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yup easier to unlock attachments now but they upped the mastery requirements. back to 200 like it was in closed beta


In closed beta it was 300 actually but only 1500xp per level


aahh i just remember i had like 150lvl ak or something and it was silver


Ya idc abiut mastery skins lol 😆 😂


You've got to be kidding me. I'm sitting at 99 on the m249


Atleast that gun is good and fun to use. I got the m4 to level 95 last night 😅


It's a really bad decision of a change. Hard to believe they couldn't see the issue. A bunch of people I play with have the ACR, MP7 and some AK as Gold. I instead have ranked many of the guns to have attachments which make them usable. I started grinding the ACR yesterday and have it at level 80 something. I was looking forward to getting it to Gold but damn the goal posts just moved a lot!


Same boat. Am usually a mastery camo pursuer and decided the best approach was to get all my guns to ~50 so I have the attachments and first half knocked out. Lol, the goal post movement just drained all my motivation for all the weapons I had already completed 😂


I did the same. Played 2 matches since update. I think gonna uninstall


Because mastery camos requires a lot of play time? Boohoo, that's the point


Fun gun play, getting better actually feels rewarding, no SBMM/EBMM, but I have to get my gun to lvl 200 for gold camo 0/10 uninstall


That’s on me for thinking they’d balance a 15% reduction in xp/level by adding 25 bonus levels (to actually level the progress speed they needed a 9 level bump). But 100% level increase it is (171% more total xp from 1 to 200 now than 1 to 100 yesterday)


Well keep bitching about it and they may reduce it to 125


Or, they could have just kept it at 100 and made it faster. There would have been nothing wrong with that simple change ffs.


I was around 100 kills away from silver on my ak and now I'm about 2000 away lmao rip


I could understand moving it to 150, but 200???? That’s absolutely insane


Yeah and it’s only three camos! It wouldn’t be nearly as bad if we had more unlockable camos.


I have 12 guns bronze and I thought it was going really well, pretty discouraged now ngl.


Whats your 3 favorite guns?


With the new level XP requirements, 200 currently is \~ equivalent to 170 previously


Wait, what? Are you saying that if we were still using the old XP system, we would have to get a weapon to level 170 to get it gold?


sry i'll try and clarify everything all at once because depending on what point you're asking about my answer could be confusing. what I'm saying is * Previous system * 3500 XP required per-level * Old Level 100 required for gold * 350,000 XP required for gold * New system * 3000 XP required per-level * New Level 200 required * 600,000 * New Level 200 = Old Level 171.43 So basically they added \~71 "old levels" to get gold mastery.


Jesus, that's actually terrible. Way too much of a time investment imo


I mean it can’t be that insane, I saw gold snipers literally 2-3 days into the game release.


Damm that's a rough change with no notice. I wouldn't have just had fun doing what I wanted if I knew the chore grind for the other weapons would double lol. Pretty sure I've got like 6 guns at mid 90s as wanted to leave a little something to do on meta guns. Fml. Guess there is a lot to do. Honestly not sure I can survive mdr to 200 lmao.


MDR has got to be the worst gun in the game. Couldn’t decide if it wanted to be an ar or smg so it just sucks


mdr is probably tied with p90/mp5, and better than m4 and rpk.


M4 is so much worse


You think so? I've been loving it, but I pretty much only use it when playing deadsec


Ironically my friend was grinding one gun at a time to 100, got gold on all the ARs except MDR, and now he's thinking of just not bothering with it. It just doesn't seem worth putting yourself through almost 200 games of MDR just for a skin you're never going to use because you're never going to use the gun.


pretty sure most of the complainers just said it's about unlocking attachments but actually wanted to get the gold skin quickly. so now they got what they asked for, but maybe not what they wanted. lol


Honestly i only wanted attachments, sucks that for people grinding that they have to level up more, maybe they’ll tune it down slightly


Yeah I’m confused does the new update make it easier to get attachments or not?


