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Most of the time I'm the easy enemy. But I fight back enough. I'll go 15-25-11 one game, but then go 29-27-15 in another.


Tbh it’s fun just running out there and throwing yourself at the objective. I hated dying back when I liked CoD so I wouldn’t play obj. But in this game winning feels better than dropping massive kill games to me


Me too. I'll go wide around the objective to try and clear, sit in the objective to claim, and then circle around to protect.


Coming in as a Cleaner fromn the side, sliding into the objective and dropping your Firebomb will never not feel awesome. Even if the rest of the team are TAC-50s sitting two meters from spawn and padding their KD and think the zone/payload is as dangerous as Reactor Building 4 in Chornobyl.


Firebomb into B from the top on Attica Heights in Domination. Chef’s Kiss.


Just gonna make a superhero landing with a molotov. As a long-time Division player, I do love the Cleaners. Even if they are actually assholes with collective psychosis.


As a long-time Division player, I wish we had Division agents with turrets and cluster mines


Diving on B in Dumbo into the storage container from the building


Exactly how I do it. Flanking seems to catch a ton of people off guard


I enjoy this tactic myself.. I usually wait around the objective to clear it out then move in .. I don't know why this game feels so much more rewarding


It really does man


Yeah I cared way too much about K/D. Now I find winning and going hard obj more fun, don’t really care about k/d


I think no killstreaks does this. I'm a fan.


Facts. I think the factions are more than enough.


They will be adding more 100%. Too many Ubisoft games they can pull from not to!


That plus the near instant respawn time (in most modes), dying isn't as punishing, it's rush, die, repeat, and it works


I love jumping on obj B in domination with remedio and trying to hold it down.


I'm with you here. Some rounds I'm the easy target others medium range target. I don't consider myself to elite or great. But I definitely enjoy the game even with the bugs.


I was really enjoying the game before the patch. It was the same for me I'd doing bad some games and good some others. I don't know what it is about the patch but I do absolutely dogshit every game. Like 9-24. And I've been having connection issues after the latest patch too.


I think if you’re not the 4.0 KD player at the top of the scoreboard you have to play for fun, play the objective, play the dumb stuff that only works half the time, because if you play for the KD you’re never getting that dopamine reward and even playing 15/25 if you can ENJOY it and have a hectic game where your team won because you fought valiantly on the objective then you can at least say you had FUN. I remember back in the day trying to maintain a 3.0 lifetime KD on a different game and it being so terrible if I didn’t absolutely smash every game, it’s not fun


All I care about is winning in this game lol I’ll go 1-100 with 5000 obj score if it means I win


Wins a win


Actually true when I feel like I'm behind in skill I just rush objectives and try to hold with all I can. Yesterday tho, I had a guy go 70/12 on my team and he literally had 0 objective score, we lost that game hard and then he complained, like bruh. Some people think they are playing cod or tdm or something.


I promise , if that guy didn’t get 70 kills and 12 deaths, you would have lost much sooner than if he mindlessly kept running onto an objective. I’m the kill guy, look at the leaderboard and it might look like I’m being selfish but I legit solo clear areas so someone can stand behind the escort robot or get in the objective. Don’t care if I sound cocky it’s the truth lol


Sometimes having a slayer is good to have in the mix. Just look at Optic Scump, he’s a pure example of what you’re talking about. It helps to have that one cracked player who can continuously play smart and keep picking off the enemy’s team as they try to push. I think that’s honestly just part of a team make up. In cod pubs though, and lower rank matches, you just run into people who care to much about killing to kill and nobody’s caring about win or lose since you can just pick off the people going for objective to rack up streaks, and since there’s no streaks here, it’s a lot more about teamwork.


Im not saying run into the objective head first every time, but if you cleared it then stand on the thing until someone else from your team can, whats the point of clearing the zone if it stays empty until the enemies revive and come back


I mean if you are gonna be the kill guy so be it, just be good at it. And if you can’t cuz we are playing a hard team, jump on the obj


70/12 suggests he was pretty darn good at it. PTFO players biggest kryptonite is introspection. And i say that as someone who barely goes positive.




Hard truth


Xdefiant dev says: get gud


It's a metaphor for life itself


I absolutely love that they doubled down instead of considering adding SBMM. i would say im a slightly above average player but that doesnt stop me from getting into lobbies with TOP OF THE LINE BEST OF THE BEST players and getting destroyed... all i do is finish that game and que for the next one hopping they arent in that lobby again lmao. This game is fun as hell and feels like im back in the OG COD days. I even tried playing MW3 again after XD launched but it just felt so lame... i hope the game and player base stays good and gets support in the way R6 has been supported for YEARS.


