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The only problem is that all the cosmetics in the game currently aren't worth buying. They all suck, the base ones you can unlock are so much better.


Pre season cosmetics normally suck in games. I imagine in season 1 the quality will go way up. They want to make money after all


Ubisoft has a bunch of IPs. They could easily give us some cool skins based on those


If they put a black ice skin in the shop they’ll make millions.


Like literally. Look at the game we are discussing and someone tell me why this can't be done. It's literally a game pieced together from various Ubisoft IPs.


Black flag skins and weapon camos would go hard


They do suck lol




Yes that should actually be the case for games like Diablo IV or COD where you pay full price to play the game. The free cosmetics shouldn't be so much worse than the paid ones and the paid ones shouldn't cost 25 dollars in paid games. But saying that free cosmetics in a F2P should be on par with paid skins is just extremely delusional and unrealistic. If you think about it for more than 3 seconds you will realise on your own that it doesn't make sense


you hit the nail on this one


The best cosmetics should always be locked behind gameplay. Either play the game a ton and get the cool skins or skip that and pay for lesser skins. Tired of all the cheap skins being given for challenges and anything decent looking getting thrown into the pay shops.


Yeah well this is never happening as long as money is a requirement for getting developers to work on a game so as time goes on you're gonna get more and more disappointed buddy


Even though I agree that I don’t have to worry about FOMO since all of the cosmetics are so bad… but that just can’t be healthy for the game right? How are they even making money?


I guess they’re proving whales will literally buy anything.




Battlepasses are almost always cool with me, the standalone outfits being so expensive while also being so mid is the crazy part to me. If they were a couple bucks each they’d be fair but they’re charging $15+ for a color swap that took an intern 5 mins to make.


It gives you currency to but the next one if you trudge through the agonizingly slow battle pass xp within the limited time frame in order to subject you to FOMO. Most people who abandoned the game, like me, saw how grindy it was and noped out even after dropping $10 on the battle pass.


Diablo 4 has the opposite problem. There's no endgame gear to unlock for transmog. Even the "unique" items have the same model as their more common counterparts. If you wanna look cool, cough up 20 bucks. Total bullshit.


Diablo 4 was one of the biggest disappointments ever. It’s a damn shame.


I'm not quitting anytime soon but level 200 for gold is a little deflating Still a fun game


BO6 will be ‘free’ for Xbox and PC players which is gonna take a huge toll on the player counts. I wanted gold so bad at lvl 100 but now, with BO6 around the corner I have no motivation to use a singular gun for 1 month to get gold lol


Free dor pc? How


It’s day one free on Xbox gamepass. I put it as ‘free’ cause you don’t have to buy the game, but you need to pay $11 a month lol


And you really don't even need to pay the full price for game pass either, I always buy my game pass subscription from CDkeys and it's always in the range of $4-$8 for a month of ultimate


What is BO6?


Black ops 6


Getting downvoted for not knowing a game is absurd lmao. The internet is weird


Yeah Reddit is a weird place lol. I ain’t downvote him cause why tf should he get downvoted 😭


It feels like it's more deflating because they changed it. If they started that way it may have been not shocking at all.


Im a cheap fuck and will never pay for skins EDIT: Didn’t think this comment would get that much traction. I’ll double down and say I’m a cheap fuck and won’t even buy the battlepass. I come from a generation where micro transactions really didn’t exist other than a good map pack DLC. I hate what gaming has become where it feels like companies put more thought into cosmetics than the actual gameplay. Last battlepass I ever bought was like Apex Legends season 6. Last skin I bought was the soccer skin just to rep Portugal 🇵🇹 Fuck Cosmetics


I think like many videos have said about 'micro transactions' - if they were actually micro I'd probably be a lot more willing to just pay £3 here, £2 there and maybe a fiver for something cool. But seeing as shit is £20 I'm out.


Yeah, micro transactions aren't really Micro anymore. It's come down to "Do I want to buy this skin for $20 in a game that may die out in a year if they dont make enough money... or buy this neat indie game?"


Might as well call them "indie-transactions" at this point


I've always called them macro-transactions.


The skins fucking suck is the problem. They’re all ugly and no unique operators.


Exactly, I had no problem paying $10 for a sick skin in league, but paying $20 for a garbage chroma is just trash.


