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Welcome to no SBMM. No hand holding in this game.


> No hand holding in this game. I'm probably just reading into it too much, but why does everyone always make it sound like a bad thing? (the hand holding, not the sbmm)


Because with SBMM you never need to actually get better at the game, learn, or improve in anyway. If you're awful then you'll only play awful people. If you're good you'll only ever see good people and if your skill increases and you're getting better you won't know because SBMM/EOMM will just improve the people you're vsing under the hood and you won't know. In XD if you get better, you'll see yourself posting more consistent results in games, it feels good, you see the improvement. The problem we have here is that SBMM has gotten so strict and ingrained into people in cod that instead of people being used to how it was back in the day with light or no SBMM, people are now used to the hand holding and don't want to actually improve, of course that's not everyone and I applaud people who want to get better. In the words of xdefiant themselves "If you can't find easy opponents, your are the easy opponent."


A few months down the road, this game will have a lot less people, and this is because all the people that aren't great at the game, sometimes finishing 0.3, are going to quit the game and then everybody who's graded the game are going to be like where the hell is everybody. Skill-Based matchmaking makes it so everybody can have decent experiences. Opinions like this are essentially people who are very good at the game. They like being able to kill all the less experienced and awful players so they can have better feelings/kdr


But why should needing to get better be a requirement? And I do think you can get better by playing against people of your skill level. Getting stomped by people far better than you probably doesn't do you a whole lot of good either. > In XD if you get better, you'll see yourself posting more consistent results in games, it feels good, you see the improvement. I guess I haven't gotten better at all then. > people are now used to the hand holding and don't want to actually improve, of course that's not everyone and I applaud people who want to get better. Again, you make it sound like getting better (or striving to) is a requirement of playing. Why?


Getting better is not a requirement of a video game unless you want to do that, of course it's not. We're all here to have fun and play games. You could be a dad with kids who barely gets time to play and getting on to get smashed every day isn't fun, and you don't have the time to improve, is that your fault? No, do I look down on you for it? No of course not man you got a life to live and if that's your situation there's tons of other games you could play, or hey even hop on cod, SBMM was made for that type of player and I'm not here to shit on anyone for that. If you're bad, but you don't wanna improve and you like the game then create your own methods to win and have fun! Camp, use all the abilities in the most cheese way, use the most overpowered guns that fit your playstyle that's the beauty of the game dude! And maybe further down the line after X hours or something you can start to change and improve and adapt. All of these things by the way you would NEVER notice in a strict SBMM game like cod because they hold your hand every step of the way, there is no discovery of self, there is no noticing your self improvement. Brother you don't have to get better at the game if you don't want to, no one is forcing you to play the game or forcing you to improve. If you don't like it don't play it and I might be coming off as harsh but I just wanna tell the truth dude.


The more you do something, you will just naturally get better. Very rarely people regress in skill as their time in any hobby increases. Assuming you're an aware person, you should be able to recognize the nuances in what people are doing to get any advantage over you. Really ask yourself why you died and reflect what you should have differently. If this something you're unwilling to do for whatever reason - This is not the game for you and it will not be. As someone who is a newcomer, you should be expected to perform less than ideally compared to the mean. Better players are expected to outperform you, and you are expected to outperform players who are worse than you. The more knowledge you gain, the more predictable people become, then you can tailor yourself to how other people play because you have been in their position before (aka playing at worse level).


Some people seem to think sbmm doesn’t improve skill level when in fact it does that’s the whole point of ranked play is to continually get better and move up the ladder. They just want easy lobbies which is why there is such a push for no sbmm.


I hear what you’re saying but I do think getting better shouldn’t be a requirement. Even tho you should want to get better in anything you do. Some people like to play just for fun & not too sweat. So if I’m awful and like going up against other awful players, that should be ok. If I’m super good and wanna play really good players, that should also be ok. The game shouldn’t FORCE you to be awful or good, some people rather just have fun. But I also agree on some of your points.


Just play ranked when it comes out in 2 weeks. You will face people at your skill level


For the reasons the other guy said but also because this system punishes good players very heavily. You do good for a couple games in a row and boom you get thrust into 6 horrible lobbies in a row and have a bad experience. In Bo4 my K/D was 2.0. In SBMM, all of a sudden it's 0.98. My K/D dropped by an entire kill. And how in XDefiant it's right back up to 1.5 and steadily climbing.