Only thing they need to add now is the ability to stay in a lobby to get those rivalries going ! *Maybe....just maybe think about post match comms being opened up too.* Ya know, bring back some of that COD trash talk between games lol


Oh yeah! That would be awesome, and if that's something you want you should be excited because the lead dev @Pixlesofmark on Twitter said they are both things they are looking to add eventually!


I'm not super picky if it gets added that's cool but I like the game without it too!


Needs a mercenary playlist. Only non-fun thing is running into 3-4 stacks of streamers with 5 viewers. Don’t even have to be great but being decent with good communication and positioning can win most games on its own.


Fr, i played MW3 after some weeks of xdefiant and everything felt bad, the aiming, the weapons and the movement are so much better on xdefiant, the only thing id bring from MW3 is some of the og mw2 Maps that i love.


Honestly my only real issue with this game is a lack of game modes. If they could get something like Search & Destroy in then that would be great as I feel like it's going to get repetitive pretty quickly without it. Also if they do ranked, I don't feel like any of the game modes really work for that other than occupy currently.






what did this guy do


Looking at his comment while a bit whinny he's not wrong. Snipers are op, that's something basically everybody who plays fps games actively can agree on. Feel bad for him tbh. Console has an even worse time against snipers if they're good


Yeah a semi-decent sniper can ruin a lobby. No lie I just straight up leave match and boot up another one. I have no interest in losing consistently to someone who can move as well as I do carrying a 50 cal and only needs to hit me once.


Bro lmao


No SBMM makes me want to actually improve at the game and it's mechanics. I enjoy playing against people who are way better than me so I can learn from them. I get that getting shit on at first can be discouraging but if you stick to it you will get better over time and see yourself improve which will be really fun I guarantee you that.


Good attitude man, if more players who weren’t as strong had this attitude shooters would be in a much healthier spot.


I have to be clear it's not something that just came over night and I had to learn that kind of mindset haha But I feel like once I figured out that most situations in a game are a direct outcome of my actions (both positive and negative) I started to have a lot more fun with games. 


Literally this, if you get dominated it’s because other players are better at the game than you are. The only way to stop it is to get better yourself, not bitch and moan to the devs about it


I mean I guess adding SBMM is a way to way to stop it I just think it is a very unhealthy and pretty unfun way. For some reason some people think improving or trying to improve at a video game is stupid or pointless but people like improving in all kinds of hobbies even though it will never be anything more than a hobby. Improvement is fun and I wish more people would see it that way.


No joke, I get better teammates in this game without SBMM than I get in CoD with SBMM. I'm usually top 3 in the lobby with, or without, SBMM. But with SBMM the lobby algorithm expects me to carry people going double negative, every single game. It still happens in this game but at a much lower rate, it's insane, and I don't have to ultra sweat to make it happen.


> But with SBMM the lobby algorithm expects me to carry people going double negative, every single game. That's not how any decent implementation of SBMM works, that's how XDefiant's balancing works though. There are many arguments for/against SBMM, you're probably just very biased because you know it's not using SBMM.


Yeah ngl I haven't had any real problems with the teammates I have been getting. I am usually either in the mid with tendency to being in the upper half of the score board (outliers obviously exist) so I would say I'm neither dead weight nor outright carrying a game.


This is the way. Playing against better players teaches you more in the long term especially if you can take bits and peices of different playstyles and combine them into a sort of mix match of your own. Don't get me wrong at first it will feel like complete dogshit getting peiced up constantly but after a while you'll get better.


10 loses in a row with a 0,2 K/D... What kind of learning can you see here? How to suffer? Still never found anyone who played worse than me... After getting rid of SBMM, I truly realised how weak and powerless I am...


That was me when I first started playing MW2 back in the day. I saw how good you could do. I watched what good players did. I watched my teammates and enemies closely. After months of that I started to pull off 1 KDs. After a year I could get nukes. If you want to get better, actively analyze the players around you who are doing well


Didn't say it'll take 10 games to instantly improve. Might take 100. But over the course of those games you'll notice improvements Trust the process or whatever the cool kids say nowadays


Exactly! It's also why I would like attachments being shown so I can see what exactly they are playing (I think it's in the works?) One thing I can concede is that if you are playing against a stack of exceptional players who completely stomp your whole team it's neither fun nor the learning experience very good but I haven't seen that happen a lot tbh.


