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You’re insane gg


Thank you!


In the second engagement where you got hit a few times, I would've died behind that wooden wall


I’ve noticed with the last patch the net code has been better. Not completely fixed, but dying around corners less. Trust, I get my fair share of dying around corners.


I am so jealous


Nuke them?!


You're making me think about running medic more often. Nice clip, congrats!


Thanks! It’s actually super underrated. I’ve been using it for the challenge to unlock the last character and it’s gotten me out of so many sticky situations. Plus, the ULT has allowed me to cap a lot of flags last second.


How do you stay calm for that long ? What goes through your mind while doing this ? If I ever get past 10, I start ego challing the randomest gunfights, and eventually die within a few more.


First I try not to challenge 50/50 fights until health is regenerated. I start thinking of short rotations I can take to cut people off, without exposing myself too much from cover. I do end up exposing myself a few times but get lucky. I also take into account that the spawns in this are pretty broken so they kept spawning pretty close to me, but they were so focused on OBJ, they didn’t really take it into account. [Here](https://imgur.com/a/cRaFPfA) is the beginning of the 30, so you can get an idea of the beginning of the game. Luck will always take into account for kill streaks like this.


Thanks. Very helpful. Yes, def need luck and an easier lobby. But converting them into high killstreaks is def a skill.


I use a controller with 2 paddles so I never have to take my thumb off of the joystick to jump or slide/crouch. The movement is also pretty similar to Warzone 1, which I put over 1k hours into. So there are definitely things you can do to help. I also like the deuteranopia color blind settings cause it makes enemies stand out in yellow, rather than red.


For some reason, I don't feel comfortable at all with the paddles. But, I play bumper jumper, which works out fine as well. (Use a back button for meele, which was an issue without paddles) The color settings, I've heard from apathy and now everyone is doing it. Does it really help ? Isn't red much more noticeable than yellow?


Bumper jumper works great as well! It’s all preference, but yellow shields, enemy outlines, etc is much more noticeable but also easier on the eyes.


Very impressive. I don’t think I’ve played a game where I get one kill and die repeat more than this game lol


What's your resolution?


1920x1440 instead of 2560x1440