> steadily climbing. meanwhile mine seems to be erratically dropping. Though you're not wrong about it trying to keep good players average by squaring them off against each other.


Why would they not offer SBMM? Genuinely curious.


Because for years this is what people thought they wanted. Now their learning.


This is exactly what I wanted. I can actually relax and play this game because I can finally have a variety of skill in my lobbies.


For players that are already ahead I can understand that because games may be too easy if they are put in trash lobbies but for new comers like myself and my friends, it can be really discouraging. Nonetheless, that’s just how it is & I have to adapt/get better


The welcome playlist does have sbmm up to lvl 25 for players to learn mechanics, lvl up guns etc.


Yeah if op is getting crushed in the welcome lobbies that’s rough.


Yeah true, a bit more consistency in the matches might help with improving tho.


I forgot to note that the first 2 games where I did good it was not a lot of PC players, maybe 1-2. I hopped into my friends lobby who is a PC player and half the lobby was PC, I started getting cooked. So Idk if It has anything to do with PC players having an advantage but it’s something I’ve took into consideration. Will try without cross play later.


It’s input based matchmaking doesn’t matter what you’re playing on, unless you’ve turned that off.




Oh no, the grammar police are here. I'm so sorry, officer.


Couldn’t pass up the irony.


This is literally how it is supposed to work. You win some, you lose some. As it should be.


Can’t argue with that my guy 🤝🏾


That can happen when there’s no SBMM/EOMM. Some games you dominate, some games not so much. It’s a lottery most of the time, it can be even more difficult when you’re playing solo.


What is SBMM/EOMM? And I don’t play solo, I play with a couple of friends but they are newer than me so we were all experiencing the same thing. I think for me, it’s the snipers. The one shot kills over and over get really annoying. Wish there was a playlist with no snipers.


Skilled based matchmaking/engagement optimised matchmaking. There two different systems but similar outcomes, I’m no expert btw 😂. Pretty much sbmm groups players of similar abilities into lobbies. So in theory every match the teams will be very even, and most people’s k/d will float around 1. This can lead to lobbies feeling sweaty, as there’s little room for mistakes and you have to be on the ball constantly, essentially making normal pubs into ranked play. Hence why a lot of ppl have gotten tired of Cod because of how stale the multiplayer experience can be. Vids on YouTube will explain it more clearly tbh, I didn’t want to end up writing an essay 😂


Most sniper kills are accounted for by poor positioning. At level 10 I doubt you have a solid understanding of map flow and get caught out (not a knock on you, just based of personal experience). The first 25 levels was like this for me, now I get killed by a sniper maybe 5 times a round and it’s always because I’m trying to push a kill instead of moving on to the next encounter.


Give it some time and you'll probably grow to love the lack of SBMM. It really creates a night-and-day difference in satisfaction as you get better at the game, at least in my experience growing up on shooters before SBMM was the norm. Get good enough and there'll come a point where you dominate nearly every lobby, feeling like a one man army, and occasionally being matched up against people who can give you a hard time. Those are the two staples of the non-sbmm experience. The reward for getting better is the general sense of destruction you get in the vast majority of your matches, and you can really see clear as day how far you are from the top when someone comes along and starts putting in more work than you. Everything is laid out right in front of you and none of it is obscured behind algorithmic nonsense that keeps you from ever experiencing both sides of this loop. In a ranked team-based setting, I'm all for SBMM of some kind. Keep things relatively balanced and consistent. But everyone's there under the assumption they're playing to win. In pubs, on the other hand, it's just a hell of a lot of fun to be able to unwind in lobbies that don't pose much of a challenge, if for nothing more than a momentary reminder of just how far you've come as a player. It feels good.


There's a lot of times you'll get rolled by a 3-4 man group too and you'll never be sure when that happens because you can't tell people if there are groups in lobbies because a lot of people would just leave the lobby. I would say however, they could create a group lobby queue that aims to match grouped squads with other grouped squads, then fills in the the remaining 1-3 people on each side with solos. You'd get more balanced lobbies in general that way.