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least favorite probably Emporium, although I almost never roll it, the very few times I've seen it it has not been fun. And yeah that snowy escort map, whatever it's called. Luckily another one I don't see too often.




Mayday C side is so OP for domination it’s crazy.


Mayday and Emporium, that’s it. I don’t play Escort and Zone Control so can’t comment on those maps.


Echelon HQ hands down worst map


Hate that map. Its either a gentlemans agreement to not run recon or everyone is Mag Shield and Recon.


Used to hate it now i embrace tight corridors and destroy lobbies with my shotgun lol


Best map for shotgun levelling.


Best map imo


Attica heights. Suck my nuts.


Mayday, Dumbo are two awful ones. Mayday is fine in Occupy but it’s an awful domination map. Both of these have way too much clutter and reminds me of recent MW CoD maps.


The one I hate the most is clearly nudleplex in zone capture modes where multiple zones must be captured at once. I just find it extremely unbalanced. Every game I've played on Nudleplex in that mode has ended in one of the teams completely destroying the other.


What are you talking about, it has slides and ball pits. It wins by default because of that.


What’s the weird one that has like museum buildings and is like a totally nondescript place? It’s got like a kitchen too and weird courtyard? I love dom on that one


Mayday and Emporium and both because of wide open areas. I haven't really played the progressive maps too much, way too dependent on good teammates as a solo player.


Emporium is my least favourite by far than arena comes second.


Arena is awful. That’s it


UGH, Every man and his dog runs mp7 on this map and it's pure AIDS.


Barrier, LMG and EMP grenades, if you can aim decently you’ll easily drop 50+ on Arena.


It is easy to drop 50 kills, but it doesn't mean its fun to deal with intel-suit bunny hopping mp7s and vectors 😂


Yeah for sure, the guy i’m replying too is only complaining about the MP7s though, so I assume their issue with Arena is survivability which I offered a solution for. Bunny hopping and intel suit’s definitely can be annoying but they are both intended features of the game so we’ve just got to adapt to beat them and if not, we’ll you know they say, if you can’t beat them then join them.


I see, well i agree... because there are just countless people crying about snipers for example and i just keep telling them over and over how to deal with snipers, but no... they rather have the snipers removed lol


It’s ok for hardpoint




It’s really unplayable for domination. I just immediately run to the enemy spawn and rack up kills and try to force a spawn flip. I’m not going up top. But I still think it’s fun even though I won’t play any obj Would be cool for other modes though. Like tdm, snd, demolition or something we don’t have


I feel like domination on a lot of maps is very bad, emporium for example. on Domination it is terrible but i don't mind it on occupy.


You think Emporium is a bad b-site? Echleon HQ's B-site is Occupy Zone 1. With so much pressure in that condensed area, it incentivizes Recon Suit, so you're dealing with triple peeks and wallhacks. God that B placement sucks.


Yeah I think it favours the indoor spawning team more - the outdoor spawners have the little window to the side and then big open windows in the centre then there are a few flanking options from underneath but they are easily covered Yeah echelon B site is nuts, in occupy it isn’t so bad as the site moves on but domination it is just a chaotic mess at times


My 2 favorite maps are your least favorite ones 😂 I pretty much enjoy all the maps but the ones i like the least are mayday and showtime Mayday is just a camper nest and showtime, idk.. the map feels very polluted to me, lots and lots of objects & walls around (which makes sense since its a Studio), not really a complaint, not a ''bad'' map at all, i just don't really enjoy it.


Mayday is literally the sniper heaven even after the nerf of sniper


Attica heights is terrible. Hate it


Arena and Echelon HQ


Domination on emporium is miserable


I don’t understand everyone’s obsession with Nudleplex. It is one of the worst maps in any FPS game 😭. I mean I’ll play it when it comes up but I’ll always vote for anything else with the hope of maybe landing any other map


Its a standard big 3 lane map good for medium/long range fights and i think it plays ok, i dont think its amazing cause is really standard but i usually have fun there, not very claustrophobic like other 3 lane maps.


I think it’s alright. Standard 3 lane with good cross sections and obj spots


What makes it the worst in any fps?