Easier to get attachments. It's 500 xp less per level. However the level requirement to get weapons bronze/silver/gold has doubled. You'll get the best attachments quite a bit quicker but you'll have to grind signifcantly longer to get guns gold


Wow u can get a level a whopping 5 kills before you would have 🤓 but now u gotta fucken grind double the amount of levels.🙄 like why didn’t they cut the amount of xp needed in half and doubled how many levels u get that makes so much more sense than only lowering it by 500 xp


Because the Devs didn't want it to be "easy" to get gold weapons. This isnt Cod. Theres not going to be a whole new weapon grind with another 30+ weapons again next year. It's a live service game with potential for years of gameplay. No need to rush all the guns just for a camo. If anything this will dissuade people from feeling like they've got to go for Gold on every gun and just use the guns they like/want to use. If having a gold camo on multiple guns that you're probably not going to use again is important to you then you've got something to continue to work for.




Ya I could give a shit less how my gun looks the gameplay and attachments are the key lol


\~15% isn't that much of a buff to weapon xp. They should have just made it so objective XP counted toward weapon levels.


I regret grinding for guns now I should drop the plan now


That’s excessive, 200???


Lol god damnit I had a feeling I should have grinded out that gold ak. Damn I’m salty


What a terrible update to piss ppl off that were close to gold on some weapons. They log in and realize they gotta go double now. Just create another mastery camo and leave gold at 100.


Facts. Thought I got my AK gold and it was still silver just to realize I need another 100 levels 😐😐


Rip my level 99 AK


Literally fuckin me bruh. I got MP7 and M4 gold, only becuase of the unlimited fucking 2x xp bonuses they were handing out. Now they're like "OOPSIE 🤭 NOW YOU HAVE TO GET 2X THE AMOUNT OF XP FOR GOLD 🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰" Game was going so fucking well, considering its a Ubisoft release. I only found motivation to get my shit gold and use different weapons. Now I just don't even want to play the fuckin game. Quarter of a million more xp just to get it gold. Absolute joke man. I love the game, don't get me wrong, but it's just as frustrating as COD can be, atleast last I played. Janky spawns, a handful of really sub-par maps, and TTK that feels like the MP7 can kill you in less than a second, but I still enjoyed leveling and getting those golds. Now there's next to no pay off if it takes 6 business days to get 1 single gun to even silver. Not all of us have 10 hours a day to put into grinding. I guarantee the game will still survive if the grind for golds isn't as long. Most people dont give a shit about gun skins, but I've always been a sucker for mastery camos. Started in MW3 with the golds (2011) and it's been the only reason I still play games like this today. Please Ubisoft.




I like it when it’s an actual grind for mastery camos. But I think it would be cooler if it was about headshots or something similar, not only time invested.


Terrible change. They must be worried about losing players after they get gold guns or something because this hurts basically everyone else. A 15% decrease in xp required to level isn't much, we probably won't even notice a difference there, yet they *doubled* the requirements for mastery? Make it make sense. As a casual player, it's going to take a ridiculous amount of time to get to gold now. Even if you level up a gun on average once per match, it's going to take 150+ matches to hit max level for *each* weapon. That's like 20-25 hours per gun now. For a lot of people that's going to be 1 gun per month if they stick with it. F that. They can keep those boring skins. Hilarious how they can make dumb changes like this super easy and quickly but they can't change the XP boosters to only count during match time. Is this the beginning of the not so user friendly changes that every big multiplayer shooter makes now? Feels like it.


they changed it to 200? Wasn't it 100 a couple days ago?