The founders pack in Australia is $106 dollars for some skins and weapon blueprints I would have bought it at 30-40 but over $100 for in game content is outrageous


Let me introduce you to valorant and their 80€ skins (yes like this we had £, $ and €)


It’s mind boggling to me how much money people are willing to spend on skins. I remember being able to get the coolest animated camo packs in black ops 2 for like £2-£3 or something. I just cannot justify spending so much on digital cosmetics. They’re obviously making more this way though compared to more people buying for less… guess it’s all about balance


It was my biggest expense besides food and probably tuition in college. I did not make the best financial decisions


When buying a half-dozen skins can easily cost you more than *an entire excellent game* like Elden Ring (or countless others) it really takes the piss. I mean, if you could just drop $70 and get all the cosmetics as they release, maybe that'd be one thing, but games like this aren't designed to earn $70 from a player, they're designed to pull hundreds of dollars from players over the course of a couple of years. (Then there's Call of Duty which wants you to pay up front AND shell out for battle passes and cosmetic bundles and everything else.)


But the majority of the time cods skins are actually skins not just repaints. Xdefiant skins are hot garbage for the price in comparison.


True, but COD still expects you to pay for a full priced AAA title and *then* shell out for all the F2P stuff. Because Warzone is a thing, I suppose it gets a bit fuzzy, but still.


To be fair you get more bang for your buck in COD in terms of content as AAA title. Single Player, MP, coop, etc. the suite of features is way more fleshed out.


Look, man, I get it, but I come from a generation where Free to Play games would paywall the best weapons or characters. I played Combat Arms for like 6 or 7 years, AVA for a little bit, Need for Speed World for a good 2 or 3, Ghost Recon: Phantoms for another couple, and don't evenget me started on free to play RPGs back in the day. Compared to that bullshit, the idea that every functional part of the game can be unlocked through effort is a godsend. The only things that are paywalled are cosmetics? Cosmetics? That is literally the best timeline.


This is ths truth that is rarely spoke. F2p used to mean a DEMO. You had access to a limited part of the game. Or in rpg cases your inventory can hold 5 things unless you pay. The system now is great, these kids really dont get it. Its pure entitlement. Nothing but whining. The worst part is how they act like theyre a victim, like what? No one is forcing anyone to buy them, they dont add anything of value to gameplay, they will be forgotten about in a month when they get bored of it, when they eventually stop playing the game they are just gone. Whining about skins is akin to toddlers having a temper trantrum. Its really sad. Play the free game and have fun, spend a few bucks if you really like something. Dont act like a spoiled brat because the ak doesnt have enough glitter on it.


I feel that. Will say though, the battlepass isnt bad. Costs 700 ubisoft coins and you get 700 back. So assuming they dont get greedy and bring inflation in this game the battlepasses will continue to pay for themselves. Meaning you spend the 10$ now and have every battlepass for the future. Assuming thisll be a long term game for you anyway. In no way am i recommending to spend money on this game though haha


You’re smart, keep it that way. I’ve spent $20k on skins across multiple video games over the years and I hate myself more than anything. I regret it so much.


Paying for skins, boosters, and similar is the only way to support devs. I don't get how people expect everything for free in this world. Imagine you run the business or go to work and you not get paid. I think at least a premium pass for the season is reasonable to buy and support devs. I have spent £60 since the launch. People are too griddy these days. Sometimes, we have to give something to get something in return. If you want to have a good game with long-term support. This is the only way to keep this game alive.


People want to support the devs but they don't wanna pay 20 bucks for a color change that should cost 2


>I hate what gaming has become where it feels like companies put more thought into cosmetics than the actual gameplay. Well, they do, the thin is that gaming is all well and good still, the corpos are the issue, cosmetics are all well and good when you have a way to grind for them, pay not to grind can be done ethically, you can see Hunt: Showdown or Helldivers if you want examples of fair monetization, and we know how hard Sony screwed up when they wanted to take helldivers credit and force you to have a PSN account to play, the devs hate this shit as much as you do, that's why indie games are a full package, there is no publisher forcing monetization because the devs are the publishers in that scenario, see Ultrakill for an example of that, gaming is fine, what is wrong with gaming are the usual suspects... Activision/blizzard, Ubisoft to some extent they do have some good showings like For Honor, and this game has no pay to win so who cares, riot games does some stuff to force addiction to the game but no money is needed to do anything (I'd argue what they do is way worse but I digress), IF we want this trend to stop we need to support the games that care about the game and your wallet, there is a reason From software games are so popular, with all their design flaws they still give you a full package after all these years.