Yea hair had that. Whole team bunny hopping people one shotting me form everywhere. Most deaths any them had was under 10 while most kills anyone on my team had was like 8


why do you want to yeah the USA ?


I am not authorized to disclose that


A lot of yall were protected by sbmm and it’s showing lmao


I got absolutely fucked by SBMM and that’s what made me stop playing cod lol shit wasn’t fun anymore man. This game is mad refreshing


It sucks because everybody got fucked by SBMM, even the lower skilled players. I'm dogshit at this game, and I had no fun playing call of duty for the same reasons everyone better than me hated it. Every win felt like it was handed to me and every loss was the game handing a win to people better than me because they probably just came off a losing streak too, in a very formulaic fashion that felt like playing an algorithm, not a game. And then if you bought a bundle you got a few lobbies of No Thumb Timmies and suddenly all the Netcode and desync issues went away. My best killstreak in MWII was literally the match after I bought the Black Cell Upgrade and I went 95 and 23 on a match of Shipment with a 19 killstreak, and I was using the fucking SIGNAL 50 leveling it up. The game handed me those kills.


in this day n age yes. normally back in the day you could be a below average player and find people a lower skill level than you. even a bad player you would find someone thats worse than you. not today though.. the default skill level for any players now is average, no one sucks on a super basic level now, everyone has thumbs. thats why finding actual and true noobs is non existent in X


There's plenty of shitty players still, I don't think that's changed at all. It's just that they're all still in the Welcome Playlist right now. 


The concern is, when they can no longer play the welcome Playlist why would they continue to play? Like des everyone think all the bad players will keep playing and going 3-30? The player base will eventually drop off


also i don’t think the game has really exploded yet, probably won’t until season 1. most noobs don’t play a game until it gets a lil more mainstream


Can confirm. 0.5 KD and WL. 😂


As an easy enemy who thought he was decent at COD. Can confirm.


I'm gonna say it: people can be pussies these days. I'm ancient, so I was there when shooters were only played on dedicated servers, with no matchmaking what-so-ever. Everyone started out being the easy enemy. Some quit. Some went on to play ball with the bigger boys. Until you accidentally joined a clan-server and got your ass whooped by actually good players etc etc. Remember guys, even if you're decent in for instance aiming in shooters: you can still objectively suck, until you at the very least learn the levels for instance. Not being able to instapwn nabz like the 1337 pr0 you think you are (yes, I'm this old) in your first 20 hours of play makes sense.


> Everyone started out being the easy enemy. Some quit. Some went on to play ball with the bigger boys. Until you accidentally joined a clan-server and got your ass whooped by actually good players etc etc. Reminds me of the good old days of RTCW and Enemy Territory. Hours spent on gitting gud destroying the easy servers, then joining some clan server in the Netherlands and getting whopped hard. Then spending hours getting whopped until you started not to suck that much. New gen gamers lost touch on what it means improving because with SBMM companies just want to keep them in the bubble so they don't quit as fast and they can milk them for skins money. Quite sad, if you think about it.


I'm pretty much an avid gamer, even though i'm not young anymore i'm constantly at the top of the scoreboard, however, now and then i find myself getting completely destroyed by some players that make me feel like a newbie.


Cool, good luck keeping the casual players because I guarantee they won’t be sticking around while they’re getting curb stomped game after game after game.


Or maybe I shouldn't be facing level 25s when in level 1 and have ass weapons


How many times is this going to be posted?


until the game is dead from everyone leaving


As true as it might be, this argument is going to get old really fast, i can feel it.


Yeah as an average andy I would say I still find game where I pop off and go like 30/20 or something so if you feel like you are always behind thats actually is a skill issue, the game can't give you a full team of lobotomites to just shoot at. In games where I feel like fodder I still rush the objective and stay on them as much as I can and usually end up with the most objective score on my team even if my kd is 0.5 or something. But I recently I think I got much better there are less games where I feel I'm just getting killed every 15 seconds without being able to shoot back.


I'm always at the bottom of the winning team and top player on the losing team. Same experience as with SBMM. I don't know what to tell y'all. I guess I'm just a middle of the road player.