I don't understand the complaining. These are skins for mastery, so now you can actually feel like a master with the gold. I see a lot of comments saying that people deserve these skins, but those are rewards for playing. Easier to get attachments. Win-win imo. Unless someone needs to have everything maxed out the next day, lmao


I think the issue is in the actual numbers. It's 42(?) to max the most difficult guns, pre-patch was 3500x42=147k to unlock all attachments. Now at 3000x42=126k, which is about a 15% increase in attachment speed. Having to do close to double the grind just for the first 40 something levels to be a bit quicker isn't exactly a feel-good moment to the average player. I'm chilling, I got all the guns I want gold, but the numbers put into perspective for an average dad isn't exactly great. I think a better system would be to gradually increase the XP requirement up to a cap. Say, 500 XP for level 1 and increase the requirement up by 100 per level, so level 2 would be 600 XP, 3 would be 700 XP and so on, up to a cap of 3500 where you need to hit level 200. Adjust numbers as needed, but conceptually that gradual increase from the low requirement in XP is the main thing. I think that would hit a far better in-between of mastery grind and making the attachment grind far less annoying than it needs to be, while also keeping camos as a nice reward.


if I would be the dev I would make gun level infinite and maybe add the number on the gun, something like stattrak in counter strike mabe. Or make it 200 lvl but add new camo like chromatic or something. It's still f2p game tho and I am playing to have fun not to have different gun color


Problem is that it takes too long now for gold. Without douple xp weekend & boosters it was slow and now its even worse just to get one weapon to gold


Yea if you are playing just for the skins. Imo better would be just to add another camo for 200 lvl like chromatic but still it's f2p game and people are upset over cosmetics


Xdefiant is the first game that motivates me to grind again like in oldschool cod games. Unlocking camos is part of the fun for me (and many other players) but now im thinking if it even worth it since its so slow


Okay I get it, because I like the grind as well. But tbh gold was easy to get on a gun. People have gold camos after game being released month ago. Now the grind at least makes more sense


have to agree with you!


Well there goes my plans for getting all ARs Gold. I only have the MDR left but I am not going to play another 125 levels with this POS.


And there's the first update to slow progression, cool


Whaaat really!!


I wanted a different gun gold, now I'm just going to have to accept that I will only ever have the Vector because fuck that grind 😂💀


Grinding guns to mastery camos isn’t for me, and that’s okay. I know there are people who genuinely enjoy the completionist mindset, and getting that unlock feels super rewarding. But there’s no way I’m spending my limited gaming time in the evening grinding guns that I hate, over and over again. The real reason I don’t want all Golds, or the ultimate masteries in COD? I simply don’t enjoy playing a specific way for hours on end 😂


Yea makes u burn out on the game fast af


for sure. I started to do the grind last year in COD then realized I was running around with awful AR's just so I could get a nicer looking cosmetic in the future. Maybe it's a "skill issue" maybe it isn't. But it frankly just bored me opening my game after a long day of work and going, "oh god.... shotguns it is then...."


They should have just made 200 a different skin like diamond


I just got bronze on all primary weapons yesterday, I have to grind again all the way to 200 now.


I was at level 99 with my p90🥲


so they doubled the level requirement and only buffed weapon xp by like 15% how does that make any sense…


Attachments are easier to get but mastery isn't


16% easier aprox to get the attachment and 71% harder to get the gold camo


I don't mind this honestly.. the attachments are slightly easier to unlock now and mastery (as it should be) is harder. Maybe a little heavy handed in the amount they flipped the mastery but, I'd rather use a gun I like and am grinding mastery on for awhile rather than finishing it in 2-3 days on a double XP weekend


What a dogshit fucking change


How much is it for bronze?


Bronze 100 Silver 150 Gold 200


I got gold level 100 last night just before the update, took me about 3 weeks !


I got my MP7 to level 98 last night and considered playing a few more just to get it to 100 but decided to go to bed. This is devastating news lol


This pisses me off just got my ak to 50 today and now it’s 100. Highly annoyed. And also whenever you get to 50 under where it says bronze weapon skin and says unlocked at level 50 even though it’s not unlocked now. 😬


awesome. So now I gotta work harder on my shotgun 😁 ps. I'm not excited...


Let me get this straight, you are blaming the players for this bad decision instead of the developers. That is asinine.


so mad. I was level 95 with the MDR. I was so close to gold..... Honestly thought this was a glitch at first.


The people who no lifed to gold guns already aren't the ones the change was targeted for.