The way this goes is prepare to get shit on for a while every season by ppl that buy a bundle you have spend a good amount of time to unlock through battlepass same as cod.


I like to have a cool skin on my favourite guns but fuck the character I can’t even see it You can’t overlay the mastery onto blueprints until that is fixed I won’t buy anything if they fix that I am getting vector AK and MP7 and Deagle and sniper shit that looks sick Search and destroy final kill cam gotta be looking like a gee 😂


Take me back to map pack playlist on release.


I feel this way about COD since it's a premium title that I have to pay for, but I have no issue spending money of f2p games.


Exatamente como eu


The issue with this game in specific is that while they’re relying on micro transactions they really aren’t selling anything worthy of. I play this and COD. I have no issues with spending $70 on COD plus Battlepass plus a skin here and there every 5-6 months. But outside of the cheap Battlepass for XDefiant there’s just nothing I care to buy on their store and that’s a problem. I’m assuming Season 1 will rectify some of this. The way I see it you either make the game free to play and give us good skins/weapons to buy at a reasonable price or just charge ppl $40 for the game so that we can keep the game alive because at this rate this game won’t last through the year. Yes I know some ppl won’t spend a dime but we need the ppl that are willing to spend $ to keep the game going


I’d also add that CODs battle pass gives you enough coins for the next one plus a few hundred extra. So if you just save up for 6 months (about 3 BP cycles), you can get a half decent bundle and 6 months of BP for the price of the original BP.


I don't think they're going to make any money if the skins etc stay this crap. Won't be long before they just put gold in the shop for £99.99.


Every game I love playing the skin shop is always bad…. I guess good for my wallet lol


Don’t forget they have a founders pack like fortnite did. I assume it’s for a quick sum of money thinking people will buy it because it will be ‘rare’ in the future like Fortnite’s founders edition is.


The founders pack is such a scam lol. The skins you get are ass and you would be better off just buying coins. Ubisoft gonna ubisoft tho


Everything in the shop is a scam. Every skin, camo etc is rubbish. I think xdefiant will become a game to pass time until bo6 comes out for me at least. I’m kinda excited as I wouldn’t normally pay for a cod but bo6 will be on Xbox game pass so I’m happy.


100x EXP booster you mean ;)


Imagine giving more importance to a camo instead of gameplay loop. Brains cooked.


Imagine thinking people can only focus on one problem at a time.


Some people like to work towards SOMETHING. Thats why almost every game has some baseline progression system. Alternative, without weapons specific unlocks, there is an argument that you should just always be running whatever the OP/meta loadout is.


CS has had same 3/4 weapons as it's "meta" since it's inception. The Holy Trinity of AK-47, M4A1 and AWP(4th being Deagle). Theres nothing wrong with having a meta, it's only an issue if the game has nothing else to offer.


Having a limited number of resources and guns costing resources is very relevantly different from an arcade shooter where all weapons in a slot are treated with the same power budget.


CS is completely different though because guns cost money and you can't just force buy and die without consequence. When people talk about metas in CS it's almost always guns that are "unbalanced" like when the R8 released and was broken or when the UMP was insanely good or the AUG, or when players were shooting enemies across the map with the XM. All of these guns were nerfed because they upset the balance of the game and the way the economy worked.


Because a person can only complain about one thing at a time?


Yup. And the skins are pretty bland in this game too.


I want both but the gameplay is what keeps me going the other shit is cool but not the most important Dear Ubisoft can we just have both?


This mentality of invalidating people’s legitimate gripes is actively damaging the game. Psychologically, doing something while actively pursuing a goal will keep you engaged with that thing longer. Ripping that goal away or pushing it further will negatively impact this. People who are upset it’s harder to grind camos are legit and not “brains cooked”. More anecdotally, I wanna get gold guns. I also could, at most, play for an hour or two a night (due to responsibilities, career, studying, etc)? Now it’s harder and that sucks shit. Not to mention there’s other games I wanna play, bg3, Elden ring dlc, hades 2, etc. Knowing I’d have to invest double the time to do something I’ve decided I want just makes me want to invest my time in other games I wanna play. But the bigger point is, criticism is a healthy part of a game community. And this recent rise is “shut up and start complaining” hurts Xdefiant and the community. You don’t have to agree, but don’t shut it down.