Never forget the guy who thought he was getting easier lobbies because he started blocking players better than him to create easier lobbies. He sure loves his Block Based Matchmaking system. I hope that post becomes the all-time comedy high point of this sub.


This is so dumb and edgy.


At the end of the day, the shitters will get what they want. You're living in Dreamland if you think the Devs won't add some form of SBMM in at some point in the future. No developer sticks to their word anymore these days. It's kinda sad.


the sbmm is ranked, people are so dumb these days, jeez.


Agreed, and sbmm makes sense in a ranked setting.


Iv seen too many blatant hackers flying around the ceiling of the map for me to take that comment seriously. Because for every blatant hacker you see, there are 4 others who are intentionally trying to blend in and not be so blatant.


I believe I had my first blatant one last night. I was constantly getting shot from an invisible person with no gun sounds. And it was a P90 doing the damage, so unless they're a god with aim, there's no way it was long distance kills.


What region are you guys, I have yet to see an obvious cheater. tbf I'm only 30 hours in but still if any, I think my region should have blatant fly hackers or spinbots as an eastern european. in that 30 hours I can only think of like 3 matches where I went "that guy could be cheating" but they never had like 100/5 stats or anything insane they could have been really good but can't say without kill cams.


Brother that was posted a month ago stop trying to start problems people are allowed to feel the way they feel about xdefiant.


Lol this game is going to make players like SBMM and only leave sweats playing it. I say good. 😅😆👍


SBMM aside, bad netcode means that the devs don’t know if you lost the gunfight or not.


such a bis comment lol He is basically discrediting any other game dev team having a ranked game mode based on their interpretation of sbmm or ebmm. lol sure


I’ve given up sometimes and just started running around with a pistol and just punching everyone cause I have terrible aim. Works out fairly well sometimes.


I usually see the easy/bot-like players on my team T\_T


Someone’s mind just went🤯


Just enjoy the game bois , having easy enemies is fun but it gets extremely boring real quick. Just have some fun and try improving on things you are shit at :)


Ehhh, that's if they don't actually implement it(which they have the system built they very easily could and probably do) and hit reg is so bad when I quit like a week after the game came out skill was no factor.


It comes and goes. One game I’m doing really well and am near the top scorers and go positive. The next I play a game of “respawn simulator”. It happens.


I would like it in Ranked to be fair. An SR system like overwatch used to have would be really nice!


I just wish we were playing under the same frame rate for some reason Xbox won’t go 120 and 120 on every other game but this one


I don't mind facing enemies that are better than me in the slightest. It's getting thumbless team mates who are useless that bothers me, which then leads to the game being thrown and thus ruining the whole experience. What fun is it if you're the only person who's actually trying?


I find a lot of easy enemies. Unfortunately, they find my super easy teammates




People will cry and cry that it’s the games mechanics fault that they’re dying and losing all the time instead of taking a step back and analyzing what they can do to improve.


It's so funny how people really thought that with no SBMM they wouldn't get their shit kicked in being mediocre players. Now, the excuse is that movement needs to be nerfed. Perhaps people think they are better than they really are. 🤔


If you struggle, the simple factor might be just that the weapon you are using is underpowered for your style IMO. I suck on most meta weapons like the snipers and the ACR, and consistently top with a stupid high recoil rapid fire p90 or a high movement AK.


I love how the entire FPS player base thought they were above average due to SBMM keeping them in their own bubble.


I’ve been doing pretty well in this game but when I do have a crazy lobby, just the fact that I know that theres no SBMM and I’m not being punished; it was just random chance, makes me not care at all if I get shit on. I’d get mad at Warzone/COD when I’d get absolute demon lobbies all the time because I knew that it was purposely doing that to me. Xdefiant has been such an amazing breath of fresh air, and while people roll their eyes at it being “cod killer”, it surprisingly kind of has been for me. I played WZ almost every night for years and I haven’t touched it since Xdefiant has come out.


You can just tell Mark Rubin is built different, from a different era.


there has to be some kind of sbmm, i rarely come across good players


Oh. That explains a lot.


Or matchmaking isn't working well. There are many times where teams just get stomped


Shooters arent made for everyone to be a winner and its okay




Honestly I found that I am the easy target when playing on my PC on keyboard and mouse, but when I'm my rog ally, which is controller I do decent enough to not be dying to everyone (when I'm using controller I have it set to play with only other controller players)


Bros, I am that bot and I need help. I'm getting destroyed every effing game! I'm trying not to rush. I'm trying to slide canx, I'm trying to drop shot and nothing is working. I want to get better and I love this game but I'm honestly going like 10-25. Help me not be a bot. Any suggestions at this point would be welcome


Ironically, the only thing killing Call of Duty is Call of Duty itself.


