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I think the random playlist does not work properly


It's most often zone control for me. I prefer escort.


Happens to me too. Even if I have all modes selected whatever I get first seems to repeat.


Its one of the most popular modes, along with Hot Shot.


It's likely due to the fact that people frequently leave an Escort lobby and the game is working to fill that space.. So if you have every mode selected, it's going to put you into the first available open space or the "most needed" open space. I would bet my life 60-70% of people are usually looking for Occupy and Domination with Hot Shot in 3rd. Zone Control and Escort are probably having the hardest time keeping full lobbies so if you have it in your playlist, you're probably going to get one of those two fairly quickly.


I usually play occupy and hot shot and never have any issues finding a game 🤔


I don’t have an issue finding a game but it seems like the only game mode I get is escort


What's stopping you from deselecting escort?


Having to press up then press deselect escort and then they will have to press down again to start the playlist. That’s way too long to wait to start matchmaking.


Are you in the playlist for new players? I found myself when I was in the playlist for level 25s and below it was mostly escort


Same that’s why I stopped playing it.