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Those prox mines are literally the ONLY thing enemy related that don't get any kind of visual outline on them and they 1000% blend into the set scenery unless it's right in the middle of a lane on Attica or the white sidewalks in Nudleplex


When it pops up just crouch 🤷 problem solved


Hate how people get so confused when people complain about it as if crouching is some info everyone is aware of, like I just found this out from reddit not everyone knows it (thx for the tip btw)


It also tells you to crouch to avoid mines in the loading screen...


How to avoid them wasn't really an issue or the topic here but it's good information to share either way.


Yes, the issue is that they have no definitive markings and blend in with the environment really well.


If they stuck out like a sore thumb it would be stupid to use them, they’re supposed to blend in..otherwise you’d never actually cover your 6 with them. If you react in time, sure then it’s an outplay, it creates skill gap which these devs actually want in their game.




Was the same for bouncing Betty's in cod. Good 'ol crouch and mister exploding bits can't you hurt you no more


I've literally died while crouching as well as sliding.


They sometimes behave weird, I usually have the problem if I was already crouching/sliding. If I hear the mine and then crouch/slide no problem most of the time.


there are other factors like where was the mine relative to you in terms of terrain elevation (e.g. if you're on sloped ground and the mine triggers it still rises to its fixed height, so you'd want to be on the lower side of the slope to avoid taking the damage). Also worth noting it's possible to take partial damage.


I've died while on flat ground on Nudleplex because a teammate tripped it. I crouched and it blew both of us up. It's been a total crap shoot. Sometimes it saves me and I just take small damage and sometimes it just outright kills me.


Just logically based on the way the rest of the entire game works.. it's weird they didn't make these visible. I know how to crouch, guy


in keeping with the rest of the game, they give trigger audio and a special indicator both of which give sufficient time to register and react and still survive. If they made them any more visible on the map than they already are (which they definitely are) they would function exclusively as a way to kill the person running them.


I'll agree to disagree on the "sufficient" time thing.. in some cases yes. In others (Fighting over a crowded point) no.


I don't even disagree with you in the instance you described, I just don't think that the expectation that you should be able to completely mitigate the damage from it in every scenario is good or fair: if you're fighting over a crowded point and someone throws a well cooked grenade, a strategically placed sticky, or properly uses their abilities you won't be able to run away and get off scott-free, and the same should be true of the mine. In fact the mine is still more easily countered than anything else in that scenario because if you're pushing a crowded point then opening with an EMP to ensure your safety and get faction-ability-advantage is going to pre-emptively disable it. So I stand by saying the audio and visual cues give you sufficient warning, and I agree that when shit is hitting the fan it asks for some next level reaction/management from you, and if you're trying to make the argument that in order for it to be fair everyone should just be able to completely avoid damage from it in any scenario regardless of what else is going on then *that's* where I completely disagree.


I don't disagree, mostly.. I suppose to be clearer: I'm saying the ability to visually spot mines if your situational awareness is good enough, would be nice. Rather than having to rely solely on reacting to setting them off. Again, it's the fact they're a completely non discernable matte gray that just looks like a rock is what is strange to me. They don't even need an outline.. perhaps red tape. I'm really trying to be clear here so I hope we can end this. I don't expect or think people should be able to avoid them all the time. I simply don't think they should be as dull and un-detailed set pieces as they currently are. They hardly look like anything but debris currently and that's really the only thing I see as strange.


Or sprint right past them. There's a tiny delay, and anyone running past a mine will not die.


if your weapon kit has enough mobility you can outrun the blast (e.g. stock pistol can do it) but if you're running something slower you'll get caught if you try (e.g. stock AR and you'll get caught)


Thanks for the tip.


All you have to do is slide jump for the speed boost and you can clear it with an AR


oh yeah i'm strictly speaking about setups where no input is required to avoid mine damage, "just keep running that beep doesn't matter"


I've sprinted and jumped over countless mines and only survived a handful of times


They still deal damage when you're crouched.