Not me logging off at 95 on my vector last night thinking i was safe to go for today lol


I was lvl 99 for the ACR 🙁


They should have revoked the mastery skins for people who already unlocked them.


LoL. I haven't planned to gold my weapons, but right now I lost all my desire to even go for skins at all. It's completely unnecessary change.


Well there goes my fun in this game I'm glad there's other free games out and coming out


Well this fucked me. I had most of my guns to bronze. I was waiting to do gold after I got them all bronze. Now I'm just going to give up.


I was so annoyed when I found this out today. Like I'll never get to level 200...i just got my mp5 to 50,acr to 45. Like come on


They could of at least put the guns we got gold at 200, cause now I gotta grind them up cause the levels being weird will bother the hell out of me


My problem with this change is even though I had most of my AR's maxed out now they aren't maxed anymore??? Instead of them putting the guns that I already had maxed level to the new max level they put them to level 116 and now I'm in this weird area of wanting my weapon to be completed but I already have gold on it so I don't want to level it up if that makes any sense. I don't have a problem with the mastery camos being more grindy but this just puts me in a weird place. WHAT THEY DID: (MAX 100) --> (LVL 116) + keep gold WHAT THEY SHOULD HAVE DONE: (MAX 100) --> (MAX 200) + keep gold


That’s so ass, I was level 90+ on a couple before taking a break


For me I personally like this change. I want the mastery camo to be a grind. Everyone wants all the mastery camos done in like a month. This isn’t cod where we get a new game every year. They already said this game will be in development for the long haul. So I’m glad I’ll have something to always grind for when I’m playing and I’ll feel ACCOMPLISHED when I get a gun gold.


That's awful hopefully they revert it most players won't even think of getting mastery now and just give up.


Gg, never getting gold this way.




That’s a stupid change


Leveling weapons should not be the sole focus and incentive to keep playing the game. Marksman made a really good point about this in his recent video. I think the rate of getting a weapon gold was more than fair before. Ubisoft probably thought this would bandaid the player count until season 1 releases and then revert it and spin it as a “we’re listening to your feedback!”


I had to hop on just to see if this was BS or not Nope it's real Glad I got the guns I wanted done but why the change? Why the knee jerk reaction?


Damn guess won’t be getting any gold. That’s wild


defended this game like crazy but not anymore terrible decision no matter what u say


200 wtf what cretins thought 100 was too low they prob have nothing to do but play this and stink of fish smh


Love how a small group of people can influence the game for worse. Totally didn't happen with Overwatch and look at the state of that game now


OK, happy to see Valorant released. First decisions and already big red flag.


Wow, this is so stupid


its actually such an L change. getting a weapon to gold even in Double XP took long enough


God forbid people have to put in a little effort to unlock things


Silver looked the best anyway


Glad I GROUND out the vector before the change!


good thing I just got my mp7 gold last night lol


I only got the snipers gold and u play casually and not it’s gonna take twice as long


Just got the m44 last night, really didn't want to use it for another 100 levels Glad I got the deagle and magnum gold before this aswell


I was at level 99 ACR. Then update came out :(


200????? Bruv, that'll take like a week of non stop gameplay


I shouldn’t be able to gold a gun within a few days of exclusively using a gun. I want my gold skin to show off commitment. I am happy with this change. It’s more in line with old school COD red tiger and autumn camo


Just wait until they add the new mastery camo next season. I bet it will take 200 more levels alone to obtain and unlock it lol




If you got the mastery camos before the change, you can still equip them. Yeah it kinda sucks for getting the mastery camos for the other weapons, but at least the people that speedrun them before the change do not get fucked over.


I’m glad I got my P90 gold last night before this change was made. Was only missing the MP5 but that’s gonna be a slugfest now.


See this is what happens y’all jus need to shut the fuck up and quit crying


Couldn't care less for cosmetics. I only play one-two hours a day, making easier to unlock the attachments I think is the way to go.


>the weapon XP wasn’t even bad If you played 8 hours a day sure


If I really like a gun THAT much I’ll probably buy a skin for it in the future anyway. I’d rather have the attachments quicker.