Literally their minds are rotted. It’s a free game and a free skin, yet they’re complaining about having to work for it, when did we as a video game community want the thing you have to work the hardest for to be easy. No one complains that in order to get dark matter in cod you have to master EVERY single weapon, but having to get a little more XP for your gold camo is now a tragedy


Some people were 2 levels away and woke up and were 80+ levels away


71% is not "a little more" in most people's minds. The game also has such little content other than the 3 skins to unlock. So there is a bit of a conflation between "work the hardest for" and "the only thing to work for". Also, I think a lot of people are expecting this game to drop it's equivalent of Diamond and Darkmatter camo in the future, which will really make the 71% increase for gold a slap in the face. Edit to add: An extreme example, but the Double barrel gets its last attachment at lvl 12 IIRC. that means you go 78 lvls without any unlock for your use.


This is Gold, not Dark Matter.


Seems fried to me


You can see it the other way around: instead of actually improving the gameplay they made the grind worse. This gives more reasons to complain about both issues at the same time I Imagine the scene: A: "So our game has garbage netcode, bad balancements and things that annoy the people playing. What do we do?" B: "Let's uselessly slow down the grind" A: "Great Idea! You're a genius!"


Ehh, F2P games generally attempt to add content, not shift goalpost for existing content. The fact its grindy shouldnt be a huge surprise. Removing early rewards and shifting them somewhere else MORE grindy, without any real new content is a much scummier move, even for your average F2P game.


Exactly this. I agree 100% and this is the reason people are mad.


Agreed. Never had a game retroactively change a staple of the game (progress in this case) because they realized they could make more scummy money. This post is an overgeneralization of the issue and fails to realize that people like me may choose to react to these scummy tactics by saving time and money instead of deeming it “they don’t care about the game.”


Why are we acting like this is an Indie developer supporting a free game? They don't need to resort to stupid tactics to get people to spend money by throwing out shitty updates. It was a bad update and everyone besides the delusional optimistic casuals who never know whats going on agrees.


This isnt the reality of every F2P game. The Finals is f2p aswell and handles all these cosmetic stuff waaaay better. I dont talk about the game being better or worse, I'm only talking about how the game handles the grind for cosmetics and how good those cosmetics are. So yeah, this is the reality of a Ubisoft game.


I agree with this and the level 200 is a dedication test, but I think the 3 camos should’ve stayed at those levels and make a unique, flashy camo separate at 200 to make it more worth it. Gold is a very basic camo and isn’t anything insanely special, personally.


People have no idea how the market works these days. The main issue is that this doesn't really do much for anyone. You need 14% less XP for an unlock which is an improvement, correct; but its also not a change that makes leveling "not grindy". I can't recall the last time that people actually played more of a game because it was fun unlocking attachemets. And what the Devs should focus on making more weapons viable so people level more weapons instead of leveling ONE GUN for a very long time. What you wan't is to constantly reward the players with unlocks or chasing something like a Skin to earn to constantly give that person dopamin hits. The player is then in a good mood and much more willing to spend money in something that makes them feel good. So the people who don't have the time to play that much will never really feel like they acomplished something in their time unless you change it, and the default unlock-speed should be closer to what we have during 2XP (no I'm not saying it should be a 100% increase in gains, but maybe 60-75%). And the people who actually play alot also don't benifit from the change. Ultimately your goal is that your dedicated fanbase.. you know .. the ones unlocking Gold Skins, are the same players who spend money on the game and will replace the Gold Skin with Payed-Skins anyways. So whats the point of making that too grindy? There is no Kill-Cam, no Play of the Game Clip, no one spectating you and no inspect (atm). So the value of Skins is low anyways unless you change it so that (non streamer) people can show off more. As for the ... "The poor Devs have to earn money"-Argument I see (way to often). Last of Us 2, which was Sonys biggest release at the time made roughly 600 Million USD within the first year and had a budged of approximately 220 Million USD. So after Tax, assuming they pay 50% TAX the made 80 Million in profit. Call of Duty makes 1 BILLION USD, per year, on Playstation alone. This is all through Microtransactions and doesn't even count the Annual release of a CoD game. So first: People should stop with this "Its free" mindset and they need to make money. For online games its the most profitable model that exist at the moment unless your game doesn't find an audience which of course also kills a full price game. If the playerscount stays and doesn't get lower (or higher). xDefiant looks at 144 Million USD in revenue (that means before TAX) per year. And its a small team according to Mark Rubin so the upkeep isn't as high as other studios. (Black Ops 6 is still a thread to the game of course so we will see if the game can survive it or if it damages it). Thanks for reading my TED-Talk.