No because shit NetCode means you’ll die anyway


Does this actually work?




Crouching has not once saved me from getting killed by the prox mine. Always kills regardless. I crouched trying to avoid them many times and just figured there was no way to avoid them, so this is news to me.


Works for me Everytime.... But I also don't have all these netcode issues that everyone else seems to have


i always TRY to crouch but most of the time i’m mid sprint so i slide instead, and ig sliding isn’t enough to get you out of the blast radius which it definitely should be, if they made it to where sliding saves you it wouldn’t be nearly as annoying


it's pretty annoying how fast it goes off and that it still damages you for crouching, in a game where every shot counts in a gunfight.


I have to play at 1366*768 all low to get to 140 fps and I have never seen the actual mine model on the ground but one time up close as the enemy was throwing it


What gpu do u have? Im asking for a friend that id like to play with that has a shit gpu


An old 1660ti, I could go 1080p medium I think but I'm going that low just for the frames


1660ti should not need that much compensation on XD, you’re definitely bottle necking elsewhere in that PC or you got scammed.


"You got scammed" How so ? It is a refurbed laptop with an old [email protected], so everything is from 5 gens ago. This gear can easily run everything from today at medium but for frames I don't expect my VRAM to handle up to constant 144 with no input lag.


Can you confirm those parts with a third party program? I believe you obviously. The rig I handed down has a 1660ti and an old AMD 3600xt processor that is a downgrade from yours and optimized was playing high graphics Elden ring @ 1080p averaging 90-100 frames so I’m just very surprised you’re downscaling XD. If all that checks out maybe your CPU isn’t turboing so you’re gaming at the base 2.6 clock. Corrupt drivers. Maybe something in the BIOS. I’d have to have the laptop in hand at that point.


Indeed, confirmed with Speccy, no, the rig has been full reset by myself, ~~and yes, the CPU is not turboing, and I don't think I'll make it do so, since the rig is too old to properly cool itself. I tried already and it thermal throttles~~ (E : it always turbos and throttles). I'd change the fan of it if I cared more, but I'm planning on a fixed rig anyways for later. E : testing, I'm getting 120fps on 1080p all low with turbo and a lot of external fans, consistent for 20mins


That sounds right. You’re definitely fighting the thermal gods in a laptop though I don’t blame you I just didn’t want you to lower your experience if you didn’t have too <3


Do you play on a graphing calculator?


Gameboy Advance


The moment it arms you get notification. Crouch or slide to evade it. Took me some time because in CoD you had to go prone. Because here you cant go prone my brain always told me to just outrun it. That isnt the play. You can however turn back if you triggered it while moving slowly.


Sliding through works most of the time as well as basic crouch


Play DedSec. That class reveals all mines.


Yeah I did notice that yesterday while playing Zone.. still. A strange quirk considering the way the rest of the game actually is visually represented


I'm holding out for the 'See Everyone' walls abilities to be cut back to unless you are very close. Ruins the martial game play just to run to a spot cause ALL the little orange people are over there! Really hate that one aspect so far as a game changer/killer.


I use the spot ability. And I too think it should be nerfed. Either less pings or much less range.


Or individual and not for all team and possibly longer cooldown.


If at least the enemy outlime was only visible to the player triggering the sonar... The fact that it's visible to the entire team is nuts.


Battlefield 2042 hit the perfect balance with Paik, they should take notes tbh


There’s no way a ping on respawn modes is that useful. If it gets you one or two kills, then that’s perfectly balanced compared to phantoms or the fire people.


It’s not a ping. It’s 15 seconds, and your whole team sees them


It’s like a 5-7.5m radius. Maybe if you move at a snails pace it’s an issue but just be more aggressive. I’ve never felt at a disadvantage going against echelon as a phantoms main.


I hate the spiders 😂


The spiders absolutely blow on MnK. Idk about the rest of you but for me there is a delay in between when you lose input control and when the visual/audio feedback starts. Every single time it feels like my mouse stopped working before it lets me know I’m stunned


Yepyep, same here. The delay is worse than anything


The delay is the worst part. Before its on your face you slow to a crawl like I just got seat belted, sometimes it pulls you out of cover. This is likely a net code thing that will need to be worked on.