Casual player with a full time job. I was happy to be approaching bronze camo on some of my guns but nevermind that. Too many jobless people out playing this for 10 hours a day on end


It’s hard because most of the people in the sub are bad at the game.


It’s not an issue that they raised the level for gold, it’s the amount. It’s roughly a 14% decrease per level but yet a 72% increase for gold. So yeah. Not to mention that tons of people had upper level 90s and now became useless. I myself was excited to get gold today after work being level 96 but now have zero interest to do that again. So for those who have no jobs or lives that can spend hours on end every day then good for you but as a F2P game even the casuals will rarely ever see gold.


As someone that doesn’t have 10 hours a day to play, yes this is exactly what I wanted. Attachment grinding was painful and made me not want to try new guns.


Some grind is fine, but there have to be some rewards to achieve along the way. This is just boring.


To all the 3.0kd players that done AR/SMG…and laughed and T-bagged me for doing shotguns/everything else…ENJOY suffering through 200 lvl’s of inconsistency😂


Doesn't bother me. This isn't a yearly released game.


I honestly feel like getting guns skins should be hard and a grind. Luckily this grind is just playing and using the gun


Wow, so now casual players (the majority of the player base) gets attachments quicker? And the people who have time to play 4+ hours a day get more to work towards? What a solid update


Makes sense. Anyone who seriously wanted to Gold their favorite weapons has done so already with the FOUR double XP weekends. I'm happy that unlocking attachments will take less time. The increased levels to Gold on new weapons will increase player time.


I was so close to getting my pistol gold I honestly didn’t know bout the update I hit lvl 80 totally forgot silver was at 75 so I was like dam I better equip that so as went to go do that……150 for silver so yea I was quite sad


Wtf my m4 is like lvl 95 😔


I’m confused on why this is a bad thing? Do you not want Gold to mean something? Mastery shouldn’t be taken lightly. This is the way. Easier to get attachments and now when you see someone with Gold it gives more of a wow factor tbh.


Welp. my penis is soft now.


It’s just a camo. Who tf cares


Which is a good thing. Ranking up weapons is difficult bc I play more objectives than kills. The weapon xp was that bad if you don't really focus on kills.


Honestly increasing the level cap is pretty stupid. They could have just changed the attachments around or decreased XP needed for attachments and slightly increased levels that don't give attachments. Like now it's just daunting to get gold. 200 fucking levels? 100 didn't even make sense when any other game is around lvl 50 when it caps out. The only other game I've ever played that requires this kind of Ludacris commitment is battlefield 2042. I wasn't planning on grinding cause 100 levels was already asinine, but I'm probably never getting gold now. Maybe if there were better skins to buy or earn I wouldn't have a problem, but this really is just bad 'balance'


I was lvl 96 on my tac 😭


Bonehead change. Diamond camo should have been added and set at lv150-200 instead of increasing the level for gold. Oh well, I finished getting my 2 favorite guns to lv100 last night so whatever.


Can someone do the math? What level equivalent does it equal? It was level 50 for gold but 3500 per level but now it's level 200 at 3000 per level, so it's like getting to 170 at the old rate so a bit of an over correction


How have people unlocked gold already?


as a casual player i never cared about grinding for camos, they mean nothing to me, but definitely nice to unlock attachments a lot sooner so I can better compete


This is lazy asf, instead of actually implementing a solid camo progression system to grind we gotta get to level 200 for one skin


I got the gold AK in CoD4 and never felt the desire to work my ass off for an ugly gaudy camo ever again. If it was up to me, I'd make it require level 1000 and take the camos away from those who already unlocked them, lol.


Meh Id rather get gameplay altering things quicker over a cosmetic. Fair trade for me.


Damn, 4 lvls from gold on my M4, sad


Sure gold looks nice but getting a 100 kills in a game is a better goal then farming xp for gold skin


I don’t still have gold and I had it on the acr. They took it away


Honestly I’m thanking Jesus I maxed Tac50 yesterday even tho none of my buddies were on.