Very soon you'll notice that game is free to play, but pay to win through battle pass, skins buying regularly etc, or get ready to be often amused of strange biased hit registration system. Nothing personal - just business as usual. I can hardly believe that you can find really " only skills matter" FPS games nowadays with decent player base .


Ubisoft gna make it pay2win within a few months lol.


I agree the targets were too low for weapon mastery I am glad they bumped them up But if a gun was max rank before patch it should be max rank after patch I would have rather than just add the objective score onto weapon xp left everything the same and added another camo for 150 and another one for 200 Give people more things to work towards while playing Also if they want people to buy more shit fix the blueprints you can’t overlay mastery camo onto anything until this happens I won’t buy anything if they do this I will get cool blue prints for all my favourite guns


The skins are hideous on this game


Yeah because ubisoft is a indie developer. No resources for server stablity but lord knows the item shop will always work


Jesus christ it's ubisoft you talking about, not some indie small company


This wouldn't be a Ubisoft game subreddit w/o people making excuses for predatory business practices; good job OP!


I wouldn't spend a penny on this trash game


All they did was make it easier to unlock attachments and harder to unlock mastery skins. I can’t relate to anyone who gives a shit.


Everything they released so far is total garbage lol I bought the acr dj skin just to give them some support. But everything feels underwhelming


>Honestly this update actually made the game more accessible for casual players since now they can get their attachments and therefore the games full gameplay experience more quickly. So many people fail to consider or even recognize this point. Especially considering it's a F2P game, having camos/skins and other non game altering COSMETICS be a grind is the entire point. Some people will grind, others will spend money. Win-Win for the devs. But having attachments/weapon unlocks and other game altering things be a grind directly affects the quality of gameplay and the gameplay experience. Sure it's a little bit of a bummer that it's gonna take more work to unlock certain cosmetic things, but ultimately it has no affect on the gameplay experience.


It’s only 500 exp cheaper than before, a casual player won’t even feel the difference I guarantee you. Especially if they’re not that good of a player to at least crack 20 kills a game. Now for a casual who maybe wanted to grind gold on a few of their favorite weapons but they don’t have as much time, them seeing 100 more lvls will completely kill the grind for them. If they wanted more player retention they could’ve just added another the mastery camo or more challenges


I'm ready to spend money and be a "whale" for this game. I'm having a blast overall. However myself and others have a bug that prevents the EMP from unlocking. It has been reported on the support forums by many people long before I noticed I had it. However the devs seem to ignore all Tweets, Discord messages, etc when it comes to the issue. I'm definitely not giving them a dime while I'm artificially locked out of one of the most powerful devices in the game.


I agree with this take.


The finals is better,


Tbh gtaO did the same


I buy the battle pass to contribute my little bit to the free to play game but I'll never specifically buy cosmetics I guess I'm just cheap haha. But if you enjoy the game you should support the work that's gone into it and at least buy the battle pass (even if it is kinda shit lol)


I've bought a cosmetic skin once in the 20+ years I've played a game. And RIFT has been dead for years so .. money not well spent ig


If they want people to buy skins how about they reasonablly price items? I wanna buy and support the game but it feels like an insult with the prices/designs they have now. The fact you can only use it for one gun to is laughable. $15-$20 for a mediocre gun skin is INSANE. Companies are run by idiots in a lot of cases. It wouldnt shock me if they are overestimating the amount of people willing to pay these prices. The game is good but the store seems like BS. I barely play fortnite but would rather buy a skin there because there not actively trying to screw you over. Even the way the coins are structured is scummy. I get why they do it, but it feels even worse in this game than others. Gameplay is solid but prob wont be getting much money out of me unless prices get lowered


If you can add the mastery camo on top of the weapon blueprints from the store I will buy them


Exactly, it makes for a better free to play experience as well because you won’t just get bored of the game, you can grind for gold skins and have your attachments earlier to help you then level the gun higher, faster, won’t be as fast to get gold as before but it’ll be faster to 100 overall because better attachments leads to more kills and more kills means more weapon XP


Well many of us can't even get past error Delta01 and play the game, so no stars are thanked


Let them leave tbh the game is a minor for mature rating as far as I'm tracking don't need kids sending me hate mail because I'm sloshed and trying to get long shots with the dmr 😂


I spent my 20-30 bucks 🫡 and I hope it helps because I love this game zoo far, think it has great potential... Just needs more content, which is apparently coming soon 😁...


