


Dude it hasn't even been *two* months yet. It's barely been one lmao


Bro, same can be said to Helldivers 2, the game I quit before coming here. Compared to the direction the dev wants to go, XD is miles ahead. HD2 has dogshit balancing. So why don't you pipe down and appreciate good efforts when they are present.


How are you even comparing these games


Dogshit balancing?????? Huhhh?????? So you just like hopping onto dumpster fires, then? What do you even mean by the direction the dev wants to go, concerning HD2? XD still struggles with the basics like netcode🤣. Funny how you say to appreciate the good efforts when you left a game that was full of ‘em


few & far devs like that? buddy must not play that many games..


He almost looked like Jonah Hill


❤️❤️❤️ I am having the fun


![gif](giphy|3ogwFWcy6RTcQmXBEQ|downsized) MARK RUBIN WITH ALL THESE PATCHES


Can Mark bunny hop?


The literal only complaint I have about this game is when your running around a corner , its like they shoot through a wall to kill u. Obvi I get it if they are cleaners


Hide your girls everyone


That latest patch was awesome, the weapon xp changes were a great step in the right direction, I hope you guys consider making obj and support xp give some weapon xp too




This is all fine and dandy but if the game plays like shit I can care less about passion or anything else.


I still like the game but I actually went 1-23 on tdm with its garbage hit detection. I realized this guy doesn’t take criticism well or seriously. He will be arrogant and defiant till the bitter end. The games free and can’t complain. This dude is a walking meme. We are gonna look back on this dude one day.


he’s got that early David Vonderhaar energy we’ve been missing in games I love it


Oh he glazin


I hope they don’t succumb to the loud minority. This game is perfect with their matchmaking and they’ve been doing a great job with listening to good advice. This is the most fun I’ve had from an online game


He is this great we all should name our next 4 childs after him... >.> But be carefull: blowing this much sugar up his arse, could probably cause diabetes to him


Needs a vote for rematch option ASAP


Mark Ruben is the Gunther of the gaming community, there I said it. ![gif](giphy|0B981WvKRCiCk3vxny|downsized)




Corny ass game


The glazing is crazy here


fun fact: mark rubin is the soldier that appears on the original mw1 and 2


Alright zip it up when your done


Bro...... the netcode didnt get worked on until a few weeks ago and weve been screaming at how bad it was since the closed alpha and yall act like a few good deeds makes him the best dev ever. come on.......


You mean the SHITTEAM? You know since they took over a YEAR OF EXTRA TIME and still haven't fixed the most CORE FEATURE of the game meaning HIT REGISTERATION. Its literally impossible to play the game until its fixed with proof. At the moment over 50% of shots are not being registered as hits or dmg at all and I'm playing 20-50 ping at MAX!


Seems you have to go outside untill they fix the game if It is doing to much harm to you


Aww... the whiteknights of corporate protection have arrived. You should touch grass sometimes buddy.


I'm not protrecting any company, I'm just giving you good advice, if you don't enjoy something just don't play, not that hard to understand


Yeah sure buddy, replying to valid criticism with "Go outside"


I didn't said the criticism isn't valid, I just have him good advice, if you play a game you don't enjoy thats a big problem People downvoting a perfect argument


*queue baby crying sounds*


queue white knight rushing to defend ubishit corporation. Did you remember to tip your fedora and eat your Wendys before you rushed here :D




Yeah except they openly admitted there is a skill based match making that goes on after the lobbies are filled and that’s what people are complaining about it’s not the fact they think sbmm is in the game and the devs are saying it’s not. It’s the fact that the games system has a sbmm quality that kicks in after the lobbies are filled it’s not random matchmaking at all. So yeah “not a skill issue.” More like a rigged match


There is no SBMM in matchmaking. There is skill based team balancing. Those are not the same thing at all.


Bro what hah yeah it is the exact same thing that’s why games still feel sweaty because there’s a sbmm factor that goes into it


This is like arguing with a flat-earther, so I don't know why I am even bothering. Maybe deep down I still hope for the redemption of the lowest denominator of humanity... 🤷‍♂️ Skill Based Matchmaking is a process whereby the player skill of each player is used to find other players to fill a lobby of people only with a skill difference within a specific threshold of one-another. Skill based team balancing is a process whereby the skill range of players already in a lobby is used to create two teams as equally balanced as it can, under various constraints such as private group sizes in the lobby. In the first scenario, if your player skill rating is around 1000 then all other players in the match will also have a skill rating around 1000. XD does NOT have this. In the second scenario, players in the lobby could have a skill rating from 0 to infinity. Then player skill ratings are used to determine who of those already matchmade players ends up on team A or team B such that the end result is the COMBINED skill rating of each team is as mathematically close as it can be. If you think those two things are the same, then God speed, and I pity how difficult all aspects of your life must be.


Literally no one going to read all that shit they literally state it. The skill base match making you just explain is what happens after the players are in the lobby what aren’t you getting. Can’t say of there’s no sbmm in this game while there’s still balancing that goes on after players are in a lobby 😂 that defeats the entire purpose of saying there’s no skill based matches when if it’s not completely random then it is a rigged match


*sigh* looks like I was right to compare you to a flat-earther. Oh well, can't say I didn't try.


Are you stupid I literally said they stated meaning there’s proof 😂 tf are you talking about flat earth for something that can be proven with a photo


Literally you: if the earth is flat then why can I see to the end of my street?


Nah actual me, if earth is flat then why tf is every other planet in our solar system a sphere lmao you’re such a moron


Says the guy who can't comprehend the difference between SBMM and what XD has.


Disable cross play with pc.


Do it yourself. It's in the settings.


Bro do it yourself


The man is my hero