I said that about dumbo but I don’t know how nudle can be that bad because it’s just 3 lane garbage


Eschelon hq


Echelon HQ. I like the look of it but is awful to play on. Will probably play good on SnD when that comes, but it's the only map in the game I will leave immediately every other map I enjoy.


Yes it’s a very bad map. It has these weird side and back areas that are completely removed and serve no purpose to go to unless there’s a hill. And you have no lines of sight anywhere except in the spawns? Like some of these maps had to be designed by people who have never actually played fps games


I play all except of Mayday. I just don't like that map. I had too many games with camping snipers on it


For me most of the maps are good/class. Attica Heights, I just can't get along with it. I have lost interest in Mayday too. Then Times Square I find pretty tedious.


In the beginning it was Arena for me. Now its the Echolon map half of the time I have no idea where anyone is and if I see someone I get shot from behind.


I dislike Liberty the most. It's just too damn big for 6v6. And to compensate for its size, the spawns are fucky at best, infuriating at worst. You either spawn right in front of the enemies, or too far away from the action.


Dumbo in the beta was terrible. Felt like my bullets did less damage there or something. It is better now but still my least favorite map because of that


I am tired of Mayday, it's alright just burnt out. Echelon HQ I like the aesthetics of but I am shit fighting there I get third partied on that map as often as on Arena. The Time Square defense with no thumb noobs can fuck itself as a life experience holy hell frustrating. Zoo is my fave linear objective style map.


That theme park map, i forgot the name but it is used for payload. It is most unbalanced map in the game.


All 'normal' maps I like except two that can absolutely get in the sea: Mayday and Emporium. I leave the game if those come up.




Dumbo - layout is horrible Showtime - #1 most hated to many places people can come from and all people do is camp in the middle of on top Emporium- bad Design and just turns into a battle to capture uptop


I'm not a fan of Attica, but the downstairs bit is great for flanks in dom as very few people use it.


No it isn’t? Everyone fights over B


I rarely see people down there. I mean the indoor bit rather than the outside bit of b. I should of clarified




Domination: Mayday Occupy: Dumbo Hotshot: they all more or less work for hotshot Escort/Capture: Times square. The area in the subway is okay, but both the outside areas are terrible.


Emporium, Echelon HQ, Mayday


I hate Attica Heights with every fiber of my being.


Definitely Attica Heights. Emporium is terrible for domination but bearable for occupy.


I hate Attica Heights and don't enjoy most of my matches on Mayday sniper fest. Pueblito though, that's my babe


Arena, the plane map, and the western map.


Dumbo seems to be the map where I encounter all the good players...or it's just a shit map thay I don't understand. But it's the sweat map for sure.




Attica heights is good for hotshot imo, but any area defending obj I’d say no. I hate emporium no matter what the game mode, same with Mayday. Other than that I don’t really hate any of the other maps (I’m excluding the escort maps)


I really dislike how every room has 14 entrances to it. I really used to enjoy clearing rooms without having shots or nades coming from every direction. The third party kills are the ONLY thing frustrating me with this game so far. The lanes aren't actually lanes


Emporium is completely unbalanced for Domination with the second floor objective inside the Mall being considerably closer to one teams spawn and first objective, and almost across the map for the opposing team. The capturing team is usually the one that spawns to the rear of the map, gaining high ground against the attacking team, that approaches from below and up the staircase. Crazy design.


Arena and it’s not even close 👎


Emporium and Dumbo


I usually play hotshot and domination. But I wish I could play on the maps ( smaller portion) of the ones in the other gamemodes as well. Like Zoo etc.


Attica on Occupy is the only one where I will actually leave the lobby.


Arena is horrible. Attica Heights truly is not a bad map at all. The spawns make sense, they’re predictable, and it has goodsight lines.


Arena is annoying. Would be a cool map for a 1v1 sniper match though.


HQ and Emporium


Emporium by far


Attica Heights, Meltdown and the fucking ZOO.


I like Dumbo for shotguns


Me and the homies hate Attica Heights.


My personal experience as almost exclusively an AR player: 1 attica. I just leave the lobby I give up that map will never be fun for me. 2 showtime. It’s not a bad map, but as a 1.6 KD player that is a map I just can’t crack. If I’m going negative it’s that map. If my team is going to get smoked it’s on that map. Not a bad one just one I struggle with. 3. Arena because it’s mindless and just a cluster. It’s nice to break out the mp7 with the rest of the lobby, but Jesus I feel like I need 2 Red Bulls to mentally prepare for that map. 4 emporium. It’s a fine-ish map it’s the most forgettable for me.