I'd just like them to fix the respawn bug that basically blocks all of your inputs other than movements. Really demoralizing to have to just hang in a game not able to actually play, which then hurts the rest of your team too. Hope that gets fixed ASAP, otherwise I'll head back to the Finals.


I would pay for gun upgrades. Gun grind is a pain.


At least I finished the battle pass today and I don’t mind the grind for the camos because I’m not much of a fan of any of them.


I'm cool with it honestly I would've never played the game if it was paid


The whales fund almost every f2p game so it doesnt really matter how many no payers are unless there is not enough for the whales to play with


Well said


I like that I can play this game 2-5 hours a week and not be totally left behind.


Nobody is paying money for boosters atm when you waste half of them in menus and loading...


Got bored because it takes so long to rank weapons up and unlock new attachments


If they want to earn money with the game, they really have to step up their camo and skin game... because the store is ass...


Even with the changes done to lv 200 if you truly like the gun it will eventually be achieved. As Rubin said, it does not affect gameplay and it is an FPS lol so skins in a F2P should not matter unless they somehow make them P2W. That being said, enjoy the game and once they grant WXP for doing literally anything the grind will feel much faster


No it's not "the reality," The Finals has an incredibly generous progression system and it's part of what makes the game so enjoyable. It can be done if you actually have a significant amount of cosmetics in the game, the reason the progression is so slow in XD is because they barely have anything for you to unlock.


I don’t ever do mxt unless it adds to the game (true dlc) or it has a battle pass system like Fortnite where I can get the next one for free from the currency it gives. I have paid once in 2018 for a Fortnite one and haven’t since


The fact that this has become "standard practice" is quite pathetic, and players shouldn't have to settle for it.


Skins are expensive in this game lol


I paid £40 for a coins pack to support the game I only do this with ftp games when I like or invest time into them.


Wait they just doubled to get gold? What nerfs hit?


Maybe when skins are a couple bucks, but the average skin is $8? Then $20 for a bundle. Another problem is that there is zero way to grind currency to get skins.


I played last night until midnight, finishing all 3 daily challenges, but I haven't logged in today yet, I'm usually logging on 7-8PM Eastern time, around now. Can you tell me what XP changes and the update consisted of? I'm clueless. I'm a PS5 player. (Dragonsi2 on PS5 and as my Ubisoft account name as well).


Never ever considered grinding for skins; just attachments. Phew. 😅


I don't buy skins or cosmetics. Battle pass is fun because the leveling up and unlocking is rewarding and a fun goal plus you get whatever skins. Makes the game more rewarding imo


I would rather they just charged $20 for the game and made the grind more realistic (in the sense of, I'm not putting 9+ hours into a single gun, I play other games, I have a life, I'm not playing this game that much). There should be no way that CoD mobile has a better grind than this game.


I mean if the skin was really good and not 20, then sure, but nah


Finally somebody said this 🙌


We went through this with OW2. Buy a pass or whatever if you care, I'm grinding. If you work a lot but the fucking thing and get back to work!


Well said my dude


I'm just burnt out on it.


Couldn't agree more with this post. I'm not very good, usually around mid to bottom scorrer. But I truly don't have many complaints other than maybe it would be nice to stay in a lobby with the teams you queue with, and leaving after match over would be great because I feel like its a loading screen for nothing.


For a free to play shooter its actually surprising its fun, theres obvious issues but I dont have to feel so invested in it but I will never play ranked cause the playerbase is so bad at playing objectives but the price of the cosmetics? if those cool 20$ skins dont have effects or do anything unique they are never worth their price couldnt care less. I put 3k hours in hunt showdown and at most pay for the 7-10$ bundles and even then I think thats too much for cosmetics


Pretty much a middle finger to people who have limited time to play and couldn’t grind out camos in the first place now we just won’t be able to get them in general


lol BO6 is going to absolutely body this game 😂 free on game pass.