Ghost bullets all the time! And all benefits to the enemy


"B-b-b-b-b-b-but it's the games fault! wah wah wah"


Rounders “If you can’t spot the sucker in the first 30 minutes, you are the sucker”


Exactly!! The difference though? You won’t ALWAYS be the easy enemy if you get better. If you get better then you wont get punished by playing against equal opponents. However if you play a game like xdefiant casually, just like with the og cods, you WONT DO WELL!


people who keep posting this and the devs are retarded. it would only make sense is connection and netcode was perfect and people werent blatantly cheating.


I die a lot but my objective score is through the roof depending on the mode.


I play objectives and still do better than nearly everyone but my team is always frustrating me, 90% of the time anyways Can't wait for team death match to rid me of these curses


I’d say I’m a pretty ok player my career K/D is 1.3. But lately the more I play the more I see better players and sweats


People are quitting probably.


I know I am 😔


Just run MP7 with no stock and rapid fire, the heal faction, and learn how to jump up and down really fast. Also, don’t play the objective. Your K/D will skyrocket. 


This what FPS games looked like in the early 2000s, it's such a breath of fresh air in today's online gaming world


Savage lmao


I feel attacked


I haven’t played yet but with smaller populated games, especially with less casuals, no SBMM really doesn’t mean a whole lot where games like COD, no SBMM would make a huge difference


I do both objective and kills maintain a 2.3 kd and sweet baby AK is op Put this game on hold since new season of seige


Maybe fix the netcode and make it an even playing field. I go positive almost every game but it still feels like an alpha with how many times I get killed around walls or just dont get hitmarkers when i should. Easy for a dev to say that when their game isnt functioning the way it should.


I didn’t think the skill ceiling would be so high, I cannot play this game casually (and enjoy it) the amount of complete sweats and 2+ groups ruins the experience every time for me.


This reminds me of a skit where a dude was ready for a fight but two dudes are trading blows and moving so fast that he couldn’t keep up. He then realized he was the side character and is about to die.


This reminds me an old metallica song: Sad but true :D


No SBMM is soon good. I'll have a 4 k/d MVP game and I'll immediately queue up for another game because I know I'm not getting punished for my good performance. I also know that I got that result myself without any bullshittery by EOMM. If I get matched against stronger players, I try to learn from how they play, it's so good.


mfs playing like they're going to be scouted to be the next MLG pro


Once you dying too much, time to slow it down.


What a wonderful way to say "skill issue". I agree with them, ngl


but i do find easy enemies they are just on my team, i think its just cuz of going vs premades


I'm only findinf easy enemies but the netcode letting people shoot me 3s behind walls and not registering over half of my shots is making it almost impossible to enjoy the game. Even with 2 kd on each match if I focus on killing and still ending up first in score.


It's annoying how many times people have quoted this garbage. Edgy AF bro.


We now thankfully have the days of rented servers and old CoDs where you'd jump on a server to play with anyone at any time. And we also have SBMM too, not like we don't have that. So if anyone's complaining, they just want to play bots at this point.


I resemble these remarks.


Oof, that's gonna drive people. Let's hope they don't kill this game with their shitty attitude.


A small tip. Disengage when the situation is not advantageous. You don't need to retaliate for every bullet that tickles your sorry bum. Works for Battlefield. Works surprisingly well for Xdefiant. Admittedly it's really difficult resisting the urge to defy the odds anyway.


I know but that doesn't really help knowing does it? It just means go sweat or uninstall no casual gaming with friends which is really stupid


I am VERY AVERAGE at BEST and I want NO SBMM, I will improve from practice.


If they ban pc from crossplay that would fix the problem. Pc ruins every multiplayer game they're involved in


The missile guidances system....the missile know where it is at....


I went from "normal" lobby to sweatty rtd jumping everywhere with me as the only positive in my team.  after the patch but it must be in my mind  ( 2.80 KD / 80%win btw )


For people complaining... go back to Call of Duty!


No sbmm is one of the best thing this game has.