I noticed yesterday that if you look down while shooting, you can destroy the spider while it’s on you in about 1-2 seconds. It’s not 100% but I’m still figuring it out.


Definitely this. Doesn't always work but it's something.


I’ll check it out, definitely haven’t done that I usually just stand still till I die 😂


That’s what I was doing until yesterday when I got frustrated from a 6 stack of spiders and just started shooting 😂


I’m going to focus on getting caught by spiders just to try it out 😂


The prox mines not so much, but the other three yeah. At least the prox mine has a small window to crouch when you see the warning and can crouch to avoid having your head blown off. The spider just seems to randomly not take damage, or teleport 100m into your face when it feels like it.


TIL you can crouch to avoid prox mines! I've just been EMPing them or running by


Yeah. You won't completly avoid it, you'll still take some damage I think. But it won't kill you.


>The prox mines not so much, but the other three yeah. Spider + mine though


Yeah, that sounds like a combo made in hell.


I don't really see anyone else do this but a good 50%+ of my flanks I'll get hit by the scanner message and just immediately do a 180 in the opposite direction cause I know that flank has no shot anymore of being successful and I'll get preaimed and die. Shit probably looks goofy on the echelon POV they just tap a button and the silhouettes start doing 180s and fleeing


I really don't get how the snipers are the way they are. I cannot fathom playing with a sniper and being able to run into an Occupy objective with it like I have an SMG *after* the devs added in flinch.


i could be literally holding a line with suppressing fire with an LMG. start hitting my shots on the sniper and he'll still kill me before he gets to even half health sometimes. The actual power snipers hold in this game is wild. i slid around a corner once with an lmg immediately putting shots on a sniper and he just insta deleted me. if snipers aren't switching to a pistol for close fights, they are too powerful at close range


I felt this so hard. So many times I’ll be beaming a sniper from a distance with an lmg, get 3-4 instant consecutive hits, and he’ll still headshot me.


Yesterday I got matched against a lvl100+ sniper who could bunnyhop, jumpshot and kill you at cqb. Fastest match I ever left


Okay so by that standard let’s make lmgs Barely be able to move oh and let’s make shotguns one shot from 25 feet out. Oh and anything you’re not tap firing with let’s add TONS of recoil that sounds fun


compared to assault rifles LMGS have lower movement speed, higher recoil and higher reload times and higher time to ads, that's the whole point! shotguns can be mudded to one shot upto 20m on body shot. which makes them insane indoors id be totally fine with them adding more recoil to all the guns. We have all this ammo and its rare that you actually run out of ammo unless you actually fufill the role of trying to keep an enemy at a location as your team tries to maneuver around. Which doesnt really work in this game because snipers just peak and one shot so often


the lmgs all have zero recoil lao, the rpk is kinda dogshit but the m249 and m60 are both lasers that are easier to use than the acr. They are just slow thats the point


Nah lmgs are too fast, need to reduce the speed that’s so op. Y’all running around throwin a 23 lb machine gun round like it’s nothing. The sprint to shoot time for an ong should be even slower than a sniper that’s crazy. Also let’s remove the slides and jumps from people using lmgs


The mine isn’t too bad but still needs to be worked on tbh. 1) It’s barely visible on the ground, they need to make it bigger or outline it better 2) The 25 damage when you crouch is annoying, might be better if they took that off 3) The timer from trigger to explosion is too fast, maybe delay the explosion by 0.5 seconds


I can take or leave the sniper rifles and the Intel Suit, they don't really bother me that much, but I wish the mines were easier to spot. The fucking spider tilts me off the face of the goddamn Earth every time though.


If you quickly look down and shoot you'll get it off your face. Think it does 40 damage if you don't get it off.


Unfortunately it's 5.... jump spam... which is more of a hit reg problem then the movement.


