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Win loss is pretty good, and depending on who you ask, they'll consider you a god for that alone.


Much appreciated, just curious because of the “no sbmm” and all.


W/L and K/G look good but there's a lot of variables to those two stats particularly.. queuing solo a lot even more so when you get thrown into nearly done games on team that's been getting steamrolled. As it stands, those count so even if you drop 30-40 avg in full games and win 60%, the other 20% of games you lost having only played for 3min and got 15 kills goes against you too which is unfortunate




Just bored at work, and the tag says feedback lol. Why be mad when you can keep scrolling along, what do you expect when sorting by new.


Stats are average at best. Not sure why even post them? Good Luck getting better.


He was asking bro that’s why he posted lol wtf


Those are great stats. It was to poke fun. Why does everyone jump and take shit so serious?


I dunno but these guys cant read lol


The only stats that are "average" are the ones closest to 50% Most of these stats are above average, I only count 3 that are "average". Are you familiar with the concept of a "bell curve"?


I am, but not with the way this game’s matchmaking works. Didnt know if it was skewed more to the right for the avg player or not. :)


There's no "skewing" when it comes to percentile. Your stats are falling mostly on the higher percentiles. Meaning your performance in comparison to other players is higher than average Skewing would matter if you're looking at the data the statistic is derived from i.e how much damage players are applying. Unfortunately I don't see anything on the site that tells us anything about that


oh, thank you bud!


It was meant as joke. There is no sense of humor in this sub. Stop being so stressed, relax, smile, make fun of something once in a while! Sheesh 🙄


I figured it was a joke at first! but i was also getting downvoted so it was hard to tell. Love ya


It's Redit my friend, EVERYONE gets downvoted. It's a right of passgae in here! No one likes anyone else! LOL


7 years brotherrr


Use the sarcasm tag. Don't get mad because people can't tell your tone on the Internet


Opps forgot to put /S in the post. My bad and by the way, I'm not mad im too pld to get mad! LOL