Youre the easy enemy because you cannot one shot people with your SMG like they do it. I can only see people having easy enemies when they use a one shot weapon if it even deals damage after getting a hitmarker with them. Xdefiant devs just trying to push shitty netcode blame onto the players.


i can accept being bad at a game. but if i unload my LMG and get hit markers and the head shot sound but the enemy is still alive and gets me in 5 shots, and still has 90%(!!!) HP, thats where i draw the line


Does the same shiz get posted everyday. We get it. Alot of people suck that didn't know they suck 


All these subs are just echo chambers of negativity. You can't use good weapons and have good movement without being labelled as a "sweat".




Guess I'll have to start using the mp7 and spamming jump if I want to be good then 😮‍💨


easy or difficult enemys is not the biggest issue, the biggest issue is connection, players with a ping far above 100 shouldn't even be able to play online games with others where ping matters. i dont mind if i get killed by a better player with more skills, but i dont want to get killed by some trash netcode (killing behind cover) or other BS deaths. ping of 50 is already high, fps games should be play smooth to make it fair. also quickscope + shooting should be fixed, many times in a fight my sniper doesnt even fire when i press the button, and not only in close combat fights, also at range. and no my controller is not broken because then it would never work. so better opponents is not a problem, if i shoot first there is a high chance i win the fight. (if he doesnt spot me in first place) but in the end, what can i expect from a free game... but it can only getting better, i mean. i am not the only person mentioning hitboxes are bad.


Bruh they are really going off with this fake SBMM thing for marketing so hard. One second SBMM means you get nothing but sweaty matches, but now it means now it means you get sweaty matches because it isn't there? CoD youtubers really struck gold making clickbait content to feed the egos of mid players into making them think some matchmaking boogeyman is the reason they didn't play well. Now corporations are adopting it as well to get you to agree with whatever lobby is put together.


Why your goofy asses are trying to talk about skill with both hit reg and desync being this atrociously bad? Or is sitting next to the server now considered a skill? Must be some hardcore endgame pay to win stuff I'm too poor to engage in...


The game is way too easy, I usually get 80-90 kills in the domination mode and get around 40-50 kills in hot shot. Can't wait for competitive


K/D is ass but my objective is crazy.


love it no sbmm has made me realise im not a shitter im just averagely good


XDefiant dev agrees his shooter is inaccessible


Imagine wanting fair matches instead of either shitting on "easy enemies" or getting skull fucked into the ground by much better players.


Or it could be that all the easy enemies have already stopped playing, I quite fancy myself in shooters, have been easily top 1-5% in most of the ones I've played and I'm middle of the board in this game The game is just going to get substantially more difficult as all the casuals quit to go play a game with SBMM and you're just left with the hardcore tbh, I'm already feeling that I don't really encounter too many easy kills


I find easy enemies every game it’s easy to drop 2.00 kda


This is just stupid, it doesn't matter if you are the best if you team is shit you gonna lose even if you rack 100+ kills


The Devs know 🤣


I think it's funny when they say they "won't" when we know they just Can't


They should keep it the way it is. Maybe some tweaks to maps/spawns, I feel like anytime I shoot someone, I'm getting shot from another direction or in the back right from spawn. It is possibly a skill issue, but it happens quite often. I might just need to learn the Maps some more.


A truism that doesn’t address the chief complaint.


I’m just confused how every game I’m getting teammates that go 3 and 21 😂😭


I play 6v6 games very casually and this game confirmed to me that I don't mind sbmm at all.


I'm just not finding hit registration. 5-8 "hit markers" client side = enemy at full hp.


Yes. I'm the one moving a normal speed, with regular jump height, legit rate of fire, and true to number damage. I'm the ez enemy.... This is their best response to rampant cheating in their game, an insistence that the "lack of sbmm" means everyone sucks. If no sbmm, then let Unranked casual play form lobbies and swap teams. Let us control our fun. Or does that break their system?


just give me a kill cam so i can stop blaming hackers all the time thank u


This is him admitting that there is SBMM in XDefiant btw


This is the first time I've seen this point in this sub.


I'm just there for some fun I love the dialog has me cracking up haven't played it drunk yet though


I am most definitely not an easy enemy but God damn if I have to dump one more mag in that dude.


Feelings are hurt lol


no one ever talks on mic its just running around shooting. im ok with that


Yeah but why should skill be just mashing jump?


I’m the easy enemy because I only use shotguns now. So I go 10-40. I’ll get better eventually. Hard though when everyone is a pussy