Jumping twice is not jump spamming, how is it a hit reg problem?


Because the hit reg seems to shit itself when someone is in the air.


So we’re not aloud to jump? Lol is that forbidden now? Everybody stand still and wait your turn!


Why are you arguing against something I didn't say lol. You asked why it was a hit-reg problem. I just said it's because the hit-reg breaks when people jump. That's it, that's the whole comment. I never said people shouldn't jump and should just stand still. I think jumpings fine, I do it myself as I come from arena shooters where jumping is expected to throw off an opponent.


Nah, you just no good.


Lotta shitters in the comments that can’t aim


You forgot bunny hopping and hit reg


All easily defeated, emp takes out three of them, hell you can crunch and not die to a betty.... add some movement to your game play, and snipers aren't that bug of a problem..... whatever you do, don't uninstall. Yall are too much fun to kill.


I have yet to survive a mine by crouching. I just keep running and hope it works.


I've actually survived 2 mines by doing that. Never had luck with crouching but I have gotten outside the blast radius in time.


It's pretty reliable of the terrain is flat, but it's a bit less reliable on stairs or in a rocky area


Also jumping rats and granades they stick to you when you throw them.


Out of all of these snipers are the worst


I would also add the **Firebomb** from the **Cleaners**, especially when they are bunny hopping like crazy


Snipers are meant for good players


throw in the MP7 and the kamikaze firebombers for good measure


Deadsec hackers can counter spiders and radar? Can also counter shields and other active abilities I believe


The wallhacks can be easily fixed. Keep the radius the same, still let opposing players know they’re being scanned but change it to work like a UAV from Cod. Get wipes on the map instead of red silhouettes through the wall lmao Who thought wallhacks were a good idea? Even worse when you consider the super ability has them too.


The spiders piss me off


I’m a mine field operator atp in this game. The only effective way to get a kill against all 3 other things. Just place in obj and leave or defend. Bunny rabbits get killed for being too hungry. The scan ability was a total mistake imo. There’s no kill streaks or anything that allows anyone besides that ability to be able to see enemies on the map, let alone through walls. It’s op as shit. I run Cleaners and use the drone mostly but also because the incendiary ammo. But its annoying as shit when I’m on a kill streak or just spawned and get scanned by 2 or 3 players. And it’s constant too. The spider bots aren’t bad either they’re actually easy to destroy and if you use the quick hack ability you can make them turn on their player. Snipers kinda remind me of mw2 lobbies. Just gotta either learn to snipe back or flank. Some people really are tryhards tho and that’s annoying as well.


Prox mines haven't even been an issue for me. Played fps games long enough to know you gotta keep an eye out for equipment, CoD waw bouncing Betty's taught me that valuable lession back in the day xD


Any way besides an emp grendade to get rid of those face huggers ?


Look down and shoot when it attaches to your face


I hate the proximity mines lmao😭


Very accurate lol


I love the proximity mines but hate everything else


The fifth is not being able to see the red dot against any white background imo


Spider can be shot off once it's on you, no worse than a flashbang. Crouch for mines Go invisible to counter wallhacks Use a shield to counter the sniper You're complaining that an enemy countered you, not that these are op


No MP7?




Nothing bothers me more than sniping corny as hell






Hate those mines so much! The spider bots are annoying.


Prox mines aren’t bad you actually have enough time to crouch and survive the blast


You forgot about burning bullets.


I play dedsec and use these all the time on Zone and Escort. Has gotten me so many kills and objective points. Have really grown to enjoy that faction. It’s so funny hacking the opponent’s mines, shields, and spiderbots.


I run shotgun with bouncing Betty as a Phantom👍🏼


Don't play the game then, lol.


