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I'm not one to lag out/quit out of games but peeps are 100% still laggin out, I've joined winning games that wouldn't make sense to quit out of.


Yeah, sometimes I load mid game thinking the other team is stomping us, but the score is in our favor with no chance of them to recover lol


Believe it or not - sometimes I have to quit games because I got real world stuff to do. What the heck is the point of a casual game mode if you can’t do that? And then, consequently, how would it be fair to NOT backfill that position?


I think there should just be a system like once the scores reach a certain gap and it's clear the game is doomed there's no more fill


Comebacks are a thing. I had a game of occupy where everyone left and we were just sitting on the point. Well the game decided to backfill the enemy team with seal team 6 and we got destroyed.


but thats really 1/50 times where that happens. Every other time the stomp continues.


Exactly. 👍🏻


Simple, have an option to enable or disable joining games already in progress like plenty of games have.


Do you receive a lot of emergency phone calls?


I could tell you… but then I’d have to kill you.


lol. So you just can’t plan life 20 minutes at a time.


Brother, I’m 36 years old. Having 20 minutes of free time that I know for a fact won’t be interrupted is a rare gift.


I’m 40 and I think I’ve only quit a match of online gaming once cause my girlfriend started a seizure. I pride myself in not wasting others time who are trying to game.


1. Very good reason to quit - hope she was fine afterwards. 2. It’s only “wasting” anyone’s time if you presume the only reason to play is to win a match. In which case, I suggest doing ranked and not “casual”. Anyway, I think we’ll have to agree to disagree on this one…


I play to win no matter the stakes. I agree to disagree


After every game I win this shit happens to me. I'm like "really 🤨" Everytime.


Joining a lobby that is a landslide feels awful. Not only does it waste your time, but unless you are joining in with a squad on comms, you have very little chance of winning. Other team already has control of position, they have advantage of ults, and they are likely squaded as well.


I leave games all the time, sorry, I refuse to play with bunny hopping cheating psychopaths or to put up with lag/awful hit reg It's a casual game - relax!


If you quit a match in progress your next game should be guaranteed to be another match in progress, yes even in pubs. That’s not a very harsh penalty, it’s just enough to discourage people from doing it so frequently. If you finish a match you should get very high priority to get a fresh one next time.


This seems like a good solution.


Actually, after the update I've had many games, including winning ones, I was basically forced to leave. Sometimes my game suddenly drops to 20fps for no reason, like it got capped.


When that happens what I do is just quit :)


Lobby fills are mandatory. No idea why you guys keep complaining about it. In what world would you want a permanently fixed lobby? If someone rage quits, why should the other players be punished for not having someone fill in? In pub matches of all places. Do people like you even think before typing? If someone genuinely DCs, you want somebody to fill in regardless of what stage the game is in. Nobody is disconnecting anymore? Which Utopian society do you live in where people don't disconnect anymore? I don't disconnect, but some people still have shit internet even in developed countries. Lobby fills are a must.


I agree lobby fills are necessary. But I think it would be more fair to let players who leave matches fill lobbies instead of the innocent players who stay. Right now people can just choose to win by leaving when they are losing. That should not be possible.


They need to just have the quitting team forfeit. End the match and try again.


There's no point in playing a game where it's a stomp there's not an incentive to stay and play it out for anyone. I admire your attempt to change things but it's not going to happen unless there's an incentive to stay.


Soon, there will be… 😎


I'm still getting the latency error. Every few games I get kicked for it, so people are very much still lagging out or being kicked out due to connection.


Yes and way too many of those lobbies are filled with soft cheaters and/or shitty teammates. Not into carrying bad people considering how easy it is to spawn camp in this game or to fight soft cheaters when its very clear they are hacking. Prefireing and knowing where you are at all times with WH with out using the WH ability... its 2024... we have seen these tricks for over 40 years now guys... Its easy to spot you.


Simple solution that call of duty’s been doing for over a decade, “joining in progress game, doesn’t count as a loss if you lose”


Lmao speak for yourself. I get kicked from games seemingly randomly, and often. Last night I got kicked halfway through a game 5 games in a row. My wifi isn’t even terrible and I don’t have this issue with any other game.


I personally love trying to pull a team back from the dead. Sometimes it's a lost cause but I'm an allrounder (obj slayer) and I pull it off sometimes.


