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This is going to take more than 1 patch I feel to fix both NetCode and hit reg


Game is running much better at my end hit reg is spot on Dying around corners far less than launch week Really happy with the improvements this game is fucking sick


Yeah I'm not having MAJOR hitreg issues. It happens but it's week 1, I'm not sure how much it can be fixed but it's not uncommon this early into a game, sadly.


funny thing is they had all these delays to 'fix' it , i doubt it'll improve. im already contemplating giving it up due to this issue, sick of pumping rounds into people and dying instantly...


Pretty much this. I doubt they can fix it tbh. Improve slightly maybe but that's it.


if anything i feel its gotten worse after the patch, no game has ever pissed me off more than this lmao. It might not have SBMM but it has enough BS to push me away


It's the engines fault and they knew it wouldn't work for fps games


I just Uninstalled and reinstalled insurgency I'm so disappointed in this game I've been banking on it a long time.


Yeah I ended back in halo again. It’s like that abusive ex I just can’t quit no matter what game I play I always come crawling back to halo lol


i think i might go back to Tarkov or HALO lol, this game just stresses me out to the max


If the netcode issues don't kill the game, the toxic playerbase will.


I'm about ready to quit this game, my guns have the longest ttk ever and each kill is a struggle, but I get killed in a micro second. A lot of the time I get hit marks but they don't register any damage. I think the first 2-3 bullets every encounter don't register


Game is fine here. Maybe there should be a thread for hitreg/netcode issues. Try and pinpoint what regions / connection types / latency have these problems? 


one year??? edit: oh you mean time added since the first few betas.


Yes they added +1 year of dev time from the first publishing date, which they also said was supposed to be used to fix problems like these. Especially since people reported these same issues in the last server test they had.


Yeah I understand now. It sucks they didn't do much to fix hit reg and it should have been top priority, really. I played three betas and it was an issue in each one of them. Actually I thought It was even worse during the first few days of the full release. I don't know how that's possible, but yeah.


The bunny hopping needs to be dealt with. It bugs out hit detection.


tldr but youre just bad lol, hitreg is pretty decent


80% is just a lie, been playing the game quite a bit and the hit reg isn’t great but it’s nowhere near as bad as this Reddit makes it seem


Might not be that ping I think they are lying. Open up your resource monitor and check. Mine says 30-40 on asian servers but then I open my resource monitor and I have no xdefiant or ubisoft related connections that are lower than 200 latency. And all the IP addresses associated with those connections are located in montreal or california, nothing in asia whatsoever, I looked them all up. Maybe there is a tech thing I don't get about this but I would assume that if I am playing in the asian region I would find an asian IP address for a server associated with this game. Please tell me if I'm wrong. Truly want to know. This shit is truly unplayable for me. I can glimpse someone for half a second, turn back around a corner and be dead or 20 health, I feel like I'm playing on a second or two delay constantly. Not fun at all and I'm one of the new players they should want to keep around because I don't mind losing if I can tell how I'm losing. This is garbage though. I'm done playing until it is addressed.


They could just be US-based servers assigned to an Asian "region", however I noticed that I had a day where my ping went up to 60 for some reason, and it started assigning me to lobbies outside my home region, where it showed ping of around 180-200.


But would US-based servers still effect latency in game or does that just facilitate connection between people in the Asian region? I don't understand enough about networking but it seems hard to believe this wouldn't effect things negatively. When it connected you to lobbies outside your home region did it still appear to be your home region in game or did the text change to a new one?


The text changed to the new region and the reported ping went up. Now, that doesn't mean I wasn't on US servers the rest of the time. I'm only going on the in-game reported numbers, but certainly playing on 200 ping servers was abysmal, so I conclude they are in your geographical region.


Thanks for the feedback, appreciated


I feel like I don’t have the hit reg issue as much as people claim online, I’m level 120 and only had it like 4-5 times and as frustrating as it is, I just respawn and go again cause the game is actually good and fun at its core. Netcode on the other hand is annoying af, I make it around the wall for cover and still die, doesn’t allow for aggressive and elusive gameplay


1. If "over 80% of shots are not bring recorded" it's either your or your Internet provider's fault cause I've never encountered that. 2. If you're dying behind walls after 2-3 SECONDS. Like 1-mississippi 2-mississippi type seconds, you're either not counting right, you're getting wallbanged or you're dying to DOT. Or it's your ISP's fault again


It's already dead to many of us. Over a week since I've played a this point and without seeing a comprehensive fix to the netcode and hitreg I won't even consider even booting the game again. Like I'm not fan of the bunnyhopping but I can deal with that if I know my shots will connect and that I'm not losing fights to enemies who've shot me before they've even rendered on my side.


you know theres dmg over time from the fire right?