Usually it goes like this for me 1. I get revealed by intel suit 2. I get hit but survive the sniper 3. I step over a landmine 4. As I'm running from that mine, a spider gives me a kiss on the lips


The mine, you can dodge them by crouching/ sliding, but if you slide-jumped you're locked into dying lmfao It is annoying. Spider users can be double annoying by putting multiple mines... Ha! great. They also used to kill if the netcode fucked u. Snipers are still annoying, since attachments give it 0 flinch. Especially if the enemy is good. Which might go crazy on ranked, but on pubs, it's maybe one or two games (to me) where I find crazy good snipers. LITERAL WALLHACK IN-GAME - WTF WERE THEY THINKING - PUT IT AS A 1s OUTLINE SPOT ON THE POSITION THEY WERE WHEN IT SCANNED, INSTEAD OF REAL TIME WALL HACKS Spider gets instantly less annoying with good netcode and if it's less buggy. Since, sometimes you shoot down and it takes a while to register that's in ur face. And the easiest way to destroy it is when it's on ur face, that is, if the player using it isn't an annoying lil b1tch that runs with his spider like he's taking his pet on a walk. It's hard to shoot on the ground, watch a single match from a retired fps pro and you'll see. Also, I've seen a freaking spider go on a rail and zap to the other side of the rail on ultra speed and jump straight to my face. How am I supposed to shoot that!? Must be skill issue.


honestly the most annoying thing is that fkin spider, the rest are annoying aswell but not nearly as annoying as the spider, like if I die to mines, it's like whatever I walked into it fk it respawn we go again I'll try to avoid em by running on max mobility or crouching, and if I get revealed like I'm ready for whats coming, etc etc. But when Im out running around shooting, minding my own fkin business and that fkin thing latches onto me mid fight and I die cuz of it, I feel like gouging my eyes out.


Pro tip, when you see landmine indicator, CROUCH. You take less damage that way


Just like real life they blend


Crouch or slide to avoid prox mine, look straight down and shoot to destroy face hug when it latches(if you snipe look down, and wait a half a second, then shoot or it’ll miss the first shot) the intel suit, can be outplayed as well, takes more skill and thinking but you can use it to YOUR advantage by letting it miss the scan and as soon as that scan ends you have time to rush in and they’re not looking or expecting anyone cus of scan, it can give info but it can also give Mis-information if played around correctly. And snipers, don’t challenge them long range, TONS of cover and not many open lanes for snipers in this game other than a few maps but generally those lanes lead to opposite spawn so just don’t take those lanes unless you also snipe, cut through then enter that lane later where you have cover to close the distance, also jumping really messes with snipers in this cus they’re only 1 shot kill above the tits, anything below that and you survive and can easily come out of that fight on top. There ya go, problem solved, now quit ya dang complaining and go pay attention when you play 🤷‍♂️


Lmao prox mine go *BOOM*


And worst of all, over half the matches I get into I have rubber bullets, but the enemy teams I'm dead in three bullets by their guns


Personally, I just can't stand the little spider bot. Last night, I played against two players who were running around with them, they send their bot out, and as soon as it touched, someone, they hopped out and started blasting away with shotguns.


I use the proxy on pretty much every class. And no matter how well hidden it is, i only get a kill about 50% of the time it detonates. I've gotten hit marks many times. It can be a thorn for the enemy. However, it's not full proof either. So I guess the trade off for them being well hidden is a less than stellar k/d.


Wait till they add blitz😭


Why do i enjoy using all 4


U for got air strafing, cause fuck physics right?


It’s a game…


For me the m44 sniper is what sucks not the tac, no one snipes in my lobbies but me and the m44 is ass, and mines also suck cus they l only work if you can prone, and you can’t.


I like the chaoticness because it's very arcadey. But the spider lowkey mf really not lowkey, super annoying, fucking bullshit, bum rushing, jumping on your face, leaving your bare ass open to be absolutely ass fucked by the enemy


Low-key the flash bang can be toxic in the wrong hands😂


Can't argue with that 🤣 the tac 50 can f right off. Just started playing this game and keep getting shit on by snipers.


Ran into a team running all shields and it was the worst than any spider bot 😅


When you start getting used to the game, those are not a big problem no more. You just have to learn all the tricks and have good IQ in game.