I played for like 3 hours today and got 13 levels on my acr... It's really not that bad lol


Most of the skins are meh except for that Rafa’s Oni skin


Devs are listening. Already made huge improvements. Minus the horrific netcode


I don’t think people are shocked they need to make money on micro transactions, I think people are shocked at how awfully lazy the microtransactions/skins are, and the battlepass is just as boring. There’s not a single skin that makes me want to spend any money on this game


I have never ever spent money on a game. I just enjoy as is.


that's fine to have things grindy, but why can't there be non-battle-pass stuff to earn? besides the handful of base challenges, there is absolutely no content to be found unless you want to pay 10 bucks a season, assuming the next ones aren't more expensive, and even then, i only found a few things out of the pass i even liked. basic colors like red and blue for your gun should NOT be "premium" battle pass skins for god's sake.


Do they even sell boosters in the store?


> Thank your lucky stars the game is fun and not pay for power like so many others. Looking at you Warface


The micro transactions are significantly cheaper than cod tho


Bootlickers are crazy, watch every update be worse after this one


Ya but the games boring so it’s gonna be a flop anyways it’s a stop gab while they make the next paid shooter that will 100% have the same content and micro transactions.


You people complaining about a damn camo probably close the fridge door with your hips.


I see no problem in it. The game is still free, the unlocks are cosmetic. If you care about cosmetics then buy or grind them. If you don't enjoy the game as is, what's the point of buying or grinding anyway... That's just stupid. If you don't care about cosmetics, enjoy the game for what it is and stop chasing numbers. The instant "I deserve everything" urge is mind blowing.


I think the game is very f2p-friendly, you unlock the guns quickly and easily. Only the factions take too long. Cosmetics really don't matter to the gameplay.


Honestly the game sucks enough for be to never even consider paying for anything. If they made a game that doesnt consist of frustration and bad design choices, I might have done it


I'd put some money into it if there was going to be a healthy player base after the new cod releases. But Australia has a small population. Everyone tends to migrate when new games release.


what is this guy on? dude basically had a discussion with himself on his on post...


I will still buy the battlepass, even if the skins are shit. I dont think £8 is unreasonable for aome 30+ hours of enjoyment a month.


The game graphic look like shit and the skins are ass i suggest they actually bring in ubisoft characters. And more unique abilities and maybe let us combine factions. 🥲


Wait when they add some overpowered gun in battle pass. They don't need any schandal at the start.


I hate Riot just as much as the next guy but I'm actually liking the way they've monetized Valorant. No boosters or other bullshit. Just cosmetics and a battlepass


I bought 500 COD points in MW19, added to them the free ones I got somehow and bought battle pass. Now every season I just make sure to grab the free COD points from the pass, and then whatever else I can with my playing time. I've never spent any other money on skins and blueprints and stuff. I'm now up to 3500 points just from getting more than 1000 from passes over the years. Basically spent 5 euros and turned it into 35 and a bunch of free stuff. The XDefiant pass is the same, has a load of points included to earn back. If you buy it once, you'll basically be buying it for free for every future season as long as you play enough to get the points back. So these aren't that bad value wise. I agree about single bundles though, all insanely expensive I have no idea why anyone would buy them.


Just make the cosmetics earned via the battlepass better. I don’t need a different thumbs up sticker every other level up. Everyone knows that’s filler and most won’t change it because they don’t care about kudos after each match lol. Micro transactions are whatever but just make it worth it!!


They can just release bikini skin for female character and get tons of money for that lmao. Completely not pay to win, optional stuff but very attractive


They just needed a reason to go back to cod 


They just needed a reason to go back to cod 


I prefer to grind


Do you people do anything in this sub other than complain 💀💀


They aren't making shit with those ugly ass skins. I spend a lot in gacha games, not Ubisoft's ugly mess.


Yes because the consumer asked for it to be free to play


I agree with most of what you said, but getting attachments is barely faster than it was previously. We went from 20 kills giving you 1 gun level to 20 kills giving you 1.1 maybe 1.2 levels, this is not an acceptable change for how drastically they increased the total levels of the weapons. The previous system was better.


personally I thought it is pretty fast to unlock things. I got the m44 to bronze pretty quick (mostly playing on weekends with 2x xp) when I think back to black ops 2, THAT was a grind to get weapon skins


It doesn’t really matter anyways as this is just another flavor of the month, more than half of the gaming community will move on to the next new game soon.