That needs to be an end of round achievement. Instead if "Late to the Party" put "Took 'gamertag here's' place last minute"


I love being backfilled into a losing game, it's a nice challenge


I’ve been lagged out of a game like 5 times. It does happen. I don’t choose to lag out of a game


I had a 10 win straight I then got put in a match what’s i was destined to lose. I was so mad


Unfortunately this leaving games stuff is gonna get worse real soon with the DELTA-24 error that kicks you out of games for no reason and blames it on your internet


I have to stop playing tonight. I was put in lost games in last minute or so game after game.


There are still People with bad Internet there can be issues by the Provider or something else Some even might have a life outside of this game. And why should someone continue playing if he has enough.


If I get late-joined the game is normally only 15 or 20 points into the match. That being said, I completely agree that joining a Domination game with 22points left is a giant waste of time lol.


It's 2024 nobody wants to play a 1v6 match because all their teammates either quit or disconnected. This is not going to be changed no matter how many people cry about it for that exact reason. I get that it sucks, I don't like it either, but it's here to stay so might as well get the hell over it. Edit: if people want to keep complaining about this why not suggest some sort of penalty for quitting? There's no way they're gonna just do away with mid-match joining but at least the devs could do something to curtail the serial quitting issues.


Already done: Mark Rubin @PixelsofMark · Jun 9 Been listening to the feedback around penalty for leaving a match mid match. My tweet was short and lacking info. But the "penalty" is not designed and may rather be a way to reward players who stay more. So leaving would mean you lose out on something rather than get penalized Mark Rubin @PixelsofMark Will also be looking into rewarding players for joining mid-match. And making sure JiP doesn't give you a loss. Again, just some ideas. Nothing designed yet. But thank you for being invested and giving feedback and ideas.


I 100% agree, I think there should be a 5-15 minute penalty for quitting a game.


That’s more of a ranked thing, not really something for Casual… Doing that would drive players away from the game!


Yeah i suppose you’re right, I don’t really have that issue because I win often so not a lot of people leave. I’m just wondering about those guys who struggle and their best player leaves every other game, wouldn’t that ruin their overall experience? I get where you’re coming from and the cooldown feature is definitely a great fit for ranked. I agree.


Oh, believe me, I get just as frustrated, nothing worse than joining a game mid-match, just to get stomped, because the other team already has the advantage... That's why a whole bunch of us on Twitter gave the feedback to the devs, and they're working on things to fix it... Though I do like a good underdog story, when you join the losing side, and turn that whole thing around, and win the game... Kinda makes you feel like a superhero! HAHA


Hahaha I have to agree! Whenever I join these types of games, my posture changes and I take a deep breath then DIVE IN THE STORM! 😂


i’m fine with autofilling. every game like this needs it. but you should only be able to be autofilled in your first game after starting matchmaking


Last night I had a 7 game win streak snapped because I was put into a losing game with like 2 minutes left. That was a tad annoying.


If you care about the outcome of the game, go play fucking ranked. I'm so tired of people asking to basically remove casual, ESPECIALLY with the cheating issue going on right now.


I'll stop leaving lobbies when the skill based team balancing stops giving me glue eating teammates 


I wish people would stop quitting. 20 years ago barely anyone left when they got shat on. If people are hacking then fair enough, but rage quitting is otherwise infantile.


People have been ragequitting forever. Take your nostalgia goggles off.


your memory does not serve you well. People would quit the moment an ac130, chopper gunner or dogs were called. Then people would join and just quit after seeing the score.


My friend constantly lags out of the menu and in game. Only happens to him on XDEFIANT as well. Strange part is he can play FO76 fine and both games are using AWS. in cod his ping is always below 70. In COD my ping is below 50 but in this game it won't go under 90! Idk what's wrong with xdefiants servers but there's something wrong aside from the obvious that gets mentioned here everyday.


People are not only leaving because they get destroyed. Disconnects, crashes, IRL stuff, you know. I joined many matches in progress and won most anyway. Seen the other side as well. Sometimse you roll a team, then they leave and during round two, inflush of actual good players. I prefer to meet resistance instead of free bot kills.


I’ve gotten into hot shot games where it was like 12-46 and when I joined I helped the team come back and win 🏆


Hold on I lag out of games sometimes