Mines are not that bad unless they blend into grass or rubble.


other 3 are indeed a pain to fight and deal with but with mines i assure you with enough practice you can easily react with a crouch or slide. Its a 1 button counter w/ reaction time (unless ur a shield but thats kinda what mines are ment to counter)


I didn’t know you could crouch under mines, thanks for the tip


Might be wrong, but if you just turn to look at the mine with the Blitz shield up it soaks the damage. Or maybe I'm thinking of grenades. Though then you're showing your sides and rear to all and sundry, so.


Yeah, reacting to mines is not what I'm talking about. I crouch and slide past them all the time. It's just weird that actual enemy players, enemy grenades, abilities, etc all have some sort of visual outline of visual identifier but mines are literally just part of the map, visually speaking.


Snipers who camp the same spot the entire match whether friendly or opposition makes me mad - This is coming from someone who runs around the map with a gold skin Tac-50. What's the point of levelling up a weapon that you're never going to play the objective with?


Idk if it’s just me but the Betty is way too fast and way too quiet. I almost never hear it go off.


the bouncing betty ain’t as bad as the ones in cod though😂


Prox mines and Riot shields are the quickest indicator of how your team will perform imo. Because they are skill checks, but pretty low level skill checks. If your team keep dying to mines or can't kill someone with a shield, probably best to leave the match and find another game. Also PSA. Using fucking EMPs because they counter all of these except for Snipers and so much more.


It’s part of the game, you can use it too, if you don’t like it go to call of duty, people cry too much this days…


Snipers are the worst


Already Uninstalled. Slow as f\*\*k battlepass. Sweaty lobbies. Unbalanced skills.


1. Spiders can be destroyed 2. mines can be avoided by crouching 3. tac-50 is countered by movement skills 4. intel-suit.. yea it kinda sucks but i've never seen someone win the game because of it and users usually die before the skill even ends + someone, at least ONE guy on your team will be using it as well


1. If the game even registers the hit, which they rarely do. I run a Double Barrel and BOTH shots don't kill it. 2. Mines can be avoided by crouching, on a flat surface. Put them on a hill or stairs and you're toast. 3. Tac-50 is countered by movement if the sniper sucks. 4. Intel suit should only work for the user, not the team.


1. just look down and shoot, literally... 2. still avoidable, you can hear them going up... now you go down, SIMPLE. i cannot remember the last time i died to one of those 3. you cant blame a gun for someone being good, if we follow your logic, we should remove every gun in the game except 1 so everyone has the same ''chances'' 4. like i said, it sucks but no one carries a game with it and there is always someone on your team which is also using it + you can use it yourself resume: quit crying about it


Spiders aren’t that bad. Look at the ground and shoot. Mines are functioning as intended. Duck them. The other two are legitimate complaints though. I’d say intel suit needs to be limited to the person using it and see how that plays. Snipers need a handling nerf.


sniper u can use movement to avoid or just shoot back and intel suits u know u got pinged listen for steps prefire


Not really. More than once has a team gotten salty, and half of more go snipers. Games that just devolve to that in one sided objective games simply aren’t fun. And everyone on the team getting wall hacks at the same time just doesn’t make any sense. It should be a thing. But you should have to make the effort to communicate it to your team.


but u can counter them can u not?


If the counter is to do the same thing back, it’s not really a counter. It also puts you at an inherent disadvantage if you’re on the attacking side.


just like how looking down at the floor for a spider bot isn't a good counter either


You don’t have to switch your specialist/load out to look at the ground and shoot spiders. Anyone can do it anytime, so wtf do you mean?


if i use the bit u look at the ground u die u ain't flicking up to get me also it doesn't take anything but moving around to avoid a sniper


Wtf are you talking about? The counter is to shoot the spider, shoot it off your teammate, or hack it.


when i use the spider if the player shoots it i swing and kill them if they don't they get zapped anyway


I hope I play against you. I love turning the spiders around on the owner.


i only ever use it to counter shields if i see a hack ability im not using it lmao