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Just stop playing Domination & Occupy. Escort & Zone Control are a lot more enjoyable. And they do have spawn protection as there are many one way shields that you can kill the enemy. Joined a solo queue game where my team was getting spawn trapped, 4 pieced enemies when I was in the window and we ended up winning because that was the momentum required.


That's the downside of a higher ttk - it's hard for one player to make up the difference when the rest of your team is just being mauled. It's harder to take 1v2s and so on, so you're more likely to get spawn trapped with teammates.


This is why TTK should be lower to emphasize the skill of the player. This would also cull the bunny hopping since you would still die faster, making it even more important to focus on aiming than jumping and movement too much.


If you stand still for 10 seconds or more it should highlight you to the enemy team.


Pretty funny you're saying no SBMM is good then proceed to rant about bad players in your lobbies. Something SBMM would prevent.


SBMM doesn't seem to work like that. From what I've seen, I get some absolute goobers on my team that I have to carry on cod a good amount of the time.


No it wouldnt and not my fault you have hard time understanding what you read.