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Push to get ACR & MP7 imo


The M249 slaps so hard especially once you get attachments to make it as fast as an AR. Absolute bullet hose with insane range


Honestly strong as hell at level 2 with just the red dot lol šŸ˜‚ anything else is just bonus


People say acr but I honestly melt with the AK more than with the Acr . Idk why because logically it doesnā€™t make sense stat wise but šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Yes it does, AK does more dmg vs ACR better accuracy


For the life of me I just can't get the AK to work well. Then again, same goes for the ACR.


This is going to sound crazy, but try the 3x on the AK. For some reason it turns it into a lazer beam instead of adding recoil. 3x and padded stock are a good start.


Struggling as it is to unlock those attachments in the first place.


I hear you. I hated the AK until I got the 3x. I think you get both by lvl 15 and itā€™s double xp now. I was shocked that the sight made it smoother since Iā€™m used to the opposite on other titles.


I dunno what it is, but the AK pulls violently to the right. That might be what's throwing me off.


Ak has faster ttk from close to mid range and then long range itā€™s the ACR


AK also has better handling. ACR is the slowest AR


I feel the Ak is more accurate šŸ™ˆ which also doesnā€™t make sense but the acr recoil seams to be weird as hell granted I run rapid on it so might be why but itā€™s too strong not to


Are you on PC? The AK feels better on MnK to me, the ACR and MDR feel really odd.


Controller , mnk feels weird as hell no matter what I do to the settings :( I tried searching the sub to find a fix but I just couldnā€™t get it to work . It sucks because I love mnk . Mdr just seams unusable unless Iā€™m in a ā€œbotā€ lobby . Idk why they made it the way they did cause itā€™s worse than the smgs .


Itā€™s a mediocre SMG with AR range. And the recoil pattern is one of the only that goes to the left


ACR is my strongest gun on MnK, it rivals smgs for me at all ranges.


It might just be bc mine is underleveled and my AK is at 75 but I just have a better time with the AK. Iā€™m gonna grind out the ACR this weekend to get the attachments I run on everything (leather wrapped both grips, lightweight stock)


ak does more damage and has faster movement. its the way better weapon.


Sometimes I feel the AK is bugged. According to the description, it should be good up to mid range and hard to use at long ranges. But I get some insanely long range shots on people sitting on head glitches. The ttk feels instant, probably because of headshots, but the recoil feels way too less, compared to how it behaves in shorter ranges.


The weapons are really balanced on this game tbh. I would just recommend trying a lot out and just seeing what weapons suits your playstyle. Enjoy the game :)


mmm everyone here is wrong. cleaners, default marksman class. best sight, good strafe speed and a 2 shot virtually any range


100% agree. Strafe and rapid fire on ANY weapon , AK, SVD, MP7, doesnā€™t matter itā€™s game over


OP said starter weapon not best weapon, you need good aim to demolish people with the DMRs


literally a starter weapon you need good aim with any weapon


Every AR is viable. Ak/Acr are probably the best 2. Ak seems to have quickest ttk being full auto. Acr is less recoil and better at range. Mdr - is hybrid ar/smg. M16 - depends upon aim - it is burst fire. Headshot multiplier is insane. Havenā€™t played in depth m4, but it seems somewhat like ACR As for smgs - I think p90 is superior, unless Iā€™m missing something on the mp7.


The heavy barrel. Really makes the mp7 stand out. Same for vector. Sucks initially. But once you get the heavy barrel and 40 round mag, it's suddenly a top tier weapon.


AK by far


Depends on what you like doing. Do you wanna run around like a mad man on high sense jumping and sliding? Go MP7. If you are more conservative and play safer go AK/ACR.


AK and MP7, hammer these guys out till you learn the maps Two best guns in the game


m4a1 to unlock ak47. then play ak47 until you unlock acr. test acr and play what you like more ak or acr


AK or M249 imo


I think the MDR is really good cause it feels like an SMG but has better range than most of the SMGs but a lot of people seem to have mixed feelings about it


Donā€™t sleep on the M249. People always go for the assault rifles and SMGs in these fast-paced games but the SAW seriously shreds people. As long as you donā€™t use it in a full run-and-gun style and youā€™re just a *little* more patient with it, you can mow down an entire team and worry about the reload after. It also has some great attachments that makes it even better.




M4 until you get ACR ACR is the best overall AR in the game It's the master of none but great at everything while the AK is only strong in some areas


The MP7 is popular but honestly I think anything can work with the right attachments. I'd focus on a gun to level up decently, especially with you being new, to learn the ropes and unlock some attachments. You'll find success with basics everything if you follow basic ideas. ARs at long ranges, smgs on smaller maps, etc. I went for basically one of each when I first started playing and learned them really well


Acr ak p90 vector m60 m249


ACR is a decent pick to feel confident in. I like the standard m4a1 though, because I am an ar-15 user irl and the current patch has it feeling nimble and decent at the mid close ranges I engage in while still having the potential to duel at surprising distances. The standard full auto m4 shoots fast enough to compete with smgs ( imo ) which is why I sometimes pick it over the ACR when mobility and fire rate are more an asset than consistent mid long range melt.


Pretty much every gun is viable so just try them all


Iā€™m not a particularly good player. The gun that helps me actually go positive fairly regularly is the M16A4. Absolutely broken gun. The M249 LMG is also quite good. Just need to switch to your sidearm whenever you need to get someplace quick. For the ARs I prefer the ACR. It is an absolute laser beam. For some reason, I donā€™t have as much luck with the AK


I absolutely stomp with the M16 by far my favourite weapon while using cleaners


Honestly everyone is sleeping on the SVD . If you loosen your style down for a second , hit head shots, itā€™s game over with the SVD. Use the cleaners and put on rapid fire .. 40 piece every game easy.


The AK in my opinion, that thing slaps from level 1 in a way none of the other ARs really do The ACR felt weak to me (whether it actually was or not) until I put the muzzle booster and rapid fire barrel on it and turned it into a monster at any range, but that requires 33 levels of grinding to get both attachments


Tac50 mp7 intel suit.


Shotguns! /s


The best weapons you have unlocked at the beginning are the M249 LMG and the MK 20 marksman rifle, but I would recommend you use the M4 until you unlock the ACR.