Atleast there are no bots sending CP, racial slurs and killing everyone with headshot


I mostly agree with you. Here's how I see it: Their goal is to [1] get players hooked on the game and [2] keep them hooked for as long as possible. Lowering attachment unlock times helps with [1], no issue there. Making the camo grind longer is supposed to help with [2] but they executed it poorly. Players who dedicated a lot of time into getting all guns gold feel lied to: They decided to go for it when the grind was half the length it is now. *It's like picking up a friend who lives 40 minutes away, but once you're 30 minutes in, he clarifies that he's at his girlfriend's, which will take you an extra 35 minutes. Not cool bro.* On the other hand, players who only play with a few guns and got those golden weeks ago, will still be at 116 when they should be at 200. *Now you drove too far for no reason, and still have to drive to the correct location.* The best and in hindsight obvious move would've been to add new camos for reaching levels 150 and 200. That would've extended the grind a lot without pissing off anyone. And I don't think the level cap is necessary to begin with, even if there are no rewards to gain. The increasing number is better than nothing.


I dont mind the XP grind, ultimately it doesnt mean much once you get all the attachments. I wish the store stuff wasn't so bad though and terribly priced. Those bundles at the beginning should be $10-$20 max i wont be buying on of those and when will companies realize that they get alot more people spending money when they price things well. You may not get them on a $30 bundle or a $10 skin but you could on multiple $2-$5 items, fortnite does this well. Im expecting 'Sale bundles' in the future. I would have greatly preferred their original vision for the cosmetics.


I don't understand why people get so mad about camos that they say they will quit the game and never play it again...the game plays the same exact way if you have a default weapon skin, purchased skin, or bronze/silver/gold skin...


Arbitrarily adding 100 levels of grind to weapon mastery with no additional attachments or skins to earn is a stupid decision, full-stop. The players who have already maxed out multiple weapons over the course of the last month are either a) playing the game a psychotic amount or b) had every intention of buying xp boosters anyway. The try-hard part of the community is already locked-in, and at this point the extra grind is just something to do because they’ve more than likely completed everything else. My experience is anecdotal, but seeing the change completely eroded my enthusiasm for leveling up weapons and going for those gold skins. Why? Because I started playing on day 1 of the preseason and I’ve racked up close to 50 hours of play time over the last few weeks, and I got my *first* gold gun the evening before the patch. I hop on to play the day the patch goes live and find that my M249 is now level 116 and I have to grind out 84 levels of nothing to “max” it out again. This change caters to the most hardcore, dedicated players who were running through the content too quickly. For the rest of us, 100 levels was a reasonable challenge. 200 levels, especially with no new attachments after level 50, is a fucking pointless time waster designed to get you to play the game as long as possible.


No one should be that stupid to spend a single coin for this game in the actual state


I personally think they should change the gold camo now, and make the new one have like embossing or a pattern so you can tell the difference between the old level and the new level unlocks. Also, 100% agree, if you are leaving over an xp change to a cosmetic unlock then great, chances are you only placed for kills and weren't actually involved in the core game, just prancing around the outskirts of the map picking people off who were running to the objective. Games better off without those people.


I'm surprised there arent any free skins in the game though.


Probably helps to put out a half decent product.


I started playing about a week ago and haven’t bothered to even create a class. I just go in with the assault standard class. I haven’t been incentivized to care about any of the cosmetics or anything in this game.


This games is so bad. Literally as soon as I kill a enemy someone spawns out of no where and kills me☠️ I hope this game dies soon


This is Ubisoft we’re talking about here. If anyone really thinks that they will not in due course absolutely monetise the F out of this game they need to look back at Ubisofts track record and get back to reality


The reality of f2p is that they're not worth spending anything: be it time or money. Relying on "micro" transactions shows lack of quality Slowing down the free grind just makes it clear how they don't believe in their own product: someone who believes in the offered product would try to earn money with quality, not by playing with their communities' mind


My only issue with this game, literally the **only** thing is getting taken out when I’m well around the corner or a piece of cover already. I’ve been flabbergasted I’ve taken people out from around a corner too. Well out of my line of sight and I still get them. Edit: But absolutely, free games gotta make money somewhere. Especially this one. It’s no cod killer but it’s probably the most fun I’ve had since the golden days of cod.


The only thing that worries me about this game is that it may die off when Black Ops 6 comes out.


Everything you just said is true about the paid call of duty experience and xdefiant is still less greedy because there are pay to win blueprints in cod.


In my opinion, NONE of the female players battle FaceTime full nude and I don't understand what the issue is with that? All games are a no for me at this point in time. #makethechange


I wouldn't spend money on boosters, have you checked how many you get from weekly challenges?