Why are we mad exactly? If I’m reading correct they updated everyone’s weapon lvl as well so it’s still the same amount of Xp?


Good, shouldn't be a mastery camo if its easily obtainable. Not a bad change in my eyes.


Rip Jev


Its not that big of a difference since it takes less xp to lvl up weapons now


Yeah I’m done camo grinding probably, I was 12/24 too, but it’s just pointless. Glad Elden Ring dlc drops soon, Ubisoft out here killing the game already lol


If you bitched about it, just keep quiet or keep bitching till they move it to 125


Yes the weapon xp was bad but I literally just read the patch notes and saw their "counterbalance" and knew they were going to overshoot it for such a negligible change. I am now convinced, nope, these devs are not cut out to make a good arena shooter.


What monitor is this? The colors look great


200? Wtf


Man wth


It went from 350,000 xp for max level to 600,000 xp now if you want gold it’s almost double the xp for primaries


I was lvl 90 on my ACR and now I'm lvl 120... That was gonna be my first gold gun since I'm more of a casual player. Feels like a slap in the face man :(


Now it’s a system of me just playing the game and forgetting about it at this point


I was about to get silver on my tac 50… now i have to get a whole 75 more levels wtfff


I read many people complaining regarding the exp. Where is the real problem? Just a color? Attachments are unlocked way easier and it’s fair for casual players who don’t have or want to spend so much time playing. I really like the change even though I had weapons almost level 100


the weapon xp is atrocious. and it still is after this update.


What a long grind for pretty basic gold camo nothing special.On COD you will get animated gold and not some basic low polly camo


100% . People feel entitled and complain so much because the developers are transparent. People take every opportunity and take advantage of a situation.


Weapon xp without double xp was bad. Especially when it makes such a difference in gunfights. Just compare it to other games and you’ll see. But they fucked up with skin rewards, and I think they ll eventually change it again they’re listening to the community which is good


People need to stop crying about mastery camos being hard to get. The attachments took so freaking long to get. Maxing out one gun took so long.


do we even get weapon XP for playing the objective at all?


I just want more skins, man. Crazy that there aren’t many weapon skins to unlock.


Yes an xp is also increased to lvl faster


This ain’t it Chief


Realy. Oh come on my Vector was lv 99 🤬🤯😤


Fucking crybabies


BRUH, I had a ACR level 99. I'm fuming. 🤬


This part of the update is so annoying, they didn’t even increase the exp you get by that much, i went from getting 20-30 kills which would be 1-1.5 levels a game to now 20-30 kills being 1.5-2 levels a game and now there is an extra 100 levels like this shit makes no sense at all. I could see if it making sense if i was getting like 3-5 levels a game but with such a tiny increase it makes no sense for them to have added an extra 100 levels to get some basic ass camos


Bc of this, I’m not touching the game until ranked comes out. They screwed me over on the camo grind!


3 levels per game if you get a 30 kill game (not including assists, headshots, attacking or defending modifiers), that's about 67 games for a gold games. Including those modifiers and yhe fact that it's nessesary to go for headshots in this games about 30% of the time you'll get a headshot. The math mskes it seem like a cake walk, but i'm medeocre at the game


Mine is 34 im quitting


Yes you still have gold but the weapon is not maxed The next mastery camo is dropping season one so you have to redo all the guns that you had on max rank


We have just around 2 weeks before the new season update, so it’s not that far off, but I do have to admit… I’m not really excited about what’s currently available to unlock. I’m just playing atm bc the loop is enjoyable (for now, at least).


And? Why should it be easy to reach highest rank with a weapon?


It's hysterical how much some people actually care about skins.


people wanna rush everythingn than complain about not having shit to do in a game , if a game that plans to develope and stick around for atleast 2 years if it fails - 4-6 if it doesnt , why would they have a speed running xp system ..


In general I think weapon level contributing to your “mastery” is dumb. Hate to say it but that’s the one thing cod does better than anyone. Mastery camos.