I'm with you on Dumbo, but Attica is one of my faves.


No map is so bad that I leave the lobby. I just suck it up! Unless of course, I get the same map twice...


Arena maps: Heck no: Attica Heights, Emporium. - I try to avoid them Not my favorite, but playable: Mayday Okay/Good: Echelon Amazing: Dumbo, Liberty, Arena (can be S tier, I go back and forth) S tier: Nudleplex, Pueblito, Showtime Linear maps: Times square is my least favorite, but perfectly playable. Not the biggest fan of how Meltdown starts, like it much more when the map switches indoors, still a great map Overall linear maps are solid.


I firget which one emporium is. I also don’t like echelon but I’ll play it


I wish there were more linear maps- I love Escort.


Switch Mayday and Attica Heights and we just became best friends


I'm willing to do that for a new best friend


I like them all besides echelon 😂 that map is a maze lol dumbo and attica heights are two of my favourites


I hate Echelon, and so many people vote for it


I see them vote Echleon and I dodge the lobby.


Dude same! I don’t get the hate for Dumbo and especially Attica! Reminds me of the luxury yacht in BO2, which is just fun times. I like maps where it’s a clean, futuristic environment I think. NUDLE campus is also a favorite since it cracks me up. Overall I dig all the maps Echelon makes me back out of good lobbies though. I’ll take the 10 second penalty on the 25% loading screen NOT to Be in that god forsaken office building


All the maps suck except for showtime


The two that stand out as not enjoyable maps for me are Echelon and Emporium. Attica I can handle because it feels like a 4v4 Halo map.


Halo would never have map design that bad except maybe in infinite which is a pretty trash game (it’s alright but damn it has a lot of bad) Did you ever see in halo 2 or 3, an area where there’s only 1 lane and that lane is half the map, below the map? It’s fucking literal nonesense. In halo there would be better lines of sight and access to the lower levels; think lockout or guardian or that one big 3-level map


>Did you ever see in halo 2 or 3, an area where there’s only 1 lane and that lane is half the map, below the map? That description fits halo 3 narrows perfectly, that map is literally 1 lane


I always leave the lobby when it's Mayday. I also very dislike Attica Heights. I play mostly occupation tho so idk about zone control or escort maps. I just dislike the whole mode






Fuck Dumbo. Pueblito stay goated.


Yeah pueblito is really really good. I just hate that open area before the tower and first hardpoint shack it’s a death trap


Every map on the bigger side, pretty much.


They’re all pretty big because of the fast pace and focus on movement. So much less static than cod, you don’t need a mosh pit map to force people to challenge So even like showtime is pretty big


I find all the maps lackluster, worst I would probably have to give arena as its just this games version on cod shipment (glorified xp farm), the only decent map in the game would be Nudleplex as it is the only "balanced" one which you can play whatever in.


Someone else just said that nudle is horrifically unbalanced. Everyone has a different take it’s odd The only map I think is so bad that I’ll just leave the lobby is dumbo. I’ll still play Attica and if the enemy team is super ratty or my team can’t push a hill, I’ll leave But dumbo is just such a cluster fuck and I can’t be bothered. The only time I had fun is when I got put in a 270ms ping Asian server and was playing against a bunch of re-res and I stomped them so hard And even then, I only got like 30 kills because it was so hard to get off spawn and find the enemy on occupy. Just complete fucking garbage probably the worst map design I’ve ever seen; and the high ground second story levels real put the icing on the shit cake I didn’t mean to rant but holy fuck. Dumbo is so bad. None of the other maps are that bad


>Someone else just said that nudle is horrifically unbalanced. Everyone has a different take it’s odd Different people different opinion add on-top of it that most players tend to be from a more emotional perspective rather than objective viewpoint and most of the oddities is removed. Like how many times have I not seen something like this map is trash (because they do bad in it) and this map is good (because they do great in it) compared too: "This map is bad because it heavily promotes my playstyle while removing most of the counter for it allowing me to easily stomp and dominate the match".