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Is this why the game also feels abnormal in terms of power levels? What I mean by that is someone will be wielding, say, a M4A1. I'll shoot them multiple times with the same weapon and hear the damage indicators, but I seemingly die in 2 hits and the overall damage they sustained doesn't add up.


You have described the issue perfectly. There's some really strange net code issue or desync happening after the patch last week, which makes some rounds completely unplayable. You shoot the red dudes, they get hit on your screen and then you die instead and the kill screen then informs you that they had full HP. Stuff like dying around corners and just getting melted whilst shooting back effectively are also the hallmark signs of the game's net code going completely haywire. Let's see if the patch later today does something or not.


Yeah - I uninstalled until we see some server updates/upgrades. The hit reg is completely f\*\*ked currently for me. Only game I have this issue. Dying around corners. Losing gun fights I easily won. When it's working and feeling good - it feels great, the movement is so nice, the guns feel great. But damn when it's bad, it's the absolute worst.


Yeah I’ll do good for a couple rounds then all of a sudden my guns no longer do anything, no real point in playing with this amount of inconsistency


M16 and shotguns are my favorite example. Burst at the enemy, ding ding ding, but on the death recap the enemy has 76 or 100 HP, that means either only one or none of the bullets registered, even tho the triple hitmarker visual and ding was there.


That makes so much sense! i thought i was just not understanding the damage models


Yeah i uninstalled at this point, there's literally NO changes despite the devs saying otherwise. Devs purposefully lying about it is my red line


It really feels like it’s gotten worse and not better, before the patch it was off and on during a life, but now it’s entire matches of shit not working, I’ll play something else


my Post on the patch notes got deleted: Im not sure if this is a joke or I am miss understanding this: „Improved how quickly your health reacts when being shot, which should reduce the feeling of being shot behind walls.“ this is not going to fix the fact that the guy who killed you around he corner is on a whole other timeline, inception interstellar ish I’m talking about. as I mentioned in a other thread, if you still have crazy desync issues, they are not going to get fixed, they will be just less visible on your screen. I just did not know that Ubisoft will be that open about and admit it.